[:de]Kvass: einfach selbstgemachte Beerenlimo mit Fermentation[:en]Kvass: easy homemade fermented berry lemonade[:]


Bei Dani von flowers on my plate habe ich kürzlich Kvass gesehen und war sofort hin und weg. Eine selbstgemachte fermentierte Limo aus Obst? Klingt seltsam und spannend!

Als ich dann Brombeerfpflücken war, hab ich kurzerhand einen Liter angesetzt. 2 Tage hab ich das Glas immer wieder ungläubig beäugt. Dann hab ich die Limo probiert und fand es sofort großartig!

Wirklich genial dabei ist, dass die Limo ganz einfach herzustellen ist und man keine besonderen Zutaten braucht, nur ein bisschen Obst. 2 Tage stehen lassen und herauskommt ein gesundes Getränk!

Unbedingt nachmachen!

selbstgemachte Beerenlimo mit Fermentation

Vor zwei Jahren: Weizentortillas

Vor drei Jahren: Brombeer-Schokoladen-Pie

Vor fünf Jahren: Tomatensauce und Apfelmus


Dani of  flowers on my plate blogged about kvass recently and I was instantly hooked. A homemade fermented lemonade with fruit? Sounds bizarre and exciting!

When I was picking blackberries I put a litre together in an instant. 2 days I looked at the bottle with doubt. Then I tasted the lemonade and fell in love!

A hint of sourness, a bit of sparkle, fruity, a tiny bit sweetness, refreshing and oh so good! Kvass has so many aspects, unbelievable!

What’s also really unbelievable is how easy it is to make this lemonade and that you don’t need any fancy ingredients, just a handful of fruit. Let it rest for two days and you get a healty drink!

By all means, make it!

homemade fermented lemonade

Two years ago: homemade wheat flour tortillas

Three years ago: blackberry chocolate pie

Five years ago: tomato and apple sauce



Wenn es die weltbesten Pfirsiche von unserem Bauern gibt, dann schlag ich zu. Es gibt sie nämlich meistens nur 1 oder 2 mal im Sommer. Ich geben zu, ich bestelle sie sogar vor, damit sie mir keiner wegschnappen kann, wir sind ja nicht die zeitigsten auf dem Markt.

2 kg stehen vom 2. Termin im Kühlschrank, daraus werde ich heute noch leckere Marmelade kochen. Aus der ersten Fuhre wurde so einiges und aus den letzten 3 Stück wurde ein Granita gemacht.

Das ist ja auch genau das Richtige bei diesen Temperaturen! Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich noch ein 1 kg Erdbeeren erstehen können und das hat mich besonders gefreut, da ich es nämlich verbummelt hatte den tollen Erdbeerlikör zu machen. Aus den restlichen Erdbeeren werde ich gleich noch ein köstliches Granita zaubern!

Das tolle an einem Granita ist, dass man keine Eismaschine braucht und auch keine aufwendige Eier-Eis-Basis. Ein Jedermann-Rezept also.


Vor einem Jahr: Lila Milchreis

Vor zwei Jahren: Couscous-Avocado-Salat

Vor drei Jahren: Wachteln, kalt und warm


When our farmer has the world-best peaches, I purchase a lot. They only have them once or twice during the summer. I admit, I preorder them, so I’m sure to get some, as we are not those early birds on the market.

2 kilograms are waiting in our fridge from the last weekend, from which I will make jam today. I made different things from the first batch, but the last 3 peaches were turned in this refreshing granita.

Which is just the right thing for this temperatures! Just a few days ago I was happy to get some late season strawberries and so I could make this delicious strawberry liquor, which I forgot to make this spring. And from the rest I will make another mouth-watering granita!

The great thing about granita is, that you don’t need an ice cream maker and no elaborate ice cream base with eggs. An everyman-recipe it is.


One year ago: purple Rice Pudding

Two years ago: Couscous-Avocado-Salad

Three years ago: Quails, warm and cold



Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!


 I love some particular cookies, which are unfortunately very pricey and so I don’t buy them very often. For truth never. They are made of spelt flour; lemon and rosemary are added.

By chance I tried a recipe last week, out of which came my almost beloved cookies. It wasn’t my intention to do so. But it was a nice discovery.


 I used a recipe from Joy. I adapted it a bit while making the dough, since I didn’t like the original consistency and taste of the dough. The original recipe called for rolling out the dough and cut cookies out with cookies cutters. Well it wasn’t possible. Not nearly. The dough was very soft. Although I already added flour. But next time I will try to get the texture for rolling it out, since I want to shape the cookies like small leaves – like my favourite cookies. This time I worked with wheat flour, but next time I will use spelt flour, too. Maybe that also helps with the texture, since spelt flour adsorbs more moisture.


But apart from the texture (and that’s only a thing of what cookie shape you like more in the end) the cookies are great! They are so flaky! And its just are heavenly combination: lemon and rosemary.




I love some particular cookies, which are unfortunately very pricey and so I don’t buy them very often. For truth never. They are made of spelt flour; lemon and rosemary are added.

By chance I tried a recipe last week, out of which came my almost beloved cookies. It wasn’t my intention to do so. But it was a nice discovery.


I used a recipe from Joy. I adapted it a bit while making the dough, since I didn’t like the original consistency and taste of the dough. The original recipe called for rolling out the dough and cut cookies out with cookies cutters. Well it wasn’t possible. Not nearly. The dough was very soft. Although I already added flour. But next time I will try to get the texture for rolling it out, since I want to shape the cookies like small leaves – like my favourite cookies. This time I worked with wheat flour, but next time I will use spelt flour, too. Maybe that also helps with the texture, since spelt flour adsorbs more moisture.


But apart from the texture (and that’s only a thing of what cookie shape you like more in the end) the cookies are great! They are so flaky! And its just are heavenly combination: lemon and rosemary.
