Rauchige Mango-Whisky-BarbecuesauceSmoky Mango Whisky Barbecuesauce

Vorletztes Jahr hatte ich eine wundervolle Barbecuesauce mit Pfirsichen eingemacht. Leider habe ich es letzten Sommer mit den Pfirsichen nicht auf die Reihe bekommen und so sahen die Barbecuesaucen-Vorräte im Herbst ganz mager aus.

Dann war ich im November auf ein tolles Whiskyevent eingeladen und in Folge dessen habe ich mit rauchigem Ardmore-Whisky experimentiert. Und nichts passte auf Anhieb besser, als meine Barbecuesauce damit zu verfeinern um damit das typisch rauchige Aroma zu erzielen. Da auch noch Mangosaison war und es ganz wunderbare reife aromatische Früchte zu kaufen gab, habe ich zugeschlagen und diese exzellente fruchtige, rauchige Mango-Barbecuesauce mit Whisky kreiert!

Ardmore Whisky - Coconut & Vanilla

Ich habe mich bisher kaum mit Whisky beschäftigt. Ich war zwar im Schottland Urlaub in der Glenfiddich Destillery, aber danach habe ich eher meine Leidenschaft für guten Whiskylikör entdeckt als für Whisky.

Mit einer Handvoll Bloggern wurde ich von Ketchum Pleon eingeladen um Ardmore Whisky im Vergleich zum Auchentoshan Whisky zu verkosten. Es war sehr spannend zu sehen wie groß die Unterschiede sind und wie gut das Rauchige des Räucherns herauskommt. Ich kann zwar nun nicht behaupten das Malt Whiskys zu meinen neuen Lieblingsspirituosen gehören, jedoch kann ich den Ardmore definitv als „Einsteiger“ Single Malt empfehlen. Meine Neuentdeckung für mich war eher die Gegenverkostung ;).

Ardmore Whisky - Coconut & Vanilla

Es steckt sehr viel mehr hinter guten Spirituosen und es geht nicht einfach nur um’s „Saufen“. So ein Tasting bringt ganz neue Einblicke und ist wirklich interessant und spannend. Mir hat es großen Spaß gemacht und ich bedanke mich für die Einladung und das toll organisierte Event!

Den meisten von Euch werde ich sicherlich nicht mehr erzählen müssen was man mit dieser Barbecuesauce alles anstellen kann. Lasst Euch aber gesagt sein, dass kombiniert mit dem karamellisierten Zwiebelrelish und noch ein paar grandiosen Zutaten ein ganz außergewöhnlicher und verdammter guter Burger bauen lässt! Das Rezept wird folgen! Nun lasse ich Euch erstmal Zeit die beiden Grundzutaten für den Burger nachzukochen. Anschließend ist der Burger nämlich ruckzuck zusammengebaut!

Rauchige Mango-Whisky-Barbecuesauce von Coconut & Vanilla

Vor einem Jahr: Butterschmalz selbstgemacht

Vor drei Jahren: Frischkäsebällchen mit Kräutern und Walnüssen


Last year I made a batch of barbecue sauce with peaches. Unfortunately I couldn’t manage it with the peaches last summer and so in autumn the barbecue sauce in stock looked very meager.

Then in November I was invited to a whisky event and after that I was able to experiment with the smoky Single Malt Whisky Ardmore. And nothing fit better than to refine my barbecue sauce with that whisky and to get that typical smoky flavour. Also mangoes were in season and so I bought a bunch of ripe aromatic fruits and created this excellent fruity and smoky mango barbecue sauce with whisky!

Ardmore Whisky - Coconut & Vanilla

Honestly I didn’t bother much about whisky until then. I was on vacation in Scotland and visited the famous Glenfiddich Destillery, but after that I rather discovered my passion for good whisky liquor than for whisky.

Together with few other bloggers I was invited by Ketchum Pleon to savour whisky and I had a really good time! We compared Ardmore whisky with Auchentoshan whisky. It was very fascinating to see the huge differences and how good the smokiness of the smoking process can be tasted. I cannot say that malt whiskys are my favourite spirits now, but I can defintely recommend Ardmore as a single malt for novices. My discovery was rather the opposition ;).

Ardmore Whisky - Coconut & Vanilla

There’s more behind a good spirit and it’s not just about drinking, when consuming alcohol. Such a tasting reveals new insights and is very interesting and fascinating. I had a lot of fun and I’m thankful for having the opportunity!

I don’t need to tell most of you what to do with this fantastic bbq sauce, right? But let me tell you, that if you are making a burger and combining the sauce with the caramelized onions and some other awesome ingredients, you’ll be able to make an overly exciting burger! Recipes will follow! But now I’ll give you some time to make these two ingredients for a burger. The burger is put together then in no time!

Rauchige Mango-Whisky-Barbecuesauce von Coconut & Vanilla

One year ago: homemade clarified butter

Three years ago: cream cheese balls with herbs and walnuts



Wenn es die weltbesten Pfirsiche von unserem Bauern gibt, dann schlag ich zu. Es gibt sie nämlich meistens nur 1 oder 2 mal im Sommer. Ich geben zu, ich bestelle sie sogar vor, damit sie mir keiner wegschnappen kann, wir sind ja nicht die zeitigsten auf dem Markt.

2 kg stehen vom 2. Termin im Kühlschrank, daraus werde ich heute noch leckere Marmelade kochen. Aus der ersten Fuhre wurde so einiges und aus den letzten 3 Stück wurde ein Granita gemacht.

Das ist ja auch genau das Richtige bei diesen Temperaturen! Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich noch ein 1 kg Erdbeeren erstehen können und das hat mich besonders gefreut, da ich es nämlich verbummelt hatte den tollen Erdbeerlikör zu machen. Aus den restlichen Erdbeeren werde ich gleich noch ein köstliches Granita zaubern!

Das tolle an einem Granita ist, dass man keine Eismaschine braucht und auch keine aufwendige Eier-Eis-Basis. Ein Jedermann-Rezept also.


Vor einem Jahr: Lila Milchreis

Vor zwei Jahren: Couscous-Avocado-Salat

Vor drei Jahren: Wachteln, kalt und warm


When our farmer has the world-best peaches, I purchase a lot. They only have them once or twice during the summer. I admit, I preorder them, so I’m sure to get some, as we are not those early birds on the market.

2 kilograms are waiting in our fridge from the last weekend, from which I will make jam today. I made different things from the first batch, but the last 3 peaches were turned in this refreshing granita.

Which is just the right thing for this temperatures! Just a few days ago I was happy to get some late season strawberries and so I could make this delicious strawberry liquor, which I forgot to make this spring. And from the rest I will make another mouth-watering granita!

The great thing about granita is, that you don’t need an ice cream maker and no elaborate ice cream base with eggs. An everyman-recipe it is.


One year ago: purple Rice Pudding

Two years ago: Couscous-Avocado-Salad

Three years ago: Quails, warm and cold


Pfirsich ShortbreadPeach Shortbread

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

We took a week off. Spontaneously. The last months were full of work for both of us. And there is no end in sight. As we decided to skip a real vacation this year, it’s hard to relax. We spend our money on the new apartment and new bikes. Next year we want to make a huge journey. Across the pond. We are afraid already :). So last week we „travelled“ to my home town and had our vacation. It was necessary, since I’m feeling tired and exhausted since weeks. Although I’m always in a lack of time and I’m now thinking, that this time is missing in my studies. It’s not helpful to feel caught in the middle.

Peach Shortbread

So if you need a small vacation, too. Just now. And if you are able to grab some late summer peaches on your market. Make some easy peach shortbread. It feels like a tiny vacation, too, while enjoying. It’s good to be eaten still warm, with some cinnamon ice cream besides. Or cooled. A small piece here and there in between. Some minutes to relax.

Peach Shortbread

Vor einem Jahr: Mini Hokkaido Kürbis Quiches mit nussigem Feldsalat

Peach Shortbread

Peach Shortbread

We took a week off. Spontaneously. The last months were full of work for both of us. And there is no end in sight. As we decided to skip a real vacation this year, it’s hard to relax. We spend our money on the new apartment and new bikes. Next year we want to make a huge journey. Across the pond. We are afraid already :). So last week we „travelled“ to my home town and had our vacation. It was necessary, since I’m feeling tired and exhausted since weeks. Although I’m always in a lack of time and I’m now thinking, that this time is missing in my studies. It’s not helpful to feel caught in the middle.

Peach Shortbread

So if you need a small vacation, too. Just now. And if you are able to grab some late summer peaches on your market. Make some easy peach shortbread. It feels like a tiny vacation, too, while enjoying. It’s good to be eaten still warm, with some cinnamon ice cream besides. Or cooled. A small piece here and there in between. Some minutes to relax.

Peach Shortbread

One year ago: Mini Red Kuri Squash Quiches and nuttily lamb’s lettuce

Peach Shortbread

Peach Shortbread

Pfirsich TartelettesPeach Tartelettes

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

About a month ago I promised some tartelettes. Actually apricot tartelettes. But as the case may be, they looked good, but the apricots just tasted like nothing. Additionally something was missing. Some cream, which would flatter your palate. Maybe vanilla? So an idea was born.

Peach Tartelettes

1. Pâte sucrée: which I also used for the failed apricot tartelettes, but which is very good. I adapted it from Michel Roux. It’s a bit sticky, but so you only have to press the dough in your molds. No rolling out! If you are making this dough, you have to use butter! Don’t use shortening (Koch-,Back- oder Streichfett)! Trust me, I’ve tried. Also stick to the chilling time. It’s both worth for handling and taste!

Peach Tartelettes

2. Crème pâtissiére: A very fine and also light cream filling for the tartelettes, which has just a slight sweetness and good taste of vanilla. I recommend to use vanilla extract. I also made it with vanilla pods, but I prefer the taste of the vanilla extract. If you don’t know, where to get some vanilla extract, without going to expense, just make your own. I just did it myself and it’s super easy.

Peach Tartelettes

3. Peaches! There is nothing much to say here, just use some that are already ripe and of course have a good taste! Not just like my apricots…

About a month ago I promised some tartelettes. Actually apricot tartelettes. But as the case may be, they looked good, but the apricots just tasted like nothing. Additionally something was missing. Some cream, which would flatter your palate. Maybe vanilla? So an idea was born.

Peach Tartelettes

1. Pâte sucrée: which I also used for the failed apricot tartelettes, but which is very good. I adapted it from Michel Roux. It’s a bit sticky, but so you only have to press the dough in your molds. No rolling out! If you are making this dough, you have to use butter! Don’t use shortening (Koch-,Back- oder Streichfett)! Trust me, I’ve tried. Also stick to the chilling time. It’s both worth for handling and taste!

Peach Tartelettes

2. Crème pâtissiére: A very fine and also light cream filling for the tartelettes, which has just a slight sweetness and good taste of vanilla. I recommend to use vanilla extract. I also made it with vanilla pods, but I prefer the taste of the vanilla extract. If you don’t know, where to get some vanilla extract, without going to expense, just make your own. I just did it myself and it’s super easy.

Peach Tartelettes

3. Peaches! There is nothing much to say here, just use some that are already ripe and of course have a good taste! Not just like my apricots…