[:de]Harissa-Möhren mit Ziegenkäse, pochiertem Ei und Salat auf Buttertoast[:en]Harrisa Carrots with goats cheese, poached egg and lettuce on buttered toast[:]


Keine Lust und Zeit lange zu kochen? Hey, ich versteh euch! Aber ein anständiges ausgewogenes Essen soll es schon sein, gell? Diese Harissa-Möhren mit Ziegenkäse, pochiertem Ei und Salat auf Buttertoast sind total einfach und machen muss man dabei sehr wenig! Zudem schmecken sie seeeehr lecker! Vor allem in der Kombination mit den anderen Zutaten ergibt sich eine ausgewogene Mischung aus Texturen und Aromen.

Für dieses Gericht könnt ihr übrigens wunderbar irgendwelche Reste verwenden, die noch bei euch herumlungern! Älteres Brot? Kein Problem, das wird sowieso getoastet! Ein paar Blätter Grünzeug, das noch im Kühlschrank liegt, das kann Salat, Babyspinat, junger Mangold oder Wildkräuter sein. Ich mag Ziegenfrischkäse sehr gerne und ich hatte welchen im Haus, aber auch Mozzarella, Feta oder etwas ähnliches nach eurem Geschmack lässt sich hier verwenden.

Die Möhren habe ich erst mit etwas Dampf gegart und dann nochmal normal bei Ober-/Unterhitze. Wer nur normale Funktionen nimmt einfach nur Ober-/Unterhitze.

Harissa-Möhren mit Ziegenkäse, pochiertem Ei und Salat auf Buttertoast

Vor einem Jahr: die fruchtigste Erdbeermarmelade der Welt

Vor drei Jahren: Saftige Hefewaffeln

Vor vier Jahren: Crêpe mit mariniertem grünen Spargel und geräuchertem Lachs

Vor fünf Jahren: Cantucchini


No time and you are not up to cooking? Hey, I get you! But a balanced diet is everything, right?
These harissa carrots with fresh goats cheese, poached egg and lettuce on buttered toast is so easy and quick to whip together! And it’s just delish! Especially this combination of all the ingredients yields in a perfect mixture of aromas and textures.

This dish is also great for using up any leftovers! Old bread? No problem, toast it! The leftover greens in your crisper drawer are good here: lettuce, baby spinach, baby swiss chard or wild herbs. I love fresh goats cheese and have always some at home, but mozzarella, feta or something else you prefer is fine, too.

I steamed the carrots first in the oven, then cooked the normally with top/bottom heat. But you can also just bake them with top/bottom only.

Harissa-Möhren mit Ziegenkäse, pochiertem Ei und Salat auf Buttertoast

One year ago: the most fruity strawberry jam on the planet

Three years ago: luscious yeast waffles

Four years ago: crêpe with marinated green asparagus and smoked salmon

Five years ago: cantucchini


Salade niçoise

Dieses Rezept hängt jetzt schon seit gefühlten Ewigkeiten am Kühlschrank um mal nachgekocht zu werden.

So ein Nizza-Salat benötigt aber ganz schön viele verschiedene Zutaten, und dass ich gleichzeitig grüne Bohnen, Paprika, Tomaten, Gurke, Salat, Sardellen, Tunfisch und Kartoffeln daheim habe, ist bisher einfach nicht vorgekommen.

Letztes Wochenende war es dann aber soweit, unserer Ernte sei dank!

Salade niçoise

Man könnte jetzt meinen, dass das eigentlich viel zu viele Sachen auf einmal sind, als dass der Salat noch schmecken könnte. Aber wir waren überrascht wie lecker der Salat ist und wie gut alles zusammen passt.

Durch den Fisch und die Kartoffeln erweist sich der Salat auch als vollständige und sättigende Hauptmahlzeit.

Wirklich wichtig ist auf jeden Fall, dass man frische Bohnen verwendet und keine TK-Bohnen. Die TK-Dinger sind einfach zu wässerig, das schmeckt nicht.

Außerdem sollte man bei der Verwendung des Dosenfischs darauf achten, dass er nachhaltig gefangen wurde. Achtet z.B. auf das MSC-Zeichen oder verwendet Bio-Fisch! Followfish und Fontaine bieten ein ganz gutes Angebot, Followfish ist auch im normalen Handel teilweise erhältlich. Beim WWF gibt es mehr Informationen zum Thema Überfischung, Beifang, nachhaltige Fischerei und einen Einkaufsratgeber (bei Greenpeace gibt es den Einkaufsratgeber im Miniformat zum Mitnehmen).

Salade niçoise

Vor einem Jahr: Leinsamenbrot

Vor zwei Jahren: Couscous-Avocado-Salat

Vor drei Jahren: Death by Chocolate

Salade niçoise

It feels like a decade ago, when I pinned this recipe to our fridge, to cook it.

The salad á la Nice needs a lot of fresh produce. But last weekend, thanks to our field, we had green beans, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, anchovies, tuna and potatoes at home.

Salade niçoise

You would think, that there are too many things combined here to taste good. But we were surprised how tasty it was and all the flavours went so well together.

It’s really important to use fresh green beans and not frozen ones! The frozen beans are too watery and the crunch of fresh beans is just missing.

Be responsible when buying canned tuna or other fish/seafood by only buying sustainable caught fish and seafood. You can read more about sustainable seafood, overfishing and the MSC label, which labels sustainable caught fish on the site of the WWF.

Salade niçoise

One year ago: Flaxseed Bread

Two years ago: Couscous-Avocado-Salad

Three years ago: Death by Chocolate

Salade niçoise


Kartoffel-Fenchel-Gratin mit pochierten EiernPotato Fennel Gratin with Poached Eggs

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!
We had this wonderful dish for a simple late lunch last friday. It’s easy and not time-consuming.
Since it was Friday we hadn’t much vegetables at home, anymore. Just one fennel. So I combined it with the idea of a potato gratin. As an accompaniment eggs suited just fine. And lately I began with making poached eggs. I’m not a huge fan off eggs, as  in form of fried, scrambled or boiled. Maybe then I like it best fried. But the poached eggs are really nice. They are such moist. Unfortunately you cannot season them while cooking. So you have to season them on your plate.
Potato-Fennel-Gratin with Poached Eggs
Now, if you are already thinking „oh no, not poached eggs, those are really difficult and I do not have the guts at lunch time to try these“, let me say you, it is not THAT difficult. I thought that, too. Ever. I’ll give you some tricks and advices. With those you are ready for poached eggs at lunch time, or even for breakfast. I mean look at those beautiful eggs, and those were only my third attempt to make poached eggs!
The gratin is the hearty component of this meal. If you don’t want to layer your gratin as nicely as did (I understand. I just had too much time.), just throw it all in your baking dish. It will turn out great, too. I only have one, ok two recommendations to you for the gratin. First season every layer of vegetables (or season everything while tossing it) GENEROUSLY. Really, really, do it. Lots of salt, pepper and nutmeg (or whatever you like). The potatoes adsorb it. And don’t ask whereto… Second use a cheese, that has a lot of flavour, like feta, goats cheese, Emmentaler or something similar (not mozzarella!). Gratin is nothing without a good cheese flavour, and the crispiness of the cheese crust. Also it goes wonderful with the eggs.
So this makes a delicious vegetable meal. Of course you can cheat and make some fried bacon, too. But then don’t forget to drizzle it with some maple syrup!
Potato-Fennel-Gratin with Poached Eggs
Potato-Fennel-Gratin with Poached Eggs

We had this wonderful dish for a simple late lunch last friday. It’s easy and not time-consuming.
Since it was Friday we hadn’t much vegetables at home, anymore. Just one fennel. So I combined it with the idea of a potato gratin. As an accompaniment eggs suited just fine. And lately I began with making poached eggs. I’m not a huge fan off eggs, as  in form of fried, scrambled or boiled. Maybe then I like it best fried. But the poached eggs are really nice. They are such moist. Unfortunately you cannot season them while cooking. So you have to season them on your plate.
Potato-Fennel-Gratin with Poached Eggs
Now, if you are already thinking „oh no, not poached eggs, those are really difficult and I do not have the guts at lunch time to try these“, let me say you, it is not THAT difficult. I thought that, too. Ever. I’ll give you some tricks and advices. With those you are ready for poached eggs at lunch time, or even for breakfast. I mean look at those beautiful eggs, and those were only my third attempt to make poached eggs!
The gratin is the hearty component of this meal. If you don’t want to layer your gratin as nicely as did (I understand. I just had too much time.), just throw it all in your baking dish. It will turn out great, too. I only have one, ok two recommendations to you for the gratin. First season every layer of vegetables (or season everything while tossing it) GENEROUSLY. Really, really, do it. Lots of salt, pepper and nutmeg (or whatever you like). The potatoes adsorb it. And don’t ask whereto… Second use a cheese, that has a lot of flavour, like feta, goats cheese, Emmentaler or something similar (not mozzarella!). Gratin is nothing without a good cheese flavour, and the crispiness of the cheese crust. Also it goes wonderful with the eggs.
So this makes a delicious vegetable meal. Of course you can cheat and make some fried bacon, too. But then don’t forget to drizzle it with some maple syrup!
Potato-Fennel-Gratin with Poached Eggs
Potato-Fennel-Gratin with Poached Eggs