RhabarbergeleeRhubarb Jelly

Rhabarbergelee war im letzten Jahr eine echte Neuentdeckung für mich und ist seit dem nicht mehr aus meinem Konfitürenvorrat wegzudenken. Ich bevorzuge meistens Marmelade, die den Hauptgeschmack der Frucht hervorbringt und nicht noch mit 5 anderen Obstsorten und Zutaten vermischt wird. Ich möchte jede Zutat schmecken und zuordnen können. Daher kann ich mit einer 4-Beeren-Marmelade absolut nichts anfangen. Selten gibt es Kombinationen die mich überzeugen. 

Ein Gelee aus Rhabarber hab ich bis zum letzten Jahr noch nicht nirgends entdecken können. Normalerweise kennt man den Rhabarber nur in Kombination, meist mit Erdbeere. Das ist aber nicht mein Ding. Entweder oder ;). Dieses Gelee aber bringt den Rhabarbergeschmack richtig schön heraus und so kann man den Rhabarber das ganze Jahr genießen!


Vor einem Jahr: saftige Hefewaffeln

Vor zwei Jahren: Rhabarbersirup

Vor drei Jahren: Rhabarber-Streusel-Tarte 

Rhubarb jelly was a true discovery for me last year and since then I cannot imagine my jam pantry without it. I prefer mostly jams, which feature the main flavour of the fruit and not ones that are mixed with five other fruits and ingredients. I want to taste every ingredients and assign it properly. Therefore I do not favour four-berry-jams and stuff like that. Rarely there is a combination that convinces me truly. 

I couldn’t find rhubarb jelly anywhere before last year. Normally I only know rhubarb in combination with other fruits, mostly strawberries. But that’s not my thing. I choose the one or the other. But this jelly features the rhubarb flavour really well and so you can enjoy rhubarb all year long!

Rhubarb Jelly

One year ago: luscious yeast waffles

Two years ago: rhubarb syrup

Three years ago: rhubarb steusel tart 

Rhabarberkuchen Upside DownRhubarb Cake Upside Down

Endlich ist wieder Rhabarberzeit! Und nachdem ich als erstes wieder meinen heißgeliebten Rhabarbercrumble mit dem ersten Rhabarber gemacht habe, wollte ich doch mal wieder was neues ausprobieren. Aber so einfach ist das gar nicht! Irgendwie war alles schon mal da oder am Ende sind die Rezepte sich alle irgendwie ähnlich und ich hatte doch auch schon Tarte, Kuchen und Muffins auf dem Blog. Da kam mir der Link der Saveur zu ihren besten Rhabarberrezepten gerade recht.

Ein Rhabarberkuchen Upside Down, also unten nach oben? Ich dachte erst an Tarte Tatin, am Ende war es aber tatsächlich eher ein Kuchen. Obwohl ich etwas ganz anderes erwartet hatte, hat mich der umgedrehte Kuchen gleich überzeugt. Nicht nur, dass er hässlich schön ist, nein er ist einfach lecker! Hier überzeugt die Einfachheit im Geschmack. Kein Firlefanz benötigt dieser Kuchen um zu glänzen!

Rhabarberkuchen Upside Down

Aber der Tarte Tatin Gedanke mit Rhabarber hat sich in meinem Gedächtnis festgehaftet! Da geht doch noch was dieses Jahr! 

Bisher war ich kein großer Tarte Tatin Fan. Nie klappte das gescheit mit dem Karamell oder dem Teig oder dem Stürzen oder allem zusammen. Aber hey, alle paar Jahre mache ich immer wieder einen Versuch und warum nicht dieses Jahr?!

Rhabarberkuchen Upside Down

Vor einem Jahr: Bärlauch-Tomaten-Tarte

Vor zwei Jahren: Extrakte: Vanille, Zitrone, Orange

Vor drei Jahren: Toastbrot

Vor vier Jahren: Rhabarber-Streusel-Kuchen 

Finally it’s rhubarb time again! First thing I made with the first rhubarb was my beloved rhubarb crumble, but then I wanted to make something new and different. But that’s not so easy! Everything was already known to me and the recipes were all so similar! And I already had tart, cake and muffins with rhubarb on the blog. So Saveurs link to its best rhubarb recipes just came right!

A rhubarb cake upside down? Tarte tatin first came up in my mind, but in the end it was real cake! Although I expected something totally different I was very pleased with the result. Not only that the cake is so ugly beautiful, it’s very scrumptious. This cake doesn’t need any fuzz to shine!

Rhabarberkuchen Upside Down

But the tarte tatin thought is stuck in my mind now! I need to give it a shot!

Until now I wasn’t a big tarte tatin fan. I hadn’t much luck with it, because sometimes the caramel didn’t work properly, or the dough or flipping the tarte or all together. Mostly it was a disaster! But hey, every couple of years I try again and why not this year?!

Rhabarberkuchen Upside Down

One year ago: wild garlic and tomato tart

Two years ago: extracts: vanilla, lemon, orange

Three years ago: toast bread

Four years ago: rhubarb streusel cake 

Rhabarbersirup Rhubarb Syrup


Eigentlich wollte ich Euch mal wieder was bieten, das nicht süß ist. Aber die süßen Sachen sind gerade soo lecker. Und dann erst dieser Rhabarbersirup. Erst am Wochenende gemacht und jetzt muss ich ihn doch gleich bloggen.

Der ist soo klasse. Letztes Jahr hab ich mich schon mal an Rhabarbersirup versucht, der war aber einfach nicht lecker. Aber der hier. Mhhhhm. Ich finde sogar, dass ist Rhabarber in seiner schönsten Form. Keine Fäden, nicht zu sauer, aber das volle Rhabarberaroma. Und dann noch zum Trinken. Wenn man genug davon macht sogar dass ganze Jahr über. Und wer daheim zu viel Rhabarber im Garten hat, dem kann ich nur raten hiervon einen Vorrat anzulegen. Ansonsten gibt es den Rhabarber zur Zeit auch sehr günstig zu kaufen.


Actually I wanted you to offer something, that is not sweet again. But the sweet things are so delicious at the moment. And than I made this rhubarb syrup. Just this weekend. And it’s that good, I have to blog it now.

The syrup is that darn good. I tried rhubarb syrup already last year, but it wasn’t delicious at all. But this one is. Definitely. I also think this is rhubarb in it’s best way. No strings, not too tart, but the full rhubarb flavour. And than it’s a drink! If you are making enough of this, you can also enjoy it the whole year. Heaven! If you are having a lot of rhubarb in the garden, make this syrup a staple. If you are not having a garden or just no rhubarb in it (shame on you), buy it, because it’s cheap now and in season.


Vor einem Jahr: Rhabarber Streusel Tarte

Rhubarb Syrup

Actually I wanted you to offer something, that is not sweet again. But the sweet things are so delicious at the moment. And than I made this rhubarb syrup. Just this weekend. And it’s that good, I have to blog it now.

The syrup is that darn good. I tried rhubarb syrup already last year, but it wasn’t delicious at all. But this one is. Definitely. I also think this is rhubarb in it’s best way. No strings, not too tart, but the full rhubarb flavour. And than it’s a drink! If you are making enough of this, you can also enjoy it the whole year. Heaven! If you are having a lot of rhubarb in the garden, make this syrup a staple. If you are not having a garden or just no rhubarb in it (shame on you), buy it, because it’s cheap now and in season.

Rhubarb Syrup

By the way I used just normal rhubarb, which wasn’t very red at all, but the syrup turned out in a beautiful orange. Another benefit of not peeling it.

This syrup is super refreshing with some ice and soda water. Or with champagne. Mint also? Why not, just set your imagination free. Lime is already in there, which makes the whole thing extra better.

PS: I’ve made these great labels with the Jam Labelizer, which is a great site for making wonderful labels. Katharina of Katharina kocht gave the tip for this site on her blog, thank you!

Rhubarb Syrup

One year ago: Rhubarb Streusel Tart

Rhabarber Crumble mit Pekannuss-Vanille-EisRhubarb Crumble with Pecan-Vanilla Ice Cream

Rhabarber Crumble mit Pekannuss-Vanille-Eis

Dieses Rhabarber Rezept begleitet mich schon viele Jahre und hat sich schon nach der ersten Zubereitung den Stempel „Klassiker“ verdient. Jedes Jahr in der Rhabarbersaison ist es das erste Rezept das ich mache. Das Rezept habe ich aus einer der ersten Lecker Ausgaben, vielleicht sogar die allererste.

In diesem Rezept mag den Rhabarber eigentlich jeder. Die Kugel Eis dazu ist nicht obligatorisch, sie ist notwendig, denn dadurch schmeckt der Crumble gleich noch viel besser. Wahrscheinlich auch durch das altbekannte Spiel heiß und kalt. Natürlich passt prinzipiell jede Sorte, Milcheis würde ich aber Fruchteis hier vorziehen. Nusseis ist genauso wie Vanilleeis eine perfekte Begleitung. Und so habe ich die Sorten einfach kombiniert.


Selbstgemachtes Vanilleeis ist nicht vergleichbar mit diesem kaufbarem Schund. Ich mochte nie nie nie Vanilleeis. Habe ich niemals gegessen. Letztes Jahr hab ich es das erste Mal selber zubereitet und seitdem weiß ich, dass Vanilleeis wirklich gut sein kann!

Ein Eis in dem Pekannüsse drin sind kann sowieso nicht schlecht sein, denn einfach alles mit Pekannüssen ist lecker. Leider sind Pekannüsse hierzu Lande recht unbekannt und dementsprechend schwer aufzutreiben. Das ist äußerst schade, denn ich kann mir keine delikatere Nuss vorstellen (Pinienkerne sind auch sehr lecker, aber die verwende ich weniger für Süßes). Im Internet wird man mit etwas Suchen übrigens fündig.

Rhabarber Crumble mit Pekannuss-Vanille-Eis

Vor einem Jahr: Rhabarber Streusel Tarte

Rhabarber Crumble mit Pekannuss-Vanille-Eis

Rhubarb Crumble with Pecan-Vanilla Ice Cream

This recipe moved quickly after it’s first baking into my classic repertoire. I’m now making it since years and every time when it’s rhubarb season this dish is the first to be made.

In this recipe rhubarb is likely to be loved by everyone. The scoop of ice cream is not mandatory, it’s a must, because the crumble tastes a lot of better with the ice cream. Probably because of the old game of hot and cold. Of course basically every kind of ice cream fits, but I prefer dairy ice cream to fruit ice cream here. Nut ice cream is a perfect accompaniment as well as vanilla ice cream. So I just combined the two of them.


Homemade vanilla ice cream just isn’t comparable to that buyable crap. I never never never liked vanilla ice cream. I never ever ate it. The last year I made it myself the first time in my life. Since then I know how delicious vanilla ice cream can be!

An ice cream containing pecans can’t be bad at all, because everything containing pecans is scrumptious. Unfortunately pecans aren’t very well known here in Germany and very hard to get. This is incredibly sad, because that nut is so delicious. But if you search the internet, you’ll find a few sources for them.

 Rhubarb Crumble with Pecan-Vanilla Ice Cream

One year ago: Rhubarb Streusel Tart

Rhabarber Streusel TarteRhubarb Streusel Tart

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Another rhubarb recipe, yes! Because you have to use rhubarb, as long as you get it.

And this recipe is a hit! The recipe itself doesn’t read like one, but as soon as you’ve taken the first bite you’ll be convinced.

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

A flaky, buttery crust with tart, mellow rhubarb and all this topped with crispy, spicy streusel! I mean, how should it become even better?

The crust is really thin when rolled out, but don’t worry it won’t break when baked. I’ve used a tart pan, which was really fully loaded. But it worked! You can also use a spring-form pan.

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

As it is rhubarb season, rhubarb recipes are all over the internet. And so a question arises: Peeling or not? Some peel it all way long, some never. I was not only confused, but I always didn’t liked the idea of peeling off the bright red skin of the rhubarb. I mean, that’s one of the great characteristics of rhubarb, isn’t it? So I searched the internet. Summarized: modern rhubarb varieties have less strings so there is no need to peel. Just chop the ends, and if there are any strings coming off, peel them. So this is my way in the future, forever.

I also heard of some rhubarb varieties, that are red inside, too. It’s called strawberry rhubarb and looks really beautiful. Look at that from a post from Nicky. Unfortunately I’ve never seen it here.

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

We have been offered a lot rhubarb from a friend, who cannot work it up anymore. So do you have any suggestions, what to do with a lot rhubarb? I knew we could make jam, but I am not such a big fan of (strawberry-) rhubarb jam. So I will be thankful for any tips.

Vor einem Jahr: Rhabarber-Streusel-Kuchen

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

Another rhubarb recipe, yes! Because you have to use rhubarb, as long as you get it.

And this recipe is a hit! The recipe itself doesn’t read like one, but as soon as you’ve taken the first bite you’ll be convinced.

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

A flaky, buttery crust with tart, mellow rhubarb and all this topped with crispy, spicy streusel! I mean, how should it become even better?

The crust is really thin when rolled out, but don’t worry it won’t break when baked. I’ve used a tart pan, which was really fully loaded. But it worked! You can also use a spring-form pan.

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

As it is rhubarb season, rhubarb recipes are all over the internet. And so a question arises: Peeling or not? Some peel it all way long, some never. I was not only confused, but I always didn’t liked the idea of peeling off the bright red skin of the rhubarb. I mean, that’s one of the great characteristics of rhubarb, isn’t it? So I searched the internet. Summarized: modern rhubarb varieties have less strings so there is no need to peel. Just chop the ends, and if there are any strings coming off, peel them. So this is my way in the future, forever.

I also heard of some rhubarb varieties, that are red inside, too. It’s called strawberry rhubarb and looks really beautiful. Look at that from a post from Nicky. Unfortunately I’ve never seen it here.

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

We have been offered a lot rhubarb from a friend, who cannot work it up anymore. So do you have any suggestions, what to do with a lot rhubarb? I knew we could make jam, but I am not such a big fan of (strawberry-) rhubarb jam. So I will be thankful for any tips.

One year ago: Rhubarb-Streusel-Cake

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

Rhabarber MuffinsRhubarb Muffins

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

We spotted the first rhubarb from Germany this year in the supermarket. But we had to lay our hands on it, nonetheless. At the farmer’s market they had the first German asparagus last weekend. But for 15 €/kg I can resist a few weeks more. Although I love asparagus, too. So at home we thought about what to do with the rhubarb. It didn’t want to make a cake, since it’s often too much for us two to eat. As I made some really good muffins a few days before, they came to my mind. As well as a crumble. So we made both.  

Rhubarb Muffins

The muffin recipe is a variation of my new favourite muffin recipe, for which I searched really really long. In fact I looked for the perfect chocolate chip muffin recipe. But that’s another story. But be sure, it will follow! Because those chocolate chip muffins are to die for. The rhubarb muffins are slightly crispy on the outside, but very soft inside, filled with creamy rhubarb bites. It’s just perfect for welcoming spring.  

Rhubarb Muffins

Spring itself welcomed me too, with a nice allergy to some pollen. I have no clue, since it’s the first time ever. But I know it’s a pollen allergy, since my eyes are red and sore, which they wouldn’t, if it would be a normal cold  (my other symptoms would suggest I have a cold). Thank you spring, I welcome you nonetheless (especially because my enemy – the winter – has gone finally)!  

If you want to get rid of the last frozen rhubarb remains in your freezer – like I did some weeks ago, which was just right, cause who wants to eat the old one from last year, if you can have fresh one from this year?- I recommend you my quick and easy rhubarb streusel cake, which I posted last year. You can even bake it with the frozen rhubarb bites! I wouldn’t try the muffins with the frozen rhubarb, because they will get eventually too soggy. And no one fancies soggy muffins…

Rhubarb Muffins

We spotted the first rhubarb from Germany this year in the supermarket. But we had to lay our hands on it, nonetheless. At the farmer’s market they had the first German asparagus last weekend. But for 15 €/kg I can resist a few weeks more. Although I love asparagus, too. So at home we thought about what to do with the rhubarb. It didn’t want to make a cake, since it’s often too much for us two to eat. As I made some really good muffins a few days before, they came to my mind. As well as a crumble. So we made both.  

Rhubarb Muffins


The muffin recipe is a variation of my new favourite muffin recipe, for which I searched really really long. In fact I looked for the perfect chocolate chip muffin recipe. But that’s another story. But be sure, it will follow! Because those chocolate chip muffins are to die for. The rhubarb muffins are slightly crispy on the outside, but very soft inside, filled with creamy rhubarb bites. It’s just perfect for welcoming spring.  


Rhubarb Muffins

Spring itself welcomed me too, with a nice allergy to some pollen. I have no clue, since it’s the first time ever. But I know it’s a pollen allergy, since my eyes are red and sore, which they wouldn’t, if it would be a normal cold  (my other symptoms would suggest I have a cold). Thank you spring, I welcome you nonetheless (especially because my enemy – the winter – has gone finally)!  

If you want to get rid of the last frozen rhubarb remains in your freezer – like I did some weeks ago, which was just right, cause who wants to eat the old one from last year, if you can have fresh one from this year?- I recommend you my quick and easy rhubarb streusel cake, which I posted last year. You can even bake it with the frozen rhubarb bites! I wouldn’t try the muffins with the frozen rhubarb, because they will get eventually too soggy. And no one fancies soggy muffins…  

Rhubarb Muffins

Rhabarber-Streusel-KuchenRhubarb Streusel Cake

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Finally I’m done with my oral exam and back from Vienna! The exam was just fine and I will be writing and showing you my photos of Vienna soon!

But first I will show you more about that cake, that I gave you hint of in my last post. Because it’s easy-peasy, quickly done and mouth-watering. I mean it’s containing streusel! Everything with streusel is yummy! The cake is so mouth-watering and fast, that I’ve done it two times in two weeks! Which is often, since I’m not repeating cake recipes that often.


The first time I used some leftover frozen rhubarb from last summer from Elke and Martin’s garden – relatives of mine. The second time I saw the first German rhubarb and consequently I had to buy it. I cannot stand the first rhubarb of the year or rhubarb at all. I love it like all seasonal fruits and vegetables… I’m really looking forward to asparagus!

What’s also great with that cake is, that you only need a handful ingredients: Flour, rolled oats, butter, sugar, spices and of course rhubarb.


Just put all the ingredients, expect the rhubarb in your kitchen machine, let it do the work and the wonder is almost done. Some baking and your home is smelling so darn good. So grab yourself some rhubarb (if it’s too much for one batch, freeze the rest for another time, when you are craving for some cake), invest 10 minutes, wait until it’s baked golden-brown and enjoy!


Finally I’m done with my oral exam and back from Vienna! The exam was just fine and I will be writing and showing you my photos of Vienna soon!

But first I will show you more about that cake, that I gave you hint of in my last post. Because it’s easy-peasy, quickly done and mouth-watering. I mean it’s containing streusel! Everything with streusel is yummy! The cake is so mouth-watering and fast, that I’ve done it two times in two weeks! Which is often, since I’m not repeating cake recipes that often.

Rhubarb Streusel Cake

The first time I used some leftover frozen rhubarb from last summer from Elke and Martin’s garden – relatives of mine. The second time I saw the first German rhubarb and consequently I had to buy it. I cannot stand the first rhubarb of the year or rhubarb at all. I love it like all seasonal fruits and vegetables… I’m really looking forward to asparagus!

What’s also great with that cake is, that you only need a handful ingredients: Flour, rolled oats, butter, sugar, spices and of course rhubarb.

Rhubarb Streusel Cake

Just put all the ingredients, expect the rhubarb in your kitchen machine, let it do the work and the wonder is almost done. Some baking and your home is smelling so darn good. So grab yourself some rhubarb (if it’s too much for one batch, freeze the rest for another time, when you are craving for some cake), invest 10 minutes, wait until it’s baked golden-brown and enjoy!