Zucchini-Bananen-Kuchen mit Pekannüssen Zucchini-Banana-Bread with Pecans

Zucchinischwemme bekämpfen und Resteverwertung zugleich, das ist dieser Kuchen, der dabei superlecker und saftig daherkommt. Wer hätt’s gedacht? Zucchini und Bananen machen den Kuchen saftig, ohne dass man sie schmeckt. Zimt und Spekulatiusgewürz geben auch außerhalb der Weihnachtszeit diesem Kuchen die richtige Würze. Und mal ehrlich, dass Wetter gerade passt ja auch eher zum Herbst. Pekannüsse bringen das besondere Etwas ins Spiel. Wer keine Pekannüsse mag, kann natürlich auch Walnüsse oder Paranüsse oder oder oder nehmen. Für mich sind Pekannüsse allerdings die Könige der Nüsse, gerade beim Backen.

Zucchini-Bananen-Kuchen mit Pekannüssen

Mit diesem Kuchen werdet ihr also nicht nur eine mittelgroße Zucchini los, sondern auch 1-2 überreife Bananen. Wer hat die nicht daheim? Ich kaufe die Bananen ja meistens sowieso nur, damit sie alt und schwarz werden. Hehe, und dann verbacke ich sie! Mit Bananen im Teig sind Kuchen und Muffins auch Tage später noch schön saftig. Man könnte in den Teig auch noch ein paar Schokodrops schmuggeln, aber da die schon in mein Lieblings-Banana-Bread kommen (ja das kommt auch noch, außerhalb der Zucchinisaison), lasse ich hier den Nüssen den Vortritt.

Zucchini-Bananen-Kuchen mit Pekannüssen

Der Teig kommt übrigens ganz ohne Fett aus und wenn man das Mehl durch Reismehl ersetzt, ist er auch noch glutenfrei!

Dieser Kuchen ist echtes Comfort Food. Gerade bei diesem Schmuddelwetter perfekt um sich damit auf’s Sofa zu kuscheln, Tee oder Kakao dazu und ein Kochbuch zum schmökern.

Zucchini-Bananen-Kuchen mit Pekannüssen

Vor zwei Jahren: Meloneneis

 Zucchini-Bananen-Kuchen mit Pekannüssen

Fighting the zucchini glut and making use of leftovers, that’s this bread, which is super delicious and moist, too. Zucchini and bananas make the bread moist, without noticing both in flavour. Cinnamon and mixed spices (or pumpkin pie spice) bring the right flavour. Although it might not be the right season for these spices yet, the rain and the cold wind make me feel like it is. Pecans are making the bread special. If you don’t like pecans, you can use walnuts or brazil nuts or other nuts instead, of course. But for me pecans are the queens of nuts, especially when it comes to baking.

Zucchini-Banana-Bread with Pecans

With this cake you’ll get rid of a middle sized zucchini and also 1-2 overripe bananas. And who doesn’t has overripe bananas at home? I mostly buy bananas for that purpose, becoming old and black. Hehe, and then I turn them into bread of muffins. Because with bananas, days later they are still moist. You can also add some chocolate chips to the dough, but as they are already an ingredient in my favourite banana bread (which I will post another time, out of zucchini season), I prefer nuts here.

Zucchini-Banana-Bread with Pecans

By the way, the dough is made without the addition of any fat and if you substitute the wheat flour with rice flour, it’s gluten free, too.

This bread is real comfort food. Especially with this dirty weather here these days. Perfect to snuggle on the couch with a piece of bread, accompanied by a cup of tea or cocoa, browsing through a cookbook.

Zucchini-Banana-Bread with Pecans

Two years ago: Melon Ice Cream

 Zucchini-Banana-Bread with Pecans

Cooking through La Tartine Gourmande: Apple, rhubarb and strawberry nutty crumble

Endlich haben wir uns den süßen Dingen des Buchs zugewandt. Davon gibt es viele Rezepte in diesem Buch, die alle glutenfrei sind. Entsprechend der Saison haben Ina und ich den Apfel-Rhabarber-Erdbeer-Crumble mit Nüssen von Seite 246 ausprobiert. Ich habe den Crumble auch glutenfrei mit den angegebenen Zutaten gebacken. Schließlich will ich wissen, ob die Gerichte so nachzukochen sind und dann auch schmecken. Zudem finde ich es äußerst spannend mit den glutenfreien Mehlen zu arbeiten. Dabei verwende ich keine Backmischungen, sondern verwende wie Béa auch reine glutenfreie Mehle, die dann gemischt werden.

Der Crumble stieß bei meinem Freund auf große Begeisterung. Mir schmeckte irgendwas in der Fruchtzusammensetzung nicht so ganz. Ich glaube der Apfel müsste nicht sein. Aber versteht mich nicht falsch: es war lecker! Die Streusel waren hervorragend. Eine tolle Geschmackskomposition und dann noch die Nüsse dazu. Und das wichtigste beim Crumble sind ja eigentlich auch die Streusel, denn das Obst variiert man sowieso je nach Saison.

Apple, rhubarb and strawberry nutty crumble

Finally we come to the sweet recipes in the book. There are a lot, and all of them are gluten free. According to the season Ina and I made the apple, rhubarb and strawberry nutty crumble from page 246. I baked it gluten free with the listed ingredients. After all I want to know, if the dishes can be prepared as the book claims and if they are tasty. Besides, it’s fascinating to work with gluten free flours. Therefore I do not work with mixtures, but I’m mixing my own like Béa does herself.

My boyfriend loved the crumble. I didn’t like something in the fruit mixture that much. I think the apple didn’t had to make an appearance here. But don’t get me wrong: it was good! The streusel were perfect, especially with the nuts. And for me the streusel are the most important thing in a crumble, because the fruit just varies over the season.

Apple, rhubarb and strawberry nutty crumble

Rhabarber Crumble mit Pekannuss-Vanille-EisRhubarb Crumble with Pecan-Vanilla Ice Cream

Rhabarber Crumble mit Pekannuss-Vanille-Eis

Dieses Rhabarber Rezept begleitet mich schon viele Jahre und hat sich schon nach der ersten Zubereitung den Stempel „Klassiker“ verdient. Jedes Jahr in der Rhabarbersaison ist es das erste Rezept das ich mache. Das Rezept habe ich aus einer der ersten Lecker Ausgaben, vielleicht sogar die allererste.

In diesem Rezept mag den Rhabarber eigentlich jeder. Die Kugel Eis dazu ist nicht obligatorisch, sie ist notwendig, denn dadurch schmeckt der Crumble gleich noch viel besser. Wahrscheinlich auch durch das altbekannte Spiel heiß und kalt. Natürlich passt prinzipiell jede Sorte, Milcheis würde ich aber Fruchteis hier vorziehen. Nusseis ist genauso wie Vanilleeis eine perfekte Begleitung. Und so habe ich die Sorten einfach kombiniert.


Selbstgemachtes Vanilleeis ist nicht vergleichbar mit diesem kaufbarem Schund. Ich mochte nie nie nie Vanilleeis. Habe ich niemals gegessen. Letztes Jahr hab ich es das erste Mal selber zubereitet und seitdem weiß ich, dass Vanilleeis wirklich gut sein kann!

Ein Eis in dem Pekannüsse drin sind kann sowieso nicht schlecht sein, denn einfach alles mit Pekannüssen ist lecker. Leider sind Pekannüsse hierzu Lande recht unbekannt und dementsprechend schwer aufzutreiben. Das ist äußerst schade, denn ich kann mir keine delikatere Nuss vorstellen (Pinienkerne sind auch sehr lecker, aber die verwende ich weniger für Süßes). Im Internet wird man mit etwas Suchen übrigens fündig.

Rhabarber Crumble mit Pekannuss-Vanille-Eis

Vor einem Jahr: Rhabarber Streusel Tarte

Rhabarber Crumble mit Pekannuss-Vanille-Eis

Rhubarb Crumble with Pecan-Vanilla Ice Cream

This recipe moved quickly after it’s first baking into my classic repertoire. I’m now making it since years and every time when it’s rhubarb season this dish is the first to be made.

In this recipe rhubarb is likely to be loved by everyone. The scoop of ice cream is not mandatory, it’s a must, because the crumble tastes a lot of better with the ice cream. Probably because of the old game of hot and cold. Of course basically every kind of ice cream fits, but I prefer dairy ice cream to fruit ice cream here. Nut ice cream is a perfect accompaniment as well as vanilla ice cream. So I just combined the two of them.


Homemade vanilla ice cream just isn’t comparable to that buyable crap. I never never never liked vanilla ice cream. I never ever ate it. The last year I made it myself the first time in my life. Since then I know how delicious vanilla ice cream can be!

An ice cream containing pecans can’t be bad at all, because everything containing pecans is scrumptious. Unfortunately pecans aren’t very well known here in Germany and very hard to get. This is incredibly sad, because that nut is so delicious. But if you search the internet, you’ll find a few sources for them.

 Rhubarb Crumble with Pecan-Vanilla Ice Cream

One year ago: Rhubarb Streusel Tart

Glutenfreier Orangen-Polenta-KuchenGluten-free Orange-Polenta-Cake

Glutenfreier Orangen-Polenta-Kuchen

 Von meinem Weihnachtsgutschein, den ich von meiner Lieblingstante geschenkt bekommen habe, habe ich mir letzte Woche eine Ladung Kochbücher gekauft. Ein Traum! Vielen Dank nochmal für dieses tolle Geschenk!

Unter dieser Ladung befand sich auch dieses Schätzchen: Red Velvet and Chocolate Heartache von Harry Eastwood. Ich habe eine Rezension bei Valentinas über dieses Backbuch gelesen und war gleich Feuer und Flamme. Das tolle ist nämlich, dass die Autorin (ja Harry ist eine Frau!) Butter, Mehl und Zucker ganz oder teilweise durch gemahlene Nüsse und geriebenes Gemüse ersetzt. Klar ist, dass Gemüse auch Zucker enthält und deshalb braucht man zum Teig schon mal nicht mehr so viel dazugeben. Und wie man das von Karotten- und Zucchinikuchen kennt, werden die immer besonders saftig und bleiben es auch lange! Nun verwendet Harry unter anderem auch Rote Beete oder Pastinaken. Das finde ich spannend! Und für alle die sich glutenfrei ernähren, ist es praktisch, dass das Mehl häufig durch gemahlene Nüsse oder in diesem Fall auch Polenta ersetzt wird. Das ist aber nichts besonderes, es ist einfach so! Als „Normalesser“ ist einem das nicht bewusst, erst wenn man es sich eben überlegt. Erwähnt wird dies im Buch nicht explizit.

Die Aufmachung des Buches ist wie aus einer englischen Teaparty gegriffen. Klassisch verspielt.  Es gibt nicht zu jedem Rezept ein Bild, aber mit ein bisschen Fantasie und mit Hilfe der Einleitung zu jedem Rezept geht es auch so. Es ist stabil gebunden und verfügt über griffige dicke Seiten, was ich liebe. Ich kann dieses Buch jedem empfehlen, der sich von einem englischen Buch nicht abschrecken lässt und einfach mal was Neues ausprobieren möchte.

Glutenfreier Orangen-Polenta-Kuchen

Dieser Kuchen ist ein orangiger Traum. Das liegt auch daran, dass er nochmal mit Orangensirup getränkt wird, ohne aber pappig zu werden. Verwendet werden hier Karotten, es ist also ein Einsteigerrezept. Der Kuchen ist sättigend ohne mächtig zu sein. Es ist daher von Vorteil eine 24 cm Springform oder wie im Rezept empfohlen eine quadratische 22 cm Form zu verwenden. Über die Konsistenz, geschweige denn über den Geschmack des Kuchens auf seine Glutenfreiheit zu schließen wäre im übrigen anmaßend.

Glutenfreier Orangen-Polenta-Kuchen

One year ago: Hackbraten á la Jamie

Two years ago: Überbacke Tofunocken mit Tomatensauce


Glutenfreier Orangen-Polenta-Kuchen

 Thanks to my favourite aunt, who gifted me a voucher for Christmas, I was able to buy a bunch of cookbooks last week. And in between that bunch was that little gem: Red Velvet Chocolate Heartache by Harry Eastwood. I read a review about this book and I was immediately hooked. Great thing about the book is that the author (who is a woman indeed) substitutes butter, flour and sugar completely or in parts with grounded nuts and grated vegetables. It’s for sure that vegetables naturally contain sugar and so it’s easy to omit some of it. And as you know from making carrot or zucchini cake/bread it’s always very luscious and that even after days! But Harry even uses red beets or parsnips. And that sounds amazing to me! As flour is substituted with grounded nuts or as in this case polenta, the recipes are also suitable for everyone living gluten-free. But the cool things is, that’s nothing special. That’s just the way the recipes are. And if you are not aware of that, you won’t even notice, because it’s not mentioned.

The layout of the book is like fresh from an English tea party. Classic, but frisky. Not every recipe comes with a picture, but every recipe comes with a sweet introduction of the sweet bites. So with that and your fantasy you can easily imagine every recipe without a picture. The book is bound solidly and has catchy thick sites, which I love. I overly recommend that book, if you want to try something totally new.

Glutenfreier Orangen-Polenta-Kuchen

The cake is an orange dream. Infusing it with an orange syrup after baking helps, of course, but that doesn’t mean it’s a sticky cake. It’s not. In this cake grated carrots are used, so this is a real beginner cake, speaking of the choice of vegetables. This cake is saturating, without being heavy. So it’s recommended to use a 24 cm spring form or as stated in the original recipe a 22 cm square tin. By the way it would be presumptuous to say that the texture or the taste of the cake would imply that it’s gluten-free. You would never notice.

Glutenfreier Orangen-Polenta-Kuchen

One year ago: Meatloaf á la Jamie

Two years ago: Tofuballs with Tomato Sauce

Apfel & Vanille Madeleines mit brauner ButterApple, Brown Butter & Vanilla Madeleines

Apfel & Vanille Madeleines mit brauner Butter

Madeleines sind so eine heikle Sache. Ich liebe sie. Und sie sind einfach zu machen. Sie sind auch sehr lecker. Aber meistens nur am Backtag, vielleicht noch am Tag danach. Anschließend sind sie trocken, hart, einfach nicht mehr lecker. Mein Gebäck sollte sich aber schon ein paar Tage halten. Das erwarte ich schlicht und einfach. Ich backe nicht nur für einen Tag (außer es kommen natürlich Gäste).

Ich war schon von vielen Madeleines begeistert. Die Begeisterung legte sich schnell. Bis ich diese hier ausprobiert habe. Sie schmecken nicht nur einfach ganz toll nach den verwendeten Zutaten, also Äpfel, der Vanille und der gebräunten Butter, nein sie halten sich auch noch mehrere Tage in einer Blechdose. Dabei bleiben sie immer schön saftig und aromatisch. Ich habe mein Rezept gefunden!

Apfel & Vanille Madeleines mit brauner Butter

Schwierig wird es wohl, wenn ich mich nach Madeleines ohne Obst sehne. Aber das dürfte im Herbst zu verhindern sein. Es gibt ja noch Birnen, Quitten und im Notfall könnte man auch ein bisschen Kürbisfleisch in die kleinen Küchlein schmuggeln.

Ich habe mich bei diesem Rezept mehr oder weniger an die Angaben gehalten, und es nur auf glutenhaltige Zutaten umgemodelt. Ich habe es von dem wundervollen Blog von Aran – Cannelle et Vanille. Sollte man also unter eine Glutenunverträglichkeit oder Zöliakie leiden, ist dieser Blog eine sehr gute Anlaufstelle für Rezepte. Ansonsten ist er immer wieder schön anzuschauen.

Apfel & Vanille Madeleines mit brauner Butter

Vor einem Jahr: Churros


Apfel & Vanille Madeleines mit brauner Butter

Apple, Brown Butter & Vanilla Madeleines

 Madeleines are a delicate thing. I love them and they are super easy to bake. Also they are delicious. But mostly only on the day they are baked, maybe the day after. After that they are dry, hard, just not delicious anymore. But my baked goods should last for a few days. That are just my expectations. I’m not baking things for only one day (except guests are expected).

I already was enthusiastic about many madeleine recipes. But that was gone soon. Until I tried these sweet little gems. They are perfectly delicious! They combine the taste of the apples with the vanilla and the brown butter. AND they are lasting several days in a cookie jar. Whilst that, they are keeping moist and aromatic. I found my recipe!

Apple, Brown Butter & Vanilla Madeleines

It will be different finding a recipe, without fruit, although. But this won’t be necessary in autumn, since there still can be used pears, quinces and even some pumpkin puree.

I found this recipe on the wonderful blog from Aran – Cannelle et Vanille. I just changed the recipe into one with gluten. So if you are suffering under celiac disease, this blog should be one of your favourite sources for recipes. Besides it is just a beautiful blog.

Apple, Brown Butter & Vanilla Madeleines

One year ago: Churros


Apple, Brown Butter & Vanilla Madeleines



Diese Tarte habe ich nicht nur für uns, sondern auch für das wiederbelebte Event der Hüttenhilfe gebacken. Das Event heißt Fremdkochen und geht über 2 Monate, in denen man seine Rezepte/Bilder einreichen kann. Der Witz an der Sache ist, dass man sich ein Rezept aus einem anderen Blog sucht und das nachkocht/nachbäckt. Natürlich braucht so ein Event immer ein Motto und das ist diesmal „Tartes“. Perfekt, da ich Tartes sowieso überalles liebe.


Schön finde ich, dass man einen Lieblingsblog fördern kann und man auch den ein oder anderen „neuen“ Blog für sich entdeckt. Denn der Blog, von dem das Originalrezept stammt wird selbstverständlich verlinkt.

Ich habe mir diese Birnen-Vanille Tarte rausgesucht von Simone von Pi mal Butter. Einer meiner absoluten Lieblingsblogs, seit dem ich ihn kenne. Das Originalrezept hörte noch auf den klangvollen Namen Mascarpone-Tarte mit Pastis-Vanille-Birnen und Zitronenthymian. Da ich aber hier und da ein paar Änderungen vorgenommen habe, habe ich auch gleich den Namen geändert.


Und jetzt mal im Ernst: Diese Tarte ist der absolute Oberhammer! Das ist die beste Tarte, die ich jemals fabriziert und gegessen habe. Der Teig ist so schön mürb und blätterig (auch wenn ich mit ihm im ungebackenen Zustand gekämpft habe), und die Birnen, die Birnen! Herrlich vanillig, karamellig, weich, ach ein Traum! Die Creme auf der die Birnen liegen ist auch nicht zu verachten. Frank war ganz begeistert davon, dass man eine so leckere Creme aus Crème fraîche, Quark, etwas Zucker und Vanille herstellen kann. Obendrauf noch ein bisschen dickflüssiger Karamell… was will man mehr?

Ganz klare Empfehlung von mir: Nachbacken! Es lohnt sich. Aber sowas von.


Vor einem Jahr: glutenfreie Donuts




I made this tart not just for us, but also for revitalised Event of the Hüttenhilfe. The event’s name is „Fremdkochen“ (in English something like „cooking unfamiliar“)  and takes 2 months. The root of the matter is cooking/baking a recipe from another foodblogger. Of course you link the original recipe with your duplicated recipe. On this way everyone discovers new blogs and supports their favourites. The theme of the event is „Tarts“ until the end of October. And that’s just perfect, as I love tarts!


I picked this vanilla-pear-tart from Simone of Pi mal Butter. One of my absolutely favourite foodblogs, since I know it. The original recipe answered to the sonourous name of mascarpone-tarte with pastis-vanilla-pears and citrus thyme. But since I made some adjustments, I changed the name, too.


So for serious: This tart is the bomb! The best tarte I’ve ever baked and eaten. The dough is perfectly flaky and tender (although we’ve had some battles to fight before he was baked), and the pears, the pears! So full of vanilla and caramel flavour and perfectly mellow. Not to mention the cream, on which the pears are laid on. Frank was overwhelmed by a cream, which consists only of crème fraîche, quark, some sugar and vanilla. To top it all with some thick caramel… can there be anything more charming?

My distinct recommendation: Bake it! It’s worth it. Totally.


One year ago: gluten-free Donuts



Erdbeertörtchen mit Joghurt-Limetten-MousseStrawberry Tartlets with Yogurt-Lime-Mousse

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Erdbeertörtchen mit Joghurt-Limetten-Mousse


I’m back from Flanders! Bruges is such a beautiful city. You can just stay there for a couple of days, because there is so much to see and the beauty of the town is just overwhelming. Another pleasure was a shop there, called Dille & Kamille, which was heaven for everything in the kitchen. And it was cheap! If you’re ever in Belgium or the Netherlands, go there!


                                                picture by http://www.dille-kamille.nl


Before the (straw)berry season is over, I want to give you access to a delicious and beautiful recipe. I found that recipe a while ago in a magazine and this year it was the time to make it.

It looks more difficult than it is. All you need is some time to prepare the different elements. Assembling those isn’t tough.

The tartlets are light and fluffy, fruity and have a nice addition, because of the lime. They are just perfect for summer, and even better for a dinner with friends, because they are so good looking. Don’t forget the chilling time for the end result and maybe even some in between for the mousse. I used dessert rings, that were 8 cm in diameter, which were just perfect for that purpose. In the recipe cleaned yogurt pots were used. You can also use other moulds, that fit. The rings were perfect, because you haven’t turn the whole thing upside down and then turn it around again. You just pull of the ring. Easy. 

Erdbeertörtchen mit Joghurt-Limetten-Mousse

Vor einem Jahr: Pfirsich Tartelettes

Erdbeertörtchen mit Joghurt-Limetten-Mousse

Erdbeertörtchen mit Joghurt-Limetten-Mousse

Strawberry Tartlets with Yogurt-Lime-Mousse


I’m back from Flanders! Bruges is such a beautiful city. You can just stay there for a couple of days, because there is so much to see and the beauty of the town is just overwhelming. Another pleasure was a shop there, called Dille & Kamille, which was heaven for everything in the kitchen. And it was cheap! If you’re ever in Belgium or the Netherlands, go there!


                                                picture by http://www.dille-kamille.nl

Before the (straw)berry season is over, I want to give you access to a delicious and beautiful recipe. I found that recipe a while ago in a magazine and this year it was the time to make it.

It looks more difficult than it is. All you need is some time to prepare the different elements. Assembling those isn’t tough.

The tartlets are light and fluffy, fruity and have a nice addition, because of the lime. They are just perfect for summer, and even better for a dinner with friends, because they are so good looking. Don’t forget the chilling time for the end result and maybe even some in between for the mousse. I used dessert rings, that were 8 cm in diameter, which were just perfect for that purpose. In the recipe cleaned yogurt pots were used. You can also use other moulds, that fit. The rings were perfect, because you haven’t turn the whole thing upside down and then turn it around again. You just pull of the ring. Easy.

Strawberry Tartlets with Yogurt-Lime-Mousse

One year ago: Peach Tartelettes

Strawberry Tartlets with Yogurt-Lime-Mousse

Strawberry Tartlets with Yogurt-Lime-Mousse


Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Today I’m finally fighting against my writer’s block. I didn’t stop to photograph, or beware! cooking and baking. But when it came to blogging my head was blank.


 On the other side I had so many things floating around my head, because just recently I began to work on my diploma thesis. Which is a totally new territory to me.

I would say „so we see what happens next“, but I already know what will happen next… vacation! Yes, finally I’ll have some days off! Next week I will be staying in Bruges in Belgium. From there we will make some trips in Flanders, as to Gent, Brussels, Antwerp, Lille…

I’m excited and looking forward to this trip! If you have ever been there, or live there and have some tips for me, I would be pleased. Let me know!


There happened so much that I can tell you, that fighting down the blockade was really easy! But a blog post is nothing without food. So I recommend you this light and fresh summer tart.

Enjoy some blueberries, as long as you can. This tart is just perfect. Because it can be best eaten cooled. And with it’s tangy flavour of the lemon and the sour cream it’s great in the heat. If you have some other flour in your pantry, than the common wheat flour, mix something up and try it in that crust. Spelt, whole wheat or something gluten-free like quinoa or teff, will make a nutty crust, that pairs well with the filling.

Vor einem Jahr: Meloneneis


Today I’m finally fighting against my writer’s block. I didn’t stop to photograph, or beware! cooking and baking. But when it came to blogging my head was blank.


On the other side I had so many things floating around my head, because just recently I began to work on my diploma thesis. Which is a totally new territory to me.

I would say „so we see what happens next“, but I already know what will happen next… vacation! Yes, finally I’ll have some days off! Next week I will be staying in Bruges in Belgium. From there we will make some trips in Flanders, as to Gent, Brussels, Antwerp, Lille…

I’m excited and looking forward to this trip! If you have ever been there, or live there and have some tips for me, I would be pleased. Let me know!


There happened so much that I can tell you, that fighting down the blockade was really easy! But a blog post is nothing without food. So I recommend you this light and fresh summer tart.

Enjoy some blueberries, as long as you can. This tart is just perfect. Because it can be best eaten cooled. And with it’s tangy flavour of the lemon and the sour cream it’s great in the heat. If you have some other flour in your pantry, than the common wheat flour, mix something up and try it in that crust. Spelt, whole wheat or something gluten-free like quinoa or teff, will make a nutty crust, that pairs well with the filling.

One year ago: Melon Ice Cream


Rhabarber Streusel TarteRhubarb Streusel Tart

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Another rhubarb recipe, yes! Because you have to use rhubarb, as long as you get it.

And this recipe is a hit! The recipe itself doesn’t read like one, but as soon as you’ve taken the first bite you’ll be convinced.

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

A flaky, buttery crust with tart, mellow rhubarb and all this topped with crispy, spicy streusel! I mean, how should it become even better?

The crust is really thin when rolled out, but don’t worry it won’t break when baked. I’ve used a tart pan, which was really fully loaded. But it worked! You can also use a spring-form pan.

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

As it is rhubarb season, rhubarb recipes are all over the internet. And so a question arises: Peeling or not? Some peel it all way long, some never. I was not only confused, but I always didn’t liked the idea of peeling off the bright red skin of the rhubarb. I mean, that’s one of the great characteristics of rhubarb, isn’t it? So I searched the internet. Summarized: modern rhubarb varieties have less strings so there is no need to peel. Just chop the ends, and if there are any strings coming off, peel them. So this is my way in the future, forever.

I also heard of some rhubarb varieties, that are red inside, too. It’s called strawberry rhubarb and looks really beautiful. Look at that from a post from Nicky. Unfortunately I’ve never seen it here.

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

We have been offered a lot rhubarb from a friend, who cannot work it up anymore. So do you have any suggestions, what to do with a lot rhubarb? I knew we could make jam, but I am not such a big fan of (strawberry-) rhubarb jam. So I will be thankful for any tips.

Vor einem Jahr: Rhabarber-Streusel-Kuchen

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

Another rhubarb recipe, yes! Because you have to use rhubarb, as long as you get it.

And this recipe is a hit! The recipe itself doesn’t read like one, but as soon as you’ve taken the first bite you’ll be convinced.

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

A flaky, buttery crust with tart, mellow rhubarb and all this topped with crispy, spicy streusel! I mean, how should it become even better?

The crust is really thin when rolled out, but don’t worry it won’t break when baked. I’ve used a tart pan, which was really fully loaded. But it worked! You can also use a spring-form pan.

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

As it is rhubarb season, rhubarb recipes are all over the internet. And so a question arises: Peeling or not? Some peel it all way long, some never. I was not only confused, but I always didn’t liked the idea of peeling off the bright red skin of the rhubarb. I mean, that’s one of the great characteristics of rhubarb, isn’t it? So I searched the internet. Summarized: modern rhubarb varieties have less strings so there is no need to peel. Just chop the ends, and if there are any strings coming off, peel them. So this is my way in the future, forever.

I also heard of some rhubarb varieties, that are red inside, too. It’s called strawberry rhubarb and looks really beautiful. Look at that from a post from Nicky. Unfortunately I’ve never seen it here.

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

We have been offered a lot rhubarb from a friend, who cannot work it up anymore. So do you have any suggestions, what to do with a lot rhubarb? I knew we could make jam, but I am not such a big fan of (strawberry-) rhubarb jam. So I will be thankful for any tips.

One year ago: Rhubarb-Streusel-Cake

Rhubarb Streusel Tart

Rhabarber MuffinsRhubarb Muffins

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

We spotted the first rhubarb from Germany this year in the supermarket. But we had to lay our hands on it, nonetheless. At the farmer’s market they had the first German asparagus last weekend. But for 15 €/kg I can resist a few weeks more. Although I love asparagus, too. So at home we thought about what to do with the rhubarb. It didn’t want to make a cake, since it’s often too much for us two to eat. As I made some really good muffins a few days before, they came to my mind. As well as a crumble. So we made both.  

Rhubarb Muffins

The muffin recipe is a variation of my new favourite muffin recipe, for which I searched really really long. In fact I looked for the perfect chocolate chip muffin recipe. But that’s another story. But be sure, it will follow! Because those chocolate chip muffins are to die for. The rhubarb muffins are slightly crispy on the outside, but very soft inside, filled with creamy rhubarb bites. It’s just perfect for welcoming spring.  

Rhubarb Muffins

Spring itself welcomed me too, with a nice allergy to some pollen. I have no clue, since it’s the first time ever. But I know it’s a pollen allergy, since my eyes are red and sore, which they wouldn’t, if it would be a normal cold  (my other symptoms would suggest I have a cold). Thank you spring, I welcome you nonetheless (especially because my enemy – the winter – has gone finally)!  

If you want to get rid of the last frozen rhubarb remains in your freezer – like I did some weeks ago, which was just right, cause who wants to eat the old one from last year, if you can have fresh one from this year?- I recommend you my quick and easy rhubarb streusel cake, which I posted last year. You can even bake it with the frozen rhubarb bites! I wouldn’t try the muffins with the frozen rhubarb, because they will get eventually too soggy. And no one fancies soggy muffins…

Rhubarb Muffins

We spotted the first rhubarb from Germany this year in the supermarket. But we had to lay our hands on it, nonetheless. At the farmer’s market they had the first German asparagus last weekend. But for 15 €/kg I can resist a few weeks more. Although I love asparagus, too. So at home we thought about what to do with the rhubarb. It didn’t want to make a cake, since it’s often too much for us two to eat. As I made some really good muffins a few days before, they came to my mind. As well as a crumble. So we made both.  

Rhubarb Muffins


The muffin recipe is a variation of my new favourite muffin recipe, for which I searched really really long. In fact I looked for the perfect chocolate chip muffin recipe. But that’s another story. But be sure, it will follow! Because those chocolate chip muffins are to die for. The rhubarb muffins are slightly crispy on the outside, but very soft inside, filled with creamy rhubarb bites. It’s just perfect for welcoming spring.  


Rhubarb Muffins

Spring itself welcomed me too, with a nice allergy to some pollen. I have no clue, since it’s the first time ever. But I know it’s a pollen allergy, since my eyes are red and sore, which they wouldn’t, if it would be a normal cold  (my other symptoms would suggest I have a cold). Thank you spring, I welcome you nonetheless (especially because my enemy – the winter – has gone finally)!  

If you want to get rid of the last frozen rhubarb remains in your freezer – like I did some weeks ago, which was just right, cause who wants to eat the old one from last year, if you can have fresh one from this year?- I recommend you my quick and easy rhubarb streusel cake, which I posted last year. You can even bake it with the frozen rhubarb bites! I wouldn’t try the muffins with the frozen rhubarb, because they will get eventually too soggy. And no one fancies soggy muffins…  

Rhubarb Muffins

Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-FüllungYeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

The March 2011 Daring Baker’s Challenge was hosted by Ria of Ria’s Collection and Jamie of Life’s a Feast. Ria and Jamie challenged The Daring Bakers to bake a yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake.

Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-Füllung

Theses cakes were just gorgeous! We loved them both! The first was gone after one day. We had to bake a second one to get some photos of the product. And of course we loved them so much, we wanted a second one instantly. The original recipe is already for two cakes, but as we are only the two of us, that would have been too much. Also yeasted cakes and breads are the best on the day baked, and still good on their second day, but then they get dry. So it was better to bake a second one, after two days.

I filled the first cake with the filling provided in the recipe: Chopped pecans, semisweet chocolate and the cinnamon-sugar-mixture. That was indeed the best. For the second I used hazelnuts instead of pecans and milk chocolate, but it wasn’t as good as the first. But I have to admit, I used a different brand of chocolate, which wasn’t the right one for this kind of use. And the pecans were also a lot better than the hazelnuts. But in my opinion, pecans are the best nuts on… well, yes the world. And I recommend to chop the nuts yourself. The pieces are bigger and it just tastes better then. Sorry, it’s just like that. And I wouldn’t try  using the bought chopped ones. I know it’s easier. But trust me here.

Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-Füllung

Is also used only one egg white for the meringue for one cake, because some people found two too much. I just can say, that one is enough and didn’t miss a second one. Below I give you the recipe, with my personal adjustments already incorporated.

I would really like to try a savory one with cheese and ham or anything. Just wondering, how it works out with the sweet meringue?! Anyone tried this out?

If sweet or savory, this is a perfect comfort treat for any time of the day and I highly recommend to bake this coffee cake. Accompanying this great cake with great comforting music, I recommend you The Shepherd’s Dog from Iron and Wine. It’s my favourite CD right now, that’s rotating upside down in my player these days. Love it!

Thanks for the great challenge!

Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-Füllung

Vor einem Jahr: Schokoladen-Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-Füllung

Hefekuchenkranz mit Nuss-Schoko-Meringue-Füllung


The March 2011 Daring Baker’s Challenge was hosted by Ria of Ria’s Collection and Jamie of Life’s a Feast. Ria and Jamie challenged The Daring Bakers to bake a yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake.

Yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

Theses cakes were just gorgeous! We loved them both! The first was gone after one day. We had to bake a second one to get some photos of the product. And of course we loved them so much, we wanted a second one instantly. The original recipe is already for two cakes, but as we are only the two of us, that would have been too much. Also yeasted cakes and breads are the best on the day baked, and still good on their second day, but then they get dry. So it was better to bake a second one, after two days.

I filled the first cake with the filling provided in the recipe: Chopped pecans, semisweet chocolate and the cinnamon-sugar-mixture. That was indeed the best. For the second I used hazelnuts instead of pecans and milk chocolate, but it wasn’t as good as the first. But I have to admit, I used a different brand of chocolate, which wasn’t the right one for this kind of use. And the pecans were also a lot better than the hazelnuts. But in my opinion, pecans are the best nuts on… well, yes the world. And I recommend to chop the nuts yourself. The pieces are bigger and it just tastes better then. Sorry, it’s just like that. And I wouldn’t try  using the bought chopped ones. I know it’s easier. But trust me here.

Yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

Is also used only one egg white for the meringue for one cake, because some people found two too much. I just can say, that one is enough and didn’t miss a second one. Below I give you the recipe, with my personal adjustments already incorporated.

I would really like to try a savory one with cheese and ham or anything. Just wondering, how it works out with the sweet meringue?! Anyone tried this out?

If sweet or savory, this is a perfect comfort treat for any time of the day and I highly recommend to bake this coffee cake. Accompanying this great cake with great comforting music, I recommend you The Shepherd’s Dog from Iron and Wine. It’s my favourite CD right now, that’s rotating upside down in my player these days. Love it!

Thanks for the great challenge!

Yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

One year ago: Chocolate Macarons with Raspberry Filling


Yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

Yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake

Apfel Galette Apple Galette


Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Some time ago I already introduced you to an apple tart. Which is very good indeed.

This is another apple tart, but the dough is folded like a galette and you can bake it freestyle without a baking pan, so I called it an apple galette. So no mix-ups possible. Also it’s a totally different kind of a „tart“.

Apple Galette

I adapted the recipe from one of my all time favourite sites Smitten Kitchen. There it’s called the „simplest apple tart“, but I wouldn’t emphasize that, cause really my favourite apple pie is the simplest. But that’s another story. So this galette is a bit of work, but easy. And it rewards you with a thin and flaky, buttery, tender crust and apples, which are soft, but yet firm. And it looks like the perfect food. It’s a „wow-dish“. I would have tried it and bring it along somewhere, but after a blink or two it’s gone.

Apple Galette

So this is my new favourite apple tart/galette. Following my favourite apple pie, which is a melt in the mouth, too. Really I love baked or fried apple dishes. As long as the apples aren’t to firm, because I really do not like apples.

Yeah, you’ve read right. I never ever eat an apple. I didn’t even liked them a kid. It’s not the taste, because as you see I like it in cakes, pies, tarts and yes apple fritters, as well as apple compote (but without bits) and of course apple juice. I’m only not befriend with the consistency of apples. And how it sounds when you bite into them. That gives me a chill. And if you now think this aversion is impossible and freaky, listen… I’ve already met one person, which has the same aversion as me. Apple juice yes and other product without fruit bits yes, raw apples no!

Apple Galette

Vor einem Jahr: Blätterteigtarte mit Wurzelgemüse

Apple Galette


Apple Galette


Some time ago I already introduced you to an apple tart. Which is very good indeed.

This is another apple tart, but the dough is folded like a galette and you can bake it freestyle without a baking pan, so I called it an apple galette. So no mix-ups possible. Also it’s a totally different kind of a „tart“.

Apple Galette

 I adapted the recipe from one of my all time favourite sites Smitten Kitchen. There it’s called the „simplest apple tart“, but I wouldn’t emphasize that, cause really my favourite apple pie is the simplest. But that’s another story. So this galette is a bit of work, but easy. And it rewards you with a thin and flaky, buttery, tender crust and apples, which are soft, but yet firm. And it looks like the perfect food. It’s a „wow-dish“. I would have tried it and bring it along somewhere, but after a blink or two it’s gone.

Apple Galette

 So this is my new favourite apple tart/galette. Following my favourite apple pie, which is a melt in the mouth, too. Really I love baked or fried apple dishes. As long as the apples aren’t to firm, because I really do not like apples.

Yeah, you’ve read right. I never ever eat an apple. I didn’t even liked them a kid. It’s not the taste, because as you see I like it in cakes, pies, tarts and yes apple fritters, as well as apple compote (but without bits) and of course apple juice. I’m only not befriend with the consistency of apples. And how it sounds when you bite into them. That gives me a chill. And if you now think this aversion is impossible and freaky, listen… I’ve already met one person, which has the same aversion as me. Apple juice yes and other product without fruit bits yes, raw apples no!

Apple Galette

One year ago: Puff Pastry Tart with Root Vegetables

Apple Galette


Apple Galette