Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!
We had this wonderful dish for a simple late lunch last friday. It’s easy and not time-consuming.
Since it was Friday we hadn’t much vegetables at home, anymore. Just one fennel. So I combined it with the idea of a potato gratin. As an accompaniment eggs suited just fine. And lately I began with making poached eggs. I’m not a huge fan off eggs, as in form of fried, scrambled or boiled. Maybe then I like it best fried. But the poached eggs are really nice. They are such moist. Unfortunately you cannot season them while cooking. So you have to season them on your plate.
Now, if you are already thinking „oh no, not poached eggs, those are really difficult and I do not have the guts at lunch time to try these“, let me say you, it is not THAT difficult. I thought that, too. Ever. I’ll give you some tricks and advices. With those you are ready for poached eggs at lunch time, or even for breakfast. I mean look at those beautiful eggs, and those were only my third attempt to make poached eggs!
The gratin is the hearty component of this meal. If you don’t want to layer your gratin as nicely as did (I understand. I just had too much time.), just throw it all in your baking dish. It will turn out great, too. I only have one, ok two recommendations to you for the gratin. First season every layer of vegetables (or season everything while tossing it) GENEROUSLY. Really, really, do it. Lots of salt, pepper and nutmeg (or whatever you like). The potatoes adsorb it. And don’t ask whereto… Second use a cheese, that has a lot of flavour, like feta, goats cheese, Emmentaler or something similar (not mozzarella!). Gratin is nothing without a good cheese flavour, and the crispiness of the cheese crust. Also it goes wonderful with the eggs.
So this makes a delicious vegetable meal. Of course you can cheat and make some fried bacon, too. But then don’t forget to drizzle it with some maple syrup!

für 4 Personen
ca. 400 g Kartoffeln
1 mittlerer Fenchel
2 Eier
250 ml Milch
- Pfeffer, Salz und Muskatnuss
100 geriebener Käse
Den Ofen auf 180° C vorheizen.
Die Kartoffen schälen und waschen. Dünn schneiden oder hobeln. Den Fenchel ebenfalls waschen und dünn schneiden. Wenn an dem Fenchel was von dem fedrigen Fenchelgrün dran ist, abschneiden, fein hacken und beiseite legen.
Eine Auflaufform buttern (meine ist 26×17 cm).
Die Kartoffeln und den Fenchel in die Form schichten. Jede Schicht großzügig mit Salz, Pfeffer und Muskat würzen.
Die Eier mit der Milch verschlagen und würzen. Über das Gemüse geben. Den Käse darauf verteilen.
Für 35 Minuten backen.
Das Fenchelgrün über das fertige Gratin streuen.

Pochierte Eier
- Eier
Salz, Pfeffer
Einen großen Topf zwei Drittel mit Wasser füllen. Zum Kochen bringen, dann runterdrehen, so dass das Wasser nur simmert. Einen großzügigen Schuss Essig reingeben, das hilft die Eier zusammenzuhalten.
Einen Schöpflöffel in eine kleine Schüssel stellen, so dass er steht, ohne umzufallen, wenn man ihn loslässt. Ein Ei aufschlagen und in den Schöpfllöffel geben.
Das Wasser mit einem Kochlöffel umrühren, bis sich ein „Tornado“ bildet. Dann das Ei mit dem Schöpflöffel in die Mitte geben – das Auge des Tornados – dort ist es ruhig. Das fließende Wasser drumherum verhindert, dass das flüssige Ei in alle Richtungen davonfließt.
Mindestens 1 Minute warten, bis man das nächste Ei mit derselben Prozedur dazugibt, so dass das erste Ei eine feste Haut bilden kann und nicht kaputt geht beim Umrühren. Aufpassen, dass man das Wasser rührt und nicht das Ei.
Das funktioniert gut für 2 Eier. Da ich auch kein Profi bin, finde ich es einfacher 2 Eier zu machen und die vor den nächsten mit einem Sieblöffel zu entfernen.
Die Eier 5 Minuten pochieren.
Am Ende nochmal alle Eier für 5 Sekunden in den Topf geben, damit sie warm sind.

We had this wonderful dish for a simple late lunch last friday. It’s easy and not time-consuming.
Since it was Friday we hadn’t much vegetables at home, anymore. Just one fennel. So I combined it with the idea of a potato gratin. As an accompaniment eggs suited just fine. And lately I began with making poached eggs. I’m not a huge fan off eggs, as in form of fried, scrambled or boiled. Maybe then I like it best fried. But the poached eggs are really nice. They are such moist. Unfortunately you cannot season them while cooking. So you have to season them on your plate.
Now, if you are already thinking „oh no, not poached eggs, those are really difficult and I do not have the guts at lunch time to try these“, let me say you, it is not THAT difficult. I thought that, too. Ever. I’ll give you some tricks and advices. With those you are ready for poached eggs at lunch time, or even for breakfast. I mean look at those beautiful eggs, and those were only my third attempt to make poached eggs!
The gratin is the hearty component of this meal. If you don’t want to layer your gratin as nicely as did (I understand. I just had too much time.), just throw it all in your baking dish. It will turn out great, too. I only have one, ok two recommendations to you for the gratin. First season every layer of vegetables (or season everything while tossing it) GENEROUSLY. Really, really, do it. Lots of salt, pepper and nutmeg (or whatever you like). The potatoes adsorb it. And don’t ask whereto… Second use a cheese, that has a lot of flavour, like feta, goats cheese, Emmentaler or something similar (not mozzarella!). Gratin is nothing without a good cheese flavour, and the crispiness of the cheese crust. Also it goes wonderful with the eggs.
So this makes a delicious vegetable meal. Of course you can cheat and make some fried bacon, too. But then don’t forget to drizzle it with some maple syrup!

yields: for 4
about 400g potatoes
1 medium fennel
butter for greasing the baking dish
2 eggs
250ml milk
freshly ground salt, pepper and nutmeg
100g grated or crumbled cheese
Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Peel and wash the potatoes. Slice thinly. Wash the fennel and slice thinly, too. If there is some feathery green on the fennel wash, chop finely and put aside. Layer the potatoes and fennel in a buttered baking dish (mine is 26×17 cm). Season every layer generously with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
Whisk the eggs with the milk. Season it, too. Pour it over the potatoes and fennel slices. Add the cheese on top.
Bake for about 35 minutes.

Poached eggs
Fill a large pot with water. It should be filled for about two thirds. Bring it to a simmer. Add a generous splash of the vinegar, that prevents, that the eggs will float apart immediately.
Position a ladle in a small bowl, so it’s standing upright without holding it with your hands. Crack one egg in the ladle. Stir the water with a cooking spoon, until a „tornado“ builds in the water. Now give the egg in the ladle in the „eye of the tornado“. The eye, where the egg is, is calm. The water floating around prevents, that the liquid egg floats away. Wait for about a minute, before you add the next egg with the same procedure, until the first egg has formed a firmer skin and won’t break apart immediately. For the second egg, the first egg has to be floating around, too. You don’t want to mix up the two. Stir the water, not the egg!
This works good for two eggs. As I am a newbie to this, too, I found it easier to remove the first two eggs, for making the third and fourth. So after they made up their skin I carefully transferred them to a flat bowl with a slotted spoon. I added them again, when the two other eggs were formed, too.
Poach them for 5 minutes (5 minutes after they were all again in the pot).
Arrange the gratin with the poached eggs. Season the eggs with salt and pepper and if you have, the chopped fennel green.