LeinsamenbrotFlaxseed Sourdough Bread


 Mein erster richtiger Blogpost in deutsch. Brot ist doch auch sowas deutsches. Eigentlich. Wenn ich mir aber immer so anschaue, was in Deutschland so verkauft wird an „Brot“, wird es mir schlecht. Von Brot kann da keine Rede mehr sein. Was läge da näher, als selber Brot zu backen? Richtiges Brot mit Sauerteig. Mann, war das ein langer Weg oder auch doch nicht. Ein langer Weg der Entscheidung, jetzt endlich die Sache anzugehen, ein Buch auszusuchen und loszulegen. Aber beim Buch ging’s ja schon los. Deutschland will wohl nicht, dass hier gutes Sauerteigbrot gebacken wird. Ein richtig gutes Buch gibt es nämlich einfach nicht. Hauptsächlich oberflächliche Bücher, die dann auch noch in die Süßwarenabteilung abdriften. Nee, danke. Also doch ein englisches Buch. Schon traurig, dass einem ein Amerikaner das Brotbacken erklären muss, oder? Uns der Brotnation!

Und Respekt, Hamelman, ich mag dein Buch! Englischkenntnisse vorausgesetzt. Für den Anfänger alles sehr gut und einleuchtend erklärt. Und Sauerteig ansetzen war auch gleich ein voller Erfolg. Viele Brote habe ich nun in den letzten zwei Monaten gebacken. Und wir sind immer wieder begeistert, wie lecker es ist und auch wie lange sich die Brote halten, ohne hart zu werden oder zu schimmeln.

Nun schiele ich natürlich schon auf Brotzubehör, das ich bald mein eigen nennen möchte, wie z.B. einen Pizzastein (und das ist noch das Harmloseste).

Wer also schon einen Sauerteig in der Familie hat, kann hier in Zukunft vorbeischauen, wenn ich unsere neuen Brote verblogge. Dieses Leinsamenbrot, ist ein gutes einfaches Brot, mit verhältnismäßig weicher Krume und Kruste. Ist nicht mein Favorit, aber vielleicht bin ich einfach kein Leinsamentyp. Aber ausprobieren musste ich es natürlich mal. Und verstecken muss es sich auch nicht. Und wer noch keinen Sauerteig hat und sich mit dem Gedanken schlägt: auf, kauft Euch ein Buch und legt los! Es lohnt sich.

Und findet ihr es gut, wenn ich auch auf deutsch schreibe?


Vor einem Jahr: Kokos Panna Cotta

Vor zwei Jahren: Death by Chocolate



Flaxseed Sourdough Bread

Bread is such a German thing. We could be proud of our „bread roots“, but instead, almost all bread that is sold here, doesn’t deserve that name. Don’t get me wrong. The variety is huge, but the taste and shelf life are lacking and the number of ingredients is rising.

Baking my own bread was going around in my head since months. Lots of food bloggers, blogged about making their own sourdough. I was hooked. But it took me a long time to get myself to this point.

It didn’t rely on the blog posts on the internet. What do I have to do, when having the sourdough? Most bloggers stopped here. Maybe one bread recipe followed, but that was it. But the afterwards is the most interesting part. Making bread. Time and again. What I needed was a book. Various recommendations later I chose Bread: A Baker’s Book of Techniques and Recipes by Jeffrey Hamelman. It was the right choice. Hamelman leads you step by step to the world of bread baking, with everything you need to know, including the making of your own sourdough.

So if you are a total newbie to bread baking, I recommend you a good book. If you already have a sourdough waiting for the next dough, I recommend you: bake a bread! For instance this flaxseed bread. It’s a good solid bread with a softer crumb and crust (for a sourdough bread) .

Flaxseed Sourdough Bread

One year ago: Coconut Panna Cotta

Two years ago: Death by Chocolate

Flaxseed Sourdough Bread

Erdbeertörtchen mit Joghurt-Limetten-MousseStrawberry Tartlets with Yogurt-Lime-Mousse

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Erdbeertörtchen mit Joghurt-Limetten-Mousse


I’m back from Flanders! Bruges is such a beautiful city. You can just stay there for a couple of days, because there is so much to see and the beauty of the town is just overwhelming. Another pleasure was a shop there, called Dille & Kamille, which was heaven for everything in the kitchen. And it was cheap! If you’re ever in Belgium or the Netherlands, go there!


                                                picture by http://www.dille-kamille.nl


Before the (straw)berry season is over, I want to give you access to a delicious and beautiful recipe. I found that recipe a while ago in a magazine and this year it was the time to make it.

It looks more difficult than it is. All you need is some time to prepare the different elements. Assembling those isn’t tough.

The tartlets are light and fluffy, fruity and have a nice addition, because of the lime. They are just perfect for summer, and even better for a dinner with friends, because they are so good looking. Don’t forget the chilling time for the end result and maybe even some in between for the mousse. I used dessert rings, that were 8 cm in diameter, which were just perfect for that purpose. In the recipe cleaned yogurt pots were used. You can also use other moulds, that fit. The rings were perfect, because you haven’t turn the whole thing upside down and then turn it around again. You just pull of the ring. Easy. 

Erdbeertörtchen mit Joghurt-Limetten-Mousse

Vor einem Jahr: Pfirsich Tartelettes

Erdbeertörtchen mit Joghurt-Limetten-Mousse

Erdbeertörtchen mit Joghurt-Limetten-Mousse

Strawberry Tartlets with Yogurt-Lime-Mousse


I’m back from Flanders! Bruges is such a beautiful city. You can just stay there for a couple of days, because there is so much to see and the beauty of the town is just overwhelming. Another pleasure was a shop there, called Dille & Kamille, which was heaven for everything in the kitchen. And it was cheap! If you’re ever in Belgium or the Netherlands, go there!


                                                picture by http://www.dille-kamille.nl

Before the (straw)berry season is over, I want to give you access to a delicious and beautiful recipe. I found that recipe a while ago in a magazine and this year it was the time to make it.

It looks more difficult than it is. All you need is some time to prepare the different elements. Assembling those isn’t tough.

The tartlets are light and fluffy, fruity and have a nice addition, because of the lime. They are just perfect for summer, and even better for a dinner with friends, because they are so good looking. Don’t forget the chilling time for the end result and maybe even some in between for the mousse. I used dessert rings, that were 8 cm in diameter, which were just perfect for that purpose. In the recipe cleaned yogurt pots were used. You can also use other moulds, that fit. The rings were perfect, because you haven’t turn the whole thing upside down and then turn it around again. You just pull of the ring. Easy.

Strawberry Tartlets with Yogurt-Lime-Mousse

One year ago: Peach Tartelettes

Strawberry Tartlets with Yogurt-Lime-Mousse

Strawberry Tartlets with Yogurt-Lime-Mousse


Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Today I’m finally fighting against my writer’s block. I didn’t stop to photograph, or beware! cooking and baking. But when it came to blogging my head was blank.


 On the other side I had so many things floating around my head, because just recently I began to work on my diploma thesis. Which is a totally new territory to me.

I would say „so we see what happens next“, but I already know what will happen next… vacation! Yes, finally I’ll have some days off! Next week I will be staying in Bruges in Belgium. From there we will make some trips in Flanders, as to Gent, Brussels, Antwerp, Lille…

I’m excited and looking forward to this trip! If you have ever been there, or live there and have some tips for me, I would be pleased. Let me know!


There happened so much that I can tell you, that fighting down the blockade was really easy! But a blog post is nothing without food. So I recommend you this light and fresh summer tart.

Enjoy some blueberries, as long as you can. This tart is just perfect. Because it can be best eaten cooled. And with it’s tangy flavour of the lemon and the sour cream it’s great in the heat. If you have some other flour in your pantry, than the common wheat flour, mix something up and try it in that crust. Spelt, whole wheat or something gluten-free like quinoa or teff, will make a nutty crust, that pairs well with the filling.

Vor einem Jahr: Meloneneis


Today I’m finally fighting against my writer’s block. I didn’t stop to photograph, or beware! cooking and baking. But when it came to blogging my head was blank.


On the other side I had so many things floating around my head, because just recently I began to work on my diploma thesis. Which is a totally new territory to me.

I would say „so we see what happens next“, but I already know what will happen next… vacation! Yes, finally I’ll have some days off! Next week I will be staying in Bruges in Belgium. From there we will make some trips in Flanders, as to Gent, Brussels, Antwerp, Lille…

I’m excited and looking forward to this trip! If you have ever been there, or live there and have some tips for me, I would be pleased. Let me know!


There happened so much that I can tell you, that fighting down the blockade was really easy! But a blog post is nothing without food. So I recommend you this light and fresh summer tart.

Enjoy some blueberries, as long as you can. This tart is just perfect. Because it can be best eaten cooled. And with it’s tangy flavour of the lemon and the sour cream it’s great in the heat. If you have some other flour in your pantry, than the common wheat flour, mix something up and try it in that crust. Spelt, whole wheat or something gluten-free like quinoa or teff, will make a nutty crust, that pairs well with the filling.

One year ago: Melon Ice Cream


Erdbeerlikör, Basilikum-Olivenöl & HolunderblütenessigStrawberry Liquor, Basil Olive Oil & Elderflower Vinegar

Update: Für die deutschen Rezepte  nach unten scrollen.

These beauties are my latest experiments.

Strawberry Liquor, Basil Olive Oil & Elderflower Vinegar

 This is the first time I’ve mixed them up. But I’m sure,  they will turn out great. Because how shouldn’t liquor, oil and vinegar with these ingredients turn out great?!

I’ve made liquor before. With elderflower or peaches. I made the elderflower one this year again. It’s perfect. So if you can still lay you hands on elderflowers, pick them immediately and make something special! We wanted to make even more, but the season here is already over.


Strawberry Liquor, Basil Olive Oil & Elderflower Vinegar

But so has the season of strawberries and basil begun.

Yesterday we went picking strawberries on a huge field. The fruits were delicious and we bought over 2 kilos for 6,50 Euros.

After coming home, I dived into the kitchen, ready to make jam and liquor. What a feast!

And so I’m looking forward to the raspberry season in 3-4 weeks. I can’t wait for them and even more jam!

Strawberry Liquor, Basil Olive Oil & Elderflower Vinegar

Vor einem Jahr: Zitronen-Rosmarin-Kekse

Strawberry Liquor, Basil Olive Oil & Elderflower Vinegar

These beauties are my latest experiments.  

Strawberry Liquor, Basil Olive Oil & Elderflower Vinegar

This is the first time I’ve mixed them up. But I’m sure,  they will turn out great. Because how shouldn’t liquor, oil and vinegar with these ingredients turn out great?! I’ve made liquor before. With elderflower or peaches. I made the elderflower one this year again. It’s perfect. So if you can still lay you hands on elderflowers, pick them immediately and make something special! We wanted to make even more, but the season here is already over.  

Strawberry Liquor, Basil Olive Oil & Elderflower Vinegar

But so has the season of strawberries and basil begun. Yesterday we went picking strawberries on a huge field. The fruits were delicious and we bought over 2 kilos for 6,50 Euros. After coming home, I dived into the kitchen, ready to make jam and liquor. What a feast! And so I’m looking forward to the raspberry season in 3-4 weeks. I can’t wait for them and even more jam!  

Strawberry Liquor, Basil Olive Oil & Elderflower Vinegar

One year ago: Lemon-Rosemary-Cookies

Strawberry Liquor, Basil Olive Oil & Elderflower Vinegar


Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen.

Last week I visited my beloved hometown. One evening I was out in a restaurant, where I ordered a chai tea after dinner. On the plate with the tea, there it was: a cantucchini, also known as biscotti di Prato (to be correct: it’s one biscotto and several biscotti). An Italian cookie specialty.


Something I’ve never liked. That’s because every time, when I lied my hands on one of these, they were hard like a rock (literally). They were no fun to eat. And so they had no specific taste to me. Because how do you taste something, that doesn’t dissolve in your mouth?

But of course, I took the cantucchini in my hand and gave it a try. I just can’t say no to any cookie. And then it happened… it wasn’t hard like a rock!


It was crisp, maybe a bit more than crisp, but that’s ok, because it was slightly dense and chewy and not that hard in the middle. It was even tasty. I wondered where the rock-biscotti came from in the last 15 years and what the people had done with them.


Later that week I was still thinking about that biscotto. I searched the internet and found a recipe, which I baked yesterday. And I really like them. They are firm and crisp outside, and dense and chewy and a bit soft inside. Slightly sweet and spiked with big almond pieces.

The cookies are baked twice, thus they get there hardness. These are very ancient cookies and baking them twice makes them storable for a long time. Of course, if you like them very hard bake them a bit longer.




Last week I visited my beloved hometown. One evening I was out in a restaurant, where I ordered a chai tea after dinner. On the plate with the tea, there it was: a cantucchini, also known as biscotti di Prato (to be correct: it’s one biscotto and several biscotti). An Italian cookie specialty.


Something I’ve never liked. That’s because every time, when I lied my hands on one of these, they were hard like a rock (literally). They were no fun to eat. And so they had no specific taste to me. Because how do you taste something, that doesn’t dissolve in your mouth?

But of course, I took the cantucchini in my hand and gave it a try. I just can’t say no to any cookie. And then it happened… it wasn’t hard like a rock!


It was crisp, maybe a bit more than crisp, but that’s ok, because it was slightly dense and chewy and not that hard in the middle. It was even tasty. I wondered where the rock-biscotti came from in the last 15 years and what the people had done with them.


Later that week I was still thinking about that biscotto. I searched the internet and found a recipe, which I baked yesterday. And I really like them. They are firm and crisp outside, and dense and chewy and a bit soft inside. Slightly sweet and spiked with big almond pieces.

The cookies are baked twice, thus they get there hardness. These are very ancient cookies and baking them twice makes them storable for a long time. Of course, if you like them very hard bake them a bit longer.




Rhabarber Streusel TarteRhubarb Streusel Tart

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Another rhubarb recipe, yes! Because you have to use rhubarb, as long as you get it.

And this recipe is a hit! The recipe itself doesn’t read like one, but as soon as you’ve taken the first bite you’ll be convinced.

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

A flaky, buttery crust with tart, mellow rhubarb and all this topped with crispy, spicy streusel! I mean, how should it become even better?

The crust is really thin when rolled out, but don’t worry it won’t break when baked. I’ve used a tart pan, which was really fully loaded. But it worked! You can also use a spring-form pan.

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

As it is rhubarb season, rhubarb recipes are all over the internet. And so a question arises: Peeling or not? Some peel it all way long, some never. I was not only confused, but I always didn’t liked the idea of peeling off the bright red skin of the rhubarb. I mean, that’s one of the great characteristics of rhubarb, isn’t it? So I searched the internet. Summarized: modern rhubarb varieties have less strings so there is no need to peel. Just chop the ends, and if there are any strings coming off, peel them. So this is my way in the future, forever.

I also heard of some rhubarb varieties, that are red inside, too. It’s called strawberry rhubarb and looks really beautiful. Look at that from a post from Nicky. Unfortunately I’ve never seen it here.

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

We have been offered a lot rhubarb from a friend, who cannot work it up anymore. So do you have any suggestions, what to do with a lot rhubarb? I knew we could make jam, but I am not such a big fan of (strawberry-) rhubarb jam. So I will be thankful for any tips.

Vor einem Jahr: Rhabarber-Streusel-Kuchen

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

Another rhubarb recipe, yes! Because you have to use rhubarb, as long as you get it.

And this recipe is a hit! The recipe itself doesn’t read like one, but as soon as you’ve taken the first bite you’ll be convinced.

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

A flaky, buttery crust with tart, mellow rhubarb and all this topped with crispy, spicy streusel! I mean, how should it become even better?

The crust is really thin when rolled out, but don’t worry it won’t break when baked. I’ve used a tart pan, which was really fully loaded. But it worked! You can also use a spring-form pan.

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

As it is rhubarb season, rhubarb recipes are all over the internet. And so a question arises: Peeling or not? Some peel it all way long, some never. I was not only confused, but I always didn’t liked the idea of peeling off the bright red skin of the rhubarb. I mean, that’s one of the great characteristics of rhubarb, isn’t it? So I searched the internet. Summarized: modern rhubarb varieties have less strings so there is no need to peel. Just chop the ends, and if there are any strings coming off, peel them. So this is my way in the future, forever.

I also heard of some rhubarb varieties, that are red inside, too. It’s called strawberry rhubarb and looks really beautiful. Look at that from a post from Nicky. Unfortunately I’ve never seen it here.

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

We have been offered a lot rhubarb from a friend, who cannot work it up anymore. So do you have any suggestions, what to do with a lot rhubarb? I knew we could make jam, but I am not such a big fan of (strawberry-) rhubarb jam. So I will be thankful for any tips.

One year ago: Rhubarb-Streusel-Cake

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

French Toast oder Arme RitterFrench Toast

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

I told you about the ultimate french toast. I promised to blog about it. And this is it:

French Toast

 I didn’t made this recipe up myself. That’s because I was never a fan of french toast. For me french toast was always eggy, soggy and so not worth making. But I’m always open to like things I do not like. By the way, I’m still looking for recipes, that will make me love cauliflower and brussel sprouts.

Well, this recipe did make me love french toast. It’s a revelation. It’s not soggy and not eggy. It will taste great with maple syrup, like this:

French Toast

 Or with cinnamon-sugar, like this:

French Toast

Do not use the supermarket toast! I won’t begin the toast discussion again, I think you know what I’m talking about. If not, read about it here.

I used the homemade toast for this. It was just perfect. If you don’t want to bake it yourself, buy a bread with texture inside, which is not too fluffy. Otherwise the french toast will be soggy and there is no way to get a soggy toast firm and crispy again.

Thank you, Jennifer!

Vor einem Jahr: Rhabarber-Streusel-Kuchen

I told you about the ultimate french toast. I promised to blog about it. And this is it:

French Toast

 I didn’t made this recipe up myself. That’s because I was never a fan of french toast. For me french toast was always eggy, soggy and so not worth making. But I’m always open to like things I do not like. By the way, I’m still looking for recipes, that will make me love cauliflower and brussel sprouts.

Well, this recipe did make me love french toast. It’s a revelation. It’s not soggy and not eggy. It will taste great with maple syrup, like this:

French Toast

 Or with cinnamon-sugar, like this:

French Toast

 Do not use the supermarket toast! I won’t begin the toast discussion again, I think you know what I’m talking about. If not, read about it here.

I used the homemade toast for this. It was just perfect. If you don’t want to bake it yourself, buy a bread with texture inside, which is not too fluffy. Otherwise the french toast will be soggy and there is no way to get a soggy toast firm and crispy again.

Thank you, Jennifer!

One year ago: Rhubarb-Streusel-Cake


Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Today we talk about toast or sandwich bread.

You know that kind of toast bread lying in the supermarkets. Full of air, missing flour. Mostly just wheat. Squishy texture. To talk about bread here, is ridiculous.

But it’s easy to have on hand, either stored in the fridge for weeks or in the freezer.  It’s good for a quick breakfast, if there’s no more bread or granola in the house. Sad, but happens. I also use mine for meatballs or meatloaf. And of course for sandwiches. But just toasted. I’d never understood, why people don’t toast their toast. Creepy.


I don’t like sloppy bread. Bread just isn’t used to be sloppy or squishy or something similar. Coming from „the country of bread“, I just know.

I always considered toast from the supermarket as „ok“. Not good – not bad. Bu then I baked my own a few weeks ago. And it was a revelation. It’s so much better, you can even eat it untoasted and it’s good that way. It tastes like bread. It’s firm, but not too firm. You can vary with the flours. I made it with wheat and another with rye and wheat (50/50). I loved the rye-wheat one.

You can also freeze it. And if you want to take out single slices from the freezer, cut it first, freeze it then.


It did get even better, as I made french toast, which I was never a fan of. But I got a recipe in the hands, which called itself a revelation, too (recipe follows). The problem often which french toast is, that the bread (because often used toast from the supermarkets) gets soggy immediately through and through. And you don’t get a thoroughly soaked toast crispy again. But a soft french toast just isn’t right. And delicious. So this toast bread is the solution. It’s perfect for this purpose. Too.

What’s really convincing here is, that there’s not a lot work involved. Mixing together, short waiting, mixing, waiting longer, form the bread, wait again and bake. So it’s perfect for preparing, when you are already making something else at home. So you can take a look at it from time to time, while not investing a lot of time.

So my advise is to bake your own, if you don’t have access to good one.


Today we talk about toast or sandwich bread.

You know that kind of toast bread lying in the supermarkets. Full of air, missing flour. Mostly just wheat. Squishy texture. To talk about bread here, is ridiculous.

But it’s easy to have on hand, either stored in the fridge for weeks or in the freezer.  It’s good for a quick breakfast, if there’s no more bread or granola in the house. Sad, but happens. I also use mine for meatballs or meatloaf. And of course for sandwiches. But just toasted. I’d never understood, why people don’t toast their toast. Creepy.


 I don’t like sloppy bread. Bread just isn’t used to be sloppy or squishy or something similar. Coming from „the country of bread“, I just know.

I always considered toast from the supermarket as „ok“. Not good – not bad. Bu then I baked my own a few weeks ago. And it was a revelation. It’s so much better, you can even eat it untoasted and it’s good that way. It tastes like bread. It’s firm, but not too firm. You can vary with the flours. I made it with wheat and another with rye and wheat (50/50). I loved the rye-wheat one.

You can also freeze it. And if you want to take out single slices from the freezer, cut it first, freeze it then.


 It did get even better, as I made french toast, which I was never a fan of. But I got a recipe in the hands, which called itself a revelation, too (recipe follows). The problem often which french toast is, that the bread (because often used toast from the supermarkets) gets soggy immediately through and through. And you don’t get a thoroughly soaked toast crispy again. But a soft french toast just isn’t right. And delicious. So this toast bread is the solution. It’s perfect for this purpose. Too.

What’s really convincing here is, that there’s not a lot work involved. Mixing together, short waiting, mixing, waiting longer, form the bread, wait again and bake. So it’s perfect for preparing, when you are already making something else at home. So you can take a look at it from time to time, while not investing a lot of time.

So my advise is to bake your own, if you don’t have access to good one.


Rhabarber MuffinsRhubarb Muffins

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

We spotted the first rhubarb from Germany this year in the supermarket. But we had to lay our hands on it, nonetheless. At the farmer’s market they had the first German asparagus last weekend. But for 15 €/kg I can resist a few weeks more. Although I love asparagus, too. So at home we thought about what to do with the rhubarb. It didn’t want to make a cake, since it’s often too much for us two to eat. As I made some really good muffins a few days before, they came to my mind. As well as a crumble. So we made both.  

Rhubarb Muffins

The muffin recipe is a variation of my new favourite muffin recipe, for which I searched really really long. In fact I looked for the perfect chocolate chip muffin recipe. But that’s another story. But be sure, it will follow! Because those chocolate chip muffins are to die for. The rhubarb muffins are slightly crispy on the outside, but very soft inside, filled with creamy rhubarb bites. It’s just perfect for welcoming spring.  

Rhubarb Muffins

Spring itself welcomed me too, with a nice allergy to some pollen. I have no clue, since it’s the first time ever. But I know it’s a pollen allergy, since my eyes are red and sore, which they wouldn’t, if it would be a normal cold  (my other symptoms would suggest I have a cold). Thank you spring, I welcome you nonetheless (especially because my enemy – the winter – has gone finally)!  

If you want to get rid of the last frozen rhubarb remains in your freezer – like I did some weeks ago, which was just right, cause who wants to eat the old one from last year, if you can have fresh one from this year?- I recommend you my quick and easy rhubarb streusel cake, which I posted last year. You can even bake it with the frozen rhubarb bites! I wouldn’t try the muffins with the frozen rhubarb, because they will get eventually too soggy. And no one fancies soggy muffins…

Rhubarb Muffins

We spotted the first rhubarb from Germany this year in the supermarket. But we had to lay our hands on it, nonetheless. At the farmer’s market they had the first German asparagus last weekend. But for 15 €/kg I can resist a few weeks more. Although I love asparagus, too. So at home we thought about what to do with the rhubarb. It didn’t want to make a cake, since it’s often too much for us two to eat. As I made some really good muffins a few days before, they came to my mind. As well as a crumble. So we made both.  

Rhubarb Muffins


The muffin recipe is a variation of my new favourite muffin recipe, for which I searched really really long. In fact I looked for the perfect chocolate chip muffin recipe. But that’s another story. But be sure, it will follow! Because those chocolate chip muffins are to die for. The rhubarb muffins are slightly crispy on the outside, but very soft inside, filled with creamy rhubarb bites. It’s just perfect for welcoming spring.  


Rhubarb Muffins

Spring itself welcomed me too, with a nice allergy to some pollen. I have no clue, since it’s the first time ever. But I know it’s a pollen allergy, since my eyes are red and sore, which they wouldn’t, if it would be a normal cold  (my other symptoms would suggest I have a cold). Thank you spring, I welcome you nonetheless (especially because my enemy – the winter – has gone finally)!  

If you want to get rid of the last frozen rhubarb remains in your freezer – like I did some weeks ago, which was just right, cause who wants to eat the old one from last year, if you can have fresh one from this year?- I recommend you my quick and easy rhubarb streusel cake, which I posted last year. You can even bake it with the frozen rhubarb bites! I wouldn’t try the muffins with the frozen rhubarb, because they will get eventually too soggy. And no one fancies soggy muffins…  

Rhubarb Muffins

Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-FüllungYeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

The March 2011 Daring Baker’s Challenge was hosted by Ria of Ria’s Collection and Jamie of Life’s a Feast. Ria and Jamie challenged The Daring Bakers to bake a yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake.

Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-Füllung

Theses cakes were just gorgeous! We loved them both! The first was gone after one day. We had to bake a second one to get some photos of the product. And of course we loved them so much, we wanted a second one instantly. The original recipe is already for two cakes, but as we are only the two of us, that would have been too much. Also yeasted cakes and breads are the best on the day baked, and still good on their second day, but then they get dry. So it was better to bake a second one, after two days.

I filled the first cake with the filling provided in the recipe: Chopped pecans, semisweet chocolate and the cinnamon-sugar-mixture. That was indeed the best. For the second I used hazelnuts instead of pecans and milk chocolate, but it wasn’t as good as the first. But I have to admit, I used a different brand of chocolate, which wasn’t the right one for this kind of use. And the pecans were also a lot better than the hazelnuts. But in my opinion, pecans are the best nuts on… well, yes the world. And I recommend to chop the nuts yourself. The pieces are bigger and it just tastes better then. Sorry, it’s just like that. And I wouldn’t try  using the bought chopped ones. I know it’s easier. But trust me here.

Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-Füllung

Is also used only one egg white for the meringue for one cake, because some people found two too much. I just can say, that one is enough and didn’t miss a second one. Below I give you the recipe, with my personal adjustments already incorporated.

I would really like to try a savory one with cheese and ham or anything. Just wondering, how it works out with the sweet meringue?! Anyone tried this out?

If sweet or savory, this is a perfect comfort treat for any time of the day and I highly recommend to bake this coffee cake. Accompanying this great cake with great comforting music, I recommend you The Shepherd’s Dog from Iron and Wine. It’s my favourite CD right now, that’s rotating upside down in my player these days. Love it!

Thanks for the great challenge!

Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-Füllung

Vor einem Jahr: Schokoladen-Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-Füllung

Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-Füllung


The March 2011 Daring Baker’s Challenge was hosted by Ria of Ria’s Collection and Jamie of Life’s a Feast. Ria and Jamie challenged The Daring Bakers to bake a yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake.

Yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

Theses cakes were just gorgeous! We loved them both! The first was gone after one day. We had to bake a second one to get some photos of the product. And of course we loved them so much, we wanted a second one instantly. The original recipe is already for two cakes, but as we are only the two of us, that would have been too much. Also yeasted cakes and breads are the best on the day baked, and still good on their second day, but then they get dry. So it was better to bake a second one, after two days.

I filled the first cake with the filling provided in the recipe: Chopped pecans, semisweet chocolate and the cinnamon-sugar-mixture. That was indeed the best. For the second I used hazelnuts instead of pecans and milk chocolate, but it wasn’t as good as the first. But I have to admit, I used a different brand of chocolate, which wasn’t the right one for this kind of use. And the pecans were also a lot better than the hazelnuts. But in my opinion, pecans are the best nuts on… well, yes the world. And I recommend to chop the nuts yourself. The pieces are bigger and it just tastes better then. Sorry, it’s just like that. And I wouldn’t try  using the bought chopped ones. I know it’s easier. But trust me here.

Yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

Is also used only one egg white for the meringue for one cake, because some people found two too much. I just can say, that one is enough and didn’t miss a second one. Below I give you the recipe, with my personal adjustments already incorporated.

I would really like to try a savory one with cheese and ham or anything. Just wondering, how it works out with the sweet meringue?! Anyone tried this out?

If sweet or savory, this is a perfect comfort treat for any time of the day and I highly recommend to bake this coffee cake. Accompanying this great cake with great comforting music, I recommend you The Shepherd’s Dog from Iron and Wine. It’s my favourite CD right now, that’s rotating upside down in my player these days. Love it!

Thanks for the great challenge!

Yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

One year ago: Chocolate Macarons with Raspberry Filling


Yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

Yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

Kartoffel-Fenchel-Gratin mit pochierten EiernPotato Fennel Gratin with Poached Eggs

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!
We had this wonderful dish for a simple late lunch last friday. It’s easy and not time-consuming.
Since it was Friday we hadn’t much vegetables at home, anymore. Just one fennel. So I combined it with the idea of a potato gratin. As an accompaniment eggs suited just fine. And lately I began with making poached eggs. I’m not a huge fan off eggs, as  in form of fried, scrambled or boiled. Maybe then I like it best fried. But the poached eggs are really nice. They are such moist. Unfortunately you cannot season them while cooking. So you have to season them on your plate.
Potato-Fennel-Gratin with Poached Eggs
Now, if you are already thinking „oh no, not poached eggs, those are really difficult and I do not have the guts at lunch time to try these“, let me say you, it is not THAT difficult. I thought that, too. Ever. I’ll give you some tricks and advices. With those you are ready for poached eggs at lunch time, or even for breakfast. I mean look at those beautiful eggs, and those were only my third attempt to make poached eggs!
The gratin is the hearty component of this meal. If you don’t want to layer your gratin as nicely as did (I understand. I just had too much time.), just throw it all in your baking dish. It will turn out great, too. I only have one, ok two recommendations to you for the gratin. First season every layer of vegetables (or season everything while tossing it) GENEROUSLY. Really, really, do it. Lots of salt, pepper and nutmeg (or whatever you like). The potatoes adsorb it. And don’t ask whereto… Second use a cheese, that has a lot of flavour, like feta, goats cheese, Emmentaler or something similar (not mozzarella!). Gratin is nothing without a good cheese flavour, and the crispiness of the cheese crust. Also it goes wonderful with the eggs.
So this makes a delicious vegetable meal. Of course you can cheat and make some fried bacon, too. But then don’t forget to drizzle it with some maple syrup!
Potato-Fennel-Gratin with Poached Eggs
Potato-Fennel-Gratin with Poached Eggs

We had this wonderful dish for a simple late lunch last friday. It’s easy and not time-consuming.
Since it was Friday we hadn’t much vegetables at home, anymore. Just one fennel. So I combined it with the idea of a potato gratin. As an accompaniment eggs suited just fine. And lately I began with making poached eggs. I’m not a huge fan off eggs, as  in form of fried, scrambled or boiled. Maybe then I like it best fried. But the poached eggs are really nice. They are such moist. Unfortunately you cannot season them while cooking. So you have to season them on your plate.
Potato-Fennel-Gratin with Poached Eggs
Now, if you are already thinking „oh no, not poached eggs, those are really difficult and I do not have the guts at lunch time to try these“, let me say you, it is not THAT difficult. I thought that, too. Ever. I’ll give you some tricks and advices. With those you are ready for poached eggs at lunch time, or even for breakfast. I mean look at those beautiful eggs, and those were only my third attempt to make poached eggs!
The gratin is the hearty component of this meal. If you don’t want to layer your gratin as nicely as did (I understand. I just had too much time.), just throw it all in your baking dish. It will turn out great, too. I only have one, ok two recommendations to you for the gratin. First season every layer of vegetables (or season everything while tossing it) GENEROUSLY. Really, really, do it. Lots of salt, pepper and nutmeg (or whatever you like). The potatoes adsorb it. And don’t ask whereto… Second use a cheese, that has a lot of flavour, like feta, goats cheese, Emmentaler or something similar (not mozzarella!). Gratin is nothing without a good cheese flavour, and the crispiness of the cheese crust. Also it goes wonderful with the eggs.
So this makes a delicious vegetable meal. Of course you can cheat and make some fried bacon, too. But then don’t forget to drizzle it with some maple syrup!
Potato-Fennel-Gratin with Poached Eggs
Potato-Fennel-Gratin with Poached Eggs

Hackbraten à la JamieMeatloaf à la Jamie

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Yesterday we had a spectacular dinner.

Sometimes you make a recipe and doesn’t expect anything. Well not much. And then it happens… the food is just overwhelming. This doesn’t happen often. Normally I already read about a food or recipe and I have an idea, even it’s just the slightest, how it will turn out.

Ok, we all have a faint idea how meatloaf tastes. But believe me this is different. Totally. Almost everyone has his own meat loaf recipe (or is still looking for the right one at the bottom of their heart), but give this a try, because of that.

Meatloaf à la Jamie

 This recipe is an easy one and doesn’t call for a lot of ingredients. It’s delicate and luscious and  soft like a good cinnamon bun. Sorry, I’m still thinking of a recipe, that I saw this morning. But there’s truth in that sentence.

But the best is the taste. I cannot describe it, because I couldn’t find out from what ingredient the taste comes. In the end it isn’t important, it just means, you have to follow the recipe. And I hope the taste doesn’t derive from the rye toast I put into, instead of the breadcrumbs, which were out. I don’t want you to look after toast made of rye, just because of a simple meatloaf recipe, but to be true the rye toast is very good – for a toast, I mean it’s still just toast, but a good one. I just stumbled upon it recently, as I was filling up my toast stock.

Yeah I have a toast stock! For my defense, the meatloaf wouldn’t have been possibly without it, yesterday. And maybe the rye toast is the secret ingredient for the splendid taste. And if you are out of real bread AND granola, well you can eat it for breakfast, too.

Meatloaf à la Jamie

So why Jamie? I have a cookbook these days, which I borrowed from the library. And I’m testing it. You think right, it’s from Jamie Oliver (Jamie’s Food Revolution or in German: Jamie’s Kochschule). I like his books, but I made the experience, that there are only a few recipes in his books, that I cook (mostly the same). Some have too fancy ingredients, some are just not my kind. And therefore the books are too expensive.

This time again,I liked the book, after I first flipped through. But as I got it from the library, I can now test a lot of recipes, without buying it and then (almost) regretting it (I normally have no regrets buying or possessing any cookbook). And until now the book did a good job.

So if you are still looking for a dinner recipe, give this a try and if not today, then tomorrow or at the latest next weekend. I beg you!

Meatloaf à la Jamie

Vor einem Jahr: Überbackene Tofunocken mit Tomatensauce

Yesterday we had a spectacular dinner.

Sometimes you make a recipe and doesn’t expect anything. Well not much. And then it happens… the food is just overwhelming. This doesn’t happen often. Normally I already read about a food or recipe and I have an idea, even it’s just the slightest, how it will turn out.

Ok, we all have a faint idea how meatloaf tastes. But believe me this is different. Totally. Almost everyone has his own meat loaf recipe (or is still looking for the right one at the bottom of their heart), but give this a try, because of that.

Meatloaf à la Jamie

 This recipe is an easy one and doesn’t call for a lot of ingredients. It’s delicate and luscious and  soft like a good cinnamon bun. Sorry, I’m still thinking of a recipe, that I saw this morning. But there’s truth in that sentence.

But the best is the taste. I cannot describe it, because I couldn’t find out from what ingredient the taste comes. In the end it isn’t important, it just means, you have to follow the recipe. And I hope the taste doesn’t derive from the rye toast I put into, instead of the breadcrumbs, which were out. I don’t want you to look after toast made of rye, just because of a simple meatloaf recipe, but to be true the rye toast is very good – for a toast, I mean it’s still just toast, but a good one. I just stumbled upon it recently, as I was filling up my toast stock.

Yeah I have a toast stock! For my defense, the meatloaf wouldn’t have been possibly without it, yesterday. And maybe the rye toast is the secret ingredient for the splendid taste. And if you are out of real bread AND granola, well you can eat it for breakfast, too.

Meatloaf à la Jamie

So why Jamie? I have a cookbook these days, which I borrowed from the library. And I’m testing it. You think right, it’s from Jamie Oliver (Jamie’s Ministry of Food or in German: Jamie’s Kochschule). I like his books, but I made the experience, that there are only a few recipes in his books, that I cook (mostly the same). Some have too fancy ingredients, some are just not my kind. And therefore the books are too expensive.

This time again,I liked the book, after I first flipped through. But as I got it from the library, I can now test a lot of recipes, without buying it and then (almost) regretting it (I normally have no regrets buying or possessing any cookbook). And until now the book did a good job.

So if you are still looking for a dinner recipe, give this a try and if not today, then tomorrow or at the latest next weekend. I beg you!

Meatloaf à la Jamie

One year ago: Tofuballs with Tomatosauce