MangoldquicheQuiche with Swiss Chard

Der Herbst macht sich bemerkbar, auf unserem Feld ist der Mangold reif und es ist Zeit für wärmende und deftigere Gerichte. Mangold ist ein tolles Gemüse, nicht nur weil es herrlich aussieht, wenn es nicht im klassischen weiß/grün angepflanzt wurde, sondern z.B. wie bei uns in rot/grün, aber auch orange, gelb und pink statt rot sind eine Augenweide. Leider fällt einem bei Mangold nicht gleich ein, was man daraus zaubern kann. Dünsten fällt für mich als Zubereitungsweise weg, zu langweilig. Diese Quiche mache ich aber jedes Jahr als Erstes, denn sie hat sich schon lange bewiesen und ist immer wieder sehr sehr lecker.


Vor einem Jahr: Birnen-Vanille-Tarte

Vor zwei Jahren: glutenfreie Donuts 


Autumn leaves his signs, on our field the Swiss chard is ripe and it’s time again for warming and hefty dishes. Swiss chard is a great vegetable, especially if it’s a colourful variety. Our’s is red and green, but pink, yellow or orange instead of red is beautiful, too. Unfortunately there are not a lot of dishes, that come to my mind, when I have Swiss chard in my hands, but this quiche is the first recipe every year I make with it. It has itself well established in our home long time ago and is delicious every time again we eat it.

Quiche with Swiss Chard

One year ago: Vanilla-Pear-Tart

Two years ago: gluten-free Donuts

Quiche with Swiss Chard

Kohlrabi mit Zitrone und MinzeKohlrabi with Lemon and Mint

Kohlrabi mit Zitrone und Minze

Kohlrabi ist nicht gerade mein Lieblingsgemüse. Er schmeckt mir einfach zu kohlig, hat dabei aber eine tolle Konsistenz. Eher schwierig. Als Kind hab ich ihn aber gerne roh gegessen und an einen kohligen Geschmack kann ich mich damals gar nicht erinnern. Schon komisch!

Nachdem die Ursprungspflänzchen auf dem Feld von Erdflöhen verspeist wurden, haben wir ihn aber trotzdem angepflanzt. Ich gestehe, dass es nur passierte weil er lila war. An Gemüse in ungewöhnlichen Farben kann ich einfach nicht vorbeigehen.

Kohlrabi mit Zitrone und Minze

Der Vorteil ist, dass man den Kohlrabi jetzt jung ernten kann. Somit hat man nicht so große Ömmel daheim, der Kohlrabi ist wesentlich zarter und der Kohlgeschmack soll (!) geringer ausgeprägt sein.

Von der Zartheit konnte ich mich überzeugen, das andere naja bleibt mal dahingestellt. Meine Mutter bot mir ein Rezept an, dass sie früher auch schon häufiger gemacht hat und das den Kohlrabi mit Zitrone und Minze auf den Tisch bringt. Ich kann mich zwar nicht erinnern das Gericht mal daheim gegessen zu haben, aber Zitrone und Minze ließen mich aufhorchen. Die Aromen überdecken den kohlartigen Geschmack etwas und passen perfekt zu der Frische junger Kohlrabi.

Ein einfaches, schnelles vegetarisches Gericht, dass mit Polentaschnitten auch als Hauptgericht glänzt.

Kohlrabi mit Zitrone und Minze

Vor einem Jahr: Erdbeertörtchen mit Joghurt-Limetten-Mousse

Vor zwei Jahren: Pfirsich-Tartelettes

kohlrabi with lemon and mint

Kohlrabi is not quite my favourite vegetable. It just taste tastes too much like cabbage to me, but has quite a fantastic texture. Quite difficult. As a child I loved to snack it raw and I can’t remember that cabbagy taste. Really strange!

After the original plants on our field were eaten by flea beetles, we planted new ones nonetheless. I confess, it was all about the colour! But I can’t pass vegetables in uncommon colours.

kohlrabi with lemon and mint

We benefit now by harvesting the kohlrabi very young. So, we don’t have those large pieces at home, the kohlrabi is much more delicate and the taste of cabbage shall (!) be less fragrant.

The tenderness was convincing, the other point, well let’s do not talk about it anymore. My mother gave me a recipe, which she already cooked in former times and which combines the kohlrabi with lemon and mint. I can’t remember eating it at home, but the combination got me immediately. The aroma of the lemon and mint slightly covers the cabbagy taste and goes perfectly with the freshness of young kohlrabi.

An easy, fast vegetarian dish, which served with polenta is also a great whole meal.

kohlrabi with lemon and mint

One year ago: Strawberry Tartlets with Yogurt-Lime-Mousse

Two years ago: Peach Tartelettes 

Blätterteigtaschen mit Zucchini & Feta Puff Pastry Turnovers with Zucchini & Feta

Ich freue mich den ganzen Winter und Frühling bis es wieder das langersehnte Sommergemüse gibt. Das Obst natürlich auch! Aber dann sind sie da die Zucchini. Was machen damit? Und jetzt haben wir auch zwei Zucchinipflanzen im Garten. Das heißt: die Zucchinischwemme beginnt!

Erster Tipp von mir an die unter Euch die auch Zucchinipflanzen haben: erntet die Zucchini so lange sie noch klein sind. Dann habt ihr auch nicht die Probleme diese Riesenzucchini verarbeiten zu müssen. Die jungen Zucchini schmecken auch viel besser. Sie enthalten keine bis kaum Kerne und weniger Wasser. Und sie sind schneller gegessen. Nachwachsen tun ja sowieso genug. Ich werde Euch also dieses Jahr noch mit dem ein oder anderen Rezept versorgen für Gemüse, von dem man sehr schnell sehr viel im Garten hat und nicht weiß wohin damit. Uns wird es dieses Jahr nicht anders gehen. Juhu, eigenes Gemüse! Ja, ich schüre noch etwas den Neid unter Euch ;).

Blätterteigtaschen mit Zucchini und Feta

Diese Blätterteigtaschen sind eines Abends aus der Frage „was mache ich damit?“ entstanden. Aus wenigen Zutaten, die man (ich 😉 ) immer zu Hause hat und ruckzuck war etwas Leckeres geboren. Geraspelte Zucchini vereint sich mit cremigem Feta und wird kräftig würzig durch Minze und Thymian. Eine Traummischung!

Die Taschen passen super zum Grillen, für’s Picknick, für die nächste Party, als Mitbringsel oder abends zu etwas Brot und Salat. Ihr seht schon, es gibt keinerlei Ausreden diese Taschen nicht zu machen.

Blätterteigtaschen mit Zucchini und Feta

Blätterteigtaschen mit Zucchini und Feta

The whole winter and spring I’m looking forward to the summer vegetables, and fruit of course! But then they are there, zucchini. What to do with them? Additionally we have two plants on our patch this year. That means: the zucchini glut had begun! First tip for those of you having own zucchini plants, too: harvest the zucchini as long as they are small. So you avoid the problem of having to process giant zucchini. Also the young zucchini taste a lot better. They almost have no seeds or no seeds at all. And they are eaten a lot faster. There are a lot of them growing back, anyway. So this year I will blog some more recipes for vegetables, that are fast growing in the garden and yield a lot. So you know what to do with it. Because we want to know, too. Yeah, our own vegetables growing faster and faster!

Puff Pastry Turnovers with Zucchini and Feta

These puff pastry turnovers were the result from the question „what will I do with that?“ one evening. Just few ingredients, which I always have at home and in no time these treats were born. Grated zucchini with creamy feta, seasoned with thyme and mint. A dream combination. The turnovers are perfect for a BBQ, for a picnic, the next party, as a gift or as a accompaniment for some bread and salad for dinner or lunch. You see, there is no excuse not no make these turnovers.

Puff Pastry Turnovers with Zucchini and Feta

Puff Pastry Turnovers with Zucchini and Feta

Cannelloni mit Spinat-Ricotta-FüllungCannelloni filled with Spinach & Ricotta

Cannelloni mit Spinat-Ricotta-Füllung

Auf unserem Feld wuchs bis vor kurzem Spinat. Tja, Spinat. Wir mögen Dich, aber wissen nicht so recht was wir mit dir anfangen sollen. Nur so als Beilage, das ist nicht unser Ding. Da muss noch was passieren. Und als erstes denke ich immer an Cannelloni mit der berühmten Spinat-Ricotta-Füllung. Theoretisch könnte man das auch ohne Rezept, aber so eine ungefähre Mengenangabe finde ich immer gut zu haben. Und auch welche Sauce dann noch drauf kommt. Auf keine Fall Tomate! Langweilig. Und die überdeckt mir geschmacklich nachher die ganze Füllung.

Cannelloni mit Spinat-Ricotta-Füllung

Also Bücher gewälzt, Internet gewälzt. Tausend Rezepte, aber alle waren komisch. Seltsame Mengenverhältnisse: viel zu viel Spinat oder Ricotta (1kg Ricotta!), zu wenig Spinat (400g?), Fertigpackungsauce (örks) und noch mehr Kuriositäten. Also doch selber zusammenbasteln.

Nach 2 Versuchen kann ich nun das beste Spinat-Ricotta-Cannelloni Rezept präsentieren! Und 2/3 unserer Spinatproduktion waren auch verbraucht. Perfekt!

Wer noch frischen Thymian oder Oregano zu Hause hat, gibt davon noch unter die Füllung. So wird es noch etwas besonderer.

Cannelloni mit Spinat-Ricotta-Füllung

Vor zwei Jahren: Arroz con leche

Cannelloni mit Spinat-Ricotta-Füllung

Cannelloni filled with Spinach and Ricotta

Until recently we also had spinach on our field. Well, spinach. We like you, but we don’t know what to do with you really. Just as a side dish, that’s not our thing. Something has to happen with the spinach. First thing that comes to my mind are cannelloni with the famous spinach-ricotta-filling. Theoretically it’s possible to cook without a recipe, but I like to have some approximate quantities at least. And what for a sauce as a topping! No tomato sauce, that’s for sure! That would be boring and it would conceal the taste of the filling.

Cannelloni filled with Spinach and Ricotta

So rummaging books, rummaging the internet. Thousands of recipes, but all of them were strange. Weird ratios of quantities: way too much spinach or ricotta (1kg!), too less spinach (400g?), pre-packed sauces ( yuck ) and even more curiosities. So after all I had to assemble everything on my own.

After 2 attempts I present you the best recipe for cannelloni with spinach and ricotta filling! Like that two thirds of our spinach production were consumed, too. Perfect!

If you have some fresh thyme or oregano at home, feel free to add it to the filling. Like that the cannelloni will be even more special.

Cannelloni filled with Spinach and Ricotta

Two years ago: Arroz con leche

Cannelloni filled with Spinach and Ricotta

Crêpes mit mariniertem grünem Spargel und RäucherlachsCrêpes with marinated green asparagus and smoked salmon

Crêpes mit mariniertem grünem Spargel und Räucherlachs

Endlich gibt’s hier mal wieder was herzhaftes. Und das erste Spargelrezept auf dem Blog! Wir mögen ja grünen Spargel viel lieber, als den weißen. Dieses schön Frische und Knackige. Außerdem finde ich ihn vielseitiger. Demnächst gebe ich dem weißen aber nochmal eine Chance, ich habe nämlich gehört, dass er im Bratschlauch am besten wird und von denen fliegt hier noch eine ganze Packung rum. Das schlimmste was einem Spargel passieren kann ist, dass er von beiden Seiten der Gabel hängt, sprich er ist total lätschig. Igitt. Das fördert auch eine gewisse Abneigung, auch wenn ich Spargel so natürlich niemals kaputt kochen würde.

Crêpes mit mariniertem grünem Spargel und Räucherlachs

Bei diesem Rezept wird der grüne Spargel kurz bissfest angebraten und dann in einer Vinaigrette mariniert. Und währenddessen brät die bessere Hälfte die Crêpes raus, die kann das nämlich viel besser. Mit Räucherlachs vermählt wird der Spargel dann in die Crêpes gewickelt.

Ein schnelles sommerliches Mahl, das trotzdem besonders ist. Man sollte nur beachten den Teig schon vorher anzurühren, er sollte 1 Stunde ruhen.

Crêpes mit mariniertem grünem Spargel und Räucherlachs

Vor einem Jahr: Cantucchini

Crêpes mit mariniertem grünem Spargel und Räucherlachs


Crêpes with marinated green asparagus and smoked salmon

Finally I present you a hearty meal again here. And the first asparagus recipe on the blog! We prefer the green asparagus over the white one. The green one is so juicy and crunchy and more versatile in my opinion. We just love it! But I will give the white one another chance soon, as I want to prepare it in a oven bag. I just read that it is best made that way and a whole package of these oven bags is floating around here anyhow.

Crêpes with marinated green asparagus and smoked salmon

Worst thing that can happen to white asparagus is hanging down from the fork on both sides, means totally squashy. Gross! That promotes a certain aversion, of course I would never cook asparagus to death like that myself.

In this recipe the green asparagus is sautéed shortly, so it’s still al dente and than it’s marinated in a vinaigrette. Whilst the better half bakes the crêpes, who does that a lot better than me. Paired with smoked salmon the asparagus is wrapped in the crêpes.

A fast summery meal , which is nonetheless special.

Crêpes with marinated green asparagus and smoked salmon

One year ago: Cantucchini

Crêpes with marinated green asparagus and smoked salmon


Focacciaschnecke mit Käse, Rucola & getrockneten TomatenRolled Focaccia filled with Cheese, Arugula & Dried Tomatoes

Focacciaschnecke mit Käse, Rucola und getrockneten Tomaten

 Versprochen ist versprochen! Nämlich, dass ich dieses Rezept noch diese Woche blogge. Es kam nämlich bereits auf Facebook so gut an.

Es war aber auch der Hammer! Das Rezept ist von Jamie Oliver, ich habe es aber natürlich hier und da verändert. Das Brot habe ich zum ersten Grillen der Saison als Beilage gemacht. Und es war eigentlich das Beste am ganzen Essen ;).

Der Brotteig ist wirklich lecker, obwohl ich bei der kurzen Gare eigentlich wenig erwartet hatte. Es hat uns positiv überrascht!

Ich habe eine lange Schnecke gemacht, die kaum aufs Blech gepasst hat. Es empfiehlt sich also den Teig nach dem Ausrollen zu halbieren und zwei Schnecken zu machen, die kann man dann auch prima zusammen auf ein Blech packen. Und für 2 Leute ist die Hälfte des Rezepts voll und ganz ausreichen (und ich hatte das Rezept schon halbiert; wie viele Leute füttert Jamie bitte?!).

Focacciaschnecke mit Käse, Rucola und getrockneten Tomaten

Vor einem Jahr: Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-Füllung

Vor zwei Jahren: Schokoladen-Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

Vorbereitung des Focaccia


focaccia filled with cheese, arugula and dried tomatoes

 I promised to blog this recipe this week, yet, as the picture itself evoked already excitement on Facebook.

But it was awesome! The recipe is from Jamie Oliver. Of course I altered the recipe here and there. I served the bread as a side dish for the first barbecue this season. And actually it was quite the best food that evening ;).

The bread dough is delicious, although I didn’t had high expectations, because of the short proof. It surprised us positively!

I made one long snail, which almost didn’t fit on the baking sheet. So I recommend to halve the dough after rolling it out and to make two snails, which then will fit perfectly onto one baking sheet. And for two people half the recipe is totally enough (and I already halved the recipe; how many people does Jamie feed?!).

focaccia filled with cheese, arugula and dried tomatoes

One year ago: Yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

Two years ago: Chocolate Macarons with Raspberry Filling

preparing the focaccia

Orangen-Rotkohl mit GorgonzolaRed Cabbage with Orange & Gorgonzola

Dieses Gericht ist genau das Richtige für düstere Herbst- und Wintertage. Ich liebe es und deswegen ist es schon seit Jahren in meinem Standardrepertoire für diese Saison. Es ist immer schwierig neue leckere Rezepte für Kohl zu finden, egal ob Weiß-, Rot-, Spitzkohl oder Wirsing. Und wenn man saisonal kochen möchte, ist man eben auch auf Kohl angewiesen. Und schließlich kann der auch sehr sehr lecker sein, wie dieses Rezept zeigt.

Hier verbindet sich der Rotkohl mit der Fruchtigkeit der Orangen – in Saft und Fruchtstücken – mit der Cremigkeit und der Herzhaftigkeit des Gorgonzola. Versucht es mal, auch wenn ihr es euch erst mal gar nicht vorstellen könnt. Ein ganz tolles vegetarisches Hauptgericht.

Orangen-Rotkohl mit Gorgonzola

Dazu passen am besten Salzkartoffeln oder auch Kartoffelbrei. Aber auch mit langer Pasta, z.B. Tagliatelle kann man dieses Gericht gut kombinieren, auf Grund der langen schmalen Stücke des Rotkohls und des cremigen Gorgonzolas.

Ich mache davon immer eine größere Portion, die für etwa 4-6 Personen reicht als vegetarisches Hauptgericht. Das liegt einfach daran, dass ich immer einen ganzen kleinen bis mittleren Rotkohl (keinen großen!) verarbeite. Ich will einfach keinen halben Rotkohl im Kühlschrank rumliegen haben, mit dem ich dann nicht mehr weiß was ich in der gleichen Woche anfangen soll. Der Rest lässt sich dann super einfrieren.

Orangen-Rotkohl mit Gorgonzola
Vor einem Jahr: Flan Tarte

Orangen-Rotkohl mit Gorgonzola

This is a heart warming dish, that I like to make again every year. It’s not the traditional way to make red cabbage, but as the available seasonal food in autumn/winter is limited new recipes are welcome. I’m always looking for new recipes with cabbage, no matter if it’s with red, white, pointed or savoy cabbage.

Red Cabbage with Orange & Gorgonzola

This one surprises with the fruity flavour of the oranges – added in juice and flesh – and the creaminess and heartiness of the gorgonzola. Give it a try, even if you can’t imagine this combination. It’s a wonderful vegetarian dish.

As accompaniment boiled or mashed potatoes are perfect. But even with long pasta, like tagliatelle, it works great, because of the gorgonzola and the texture of the cabbage.

I always make a huge batch, that would last for 4-6 persons in a vegetarian main dish. That’s because, I use a whole red cabbage (just a small to medium one, not a huge one!). I don’t want to have a half red cabbage sneaking around in my fridge, which I don’t know what to do with. And the leftovers freeze very well.

Red Cabbage with Orange & Gorgonzola
 One year ago: Flan Tart
Red Cabbage with Orange & Gorgonzola


Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Time flies by. And in between, we were ill for a whole week. Both. Bah! We ate nearly nothing the whole week. We didn’t need to go to the farmer’s market the weekend after, because it was everything still there from the weekend before.


 I have to get rid of those winter vegetables, which are going on my nerves, as well as this whole winter thing. I mean after half the winter, I’m sick of all the winter vegetable „variety“. But after the summer I’m NEVER tired of the summer fruits and vegetables. I want asparagus and raspberries and tomatoes throughout the year. I want to live in Florida, if it comes to fruits and vegetables. But I am willing to compromise on this… southern Spain or Italy may be as well nice.


 After leaving the dreams alone on their sunny meadow… sorry dreaming again… I needed to get rid of some cute baby fennel. So we created this delicious pizza, which is easy and made with our favourite pizza dough (recipe from the great Jamie Oliver). The pizza is made with winter vegetables, but a reminder of the sun. Because pizza is always a reminder of the sun, because…  well it’s Italian.

The dough is enough for a pizza with thick base. Which we like! But from time to time it’s also good to take a bit of the dough and make some garlic bread as a starter and use only the rest (maybe 4/5) for the pizza.


Vor einem Jahr: Gemüse mit Quinoa

Time flies by. And in between, we were ill for a whole week. Both. Bah! We ate nearly nothing the whole week. We didn’t need to go to the farmer’s market the weekend after, because it was everything still there from the weekend before.


 I have to get rid of those winter vegetables, which are going on my nerves, as well as this whole winter thing. I mean after half the winter, I’m sick of all the winter vegetable „variety“. But after the summer I’m NEVER tired of the summer fruits and vegetables. I want asparagus and raspberries and tomatoes throughout the year. I want to live in Florida, if it comes to fruits and vegetables. But I am willing to compromise on this… southern Spain or Italy may be as well nice.


 After leaving the dreams alone on their sunny meadow… sorry dreaming again… I needed to get rid of some cute baby fennel. So we created this delicious pizza, which is easy and made with our favourite pizza dough (recipe from the great Jamie Oliver). The pizza is made with winter vegetables, but a reminder of the sun. Because pizza is always a reminder of the sun, because…  well it’s Italian.

The dough is enough for a pizza with thick base. Which we like! But from time to time it’s also good to take a bit of the dough and make some garlic bread as a starter and use only the rest (maybe 4/5) for the pizza.


One year ago: Vegetables with Quinoa

Pasta mit PilzenMushroom Pasta

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

There is not much to say about this dish. It’s easy and quick. It’s light. It’s one of those dishes, that are great for evenings, when you don’t want to stand in the kitchen for an hour or even a half. Just because you don’t want. Or because you are that hungry, that you cannot concentrate on something else than being hungry. Well that’s me… sometimes.

Mushroom Pasta

 It’s also one of those dishes, that are great, when you have nothing at home, unless some mushrooms (I take it for granted, that pasta and cream are always in the pantry/fridge).

For those occasions one needs to have something up the sleeves. Like mushroom pasta.

Mushroom Pasta

 As I have nothing more to say about this wonderful emergency dish, I recommend you to have a look in Shauna’s new cookbook, which I just received as a belated Christmas gift. As I’m flipping through the sites and looking at recipes like „potato-mushroom-tart“ or „chicken braised in red-wine“ or „chocolate-peanut butter brownies“, I’m really glad I already prepared some of the dinner tonight. Because hungry cooking is not my kind of style, as you already may’ve guessed. Anyway the cookbook is full of delicious recipes, which are in addition to that all gluten-free – naturally or intended. Altogether great compositions.

So if you have now spend too much time reading food blogs, instead of making dinner/lunch, go ahead for some mushroom pasta!

Mushroom Pasta

Vor einem Jahr: Heidelbeer-Buttermilch-Panna Cotta

There is not much to say about this dish. It’s easy and quick. It’s light. It’s one of those dishes, that are great for evenings, when you don’t want to stand in the kitchen for an hour or even a half. Just because you don’t want. Or because you are that hungry, that you cannot concentrate on something else than being hungry. Well that’s me… sometimes.

Mushroom Pasta

 It’s also one of those dishes, that are great, when you have nothing at home, unless some mushrooms (I take it for granted, that pasta and cream are always in the pantry/fridge).

For those occasions one needs to have something up the sleeves. Like mushroom pasta.

Mushroom Pasta

 As I have nothing more to say about this wonderful emergency dish, I recommend you to have a look in Shauna’s new cookbook, which I just received as a belated Christmas gift. As I’m flipping through the sites and looking at recipes like „potato-mushroom-tart“ or „chicken braised in red-wine“ or „chocolate-peanut butter brownies“, I’m really glad I already prepared some of the dinner tonight. Because hungry cooking is not my kind of style, as you already may’ve guessed. Anyway the cookbook is full of delicious recipes, which are in addition to that all gluten-free – naturally or intended. Altogether great compositions.

So if you have now spend too much time reading food blogs, instead of making dinner/lunch, go ahead for some mushroom pasta!

Mushroom Pasta

One year ago: Blueberry and Buttermilk-Panna Cotta

Kürbis-Apfel-SuppeWinter Squash-Apple-Soup

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

8°C. That’s it, what the thermometer is saying outside. To cozy up yourself, this squash-apple-soup helps. And it’s fast and easy done. Especially if you are using a squash, that softens in minutes.

Winter Squash-Apple-Soup

We had luck, that F. parents gave us a huge one from their garden, that softens so fast and tastes so good. I don’t know what kind it was, so I’m not a helper here. But if you have no clue what to choose, choose a red kuri squash. red kuri squash softens fast, too, taste delicious and the best: you don’t need to peel them!

The clue of the soup is the apple. The apple adds a slightly fresh and acid taste. It’s more than a squash soup. Because of the apple it’s a whole new soup. Something special.

Make a large batch. Double the recipe below, so you have more soup the next day.

Winter Squash-Apple-Soup

Vor einem Jahr: Apfeltarte

8°C. That’s it, what the thermometer is saying outside. To cozy up yourself, this pumpkin-apple-soup helps. And it’s fast and easy done. Especially if you are using a pumpkin, that softens in minutes.

Winter Squash-Apple-Soup

We had luck, that F. parents gave us a huge one from their garden, that softens so fast and tastes so good. I don’t know what kind it was, so I’m not a helper here. But if you have no clue what to choose, choose a hokkaido. Hokkaido’s soften fast, too, taste delicious and the best: you don’t need to peel them!

The clue of the soup is the apple. The apple adds a slightly fresh and acid taste. It’s more than a pumpkin soup. Because of the apple it’s a whole new soup. Something special.

Make a large batch. Double the recipe below, so you have more soup the next day.

Winter Squash-Apple-Soup

One year ago: Apple Tart


Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Just another comfort food. Just another perfect summer dish. Just a perfect snack. Just a perfect everyday dish. Just a perfect picnic dish. Just a perfect side dish for grilling. Just so many options for eating this wonderful, delicious and easy salad.


It hasn’t deserved the word salad. I mean salad is something, that involves some lousy leaves of some green plant. It’s something, that doesn’t saturate. Attributes that have nothing to do with that „salad“. You can serve the salad immediately warm, or cold or at room temperature. So versatile again.


This dish involves only delicious ingredients. Couscous, avocado, pine nuts, mint, honey. The product has to be luscious. And it is! So next time you go by an avocado, buy it and remember this dish.

I’m looking forward to tomorrow, since then we’ll be going to the market again. Maybe I’m making some photos then and a bit of story telling about it next time. We will definitely go to our favourite market stall again, buy vegetables, especially those great tomatoes, buy some bread at the bread stall, cheese and maybe some flowers. Some of the flowers, which we bought last Saturday and I showed you in the last post are still vivid, like the beautiful orange lilies and the gerbera. 


Vor einem Jahr: Death by Chocolate


Just another comfort food. Just another perfect summer dish. Just a perfect snack. Just a perfect everyday dish. Just a perfect picnic dish. Just a perfect side dish for grilling. Just so many options for eating this wonderful, delicious and easy salad.


It hasn’t deserved the word salad. I mean salad is something, that involves some lousy leaves of some green plant. It’s something, that doesn’t saturate. Attributes that have nothing to do with that „salad“. You can serve the salad immediately warm, or cold or at room temperature. So versatile again.


This dish involves only delicious ingredients. Couscous, avocado, pine nuts, mint, honey. The product has to be luscious. And it is! So next time you go by an avocado, buy it and remember this dish.

I’m looking forward to tomorrow, since then we’ll be going to the market again. Maybe I’m making some photos then and a bit of story telling about it next time. We will definitely go to our favourite market stall again, buy vegetables, especially those great tomatoes, buy some bread at the bread stall, cheese and maybe some flowers. Some of the flowers, which we bought last Saturday and I showed you in the last post are still vivid, like the beautiful orange lilies and the gerbera.



One year ago: Death by Chocolate

Blätterteigtarte mit WurzelgemüsePuff Pastry Tart with Root Vegetables

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

puff pastry tart with root vegetables

Tomorrow I will take a few days off and go home to Nuremberg. There I will visit the Biofach. The Biofach is a fair, where producers of organic food, clothes, cosmetic and body care products expose their (new) products. You can taste new products and see products, that are not on the market yet. I’m very looking forward to that event, since I haven’t been there yet and I ‚d heared, that it is very interesting.
I will tell you!

puff pastry tart with root vegetables

So before I leave tomorrow, I will give you a freshly experienced recipe on the way. I just tried it last week and I was totally hooked. It’s a puff pastry tart with root vegetables. It’s very simple and easy. It’s fresh and you can vary the vegetables with the season. I recommend you making the double amount of tart, I wished I had! You can eat the leftovers the next day, warm or even cold (at room temperature). I topped mine with some tomatoes and parmesan grates, just before serving. The cold tomatoes gave the tarte a fresh touch. And then you just enjoy the tart and let it melt in your mouth. Believe me, it melts!

puff pastry tart with root vegetables

puff pastry tart with root vegetables

Tomorrow I will take a few days off and go home to Nuremberg. There I will visit the Biofach. The Biofach is a fair, where producers of organic food, clothes, cosmetic and body care products expose their (new) products. You can taste new products and see products, that are not on the market yet. I’m very looking forward to that event, since I haven’t been there yet and I ‚d heared, that it is very interesting.
I will tell you!

puff pastry tart with root vegetables

So before I leave tomorrow, I will give you a freshly experienced recipe on the way. I just tried it last week and I was totally hooked. It’s a puff pastry tart with root vegetables. It’s very simple and easy. It’s fresh and you can vary the vegetables with the season. I recommend you making the double amount of tart, I wished I had! You can eat the leftovers the next day, warm or even cold (at room temperature). I topped mine with some tomatoes and parmesan grates, just before serving. The cold tomatoes gave the tarte a fresh touch. And then you just enjoy the tart and let it melt in your mouth. Believe me, it melts!

puff pastry tart with root vegetables