glutenfreie ButterkekseDecorated Sugar Cookies with the Daring Bakers [gluten-free]

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

The September 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Mandy of “What the Fruitcake?!” Mandy challenged everyone to make Decorated Sugar Cookies based on recipes from Peggy Porschen and The Joy of Baking.

For this months challenge everybody should choose a theme. I chose simply „autumn“, because it’s everywhere present for me and I’m totally enjoying it. So I cut out some different shaped leaves with the cookie cutters and decorated them with green, orange and yellow royal icing.

Decorated Sugar Cookies with the Daring Bakers [gluten-free]

Since the only time in the year when I bake sugar cookies is normally before Christmas, I wasn’t so eager on the cookies. So I chose to make them gluten-free, just to give it an extra twist and to try a new flavour. Also I didn’t want to try a different sugar cookie recipe than mine, since I believe mine is the best ;). But before Christmas there is just not the right time to reveal it. I used a sugar cookie recipe from Shauna and it worked out very well. Besides it tastes really good.

The icing was interesting, since I’ve never did it before. It worked well, too. But I’m not a fan of artificial colouring and to decorate cookies like this.It just does not look natural to me. Additionally the cookies just taste great on them selves. The sweet icing is not necessary for me. But it was a good experience.

Decorated Sugar Cookies with the Daring Bakers [gluten-free]

Vor einem Jahr: Triple Mousse

The September 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Mandy of “What the Fruitcake?!” Mandy challenged everyone to make Decorated Sugar Cookies based on recipes from Peggy Porschen and The Joy of Baking.

For this months challenge everybody should choose a theme. I chose simply „autumn“, because it’s everywhere present for me and I’m totally enjoying it. So I cut out some different shaped leaves with the cookie cutters and decorated them with green, orange and yellow royal icing.

Decorated Sugar Cookies with the Daring Bakers [gluten-free]

Since the only time in the year when I bake sugar cookies is normally before Christmas, I wasn’t so eager on the cookies. So I chose to make them gluten-free, just to give it an extra twist and to try a new flavour. Also I didn’t want to try a different sugar cookie recipe than mine, since I believe mine is the best ;). But before Christmas there is just not the right time to reveal it. I used a sugar cookie recipe from Shauna and it worked out very well. Besides it tastes really good.


The icing was interesting, since I’ve never did it before. It worked well, too. But I’m not a fan of artificial colouring and to decorate cookies like this.It just does not look natural to me. Additionally the cookies just taste great on them selves. The sweet icing is not necessary for me. But it was a good experience.

Decorated Sugar Cookies with the Daring Bakers [gluten-free]

One year ago: Triple Mousse

Glutenfreie DonutsGluten-free Donuts

We had a party at the weekend. Celebrating our new apartment and my 25th. Lots of people, lots of food. Lots of fun!
Since one guest has celiac disease and I didn’t wanted to make everything special, a lot of the food was gluten-free. Also it was a good opportunity to make donuts. We love them, but it isn’t worth the work for only two people. But for 20. So searching the internet I found a recipe, that sounded good to me. We adapted it to the flours we had. To form the donuts you have to work with a pastry bag, because the dough is not firm enough to roll it out and cut out the donuts. But it’s easy. Don’t be afraid!
Gluten-free Donuts
They were so good! You would never ever notice those are gluten-free! It was a real surprise.
I think it really worked out so well, because we made our own mix of flours and didn’t use a store-bought mixture, which contains mostly corn flour (in Germany). Additionally we used xanthan as a gluten substitute. Xanthan is not very common in Germany. To be truth nobody (almost) knows it. Outside Germany you can maybe imagine how baked gluten-free goods look like here. And how they taste. It’s a shame, cause with xanthan it’s so easy. I’ve baked now three times with it and every time it worked out really well.  And I never baked gluten-free before that! I bought the xanthan here. It was shipped from Austria and you can purchase a larger amount, that isn’t that over expensive. Normally you need 0,5 – 1 tsp. per recipe, so if you bake often gluten-free, 500g are a good investment.
Gluten-free Donuts
Originally we wanted to coat the donuts with sugar glaze and with chocolate, but we were tight in time, so we tossed them in cinnamon sugar. F. said, they were not that fluffy like normal donuts. The texture was more like jelly donuts. But I couldn’t think, that this is something negative. I love jelly donuts, too. So feel free to make them ball shape and fill them with jam. Everything is possible and everything will be delicious!
Gluten-free Donuts

We had a party at the weekend. Celebrating our new apartment and my 25th. Lots of people, lots of food. Lots of fun!
Since one guest has celiac disease and I didn’t wanted to make everything special, a lot of the food was gluten-free. Also it was a good opportunity to make donuts. We love them, but it isn’t worth the work for only two people. But for 20. So searching the internet I found a recipe, that sounded good to me. We adapted it to the flours we had. To form the donuts you have to work with a pastry bag, because the dough is not firm enough to roll it out and cut out the donuts. But it’s easy. Don’t be afraid!
Gluten-free Donuts
They were so good! You would never ever notice those are gluten-free! It was a real surprise.
I think it really worked out so well, because we made our own mix of flours and didn’t use a store-bought mixture, which contains mostly corn flour (in Germany). Additionally we used xanthan as a gluten substitute. Xanthan is not very common in Germany. To be truth nobody (almost) knows it. Outside Germany you can maybe imagine how baked gluten-free goods look like here. And how they taste. It’s a shame, cause with xanthan it’s so easy. I’ve baked now three times with it and every time it worked out really well. And I never baked gluten-free before that! I bought the xanthan here. It was shipped from Austria and you can purchase a larger amount, that isn’t that over expensive. Normally you need 0,5 – 1 tsp. per recipe, so if you bake often gluten-free, 500g are a good investment.
Gluten-free Donuts
Originally we wanted to coat the donuts with sugar glaze and with chocolate, but we were tight in time, so we tossed them in cinnamon sugar. F. said, they were not that fluffy like normal donuts. The texture was more like jelly donuts. But I couldn’t think, that this is something negative. I love jelly donuts, too. So feel free to make them ball shape and fill them with jam. Everything is possible and everything will be delicious!
Gluten-free Donuts
Gently slide 4 donuts with the parchment paper into the oil and fry until golden brown. Flip the donuts, as you remove the parchment paper using tongs. Cook until golden brown again. Remove the donuts with a slotted spoon and place them on the paper towels.
While still warm toss the donuts gently in the sugar-cinnamon mixture.

Tomaten und ÄpfelTomatoes and Apples

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Summer ending and autumn beginning. That is what tomatoes and apples are standing for, right now. That is how I feel. I’m yearning for the warm summer air and long nights, but I also like when it rains all day and the sky is cloudy. It’s a good excuse to cozy up and eat meals, that warm from inside. And it’s a good excuse to drink glühwein, yet. Yeah, I already had my first  some days ago…

Tomatoes and Apples

For enjoying the last summer bits and preserving it until autumn and winter, make some good old homemade pasta/pizza sauce and can it. It’s a bit of work chopping all the tomatoes, but the rest is just easy going. And there’s definitely no need to  peel the skin off them! I made sauce of 2 kilos of tomatoes and it looked a lot in the pot. But afterwards it ended in 5 jars. That’s good, don’t get me wrong. But if you have access to a lot tomatoes, don’t be shy or scared of the amount, you will be rewarded with a lot of yummy pasta sauce, that will bring you through the summer-less seasons.

Tomato Sauce

For enjoying the first autumn bits, I give you a simple apple compote on the way, which can be spiced up with your favourite spices or made with additionally pears. This compote is just perfect as a topping on arroz con leche, creams or the flan tart, I will post next time. It can also used as a filling for a sweet snack made of puff pastry or enjoyed with pancakes. Make a lot, it disappears fast!

Apple Compote

Diese Rezepte sind nur Richtlinien. Lasst Zutaten weg oder fügt andere hinzu, wenn ihr möchtet.

Wenn ihr Pastasauce einmachen wollt, müsst ihr vorher die Gläser und Deckel sterilisieren. Hier gibt es gutes und sehr witziges Video darüber und wie man ganze Tomaten einmacht.



Summer ending and autumn beginning. That is what tomatoes and apples are standing for, right now. That is how I feel. I’m yearning for the warm summer air and long nights, but I also like when it rains all day and the sky is cloudy. It’s a good excuse to cozy up and eat meals, that warm from inside. And it’s a good excuse to drink glühwein, yet. Yeah, I already had my first some days ago…

Tomatoes and Apples

For enjoying the last summer bits and preserving it until autumn and winter, make some good old homemade pasta/pizza sauce and can it. It’s a bit of work chopping all the tomatoes, but the rest is just easy going. And there’s definitely no need to peel the skin off them! I made sauce of 2 kilos of tomatoes and it looked a lot in the pot. But afterwards it ended in 5 jars. That’s good, don’t get me wrong. But if you have access to a lot tomatoes, don’t be shy or scared of the amount, you will be rewarded with a lot of yummy pasta sauce, that will bring you through the summer-less seasons.

Tomato Sauce

For enjoying the first autumn bits, I give you a simple apple compote on the way, which can be spiced up with your favourite spices or made with additionally pears. This compote is just perfect as a topping on arroz con leche, creams or the flan tart, I will post next time. It can also used as a filling for a sweet snack made of puff pastry or enjoyed with pancakes. Make a lot, it disappears fast!

Apple Compote

Note: That is just a guideline. Feel free to add and leave things, how you prefer it.

If you want to can the pasta sauce, you need clean jars with lids, that you’ve sterilized before. Here’s a really good and also funny video about sterilizing jars and canning whole tomatoes from The Bitten Word. They put it in a nutshell.







Pflaumen GalettesRustic Plum Galettes

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

I made those a while ago, but I never made it to post them. Now before the summer is all over again and plums are still in season I have to give it out to you. The galettes are easy to make. Only dough, plums and sugar, that’s it!

Rustic Plum Galettes

I’m looking forward to autumn, but I also want to catch the last summer fruit, before there will be a long cold time without those delicious enjoyments. So tomorrow I want to get some pumpkins and apples at the market as well as some peaches (if I’m lucky). Stuck between summer and autumn is a really good time for yummy food. So preserve the summer and enjoy the upcoming autumn. Make ice cream with summer fruit, freeze fruit puree for the winter, can tomatoes or as I’ve done it recently: make your own pasta sauce and can it! There will be a post about that soon! I hope I got you a bit inspired. I need that inspiration too. Autumn food is so tempting.

Rustic Plum Galettes

So make the dough, then go buy some plums. When you’re back the dough is chilled and ready for rolling out. Assemble the galettes and bake. Enjoy them warm with a scoop of ice cream or cooled down every time you are passing by. I know what I’m talking about. They didn’t survived the day after baking!

Rustic Plum Galettes


Rustic Plum Galettes

I made those a while ago, but I never made it to post them. Now before the summer is all over again and plums are still in season I have to give it out to you. The galettes are easy to make. Only dough, plums and sugar, that’s it!

Rustic Plum Galettes

I’m looking forward to autumn, but I also want to catch the last summer fruit, before there will be a long cold time without those delicious enjoyments. So tomorrow I want to get some pumpkins and apples at the market as well as some peaches (if I’m lucky). Stuck between summer and autumn is a really good time for yummy food. So preserve the summer and enjoy the upcoming autumn. Make ice cream with summer fruit, freeze fruit puree for the winter, can tomatoes or as I’ve done it recently: make your own pasta sauce and can it! There will be a post about that soon! I hope I got you a bit inspired. I need that inspiration too. Autumn food is so tempting.

Rustic Plum Galettes

So make the dough, then go buy some plums. When you’re back the dough is chilled and ready for rolling out. Assemble the galettes and bake. Enjoy them warm with a scoop of ice cream or cooled down every time you are passing by. I know what I’m talking about. They didn’t survived the day after baking!

Rustic Plum Galettes

Rustic Plum Galettes

Eiscreme Petit Fours Ice Cream Petit Fours

The August 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Elissa of 17 and Baking. For the first time, The Daring Bakers partnered with Sugar High Fridays for a co-event and Elissa was the gracious hostess of both. Using the theme of beurre noisette, or browned butter, Elissa chose to challenge Daring Bakers to make a pound cake to be used in either a Baked Alaska or in Ice Cream Petit Fours. The sources for Elissa’s challenge were Gourmet magazine and David Lebovitz’s “The Perfect Scoop”.

Ice Cream Petit Fours

Finally I was again looking forward to a Daring Bakers challenge! Ice Cream Petit Fours. That really sounded delicious to me. I like Ice Cream Petit Fours, although I don’t know them with cake involved. Only ice cream and chocolate glaze.

The making of the browned butter cake and the ice cream were easy and both tasted really great on its own. Assembling cake and ice cream worked fine, until… THE DISASTER!

The disaster began, when I tried to cut and glaze the petit fours. They just fell apart and the ice cream melted, although it was cooled to room temperature. Maybe over 30 degrees at that day weren’t very helpful for doing a thing like this. But it is summer and I don’t own an air-conditioned kitchen. Who does?! Why did the petit fours fell apart? I don’t know honestly. I’ve seen some other people having the same problem. Maybe it would have been helpful to spread the ice cream on the cake and then assemble the second layer of cake instantly and not when both are already frozen thoroughly. Sadly the cake didn’t tasted like much after freezing. Was a waste to use that delicious cake for the ice cream petit fours.  Next time it is just better to enjoy the browned butter cake, fresh from the oven, with a scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream.

Sometimes the simplest things are the best!

Ice Cream Petit Fours

I hope there will be more challenges, that are not just to try something new, difficult or something you would never make for yourself at home. But challenges that convert something that look difficult into something simple and hence delicious. I was very happy with the challenges last year (macarons, puff pastry,  gingerbread house), all very versatile, but down to earth. So I was somewhat disappointed of the challenges of the last months, that were a bit over the top in my opinion. I hope the upcoming challenges will enthuse me again. I’m always looking forward!

The August 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Elissa of 17 and Baking. For the first time, The Daring Bakers partnered with Sugar High Fridays for a co-event and Elissa was the gracious hostess of both. Using the theme of beurre noisette, or browned butter, Elissa chose to challenge Daring Bakers to make a pound cake to be used in either a Baked Alaska or in Ice Cream Petit Fours. The sources for Elissa’s challenge were Gourmet magazine and David Lebovitz’s “The Perfect Scoop”.

Ice Cream Petit Fours

Finally I was again looking forward to a Daring Bakers challenge! Ice Cream Petit Fours. That really sounded delicious to me. I like Ice Cream Petit Fours, although I don’t know them with cake involved. Only ice cream and chocolate glaze.

The making of the browned butter cake and the ice cream were easy and both tasted really great on its own. Assembling cake and ice cream worked fine, until… THE DISASTER!

The disaster began, when I tried to cut and glaze the petit fours. They just fell apart and the ice cream melted, although it was cooled to room temperature. Maybe over 30 degrees at that day weren’t very helpful for doing a thing like this. But it is summer and I don’t own an air-conditioned kitchen. Who does?! Why did the petit fours fell apart? I don’t know honestly. I’ve seen some other people having the same problem. Maybe it would have been helpful to spread the ice cream on the cake and then assemble the second layer of cake instantly and not when both are already frozen thoroughly. Sadly the cake didn’t tasted like much after freezing. Was a waste to use that delicious cake for the ice cream petit fours. Next time it is just better to enjoy the browned butter cake, fresh from the oven, with a scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream.

Sometimes the simplest things are the best!

Ice Cream Petit Fours

I hope there will be more challenges, that are not just to try something new, difficult or something you would never make for yourself at home. But challenges that convert something that look difficult into something simple and hence delicious. I was very happy with the challenges last year (macarons, puff pastry, gingerbread house), all very versatile, but down to earth. So I was somewhat disappointed of the challenges of the last months, that were a bit over the top in my opinion. I hope the upcoming challenges will enthuse me again. I’m always looking forward!

Thymian Haselnuss CrackerThyme Hazelnut Cracker

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

I never buy cookies. I told you. I have to make them by myself. But I can’t eat cookies always. Not even me! Sometimes I’m just longing for some crisps or crackers. Something salty, hearty. I’m getting hungry again…

Thyme Hazelnut Cracker

So for satisfying those cravings I needed to bake cracker. I mean it would be nice to make crisps by myself, but to be honest: Who would do such a crazy thing?! I mean why cutting potatoes into thin thin slices and fry them, while buying them is so much easier. At this point I’m totally on the buyer site. That’s like making your own mascarpone. Time consuming and senseless. And yes I’ve tried that! Shame on me.

Thyme Hazelnut Cracker

But crackers are not in that category. They are easier to make than cookies. Really. And you can add a whole bunch of things, you couldn’t do with the bought ones, which all come along with either salt, red pepper taste, cheese… uhm… did I forget something? Sounds like real diversity, isn’t it.

Thyme Hazelnut Cracker

So this recipe is just a guideline. Add what you prefer. Cheese is totally welcome, whatever one you like. Parmesan just worked fine for me. The crackers are crisp and flaky. They are not on the light side of food. To make them lighter I suggest to substitute the hazelnuts with almonds or even no nuts. Or add some crushed pretzels. Mmmh I’m totally on the pretzel way today. Don’t know why. Want to eat cookies with pretzel pieces inside. Next project? Ok, back to the crackers. Add some fried bacon or fried bacon glazed with maple syrup. Use your favourite herbs. Add some dried tomatoes. It’s all your choice. So go ahead and make them! Now!

Thyme Hazelnut Cracker

Vor einem Jahr: Wachteln, kalt und warm

I never buy cookies. I told you. I have to make them by myself. But I can’t eat cookies always. Not even me! Sometimes I’m just longing for some crisps or crackers. Something salty, hearty. I’m getting hungry again…

Thyme Hazelnut Cracker

So for satisfying those cravings I needed to bake cracker. I mean it would be nice to make crisps by myself, but to be honest: Who would do such a crazy thing?! I mean why cutting potatoes into thin thin slices and fry them, while buying them is so much easier. At this point I’m totally on the buyer site. That’s like making your own mascarpone. Time consuming and senseless. And yes I’ve tried that! Shame on me.

Thyme Hazelnut Cracker

But crackers are not in that category. They are easier to make than cookies. Really. And you can add a whole bunch of things, you couldn’t do with the bought ones, which all come along with either salt, red pepper taste, cheese… uhm… did I forget something? Sounds like real diversity, isn’t it.

Thyme Hazelnut Cracker

So this recipe is just a guideline. Add what you prefer. Cheese is totally welcome, whatever one you like. Parmesan just worked fine for me. The crackers are crisp and flaky. They are not on the light side of food. To make them lighter I suggest to substitute the hazelnuts with almonds or even no nuts. Or add some crushed pretzels. Mmmh I’m totally on the pretzel way today. Don’t know why. Want to eat cookies with pretzel pieces inside. Next project? Ok, back to the crackers. Add some fried bacon or fried bacon glazed with maple syrup. Use your favourite herbs. Add some dried tomatoes. It’s all your choice. So go ahead and make them! Now!

Thyme Hazelnut Cracker

One year ago: Quails, cold and warm


Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Just another comfort food. Just another perfect summer dish. Just a perfect snack. Just a perfect everyday dish. Just a perfect picnic dish. Just a perfect side dish for grilling. Just so many options for eating this wonderful, delicious and easy salad.


It hasn’t deserved the word salad. I mean salad is something, that involves some lousy leaves of some green plant. It’s something, that doesn’t saturate. Attributes that have nothing to do with that „salad“. You can serve the salad immediately warm, or cold or at room temperature. So versatile again.


This dish involves only delicious ingredients. Couscous, avocado, pine nuts, mint, honey. The product has to be luscious. And it is! So next time you go by an avocado, buy it and remember this dish.

I’m looking forward to tomorrow, since then we’ll be going to the market again. Maybe I’m making some photos then and a bit of story telling about it next time. We will definitely go to our favourite market stall again, buy vegetables, especially those great tomatoes, buy some bread at the bread stall, cheese and maybe some flowers. Some of the flowers, which we bought last Saturday and I showed you in the last post are still vivid, like the beautiful orange lilies and the gerbera. 


Vor einem Jahr: Death by Chocolate


Just another comfort food. Just another perfect summer dish. Just a perfect snack. Just a perfect everyday dish. Just a perfect picnic dish. Just a perfect side dish for grilling. Just so many options for eating this wonderful, delicious and easy salad.


It hasn’t deserved the word salad. I mean salad is something, that involves some lousy leaves of some green plant. It’s something, that doesn’t saturate. Attributes that have nothing to do with that „salad“. You can serve the salad immediately warm, or cold or at room temperature. So versatile again.


This dish involves only delicious ingredients. Couscous, avocado, pine nuts, mint, honey. The product has to be luscious. And it is! So next time you go by an avocado, buy it and remember this dish.

I’m looking forward to tomorrow, since then we’ll be going to the market again. Maybe I’m making some photos then and a bit of story telling about it next time. We will definitely go to our favourite market stall again, buy vegetables, especially those great tomatoes, buy some bread at the bread stall, cheese and maybe some flowers. Some of the flowers, which we bought last Saturday and I showed you in the last post are still vivid, like the beautiful orange lilies and the gerbera.



One year ago: Death by Chocolate

Kokos Panna CottaCoconut Panna Cotta

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

One year ago I started this blog!

I’m glad that I took this step. And I’m proud how it developed. It’s more than I’ve ever thought it would be or I would have here. I want to thank everyone, who  directed some kind words about it at me – here in the comments or just before the screen. I want to thank YOU for your visits!

Kokos Panna Cotta

In the last weeks I started to integrate some new features on the blog, like a Facebook page and even Twitter. Yeah, you’ve read right, Coconut & Vanilla has it’s own Facebook page! I would be pleased, if you jump over and become a fan. And if you want to know what I’m doing in the kitchen in between my blog posts, you can now follow me on Twitter and look over my shoulder.

Kokos Panna Cotta

Furthermore, with some help I invented a new blog design! It now looks fresher, cleaner and more personal. I hope you like it! I love it! We found those wonderful tomatoes, which you can see on my new banner, on the market in our area.

We bought them at my favourite stall, which sells fruit, vegetables and flowers they’ve grown by themselves. Last Saturday we bought there the most beautiful flower bouquet I’ve ever seen! I love to meander through the stalls and look at all the beautiful vegetables, flowers, fruit, cheese, bread, meat, olives, marinated sheep milk cheese… just everything you need. It’s the perfect beginning of the weekend and you get almost everything you need for the week.

Kokos Panna Cotta

One year ago, as I started this whole thing I was wondering how I should name it. And that’s not so easy, since there are a lot of blogs out there. But it didn’t took me long… One of my favourite desserts is panna cotta. And Coconut Panna Cotta is the one I love the most! I like the taste of the coconut milk pairing with the vanilla. I like to bite on that tiny bits of vanilla seeds. I like how it sounds. So why not name it like a favourite dessert? And that is how it came that my blogs name is Coconut & Vanilla. For this occasion I want to share my very own recipe of it with you.

Kokos Panna Cotta

Vor einem Jahr: Death by Chocolate

One year ago I started this blog!

I’m glad that I took this step. And I’m proud how it developed. It’s more than I’ve ever thought it would be or I would have here. I want to thank everyone, who directed some kind words about it at me – here in the comments or just before the screen. I want to thank YOU for your visits!

Coconut Panna Cotta

In the last weeks I started to integrate some new features on the blog, like a Facebook page and even Twitter. Yeah, you’ve read right, Coconut & Vanilla has it’s own Facebook page! I would be pleased, if you jump over and become a fan. And if you want to know what I’m doing in the kitchen in between my blog posts, you can now follow me on Twitter and look over my shoulder.

Coconut Panna Cotta

Furthermore, with some help I invented a new blog design! It now looks fresher, cleaner and more personal. I hope you like it! I love it! We found those wonderful tomatoes, which you can see on my new banner, on the market in our area.

We bought them at my favourite stall, which sells fruit, vegetables and flowers they’ve grown by themselves. Last Saturday we bought there the most beautiful flower bouquet I’ve ever seen! I love to meander through the stalls and look at all the beautiful vegetables, flowers, fruit, cheese, bread, meat, olives, marinated sheep milk cheese… just everything you need. It’s the perfect beginning of the weekend and you get almost everything you need for the week.

Coconut Panna Cotta

One year ago, as I started this whole thing I was wondering how I should name it. And that’s not so easy, since there are a lot of blogs out there. But it didn’t took me long… One of my favourite desserts is panna cotta. And Coconut Panna Cotta is the one I love the most! I like the taste of the coconut milk pairing with the vanilla. I like to bite on that tiny bits of vanilla seeds. I like how it sounds. So why not name it like a favourite dessert? And that is how it came that my blogs name is Coconut & Vanilla. For this occasion I want to share my very own recipe of it with you.

Coconut Panna Cotta

One year ago: Death by Chocolate

Die besten Chocolate Chip Cookies Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

These days it’s all about making research, testing recipes, baking and cooking. The reason is that some events are coming up. First event will be my blog anniversary next week. There will be a big surprise, where not just baking is involved! The second event will be the Daring Bakers in August. And the most important event will be a wedding in October. It’s not just important, because it’s a family wedding, but also because I’ll be baking the wedding cake!

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

Friday bride and groom will be testing the cakes. I’ll be preparing two different cakes with different fillings and I want to try to make another one gluten-free. All that’s a real challenge. But I’m glad, that I finally created some recipes, that appear good to me. So tomorrow is baking and whisking day! I’m really looking forward to the next two days. So wish me luck.

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

In between one just needs some cookies. We really longed for some cookies the day before yesterday. But as I never buy some – because I always think I can do it all at home better and cheaper… and with more fun – we didn’t had some. As such craving don’t pass by easily or until the next day, I decided to make some simple chocolate chip cookies. They are simple and easy and I made them a dozen times already. So I can say: they are the best. In my opinion.

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

They are crispy on the outside and have a softer core. This time I used dark and milk chocolate. But usually I only use the dark one. And if you don’t have chocolate chips on hand, use normal chocolate bars (you should like the chocolate of course) and chop it into small pieces. You can vary the size of your cookies by forming smaller or bigger dough balls, before baking. Depends on your liking to eat more palm-size cookies or two-bite-size cookies. I lean towards the second choice…

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

So if you have just 30 minutes left (for everything!), try and make them. I’m sure you will be convinced, too. I mean, who can stand this:

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

Vor einem Jahr: Death by Chocolate


These days it’s all about making research, testing recipes, baking and cooking. The reason is that some events are coming up. First event will be my blog anniversary next week. There will be a big surprise, where not just baking is involved! The second event will be the Daring Bakers in August. And the most important event will be a wedding in October. It’s not just important, because it’s a family wedding, but also because I’ll be baking the wedding cake!

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

Friday bride and groom will be testing the cakes. I’ll be preparing two different cakes with different fillings and I want to try to make another one gluten-free. All that’s a real challenge. But I’m glad, that I finally created some recipes, that appear good to me. So tomorrow is baking and whisking day! I’m really looking forward to the next two days. So wish me luck.

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

In between one just needs some cookies. We really longed for some cookies the day before yesterday. But as I never buy some – because I always think I can do it all at home better and cheaper… and with more fun – we didn’t had some. As such craving don’t pass by easily or until the next day, I decided to make some simple chocolate chip cookies. They are simple and easy and I made them a dozen times already. So I can say: they are the best. In my opinion.

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

They are crispy on the outside and have a softer core. This time I used dark and milk chocolate. But usually I only use the dark one. And if you don’t have chocolate chips on hand, use normal chocolate bars (you should like the chocolate of course) and chop it into small pieces. You can vary the size of your cookies by forming smaller or bigger dough balls, before baking. Depends on your liking to eat more palm-size cookies or two-bite-size cookies. I lean towards the second choice…

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

So if you have just 30 minutes left (for everything!), try and make them. I’m sure you will be convinced, too. I mean, who can stand this:

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

One year ago: Death by Chocolate

Pfirsich TartelettesPeach Tartelettes

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

About a month ago I promised some tartelettes. Actually apricot tartelettes. But as the case may be, they looked good, but the apricots just tasted like nothing. Additionally something was missing. Some cream, which would flatter your palate. Maybe vanilla? So an idea was born.

Peach Tartelettes

1. Pâte sucrée: which I also used for the failed apricot tartelettes, but which is very good. I adapted it from Michel Roux. It’s a bit sticky, but so you only have to press the dough in your molds. No rolling out! If you are making this dough, you have to use butter! Don’t use shortening (Koch-,Back- oder Streichfett)! Trust me, I’ve tried. Also stick to the chilling time. It’s both worth for handling and taste!

Peach Tartelettes

2. Crème pâtissiére: A very fine and also light cream filling for the tartelettes, which has just a slight sweetness and good taste of vanilla. I recommend to use vanilla extract. I also made it with vanilla pods, but I prefer the taste of the vanilla extract. If you don’t know, where to get some vanilla extract, without going to expense, just make your own. I just did it myself and it’s super easy.

Peach Tartelettes

3. Peaches! There is nothing much to say here, just use some that are already ripe and of course have a good taste! Not just like my apricots…

About a month ago I promised some tartelettes. Actually apricot tartelettes. But as the case may be, they looked good, but the apricots just tasted like nothing. Additionally something was missing. Some cream, which would flatter your palate. Maybe vanilla? So an idea was born.

Peach Tartelettes

1. Pâte sucrée: which I also used for the failed apricot tartelettes, but which is very good. I adapted it from Michel Roux. It’s a bit sticky, but so you only have to press the dough in your molds. No rolling out! If you are making this dough, you have to use butter! Don’t use shortening (Koch-,Back- oder Streichfett)! Trust me, I’ve tried. Also stick to the chilling time. It’s both worth for handling and taste!

Peach Tartelettes

2. Crème pâtissiére: A very fine and also light cream filling for the tartelettes, which has just a slight sweetness and good taste of vanilla. I recommend to use vanilla extract. I also made it with vanilla pods, but I prefer the taste of the vanilla extract. If you don’t know, where to get some vanilla extract, without going to expense, just make your own. I just did it myself and it’s super easy.

Peach Tartelettes

3. Peaches! There is nothing much to say here, just use some that are already ripe and of course have a good taste! Not just like my apricots…

Biskuitrollen-EisbombeSwiss Swirl Ice Cream Cake

The July 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Sunita of Sunita’s world – life and food. Sunita challenged everyone to make an ice-cream filled Swiss roll that’s then used to make a bombe with hot fudge. Her recipe is based on an ice cream cake recipe from Taste of Home.

Swiss Swirl Ice Cream Cake

I admit I’m a bit late for posting the challenge. I already made most of the bombe some days ago, but I couldn’t pick myself up for pulling it out of the freezer and do the pictures. Don’t ask!

I’m not a fan of ice bombes. Didn’t know anyone is still making something like this. I remember them from my childhood, huge and colorful. I don’t remember I’ve eaten them, though. So I decided, that I make two mini bombes and when I’m now looking at the pictures, I think they are really cute. And they are looking better on the photo, than in real. I wouldn’t made that, if I hadn’t had some ice cream in the freezer and some fudge sauce in the fridge. So I only had to bake the swiss roll.

I baked one with a strawberry filling and I used raspberry ice cream for the bombe. The fudge sauce was a traditional chocolate one.

Now is your mouth watered? If you’re nearby, I invite you to drop by and you can enjoy a mini ice bombe.  Otherwise it will be spending more time in the freezer, without being eaten. Cause I’m sorry, I can’t…

Swiss Swirl Ice Cream Cake

The July 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Sunita of Sunita’s world – life and food. Sunita challenged everyone to make an ice-cream filled Swiss roll that’s then used to make a bombe with hot fudge. Her recipe is based on an ice cream cake recipe from Taste of Home.

Swiss Swirl Ice Cream Cake

I admit I’m a bit late for posting the challenge. I already made most of the bombe some days ago, but I couldn’t pick myself up for pulling it out of the freezer and do the pictures. Don’t ask!

I’m not a fan of ice bombes. Didn’t know anyone is still making something like this. I remember them from my childhood, huge and colorful. I don’t remember I’ve eaten them, though. So I decided, that I make two mini bombes and when I’m now looking at the pictures, I think they are really cute. And they are looking better on the photo, than in real. I wouldn’t made that, if I hadn’t had some ice cream in the freezer and some fudge sauce in the fridge. So I only had to bake the swiss roll.

I baked one with a strawberry filling and I used raspberry ice cream for the bombe. The fudge sauce was a traditional chocolate one.

Now is your mouth watered? If you’re nearby, I invite you to drop by and you can enjoy a mini ice bombe. Otherwise it will be spending more time in the freezer, without being eaten. Cause I’m sorry, I can’t…

Swiss Swirl Ice Cream Cake

Indisches MandelhühnchenIndian Almond Chicken

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

As I’m writing this, I’m looking out the window, watching the rain. And it’s nice. Last week was so hot, that we couldn’t imagine turning on the oven or making a hot meal. Over the weekend the weather cooled down to about 20°C and rain, now and then.

It’s refreshing in another way. And it’s comfortable. It’s also comfortable to cozy up a bit in between the heat and cook and bake again. It’s time for some real comfort food.

This is my ultimate comfort food. I could dig in it, that good it is.

Indisches Mandelhühnchen

This are chicken pieces, which have marinated at least 6 hours in yoghurt, tomato puree and lots of spices. After that you cook it about 1,5 hours. The chicken will be tender and you have an unbelievable sauce! You can serve it with rice, if you want it easy (cause this meal IS easy). But if you want it be best, make some Batura. It’s an indian yeast flat-bread, which is deep-fried. In one of my upcoming posts, I will write about Batura, too. It’s so good, I want to dig in that, too.

Now you can imagine, what that meal does to me…

Indisches Mandelhühnchen

So, hurry up, marinate some chicken, you won’t regret it tonight! Oh, and it wouldn’t be a fault to make the double amount. It freezes wonderful (and still tastes wonderful after thawing). And another night, when you’re too lazy to cook, you already have a dinner.


As I’m writing this, I’m looking out the window, watching the rain. And it’s nice. Last week was so hot, that we couldn’t imagine turning on the oven or making a hot meal. Over the weekend the weather cooled down to about 20°C and rain, now and then.

It’s refreshing in another way. And it’s comfortable. It’s also comfortable to cozy up a bit in between the heat and cook and bake again. It’s time for some real comfort food.

This is my ultimate comfort food. I could dig in it, that good it is.

Indian Almond Chicken

This are chicken pieces, which have marinated at least 6 hours in yoghurt, tomato puree and lots of spices. After that you cook it about 1,5 hours. The chicken will be tender and you have an unbelievable sauce! You can serve it with rice, if you want it easy (cause this meal IS easy). But if you want it be best, make some Batura. It’s an indian yeast flat-bread, which is deep-fried. In one of my upcoming posts, I will write about Batura, too. It’s so good, I want to dig in that, too.

Now you can imagine, what that meal does to me…

Indian Almond Chicken

So, hurry up, marinate some chicken, you won’t regret it tonight! Oh, and it wouldn’t be a fault to make the double amount. It freezes wonderful (and still tastes wonderful after thawing). And another night, when you’re too lazy to cook, you already have a dinner.