[:de]Cashewbällchen[:en]Cashew Balls[:]


Advent, Advent, das erste Lichtlein brennt! Zeit also den Ofen anzuwerfen und Plätzchen zu backen.

Dieses Jahr rast die Zeit nur so, dabei will ich doch wieder so vieles ausprobieren ;).

Als erstes habe ich mich an diesen Cashewbällchen versucht.
Moah, sind die gut! Hier glänzen die Cashewnüsse besonders gut, vor allem weil ich sie nach der Methode von Heiko Antoniewicz geröstet habe, so wie ich es beim Workshop der kalifornischen Walnüsse gelernt habe. Dazu werden die Nüsse in Öl für ein paar Minuten „frittiert“. Dadurch werden sie rundherum gleichmäßig gebräunt. Der Geschmack ist so viel intensiver als wenn man die Nüsse in der Pfanne oder im Backofen röstet! Ein Traum!

Daraus dann noch Plätzchen gemacht… ähm, geht nicht besser, oder?

Für dieses Rezept benötigt ihr einen Food Processor*, einen Universalzerkleinerer (z.B. als Aufsatz für den Pürierstab*) oder etwas ähnliches um die Nüsse zu mahlen. Wenn der Zerkleinerer groß genug ist könnt ihr sogar den ganzen Teig darin zubereiten!

Weihnachtsplätzchen: Cashew Bällchen - Christmas cookies: cashew balls by Coconut & Vanilla

Vor einem Jahr: Peanut Butter Cups

Vor drei Jahren: Pâté von der Räuchermakrele

Vor vier Jahren: Orangen-Vanille-Stangen

Vor sechs Jahren: Crème brûlée mit Gewürzen


*Werbung, Affiliatelink (sprich, wenn ihr über diesen Link etwas bei Amazon kauft verdiene ich dabei wieder eine kleine Provision, die ich in den Erhalt des Blogs stecke)


Advent it is! Time to lighten the first candle and to bake the first Christmas cookies!

Time is running especially fast this year, although I already have so many plans what cookies to bake ;).

The first ones are these cashew balls. Wow, these are a bummer! The cashew shine so well in these, especially because I roasted them with the method of Heiko Antoniewicz, which I learned at the workshop of the Californian walnuts. Therefore the nuts are „fried“ in oil for few minutes. Like this they are roasted entirely golden brown, in every nook and cranny. Their flavour is much more intensive than roasting the nuts in the pan or the oven. Dreamy!

And I made cookies with those flavourful nuts… it doesn’t get any better!

You need a food processor* or something similar for grinding the nuts in this recipe. If the food processor is large enough you can even make the whole dough in it!

Weihnachtsplätzchen: Cashew Bällchen - Christmas cookies: cashew balls by Coconut & Vanilla

One year ago: peanut butter cups

Three years ago: smoked mackerel pâté

Four years ago: orange vanilla sticks

Six years ago: spiced crème brûlée


* Amazon affiliate link (If you buy something after clicking on this link on amazon, I earn a small amount of money, which I reinvest in this blog. Thank you!)


Lebkuchen mit SchokoladenüberzugGingerbread with Chocolate Coating

Das sind nicht die ersten Lebkuchen die ich fabriziert habe. Aber diese hier sind gaaanz anders, als die die ich hier gebloggt habe. Die waren der Typ Nürnberger Lebkuchen, diese hier sind mehr der Typ „Herzen, Sterne Brezen“, aber saftiger und nicht so mächtig. Wahrscheinlich gibt es so ähnliche auch zu kaufen, ich weiß nur nicht wie sie heißen oder von welcher Firma sie sind. Ich achte nicht so auf dieses Gebäck im Supermarkt.

Aber ich bezweifle auch, dass man so leckere Lebkuchen kaufen kann. Ich war erst skeptisch, da flache Lebkuchen häufig trocken und hart sind, aber nicht diese hier. Die Schokolade oben drauf ist ein Muss und macht die Lebkuchen noch besser. Diese Kekse sind definitiv eine meiner Favoriten dieses Jahr. Deshalb habe ich sie auch Julia in ihr Post aus meiner Küche-Päckchen eingepackt. Neben selbstgemachtem Eierlikör, gab es für sie eine Plätzchenauswahl. Nach und nach werde ich Euch einige davon vorstellen.

Der Teig ergibt übrigens eine ganze Menge an Lebkuchen, obwohl ich keine Zweifel habe, dass sie bis Weihnachten aufgegessen sind.

Lebkuchen mit Schokoladenüberzug

Vor einem Jahr: Schokoladenkekse mit Fleur de Sel

Vor zwei Jahren: Weihnachtsplätzchen


These are not the first gingerbread cookies I made. But these are so very different to those. Those were more than a cookie, like the traditional famous Lebkuchen vom Nuremberg. This time they are like a lighter gingerbread cookie, but a mellow one. Probably there are cookies like this to buy, but I don’t know there name (or from which brand). I just don’t take notice of things like that in the supermarket.

But I doubt it, that you can buy such delicious gingerbread cookies. First I was a bit sceptical, since flat gingerbread cookies tend to be hard and dry. But not these! The chocolate coating is a must and makes the gingerbread even better. These cookies are one of my favourites this season.

The dough makes a lot of cookies, but I have no doubt, that they are eaten since Christmas.

Gingerbread with Chocolate Coating

One year ago: chocolate cookies with fleur de sel

Two years ago: christmas cookies


WeihnachtsplätzchenChristmas Cookies

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Today we are talking about Christmas cookies, or Weihnachtsplätzchen as we call them in Germany. It’s tradition here to bake in Advent. A lot of „Plätzchen“. So I began already before the 1.Advent and since then I made 5 different kinds. Unfortunately most of them are almost eaten. I don’t know where they all gone…

Christmas Cookies

At least it speaks for itself, that they are good. Very good.

Most of them have the same basis of dough. So it’s possible to make a huge amount of dough, then divide the dough, so you can shape and fill every part different.

I offer you the satisfaction of different tastes: fruit – in this case apricot, nuts, cocoa.

On the picture below you see the cookies filled with apricot jam. Behind them are the cream cookies. They are the only ones, made of different dough. I give you the recipes of the three cookies, which have the same basis dough, so it’s easy to vary. And believe me, everyone is different.

Christmas Cookies

As time flies by until Christmas, I’m planning what culinary presents I will make. Next week I will start with the ones, that will keep longer and maybe I can show you something delicious, that you can gift to someone, too. As we are heading to my family in Nürnberg a few days before Christmas, the last preparations need to be made there.

I’ve planned to make „Baumkuchen“: a cake with many many layers, a terrine, anis cookies (especially for my father, who loves them as much as I), eggnog for my grandmother and different savoury cookies. My christmas cookies are also very fancied, but as it stands things look black.

Christmas Cookies

On the picture above you see the black and white cookies on the left, and the nut cookies on the right.

Today we are talking about Christmas cookies, or Weihnachtsplätzchen as we call them in Germany. It’s tradition here to bake in Advent. A lot of „Plätzchen“. So I began already before the 1.Advent and since then I made 5 different kinds. Unfortunately most of them are almost eaten. I don’t know where they all gone…

Christmas Cookies

 At least it speaks for itself, that they are good. Very good.

Most of them have the same basis of dough. So it’s possible to make a huge amount of dough, then divide the dough, so you can shape and fill every part different.

I offer you the satisfaction of different tastes: fruit – in this case apricot, nuts, cocoa.

On the picture below you see the cookies filled with apricot jam. Behind them are the cream cookies. They are the only ones, made of different dough. I give you the recipes of the three cookies, which have the same basis dough, so it’s easy to vary. And believe me, everyone is different.

Christmas Cookies

 As time flies by until Christmas, I’m planning what culinary presents I will make. Next week I will start with the ones, that will keep longer and maybe I can show you something delicious, that you can gift to someone, too. As we are heading to my family in Nürnberg a few days before Christmas, the last preparations need to be made there.

I’ve planned to make „Baumkuchen“: a cake with many many layers, a terrine, anis cookies (especially for my father, who loves them as much as I), eggnog for my grandmother and different savoury cookies. My christmas cookies are also very fancied, but as it stands things look black.


Christmas Cookies

 On the picture above you see the black and white cookies on the left, and the nut cookies on the right.