Pizza mit Nektarinen, Mozzarella & BalsamicocremePizza with Nectarines, Mozzarella & reduced Balsamico

Diese Pizza ist für mich das Sommergericht schlechthin!

Auch wenn es auf den ersten Blick vielleicht seltsam erscheinen mag Obst auf die Pizza zu legen (Ananas zählt nicht!), schmeckt diese Kombination aus Nektarinen, Mozzarella, Balsamicocreme und frischen Basilikum- und Minzblättern ausgesprochen köstlich und harmoniert ungemein! Für alle Pizzaliebhaber – wie wir es auch sind – ein absolutes Muss!

Besorgt Euch die Tage also noch die letzten Nektarinen der Saison (Pfirsiche gehen im Zweifelsfall auch, aber Nektarinen haben eine schönere Konsistenz) und zaubert Euch diese easy Pizza, es soll schließlich nochmal richtig sommerlich werden!

 Pizza mit Nektarinen, Mozzarella & Balsamicocreme

Vor einem Jahr: Pfirsich-Rosmarin-Granita

Vor zwei Jahren: lila Milchreis

Vor drei Jahren: Thymian-Haselnuss-Cracker

Vor vier Jahren: Wachtel kalt und warm

This pizza is THE summer dish for me!

Maybe it sounds weird to put fruit on pizza (pineapple’s not counting), this combination of nectarines, mozzarella, reduced balsamico and fresh basil and mint is oh so delicious and pairs up perfectly! For all of you pizza lovers – as we are, too – it’s a must!

So go ahead, buy the last nectarines of the season (peaches would work too, but the nectarines have the better texture here) and make this easy peasy pizza! The weekend promises to be hot!

 Pizza with Nectarines, Mozzarella & reduced Balsamico

One year ago: peach rosemary granita

Two years ago: purple rice pudding

Three years ago: thyme and hazelnut cracker

Four years ago: quail cold and warm

Pizza Bianca mit Mangold und ZiegenkäsePizza Bianca with Swiss Chard and Goats Cheese

Unser Feld gibt uns weiterhin reichlich Gemüse. Vor allem Mangold und grüne Bohnen sind bisher der Renner gewesen, aber seit kurzem gibt es natürlich auch wieder reichlich Zucchini! Die ersten gelben Tomaten durfte ich die Tage auch ernten!

Mangold ist eigentlich ein sehr vielseitiges Gemüse und lässt sich zu vielen tollen Gerichten verarbeiten! Zwei Gerichte habe ich Euch bereits vorgestellt, da aber Mangold immer weiter wächst und weiter geerntet werden kann, sofern man fleißig von außen nach innen erntet bzw. immer die größten und dicksten Stängel erntet, ist immer reichlich Mangoldgemüse da.

Pizza Bianca mit Mangold und Ziegenkäse

Vor einem Jahr: Orangen-Honig-Dressing

Vor zwei Jahren: Erdbeertörtchen mit Joghurt-Limetten-Mousse

Vor drei Jahren: Pfirsich Tartelettes

Our field produces a lot of veggies these days. Especially Swiss chard and green beans are big hits and since recently we also have a lot of zucchini, of course! A few days ago I was also able to harvest the first yellow tomatoes!

Swiss chard ist very versatile and can be turned in a lot of great dishes! I already introduced you to two dishes including Swiss chard, but as our Swiss chard keeps constantly growing, if you go on harvesting from the outer to the inner or harvest the larger and thickest ribs, you always have Swiss chard in abundance.

Pizza Bianca mit Mangold und Ziegenkäse

One year ago: orange honey dressing

Two years ago: strawberry tartlets with yogurt lime mousse

Three years ago: peach tartelettes


Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Time flies by. And in between, we were ill for a whole week. Both. Bah! We ate nearly nothing the whole week. We didn’t need to go to the farmer’s market the weekend after, because it was everything still there from the weekend before.


 I have to get rid of those winter vegetables, which are going on my nerves, as well as this whole winter thing. I mean after half the winter, I’m sick of all the winter vegetable „variety“. But after the summer I’m NEVER tired of the summer fruits and vegetables. I want asparagus and raspberries and tomatoes throughout the year. I want to live in Florida, if it comes to fruits and vegetables. But I am willing to compromise on this… southern Spain or Italy may be as well nice.


 After leaving the dreams alone on their sunny meadow… sorry dreaming again… I needed to get rid of some cute baby fennel. So we created this delicious pizza, which is easy and made with our favourite pizza dough (recipe from the great Jamie Oliver). The pizza is made with winter vegetables, but a reminder of the sun. Because pizza is always a reminder of the sun, because…  well it’s Italian.

The dough is enough for a pizza with thick base. Which we like! But from time to time it’s also good to take a bit of the dough and make some garlic bread as a starter and use only the rest (maybe 4/5) for the pizza.


Vor einem Jahr: Gemüse mit Quinoa

Time flies by. And in between, we were ill for a whole week. Both. Bah! We ate nearly nothing the whole week. We didn’t need to go to the farmer’s market the weekend after, because it was everything still there from the weekend before.


 I have to get rid of those winter vegetables, which are going on my nerves, as well as this whole winter thing. I mean after half the winter, I’m sick of all the winter vegetable „variety“. But after the summer I’m NEVER tired of the summer fruits and vegetables. I want asparagus and raspberries and tomatoes throughout the year. I want to live in Florida, if it comes to fruits and vegetables. But I am willing to compromise on this… southern Spain or Italy may be as well nice.


 After leaving the dreams alone on their sunny meadow… sorry dreaming again… I needed to get rid of some cute baby fennel. So we created this delicious pizza, which is easy and made with our favourite pizza dough (recipe from the great Jamie Oliver). The pizza is made with winter vegetables, but a reminder of the sun. Because pizza is always a reminder of the sun, because…  well it’s Italian.

The dough is enough for a pizza with thick base. Which we like! But from time to time it’s also good to take a bit of the dough and make some garlic bread as a starter and use only the rest (maybe 4/5) for the pizza.


One year ago: Vegetables with Quinoa

Tomaten und ÄpfelTomatoes and Apples

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Summer ending and autumn beginning. That is what tomatoes and apples are standing for, right now. That is how I feel. I’m yearning for the warm summer air and long nights, but I also like when it rains all day and the sky is cloudy. It’s a good excuse to cozy up and eat meals, that warm from inside. And it’s a good excuse to drink glühwein, yet. Yeah, I already had my first  some days ago…

Tomatoes and Apples

For enjoying the last summer bits and preserving it until autumn and winter, make some good old homemade pasta/pizza sauce and can it. It’s a bit of work chopping all the tomatoes, but the rest is just easy going. And there’s definitely no need to  peel the skin off them! I made sauce of 2 kilos of tomatoes and it looked a lot in the pot. But afterwards it ended in 5 jars. That’s good, don’t get me wrong. But if you have access to a lot tomatoes, don’t be shy or scared of the amount, you will be rewarded with a lot of yummy pasta sauce, that will bring you through the summer-less seasons.

Tomato Sauce

For enjoying the first autumn bits, I give you a simple apple compote on the way, which can be spiced up with your favourite spices or made with additionally pears. This compote is just perfect as a topping on arroz con leche, creams or the flan tart, I will post next time. It can also used as a filling for a sweet snack made of puff pastry or enjoyed with pancakes. Make a lot, it disappears fast!

Apple Compote

Diese Rezepte sind nur Richtlinien. Lasst Zutaten weg oder fügt andere hinzu, wenn ihr möchtet.

Wenn ihr Pastasauce einmachen wollt, müsst ihr vorher die Gläser und Deckel sterilisieren. Hier gibt es gutes und sehr witziges Video darüber und wie man ganze Tomaten einmacht.



Summer ending and autumn beginning. That is what tomatoes and apples are standing for, right now. That is how I feel. I’m yearning for the warm summer air and long nights, but I also like when it rains all day and the sky is cloudy. It’s a good excuse to cozy up and eat meals, that warm from inside. And it’s a good excuse to drink glühwein, yet. Yeah, I already had my first some days ago…

Tomatoes and Apples

For enjoying the last summer bits and preserving it until autumn and winter, make some good old homemade pasta/pizza sauce and can it. It’s a bit of work chopping all the tomatoes, but the rest is just easy going. And there’s definitely no need to peel the skin off them! I made sauce of 2 kilos of tomatoes and it looked a lot in the pot. But afterwards it ended in 5 jars. That’s good, don’t get me wrong. But if you have access to a lot tomatoes, don’t be shy or scared of the amount, you will be rewarded with a lot of yummy pasta sauce, that will bring you through the summer-less seasons.

Tomato Sauce

For enjoying the first autumn bits, I give you a simple apple compote on the way, which can be spiced up with your favourite spices or made with additionally pears. This compote is just perfect as a topping on arroz con leche, creams or the flan tart, I will post next time. It can also used as a filling for a sweet snack made of puff pastry or enjoyed with pancakes. Make a lot, it disappears fast!

Apple Compote

Note: That is just a guideline. Feel free to add and leave things, how you prefer it.

If you want to can the pasta sauce, you need clean jars with lids, that you’ve sterilized before. Here’s a really good and also funny video about sterilizing jars and canning whole tomatoes from The Bitten Word. They put it in a nutshell.


