French Toast oder Arme RitterFrench Toast

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

I told you about the ultimate french toast. I promised to blog about it. And this is it:

French Toast

 I didn’t made this recipe up myself. That’s because I was never a fan of french toast. For me french toast was always eggy, soggy and so not worth making. But I’m always open to like things I do not like. By the way, I’m still looking for recipes, that will make me love cauliflower and brussel sprouts.

Well, this recipe did make me love french toast. It’s a revelation. It’s not soggy and not eggy. It will taste great with maple syrup, like this:

French Toast

 Or with cinnamon-sugar, like this:

French Toast

Do not use the supermarket toast! I won’t begin the toast discussion again, I think you know what I’m talking about. If not, read about it here.

I used the homemade toast for this. It was just perfect. If you don’t want to bake it yourself, buy a bread with texture inside, which is not too fluffy. Otherwise the french toast will be soggy and there is no way to get a soggy toast firm and crispy again.

Thank you, Jennifer!

Vor einem Jahr: Rhabarber-Streusel-Kuchen

I told you about the ultimate french toast. I promised to blog about it. And this is it:

French Toast

 I didn’t made this recipe up myself. That’s because I was never a fan of french toast. For me french toast was always eggy, soggy and so not worth making. But I’m always open to like things I do not like. By the way, I’m still looking for recipes, that will make me love cauliflower and brussel sprouts.

Well, this recipe did make me love french toast. It’s a revelation. It’s not soggy and not eggy. It will taste great with maple syrup, like this:

French Toast

 Or with cinnamon-sugar, like this:

French Toast

 Do not use the supermarket toast! I won’t begin the toast discussion again, I think you know what I’m talking about. If not, read about it here.

I used the homemade toast for this. It was just perfect. If you don’t want to bake it yourself, buy a bread with texture inside, which is not too fluffy. Otherwise the french toast will be soggy and there is no way to get a soggy toast firm and crispy again.

Thank you, Jennifer!

One year ago: Rhubarb-Streusel-Cake