Graham CrackerGraham Cracker

Graham Cracker

Graham Cracker brauche ich immer dann, wenn ich Käsekuchen backe. Eigentlich Cheesecake. Denn deutschen Käsekuchen mag ich nicht. Das amerikanische Pendant ist um ein vielfaches leichter und wie ich finde auch leckerer. Das liegt auch am Boden, der besteht im Original meist aus Graham Cracker. Das wiederum sind keine Cracker, wie wir sie kennen, sondern ganz einfach Kekse, die man in USA überall kaufen kann. Hier natürlich nicht. War ja klar.

Ich habe nun schon oft Rezepte gesehen, in denen diese Graham Cracker einfach durch andere ersetzt werden. Ich habe es auch schon selbst ausprobiert, aber die Ergebnisse waren mehr als enttäuschend, vor allem wenn man weiß wie es schmecken kann! Butterkekse und Co sind einfach nicht für den perfekten Cheesecakeboden geeignet, nein es muss der Graham Cracker sein!

Deshalb backe ich schon seit längerem meine eigenen Graham Cracker und friere diese auf Vorrat ein. Sie halten sich sicherlich auch sehr lange in einer Blechdose, aber dann besteht die Gefahr, dass sie vor dem nächsten Cheesecake alle aufgefuttert wären. Denn wenn man nämlich keinen Cheesecake mag, kann man diese wunderbaren Kekse auch einfach Zwischendurch knabbern, sie sind nämlich unheimlich lecker!

Da meine Kekse optisch nicht viel hermachen müssen, rolle ich den Teig aus und rädele dann mit dem Teigrädchen rechteckige Kekse aus, die in etwa gleichgroß sind. So hat man auch keine Probleme mit Teigresten!

Und demnächst versorge ich Euch dann mit dem ultimativen Cheesecake Rezept, das wartet nämlich schon seit Herbst auf seinen großen Auftritt!

Graham Cracker

Vor zwei Jahren: Pasta mit Pilzen

Vor drei Jahren: Selbstgemachte Gemüsebouillonpaste

Außerdem: glutenfreie Graham Cracker

Graham Cracker

I’m in need of graham crackers, when I want to bake some cheesecake. Not any cheesecake, the American kind of. I just can’t stand the German ones. The American cheesecake is so much lighter and as I think much more scrumptious! This however has to do with the bottom (amongst other points), which consists mainly of graham crackers. Which are no cracker at all, but cookies, which you can buy everywhere in the US. Not in Germany, of course. Clearly, sigh.

I often spotted recipes using other cookies than graham crackers for the cheesecake bottom and I’ve already tried different kinds, but the outcome was more than disappointing, moreover if you know how they could taste! Butter biscuits and co are just not suitable for the perfect cheesecake crust, it need to be graham crackers!

Because of that I’m baking my own graham crackers and freeze them, so I always have some handy. They surely keep well in a tin box, too, but then I’d to make sure they won’t be eaten, before making the next cheesecake! So if you don’t like cheesecakes, there’s no need to refrain from these cookies, since they are perfect for a nibble in between and just delicious on their own!

Since my graham crackers don’t need to be beautiful, I just roll out the dough and cut it with a pastry wheel in equal sized squares. Thus, you won’t have any leftovers of dough, too.

I’m providing the ultimate cheesecake recipe using these graham cracker, soon, so stay tuned!

Graham Cracker

Two years ago: mushroom pasta

Three years ago: homemade bouillon paste

Moreover: gluten-free graham cracker

Thymian Haselnuss CrackerThyme Hazelnut Cracker

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

I never buy cookies. I told you. I have to make them by myself. But I can’t eat cookies always. Not even me! Sometimes I’m just longing for some crisps or crackers. Something salty, hearty. I’m getting hungry again…

Thyme Hazelnut Cracker

So for satisfying those cravings I needed to bake cracker. I mean it would be nice to make crisps by myself, but to be honest: Who would do such a crazy thing?! I mean why cutting potatoes into thin thin slices and fry them, while buying them is so much easier. At this point I’m totally on the buyer site. That’s like making your own mascarpone. Time consuming and senseless. And yes I’ve tried that! Shame on me.

Thyme Hazelnut Cracker

But crackers are not in that category. They are easier to make than cookies. Really. And you can add a whole bunch of things, you couldn’t do with the bought ones, which all come along with either salt, red pepper taste, cheese… uhm… did I forget something? Sounds like real diversity, isn’t it.

Thyme Hazelnut Cracker

So this recipe is just a guideline. Add what you prefer. Cheese is totally welcome, whatever one you like. Parmesan just worked fine for me. The crackers are crisp and flaky. They are not on the light side of food. To make them lighter I suggest to substitute the hazelnuts with almonds or even no nuts. Or add some crushed pretzels. Mmmh I’m totally on the pretzel way today. Don’t know why. Want to eat cookies with pretzel pieces inside. Next project? Ok, back to the crackers. Add some fried bacon or fried bacon glazed with maple syrup. Use your favourite herbs. Add some dried tomatoes. It’s all your choice. So go ahead and make them! Now!

Thyme Hazelnut Cracker

Vor einem Jahr: Wachteln, kalt und warm

I never buy cookies. I told you. I have to make them by myself. But I can’t eat cookies always. Not even me! Sometimes I’m just longing for some crisps or crackers. Something salty, hearty. I’m getting hungry again…

Thyme Hazelnut Cracker

So for satisfying those cravings I needed to bake cracker. I mean it would be nice to make crisps by myself, but to be honest: Who would do such a crazy thing?! I mean why cutting potatoes into thin thin slices and fry them, while buying them is so much easier. At this point I’m totally on the buyer site. That’s like making your own mascarpone. Time consuming and senseless. And yes I’ve tried that! Shame on me.

Thyme Hazelnut Cracker

But crackers are not in that category. They are easier to make than cookies. Really. And you can add a whole bunch of things, you couldn’t do with the bought ones, which all come along with either salt, red pepper taste, cheese… uhm… did I forget something? Sounds like real diversity, isn’t it.

Thyme Hazelnut Cracker

So this recipe is just a guideline. Add what you prefer. Cheese is totally welcome, whatever one you like. Parmesan just worked fine for me. The crackers are crisp and flaky. They are not on the light side of food. To make them lighter I suggest to substitute the hazelnuts with almonds or even no nuts. Or add some crushed pretzels. Mmmh I’m totally on the pretzel way today. Don’t know why. Want to eat cookies with pretzel pieces inside. Next project? Ok, back to the crackers. Add some fried bacon or fried bacon glazed with maple syrup. Use your favourite herbs. Add some dried tomatoes. It’s all your choice. So go ahead and make them! Now!

Thyme Hazelnut Cracker

One year ago: Quails, cold and warm