Cooking through La Tartine Gourmande: Milchreis mit Erdbeer-Zitronengras-Limetten-Kompott (mit Rezept!)Cooking through La Tartine Gourmande: Rice Pudding with Strawberries stewed in Lemongrass and Lime (with recipe!)

Milchreis mit Erdbeer-Zitronengras-Limetten-Kompott

Da gerade Erdbeersaison ist, habe ich den Milchreis mit Erdbeer-Zitronengras-Limettenkompott von S. 230 ausgesucht. Hier könnte Ihr über Ina’s Kocherfahrungen lesen.

Ich war erst etwas skeptisch, da ich erstens noch nie frisches Zitronengras verwendet habe und zweitens Zitronengras und Ingwer in Milchreis? Naja, ob ich das mögen würde?

Aber ich mochte es tatsächlich! Ich liebe es! Ich liebe es über alles! Es ist eins meiner Lieblingsrezepte aus dem Buch. Ich war sofort hin und weg von dem Gericht. Es ist sooo köstlich! Ich kann es nicht oft genug sagen.

Somit ist es auch die perfekte Gelegenheit, beim Event von Nata mitzumachen: Mein erstes Mal frisches Zitronengras benutzt und verkocht und es war ein voller Erfolg! Puh, da bin ich jetzt schon erleichtert, sonst hätte ich nichts vom Milchreis essen können, obwohl ich doch so auf Milchreis stehe.

Milchreis mit Erdbeer-Zitronengras-Limetten-Kompott

Der Milchreis ist schon ein Hit alleine. Ich hätte ihn auch fast sofort aus dem Topf gegessen. Die Erdbeeren waren aber auch sehr lecker. Die Limette und das Zitronengras passen einfach hervorragend dazu und der Ingwer fügt nur einen Hauch Aroma dazu, ohne scharf zu sein oder sich in den Vordergrund zu drängen. Das Gericht versetzte mich ein wenig in unseren Thailandurlaub. Nicht, dass wir dort etwas vergleichbares gegessen hätten, es ist einfach nur das Aroma im Allgemeinen. Aber es ist ja nichts Schlechtes durch ein Gericht an den Urlaub erinnert zu werden, oder?

Da ich dieses Gericht nun schon so in den Himmel lobe, kann ich Euch doch nicht ohne das Rezept davonziehen lassen. Es wird Euch die Essenz dieses Buches vermitteln. Es ist ein super Buch mit klasse Rezepten und das ist nur eines von vielen. Aber eines der Besten ;).

Wichtig bei diesem Gericht ist, dass man es vernascht wenn es noch warm oder lauwarm ist.  Wenn man es im Kühlschrank aufbewahrt (was ja normal ist, wenn man nur zu zweit ist), dann gehen viel der Aromen und die Textur flöten. Also lasst es. Esst einfach zwei Schüsselchen davon oder eine große. Vertraut mir, das sollte kein Problem sein.

Milchreis mit Erdbeer-Zitronengras-Limetten-Kompott

Vor einem Jahr: Heidelbeer-Zitronen-Tarte

Vor zwei Jahren: Erdbeer-Melonen-Süppchen

Milchreis mit Erdbeer-Zitronengras-Limetten-Kompott

Rice Pudding with Strawberries stewed in Lemongrass and Lime

As it’s strawberry season I chose the rice pudding with strawberries stewed in lemongrass and lime from page 230. You can read here about Ina’s cooking experience.

I was a bit sceptical, since first I never used fresh lemongrass and second lemongrass and ginger in rice pudding? I didn’t know, if I would like that. But indeed I liked that! I loved it! Loved it a lot even! It’s one of my favourite recipes out of the book. I was so hooked by the whole dish. It’s very delicious. I can’t emphasize that enough.

Rice Pudding with Strawberries stewed in Lemongrass and Lime

The rice pudding is already very good on it’s own. I’ve could have eaten it right out of the pot. The strawberries are also delicious. The lime and the lemongrass are matching perfect here. The ginger only gives hint of its flavour without being sharp or too spicy. It reminded me a bit of our holiday in Thailand, not that we’ve eaten there something similar, it’s just the flavour in general. But that’s a good thing, thinking about holiday while eating a dish, isn’t it.

As I’m praising this dish so much, I can’t let you go without the recipe. Because this will give you the essence of the book. It’s a great book with great recipes, and that’s just one of them. But one of the best ones ;).

What’s really important about this dish is to eat it while it’s warm or lukewarm. You don’t reach the flavour and the texture again, after having it stored in the fridge (which is quite normal, when you’re only 2). Don’t do it. Just eat two bowls or a large one. Trust me, it will be no problem.

Rice Pudding with Strawberries stewed in Lemongrass and Lime

One year ago: Blueberry-Lemon-Tart

Two years ago: Strawberry-Melon-Soup

Rice Pudding with Strawberries stewed in Lemongrass and Lime

Erdbeertörtchen mit Joghurt-Limetten-MousseStrawberry Tartlets with Yogurt-Lime-Mousse

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Erdbeertörtchen mit Joghurt-Limetten-Mousse


I’m back from Flanders! Bruges is such a beautiful city. You can just stay there for a couple of days, because there is so much to see and the beauty of the town is just overwhelming. Another pleasure was a shop there, called Dille & Kamille, which was heaven for everything in the kitchen. And it was cheap! If you’re ever in Belgium or the Netherlands, go there!


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Before the (straw)berry season is over, I want to give you access to a delicious and beautiful recipe. I found that recipe a while ago in a magazine and this year it was the time to make it.

It looks more difficult than it is. All you need is some time to prepare the different elements. Assembling those isn’t tough.

The tartlets are light and fluffy, fruity and have a nice addition, because of the lime. They are just perfect for summer, and even better for a dinner with friends, because they are so good looking. Don’t forget the chilling time for the end result and maybe even some in between for the mousse. I used dessert rings, that were 8 cm in diameter, which were just perfect for that purpose. In the recipe cleaned yogurt pots were used. You can also use other moulds, that fit. The rings were perfect, because you haven’t turn the whole thing upside down and then turn it around again. You just pull of the ring. Easy. 

Erdbeertörtchen mit Joghurt-Limetten-Mousse

Vor einem Jahr: Pfirsich Tartelettes

Erdbeertörtchen mit Joghurt-Limetten-Mousse

Erdbeertörtchen mit Joghurt-Limetten-Mousse

Strawberry Tartlets with Yogurt-Lime-Mousse


I’m back from Flanders! Bruges is such a beautiful city. You can just stay there for a couple of days, because there is so much to see and the beauty of the town is just overwhelming. Another pleasure was a shop there, called Dille & Kamille, which was heaven for everything in the kitchen. And it was cheap! If you’re ever in Belgium or the Netherlands, go there!


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Before the (straw)berry season is over, I want to give you access to a delicious and beautiful recipe. I found that recipe a while ago in a magazine and this year it was the time to make it.

It looks more difficult than it is. All you need is some time to prepare the different elements. Assembling those isn’t tough.

The tartlets are light and fluffy, fruity and have a nice addition, because of the lime. They are just perfect for summer, and even better for a dinner with friends, because they are so good looking. Don’t forget the chilling time for the end result and maybe even some in between for the mousse. I used dessert rings, that were 8 cm in diameter, which were just perfect for that purpose. In the recipe cleaned yogurt pots were used. You can also use other moulds, that fit. The rings were perfect, because you haven’t turn the whole thing upside down and then turn it around again. You just pull of the ring. Easy.

Strawberry Tartlets with Yogurt-Lime-Mousse

One year ago: Peach Tartelettes

Strawberry Tartlets with Yogurt-Lime-Mousse

Strawberry Tartlets with Yogurt-Lime-Mousse