Chocolate Chip Cookies mit Pistazien, dunkler Schokolade und RauchsalzPistachio and Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies with Smoked Sea Salt

Es gab hier schon lange keine süßen Sachen mehr und vor allem keine Kekse. Das muss sich umgehend ändern! Wir steuern zwar schon auf die Plätzchenzeit zu (und die werde ich hier auch voll ausleben), davor aber ein Keksrezept, dass das ganze Jahr über geht.

Das sind auch nicht irgendwelche Kekse, es ist die Luxusversion der berühmten Chocolate Chip Cookies! Die Idee habe ich von Joy the Baker, das Rezept natürlich von Smitten Kitchen und dann habe ich noch ein bisschen dran rumgedreht, so dass es meinem europäischem Gaumen mundet.

Amerikanische Zuckerangaben sind meistens einfach viel zu hoch für meinen Geschmack. Da kann einfach was nicht stimmen, wenn die Menge an Zucker höher ist, als die Menge an Mehl!

Chocolate Chip Cookies mit Pistazien, dunkler Schokolade und Rauchsalz

Bei Rauchsalz denkt ihr jetzt sicher „von was für komischen Zeug redet die da eigentlich schon wieder?“. Ich hab das vor ein paar Monaten beim Gewürzhändler gesehen und natürlich mitgenommen. Rauchiges Aroma ist nie verkehrt! Und ja, es ist der Hammer! Es passt überraschenderweise gut zu den Keksen, stelle es mir aber auch bei anderen Gerichten toll vor. Gerade vegetarische Gerichte profitieren davon. Wer das nicht hat, kann aber auch einfach Fleur de Sel nehmen, normales Salz würde den Keks versalzen.

Falls Euch dieses Rezept aber zu extravagant ist, könnt Ihr einfach auf mein Standard Chocolate Chip Cookie Rezept zurückgreifen. Das Rezept ist vielfach erprobt und ich kann mir jedesmal von Neuem den Bauch damit vollschlagen. Mmmh, wenn ich nur dran denke…

Chocolate Chip Cookies mit Pistazien, dunkler Schokolade und Rauchsalz

Vor einem Jahr: Orangen-Rotkohl mit Gorgonzola

Vor zwei Jahren: Flan Tarte

We hadn’t sweet dishes here for a while now, not to mention cookies. That has to change immediately! We are going straight to cookie season, that’s a fact (and I will give you some recipes then, indeed), but this is a recipe, which you can make throughout the year.

These cookies aren’t just cookies, these are the luxury version of the famous chocolate chip cookies! The idea is from Joy the Baker, the recipe – of course – from Smitten Kitchen.

I adapted the recipe to my European taste. American sugar amounts are just to high for my taste, almost every time. There has to be something wrong, when the amount of sugar is higher, than the amount of flour!

Pistachio and Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies with Smoked Sea Salt

Reading of smoked sea salt you might think „what the heck is she talking about again?“. A few months ago I saw it at my spice store and of course I bought it. There can’t be anything wrong with the flavour of smoke. And yes, it is terrific! It goes surprisingly well with the cookies, but I imagine it also goes well with other dishes, especially vegetarian ones. If you don’t have smoked sea salt, use fleur de sel, table salt is just too salty.

If you find this recipe too flamboyant, you can simply draw on my standard recipe for chocolate chip cookies. It’s frequently approved and I could fill my belly with these every time I make them. Yum, I should stop thinking about it…

Pistachio and Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies with Smoked Sea Salt

One year ago: Red Cabbage with Oranges and Gorgonzola

Two years ago: Flan Tart

Cooking through la Tartine Gourmande: Chocolate and plum almond cake

Ina und ich sind endlich wieder da, um weiter aus La Tartine Gourmande zu kochen!

Es ist jetzt offiziell Herbst und damit Zeit für Kuchen mit Schoki und Zwetschgen/Pflaumen! Deshalb haben wir den Kuchen von S. 233 ausgesucht: Chocolate and plum almond cake. Uns hat der sehr gut gemundet! Und er wäre noch besser, wenn man mehr Pflaumen/Zwetschgen verwendet, als in dem Rezept angegeben sind (popelige 2 Stück). Ein wirklich köstlicher Kuchen, getoppt mit leckeren Pflaumen. Da gibt es nichts mehr hinzuzufügen.

Chocolate and plum almond cake

Ina and I are back, after some vacation and some internet issues.

As it’s now officially autumn, we chose a cake with chocolate and plums. We liked the cake a lot! It would be even better, if you use more plums, than stated in the recipe (which are only 2). A really good cake, topped with delicious plums. There’s nothing more to say about that cake!

Chocolate and plum almond cake



Ich glaube Brombeeren sind diesen Sommer mein Lieblingsobst, nach Himbeeren oder doch eher Erdbeeren?! Hm, schwierige Entscheidung. Die richtige Entscheidung ist auf jeden Fall von allem so viel wie möglich zu kaufen und mit den Brombeeren diesen herrlichen Pie zu machen.

Das Schöne an Brombeeren ist ja, dass sie nicht gleich schimmeln und matschen wie Himbeeren und nach dem Backen auch noch gut ihre Form behalten, nicht so wie die lieben Erdbeeren.


Und ob man es glaubt oder nicht, sie passen ganz hervorragend zu Schokolade. Dieser Pie hat mich total überrascht, da alles so super zusammenpasst: Frucht und Schokolade, eingehüllt in viel leckeren Teig. Ich empfehle nur den Rand nicht so hochzuziehen wie ich, das ist dann doch zu viel des Guten. Aber ich hatte einfach so viel Teig.

Das habe ich aber versucht im Rezept etwas anzupassen. Da ich aber in einer quadratischen Springform gebacken habe (eine gute Idee, da dann das Verhältnis Füllung/Teig stimmt), müsst ihr selber sehen, ob bei Euch was übrig bleibt oder nicht, je nachdem welche Form und Größe ihr benutzt.


Vor zwei Jahren: Pflaumen-Galettes


I think blackberries are my favourite fruit this summer, after raspberries or rather strawberries?! Um, difficult decision. In any case it’s the right decision to buy as much as possible of these summer fruits and to make this remarkable pie with blackberries.

The nice thing about blackberries is, that they keep very firm while baking, not like their sister strawberry and they do not mould as easy as their sister raspberry.


And if you believe it or not, they perfectly fit with chocolate! This pie totally surprised me about how everything matches so fine: fruit and chocolate, covered in delicious dough. I just do not recommend to make such a high rim like me, because that was a bit too much. But I had to so much dough.

I tried to adapt that in the recipe. But as I used a rectangular spring pan (which is a good idea, since the ratio filling/dough is just right then), you have to see, if you end up with some leftover dough or not, depending on which kind of pan and size you use.


Two years ago: Plum Galettes


Cantucchini mit Pistazien & Sauerkirschen, weiße Erdbeerschokolade mit Minze Cantucchini with Pistachios and Sour Cherries, White Strawberry-Chocolate with Mint

weiße Erdbeerschokolade mit Minze

Das gab es für meine Tauschpartnerin Jasmin von Elbmadame zur Very Berry Ausgabe von Post aus meiner Küche!

Cantucchini mit Pistazien und Sauerkirschen

Hier hat Jasmin auch schon über mein Päckchen gebloggt! Es kam sehr gut an und das freut mich natürlich sehr.

weiße Erdbeerschokolade mit Minze

Very Berry ist ein superschönes Thema, allerdings auch schwierig umzusetzen. Beeren und vieles was man daraus herstellt ist eben schnell verderblich. Leider durften das auch ein paar Teilnehmer erfahren und haben diesmal schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht. Schade! Wo doch Post aus meiner Küche so eine schöne Idee ist. Ich wünsche mir, dass diejenigen, die enttäuscht wurden beim nächsten Thema nochmal darübernachdenken und es nochmal versuchen und diejenigen die enttäuscht haben darüber nachdenken warum und sich die Netiquette zu Herzen nehmen.

Cantucchini mit Pistazien und Sauerkirschen

Ich selber hatte echtes Glück, dass alles so gut ankam, schließlich habe ich bei 30°C mit Schokolade hantiert. Kurzerhand habe ich das ganze Päckchen einen Tag tiefgefroren. Anscheinend hat es was gebracht und alles ist heil angekommen.

weiße Erdbeerschokolade mit Minze

Ich freue mich schon sehr auf das nächste Thema und hoffe wieder so eine tolle Tauschpartnerin wie Jasmin zu bekommen.

weiße Erdbeerschokolade mit Minze

Vor zwei Jahren: Friandaises mit roten Johannisbeeren

Cantucchini mit Pistazien und Sauerkirschen, weiße Erdbeerschokolade mit Minze



weiße Erdbeerschokolade mit Minze

White Strawberry-Chocolate with Mint

I made this for my exchange partner Jasmin from Elbmadame for the current issue of „Post aus meiner Küche“ ( „Mail from my kitchen“) with the theme Very Berry!

Cantucchini with Pistachios and Sour Cherries

Jasmin already blogged about my parcel here! She really liked it and that makes me very very happy.

White Strawberry-Chocolate with Mint

Very Berry is a great theme, but also difficult to put into practice, if you want to send it by mail. Berries are easy perishable and a lot of things you make with them, too. Unfortunately some participants had to made this experience. What a pity! As Post aus meiner Küche is such a sweet idea. I wish, that those who had been disappointed, will think about it at the next theme and will try again and those who let others down will think about why and take the Netiquette to heart.

Cantucchini with Pistachios and Sour Cherries

I was really lucky myself, that everything was delivered in good shape, since I used a lot of chocolate, while we had temperatures about 30° C in the south here. Unceremoniously I froze the whole parcel. As it seems that was the right choice.

Cantucchini with Pistachios and Sour Cherries, White Strawberry-Chocolate with Mint

I’m looking forward to the next theme and hope I’ll get an exchange partner, as sweet as Jasmin.

White Strawberry-Chocolate with Mint

Two years ago: Red Currant Friandaises

White Strawberry-Chocolate with Mint



White Strawberry-Chocolate with Mint

Orangettes: Post aus meiner KücheOrangettes

 Orangettes oder auch Orangetten werden Stäbchen aus kandierte Orangenschalen genannt, die mit Zartbitterschokolade überzogen werden.

Diese kleine Leckerei habe ich für die Aktion Post aus meiner Küche Mia geschickt. Sie schreibt auf dem Blog Küchenchaotin. Díe erste Leckereien-Verschickerei stand unter dem Motto „Schokolade“. Na wem da nichts einfällt?!

Irgendwie passten wir auch ganz gut zusammen. Sie hatte ein Chaos, weil bei ihr Strom und  Wasser ausfiel und bei mir wollte das was ich eigentlich machen wollte gar nicht funktionieren. Ich wollte Fudge machen und der wurde so gar nicht fest. Das Zeug steht noch im Kühlschrank und wird zu Eis verarbeitet werden. Kann man ja nicht einfach wegschmeißen.

Beim Transport ging es weiter. Hier im Süden kletterten die Temperaturen ja auf einmal in die Höhe, die leckeren Krokanttrüffel von Mia litten ziemlich darunter. Ich hab erst mal das ganze Paket bei Ankunft in den Kühlschrank verfrachtet.. Meine Ware war dafür größtenteils zerbrochen, als sie in Kiel ankam. Neben den Orangettes gingen nämlich noch Gewürzschokoladenlöffel mit auf die Reise, die für Trinkschoki gedacht war. Alle zerbrochen. Aber auch wenn alles etwas schief ging, schmeckt das Ergebnis doch immer noch genauso gut. Nein, eigentlich viel besser, denn es wurde mit Liebe gemacht und verschickt von uns.


Die Orangettes sind ein absolutes Highlight, auch wenn sie etwas Zeit benötigen. Davon muss man aber nicht viel Zeit investieren. Am längsten dauert am Ende das Schokolieren der Orangenstäbchen.

Die kandierte Orangenschale zergeht einem auf der Zunge, sie ist sehr cremig und doch erfrischend. Ein perfektes Paar mit der dunklen Schokolade. Überhaupt nicht trocken oder zäh, wie man das von Trockenobst kennt (welches wir beide nicht mögen). Ich habe die Orangetten zu 3/4 schokoliert, da man so noch ein Stück Orangenstäbchen anfassen und den Rest durch die Schokolade ziehen konnte. Das Stück ohne Schokolade wird leider nach kurzer Zeit trockenerer und härter als der Rest. Ich werde daher nächstes Mal die Stäbchen komplett mit Schokolade überziehen.

Die Orangettes sollte man auch recht schnell verbrauchen, denn aus einem mir unerfindlichen Grund fängt die Schokolade an zu schwitzen und nach einiger Zeit bröckelt dann auch die Schokolade ab. Man sieht es auf den Bildern, ich habe nämlich vergessen welche von dem verschickten Gut und dem Päckchen zu machen. Deswegen musste ich kurzfristig die Reste bemühen.

Diese Orangettes werden euer Leben verändern, sie sind ein Traum (und sehen in Wirklichkeit schöner aus, als auf meinen grauseligen Bildern)!


Vor einem Jahr: French Toast / Arme Ritter

Vor zwei Jahren: Rhabarber-Streusel-Kuchen

Orangettes are candied orange peels, which are coated with dark chocolate.

I sent this sweet treat to Mia from the blog Küchenchaotin. We were partners for the great project Post aus meiner Küche (mail from my kitchen), in which blogger (300 altogether) are sending treats from their kitchen to other blogger. The first round was announced under the theme „chocolate“. Who doesn’t wind up with an idea for chocolate treats?!

We quite fit together. Mia had a whole chaos in her apartment, as she was cut off from water and electricity and the original recipe I wanted to make for her, didn’t worked at all. I wanted to make fudge, which didn’t set a bit. The mixture waits in the fridge to become ice cream. Too good to just discard it.

The chaos went on on the transport. Here in the south temperatures climbed up on Saturday. The delicious brittle truffle from Mia suffered under the heat. As it arrived I popped it the fridge immediately, it was almost melting away. Therefore my treats were mostly broken, as they arrived in Kiel. Besides the Orangettes I also prepared some spiced chocolate spoons, which were meant for drinking chocolate. All broken. But although some things went awry, the results taste still delicious. No, they taste even better, because they were made with love and send from us.


The Orangettes are an definite highlight, although they take some time. But you don’t need invest a lot of time. It takes the most time to cover the candied orange sticks with chocolate.

The candied orange peels are melting in the mouth, they are creamy, but also refreshing. A perfect pair with the dark chocolate. Not dry in the slightest or chewy, as you know it from dried fruit (which we both don’t like). I covered the peels  three quarters in chocolate, so you can hold them on one end and soak the rest. But the piece without chocolate became dryer and harder after a short time. So next time I will coat the whole peels.

You should use up the Orangettes quite quickly, as the chocolate begins to sweat for an undefined reason, so the chocolate also begins to peel off after some time. You get an idea of it in the pictures, since I totally forgot to take some pictures of my treats and the parcel. For that reason I did have to make some pics of the rests.

These Orangettes will change your lives, they are a real dream (and are much more beautiful in real, than in my awful pictures)!


One year ago: French Toast

Two years ago: Rhubarb Streusel Cake

Donauwellen Cupcakes

Donauwellen Cupcakes


Meine ersten Cupcakes im Blog! Und ich sach mal so: es gibt keine, die würdiger wären. Ich hab zwar schon das ein oder andere mal davor nen Cupcake gebacken, aber der hat es hier immer nicht reingeschafft. Meistens kann ich mich auch nicht aufraffen, welche zu backen. Ich finde die sind einfach viel zu schwer mit ihrer Buttercreme. Aber einen Kuchen in Cupcakes umzuwandeln ist der Geniestreich. So ein Stück Donauwelle ist auch ein Brummer, da kommen die einem als Cupcake schon eher wie ein Snack vor.

Man bekommt so ein kleines Stück Donauwelle auf die Hand, das schmeckt wie das Original nur viel hübscher daherkommt. Ein Traum sag ich Euch!

Prima ist auch, dass die sich ein paar Tage lang frisch halten, weil sie sind ja rundherum verpackt: unten Papierförmchen, oben Schokoguss. Kühlschrank muss natürlich trotzdem sein, allein schon wegen der Konsistenz.

Donauwellen Cupcakes

Die Donauwellen Cupcakes waren auch ein Testlauf für eine Hochzeitsfeier. Haben sie mit Bravour bestanden. Da sie dann aber wahrscheinlich an einem Nachmittag verzehrt werden, lasse ich die Papierförmchen weg. Die muss man nämlich schon ein bisschen unter der Schokoglasur rausfitzeln.

Im übrigen finde ich, dass Puddingcreme die neue Buttercreme ist! Funktioniert, schmeckt besser und enthält (fast) keine Butter. Und wenn wie in dem Fall das Ganze mit einer knackigen Schokoglasur aus Zartbitterschoki getoppt wird, ist das auch nicht zu süß. Also weg mit den zuckersüßen, fettigen, schweren Cupcakes. Hier kommt die deutsche Version 2.0.

Ich habe jedenfalls schon weitere Cupcake Projekte im Kopf, die ich bald umsetzen werden.

Donauwellen Cupcakes

Vor einem Jahr: Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-Füllung

Donauwellen Cupcakes

Donauwellen Cupcakes


Donauwellen Cupcakes

 My first cupcakes on the blog! Hurray! First I have to explain to you, what „Donauwelle“ is. Donauwelle is a typical German cake, which consists of two layers of cake batter, one plain, the other browned with cocoa. On the cocoa cake batter sour cherries are spread. After baking the cake and cooling, a vanilla pudding cream is spread on the cake. Finally the cream is coated with dark chocolate. Heaven’s delight! So you can make a cake instead of these cupcakes, if you are doubling the ingredients you get a whole baking sheet.

But as a piece of Donauwelle cake is heavier than a cupcake and a cupcake looks much sweeter I tried those. And I have to say: they are the best cupcakes I’ve ever made. Ok, I admit it weren’t that many, but this one is definitely the right one to be the first one on the blog.

A really nice bonus, that they are single portions is, that they are really keeping well in the fridge for a few days. This comes from the fact, that the bottom is packed in muffin liners and the top is coated with chocolate. So every cupcake comes fresh out of the fridge.

Donauwellen Cupcakes

I made these as a test run for a wedding party and they passed with flying colours. But as they will be eaten then in one afternoon, I will bake them without cupcake liners, as it’s a bit of puzzle work to remove them from under the chocolate glaze.

As I’m not a fan of those heavy butter creams, loaded with sugar, I’m claiming the pudding cream as the new butter cream! It works great, tastes better and contains (almost) no butter. And if the cream is topped with dark chocolate, like in this case, it’s not to sweet either.  So no more sugar sweet, fat loaded, heavy cupcakes, here comes the german version 2.0.

In any case I have already more cupcake ideas in my mind, which I will bake soon.

Donauwellen Cupcakes

One year ago: Yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

Donauwellen Cupcakes


Donauwellen Cupcakes

Selbstgemachte SchokoladentafelnHomemade Chocolate Bars

Dies ist mein Beitrag zum wundervollen kulinarischen Adventskalender, den Zorra zum wiederholten Mal ausrichtet. Ich bin dieses Jahr das erste Mal dabei und freu mich sehr darüber. Ich bin stolz ein Teil des Ganzen zu sein, vor allem wenn ich mir die bisherigen Beiträge so anschaue.

Kulinarischer Adventskalender 2011 - Türchen 13

Selbstgemachte Schokoladentafeln
Schon vor 2 Jahren habe ich mir ein kleines Büchlein samt Form fürs Schokoladentafelngießen gekauft. Erst als Geschenk gedacht, dann mir selber geschenkt. Wüsste auch nicht wer sowas sonst eigentlich schätzen weiß. Nur, nachdem ich gelesen habe, dass man die Schokolade temperieren muss mit Thermometer und so, da landete das Ganze erst mal bei dem anderen Küchenkram. Aber das temperieren ist wichtig, denn das ergibt den schönen matten Glanz und erhält den richtigen Schmelz.
Selbstgemachte Schokoladentafeln

Nun, dieses Jahr hab ich mich rangetraut und es war kein Nachteil! Ganz im Gegenteil. Es ist eine helle Freude wenn man die ersten eigenen Tafeln aus der Form kippt. Und soo schön sind sie, man will sie dann doch nicht mehr verschenken. Denn ein super Geschenk zu Weihnachten sind sie. Man kann jedermanns Wünsche erfüllen und Abneigungen aussparen. Und wenn ihr glutenfreie Kuvertüre (auf Dr. Oetker Kuvertüre sind jedenfalls keine weizenhaltigen Zutaten aufgelistet und enthält auch keine Spuren davon) verwendet, könnt ihr auch glutenfreie Schokolade machen. Das wird Augen zum Leuchten bringen.

Selbstgemachte Schokoladentafeln
Ausgefallene Vorstellungen? Immer rein damit in die Schokolade. 0815 kann man ja auch kaufen, Cashew mit Currypulver oder Pinienkerne mit Rosmarin nicht. Das waren meine ersten Tafeln, die ihr auch auf den Bildern seht.  Nur bitte keine Schokolade mit Chili. Das ist echt alt und das Zeug sollte wieder vom Markt verschwinden. Ich meine, das war schon vor 10 Jahren ein Trend. Ehrlich, er ist vorbei!
So, nun zurück zur Herstellung. Ihr braucht außer ein wenig Zeit vor allem eins: ein Thermometer. Ein digitales, das eine kurze Reaktionszeit hat ist zu empfehlen (gibt’s für ein paar Euronen). Bitte kein Fieberthermometer. Na gut die Tafelform ist auch ein Muss. Äußerst hilfreich ist auch ein Teigspatel.  Kürzlich hab ich gelesen, dass das in österreichisch „Gummihund“ heißt. Das finde ich eigentlich viel schöner als Teigspatel. Wenn ich mir das Wort merken könnte würde ich mich umtrainieren.
Selbstgemachte Schokoladentafeln
Vor einem Jahr: Eierlikör und Lebkuchen
Selbstgemachte Schokoladentafeln

This is my entry to the wonderful kulinarischen Adventskalender (culinary advent calendar), which Zorra organizes again. It’s the first participation for me and I’m very happy about it. I’m proud to be part of this calendar, especially when I look at the entries made so far.

Kulinarischer Adventskalender 2011 - Türchen 13

Already two years ago I bought a little book including a chocolate bar mould. First it was meant to be a gift, but then I gifted it to myself. I don’t even know who would appreciate it. But after I read that you have to temper the chocolate with a thermometer, it ended up with the other kitchen stuff. But the tempering is important, as it yields the beautiful matt surface und obtains the right melting.

Homemade Chocolate Bars

 So this year I gave it a try and it wasn’t to my disadvantage! Au contraire. It’s such a delight, when turning out the first bars from the mould. And they are so pretty, you don’t want to give them away as a gift no more. A perfect gift, that’s what they are. You can fulfil everyone’s wishes and spare the dislikes. And if you are using gluten free chocolate, you can also make gluten free chocolate bars!

Homemade Chocolate Bars

You have fancy ideas? No problem, just put them in the chocolate. Everyone can do ordinary. But not cashew with curry powder or pine nuts with rosemary! That were my first bars, which you also see on the photos. But do not use chili in your bars! Really that’s an old obsolete trend, which was trendy ten years ago. Honestly, it’s over.

Homemade Chocolate Bars

Back to the production. Besides some time you need one thing: a thermometer. A digital one, that has a short response time is recommended (costs just a few bucks). Don’t use a clinical thermometer! Well the bars mould is a must, too. And a silicon spatula is very helpful, too. I red recently that in Austria silicon spatula is called „Gummihund“, which can be translated as „rubber dog“. It’s my new favourite word for that tool.

Homemade Chocolate Bars

One year ago: Eggnog and Gingerbread

Homemade Chocolate Bars

Schokoladenkekse mit Fleur de SelChocolate Cookies with Fleur de Sel

Schokoladenkekse mit Fleur de Sel

Zum dritten Advent liefere ich Euch noch ein Rezept für hammerleckere Schokoplätzchen getoppt mit Fleur del Sel. Schokolade und grobes Salz sind eine klasse Kombi. Überwindet Euch, wenn ihr es noch nicht probiert habt!

Diese Kekse sind sehr einfach herzustellen und man kann sie mal so eben aus dem Ärmel schütteln (ok, man muss sie zwischendurch kühlen). Genau das Richtige, wenn man keinen Nerv mehr hat Plätzchen auszustechen.

Für mich müssen in der Vorweihnachtszeit immer eine ganze Palette von Plätzchen am Start sein und am besten alle unterschiedlich. Welche mit Schokolade, welche mit Konfitüre gefüllt, welche in Zucker gewälzt, Ausgestochene, nur Roll-und-Schnitt-Plätzchen, klassisch und ausgefallen, neue und alt bewährte Rezepte.

Schokoladenkekse mit Fleur de Sel

Mit diesen sollte die Schokoladenkategorie abgehakt werden. Dann produzierte ich aber noch ein paar sogenannte Spekulatius – sogenannte, weil sie meiner Meinung nach den Namen nicht verdient haben – und da ich sie etwas lahm fand, wurden sie noch zur Hälfte mich Schokolade bestrichen. Jetzt wisst ihr auch meinen Tipp für mittelmäßig gewordene Plätzchen: (gute!) Schokoladenglasur.

Hintergrund der ganzen Sache ist eigentlich, dass ich auf der Suche nach DEM Speculoos Rezept bin (das war sogar schon das zweite Rezept und der erste Versuch war noch schlechter). Speculoos sind die belgischen Spekulatius und mit Schokolade drauf auch noch viel leckerer als die deutschen Konsorten. Leider bin ich bisher nicht fündig geworden. Die Suche geht also weiter, ich werde sie wohl aber ins nächste Jahr verlagern.

Schokoladenkekse mit Fleur de Sel

Vor einem Jahr: Schwarz-Weiß-Plätzchen, Nussplätzchen, Aprikosenplätzchen

Chocolate Cookies with Fleur de Sel

For the third Sunday in advent I’m providing you a recipe for super delicious chocolate cookies sprinkled with fleur de sel. Chocolate and coarse sea salt are such a great combo! If you haven’t tried it yet, give it a chance by now.

These cookies are totally easy to make in no time (ok, minus the time for chilling the dough). Just the right thing, if you have no nerves anymore for using cookie cutters.

In the time before Christmas I want to stock a whole different bunch of cookies. Some with chocolate, some filled with jam, some tossed in sugar, some made with cookie cutters, some just rolled in a log and cut, classic and fancy ones, new and tried and trusted ones.

Chocolate Cookies with Fleur de Sel

With these cookies the chocolate section should have been done. But then I made some so called Spekulatius (speculoos or spiced cookies). So called because in my opinion they didn’t deserve the name itself. They were lame and so I pimped them with some chocolate glaze. Now you even know my tip for mediocre cookies: (good) chocolate glaze.

The background of this whole try speculoos recipe thing (this was my second attempt of trying a Spekulatius recipe and the first one was even worse) is, that I’m looking for THE speculoos recipe. Speculoos are those Belgian Spekulatius (spiced cookies) and with chocolate glaze they are even much better than their German siblings. But since now I haven’t succeeded in finding THE recipe. So the search goes on, but I may shift it to next year.

Chocolate Cookies with Fleur de Sel

One year ago: Black and White Cookies, Nut Cookies, Apricot Cookies

Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-FüllungYeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

The March 2011 Daring Baker’s Challenge was hosted by Ria of Ria’s Collection and Jamie of Life’s a Feast. Ria and Jamie challenged The Daring Bakers to bake a yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake.

Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-Füllung

Theses cakes were just gorgeous! We loved them both! The first was gone after one day. We had to bake a second one to get some photos of the product. And of course we loved them so much, we wanted a second one instantly. The original recipe is already for two cakes, but as we are only the two of us, that would have been too much. Also yeasted cakes and breads are the best on the day baked, and still good on their second day, but then they get dry. So it was better to bake a second one, after two days.

I filled the first cake with the filling provided in the recipe: Chopped pecans, semisweet chocolate and the cinnamon-sugar-mixture. That was indeed the best. For the second I used hazelnuts instead of pecans and milk chocolate, but it wasn’t as good as the first. But I have to admit, I used a different brand of chocolate, which wasn’t the right one for this kind of use. And the pecans were also a lot better than the hazelnuts. But in my opinion, pecans are the best nuts on… well, yes the world. And I recommend to chop the nuts yourself. The pieces are bigger and it just tastes better then. Sorry, it’s just like that. And I wouldn’t try  using the bought chopped ones. I know it’s easier. But trust me here.

Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-Füllung

Is also used only one egg white for the meringue for one cake, because some people found two too much. I just can say, that one is enough and didn’t miss a second one. Below I give you the recipe, with my personal adjustments already incorporated.

I would really like to try a savory one with cheese and ham or anything. Just wondering, how it works out with the sweet meringue?! Anyone tried this out?

If sweet or savory, this is a perfect comfort treat for any time of the day and I highly recommend to bake this coffee cake. Accompanying this great cake with great comforting music, I recommend you The Shepherd’s Dog from Iron and Wine. It’s my favourite CD right now, that’s rotating upside down in my player these days. Love it!

Thanks for the great challenge!

Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-Füllung

Vor einem Jahr: Schokoladen-Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-Füllung

Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-Füllung


The March 2011 Daring Baker’s Challenge was hosted by Ria of Ria’s Collection and Jamie of Life’s a Feast. Ria and Jamie challenged The Daring Bakers to bake a yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake.

Yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

Theses cakes were just gorgeous! We loved them both! The first was gone after one day. We had to bake a second one to get some photos of the product. And of course we loved them so much, we wanted a second one instantly. The original recipe is already for two cakes, but as we are only the two of us, that would have been too much. Also yeasted cakes and breads are the best on the day baked, and still good on their second day, but then they get dry. So it was better to bake a second one, after two days.

I filled the first cake with the filling provided in the recipe: Chopped pecans, semisweet chocolate and the cinnamon-sugar-mixture. That was indeed the best. For the second I used hazelnuts instead of pecans and milk chocolate, but it wasn’t as good as the first. But I have to admit, I used a different brand of chocolate, which wasn’t the right one for this kind of use. And the pecans were also a lot better than the hazelnuts. But in my opinion, pecans are the best nuts on… well, yes the world. And I recommend to chop the nuts yourself. The pieces are bigger and it just tastes better then. Sorry, it’s just like that. And I wouldn’t try  using the bought chopped ones. I know it’s easier. But trust me here.

Yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

Is also used only one egg white for the meringue for one cake, because some people found two too much. I just can say, that one is enough and didn’t miss a second one. Below I give you the recipe, with my personal adjustments already incorporated.

I would really like to try a savory one with cheese and ham or anything. Just wondering, how it works out with the sweet meringue?! Anyone tried this out?

If sweet or savory, this is a perfect comfort treat for any time of the day and I highly recommend to bake this coffee cake. Accompanying this great cake with great comforting music, I recommend you The Shepherd’s Dog from Iron and Wine. It’s my favourite CD right now, that’s rotating upside down in my player these days. Love it!

Thanks for the great challenge!

Yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

One year ago: Chocolate Macarons with Raspberry Filling


Yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

Yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

Eiscreme Petit Fours Ice Cream Petit Fours

The August 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Elissa of 17 and Baking. For the first time, The Daring Bakers partnered with Sugar High Fridays for a co-event and Elissa was the gracious hostess of both. Using the theme of beurre noisette, or browned butter, Elissa chose to challenge Daring Bakers to make a pound cake to be used in either a Baked Alaska or in Ice Cream Petit Fours. The sources for Elissa’s challenge were Gourmet magazine and David Lebovitz’s “The Perfect Scoop”.

Ice Cream Petit Fours

Finally I was again looking forward to a Daring Bakers challenge! Ice Cream Petit Fours. That really sounded delicious to me. I like Ice Cream Petit Fours, although I don’t know them with cake involved. Only ice cream and chocolate glaze.

The making of the browned butter cake and the ice cream were easy and both tasted really great on its own. Assembling cake and ice cream worked fine, until… THE DISASTER!

The disaster began, when I tried to cut and glaze the petit fours. They just fell apart and the ice cream melted, although it was cooled to room temperature. Maybe over 30 degrees at that day weren’t very helpful for doing a thing like this. But it is summer and I don’t own an air-conditioned kitchen. Who does?! Why did the petit fours fell apart? I don’t know honestly. I’ve seen some other people having the same problem. Maybe it would have been helpful to spread the ice cream on the cake and then assemble the second layer of cake instantly and not when both are already frozen thoroughly. Sadly the cake didn’t tasted like much after freezing. Was a waste to use that delicious cake for the ice cream petit fours.  Next time it is just better to enjoy the browned butter cake, fresh from the oven, with a scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream.

Sometimes the simplest things are the best!

Ice Cream Petit Fours

I hope there will be more challenges, that are not just to try something new, difficult or something you would never make for yourself at home. But challenges that convert something that look difficult into something simple and hence delicious. I was very happy with the challenges last year (macarons, puff pastry,  gingerbread house), all very versatile, but down to earth. So I was somewhat disappointed of the challenges of the last months, that were a bit over the top in my opinion. I hope the upcoming challenges will enthuse me again. I’m always looking forward!

The August 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Elissa of 17 and Baking. For the first time, The Daring Bakers partnered with Sugar High Fridays for a co-event and Elissa was the gracious hostess of both. Using the theme of beurre noisette, or browned butter, Elissa chose to challenge Daring Bakers to make a pound cake to be used in either a Baked Alaska or in Ice Cream Petit Fours. The sources for Elissa’s challenge were Gourmet magazine and David Lebovitz’s “The Perfect Scoop”.

Ice Cream Petit Fours

Finally I was again looking forward to a Daring Bakers challenge! Ice Cream Petit Fours. That really sounded delicious to me. I like Ice Cream Petit Fours, although I don’t know them with cake involved. Only ice cream and chocolate glaze.

The making of the browned butter cake and the ice cream were easy and both tasted really great on its own. Assembling cake and ice cream worked fine, until… THE DISASTER!

The disaster began, when I tried to cut and glaze the petit fours. They just fell apart and the ice cream melted, although it was cooled to room temperature. Maybe over 30 degrees at that day weren’t very helpful for doing a thing like this. But it is summer and I don’t own an air-conditioned kitchen. Who does?! Why did the petit fours fell apart? I don’t know honestly. I’ve seen some other people having the same problem. Maybe it would have been helpful to spread the ice cream on the cake and then assemble the second layer of cake instantly and not when both are already frozen thoroughly. Sadly the cake didn’t tasted like much after freezing. Was a waste to use that delicious cake for the ice cream petit fours. Next time it is just better to enjoy the browned butter cake, fresh from the oven, with a scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream.

Sometimes the simplest things are the best!

Ice Cream Petit Fours

I hope there will be more challenges, that are not just to try something new, difficult or something you would never make for yourself at home. But challenges that convert something that look difficult into something simple and hence delicious. I was very happy with the challenges last year (macarons, puff pastry, gingerbread house), all very versatile, but down to earth. So I was somewhat disappointed of the challenges of the last months, that were a bit over the top in my opinion. I hope the upcoming challenges will enthuse me again. I’m always looking forward!

Die besten Chocolate Chip Cookies Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

These days it’s all about making research, testing recipes, baking and cooking. The reason is that some events are coming up. First event will be my blog anniversary next week. There will be a big surprise, where not just baking is involved! The second event will be the Daring Bakers in August. And the most important event will be a wedding in October. It’s not just important, because it’s a family wedding, but also because I’ll be baking the wedding cake!

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

Friday bride and groom will be testing the cakes. I’ll be preparing two different cakes with different fillings and I want to try to make another one gluten-free. All that’s a real challenge. But I’m glad, that I finally created some recipes, that appear good to me. So tomorrow is baking and whisking day! I’m really looking forward to the next two days. So wish me luck.

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

In between one just needs some cookies. We really longed for some cookies the day before yesterday. But as I never buy some – because I always think I can do it all at home better and cheaper… and with more fun – we didn’t had some. As such craving don’t pass by easily or until the next day, I decided to make some simple chocolate chip cookies. They are simple and easy and I made them a dozen times already. So I can say: they are the best. In my opinion.

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

They are crispy on the outside and have a softer core. This time I used dark and milk chocolate. But usually I only use the dark one. And if you don’t have chocolate chips on hand, use normal chocolate bars (you should like the chocolate of course) and chop it into small pieces. You can vary the size of your cookies by forming smaller or bigger dough balls, before baking. Depends on your liking to eat more palm-size cookies or two-bite-size cookies. I lean towards the second choice…

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

So if you have just 30 minutes left (for everything!), try and make them. I’m sure you will be convinced, too. I mean, who can stand this:

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

Vor einem Jahr: Death by Chocolate


These days it’s all about making research, testing recipes, baking and cooking. The reason is that some events are coming up. First event will be my blog anniversary next week. There will be a big surprise, where not just baking is involved! The second event will be the Daring Bakers in August. And the most important event will be a wedding in October. It’s not just important, because it’s a family wedding, but also because I’ll be baking the wedding cake!

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

Friday bride and groom will be testing the cakes. I’ll be preparing two different cakes with different fillings and I want to try to make another one gluten-free. All that’s a real challenge. But I’m glad, that I finally created some recipes, that appear good to me. So tomorrow is baking and whisking day! I’m really looking forward to the next two days. So wish me luck.

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

In between one just needs some cookies. We really longed for some cookies the day before yesterday. But as I never buy some – because I always think I can do it all at home better and cheaper… and with more fun – we didn’t had some. As such craving don’t pass by easily or until the next day, I decided to make some simple chocolate chip cookies. They are simple and easy and I made them a dozen times already. So I can say: they are the best. In my opinion.

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

They are crispy on the outside and have a softer core. This time I used dark and milk chocolate. But usually I only use the dark one. And if you don’t have chocolate chips on hand, use normal chocolate bars (you should like the chocolate of course) and chop it into small pieces. You can vary the size of your cookies by forming smaller or bigger dough balls, before baking. Depends on your liking to eat more palm-size cookies or two-bite-size cookies. I lean towards the second choice…

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

So if you have just 30 minutes left (for everything!), try and make them. I’m sure you will be convinced, too. I mean, who can stand this:

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

One year ago: Death by Chocolate

Himbeer-Schokoladen-EisRaspberry-Chocolate Ice Cream

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!


Finally we also have hot hot hot summer weather. To enjoy and celebrate this duly it’s time for some Gelato.

Some weeks ago I bought David Lebovitz‚ book The Perfect Scoop, which was a perfect purchase. Even if you are not in making some ice cream it is just a pleasure to read it.


But back to the ice cream. We decided to try the raspberry-chocolate one first, because I LOVE the combination. David uses cocoa powder, but next time I will try it with some melted milk chocolate, which I prefer. But it is already very good with cocoa powder. Unfortunately it didn’t freeze in the ice cream maker. Don’t know why?! So I just popped it in a container in the freezer and oh wonder! it’s good anyway! That’s a good gelato! So I think, it will work properly even without the machine. But if you are using one, be sure the mixture is really cold before you put it in the machine, maybe then you have a chance and it freezes in there.

Oh, and I really recommend you to use some good-quality ice cream cones with it! It’s worth it! But I’m one of those people, who could just eat the cone! I love ice cream cones… yum!


Raspberry-Chocolate Ice Cream

Finally we also have hot hot hot summer weather. To enjoy and celebrate this duly it’s time for some Gelato.

Some weeks ago I bought David Lebovitz‚ book The Perfect Scoop, which was a perfect purchase. Even if you are not in making some ice cream it is just a pleasure to read it.

Raspberry-Chocolate Ice Cream

But back to the ice cream. We decided to try the raspberry-chocolate one first, because I LOVE the combination. David uses cocoa powder, but next time I will try it with some melted milk chocolate, which I prefer. But it is already very good with cocoa powder. Unfortunately it didn’t freeze in the ice cream maker. Don’t know why?! So I just popped it in a container in the freezer and oh wonder! it’s good anyway! That’s a good gelato! So I think, it will work properly even without the machine. But if you are using one, be sure the mixture is really cold before you put it in the machine, maybe then you have a chance and it freezes in there.

Oh, and I really recommend you to use some good-quality ice cream cones with it! It’s worth it! But I’m one of those people, who could just eat the cone! I love ice cream cones… yum!

Raspberry-Chocolate Ice Cream