Schokoladentarte mit Crème fraîche nach Rachel KhooChocolate Tart with Crème fraîche from Rachel Khoo

Der Herbst ist da und damit auch die Zeit sich daheim einzukuscheln, warmen Tee zu trinken und mit Kürbis, Äpfeln, Birnen und Quitten zu kochen und zu backen. Nachdem im Sommer Schokolade wegen der Hitze außen vor bleibt, ist es jetzt wieder möglich viele leckere Sachen mit Schokolade zu machen. Ich empfehle Euch also eine Kuscheldecke, ein schönes Buch, eine Tasse warmen Tee und dazu diese köstliche cremige Schokoladentarte.

Das Rezept habe ich in Rachels Khoo Buch Meine französische Küche entdeckt. Überhaupt gefällt mir das Buch sehr gut! Das Buch ist in die Regionen Frankreichs unterteilt und wartet mit seinen Spezialitäten auf. Dabei sind die Gerichte oft von Rachel neu interpretiert oder haben einen besonderen Twist. So auch diese Schokoladentarte, die mit Crème fraîche verfeinert wird und so frischer wirkt als eine reine Schokoladentarte. Ansonsten überzeugt das Buch mit einer guten Mischung aus vegetarischen Gerichten, Fleisch, Fisch, Meeresfrüchte und Süßem. Die Fotos finde ich sehr ansprechend, aber dennoch realistisch, nicht überkandidelt. Ein Buch das ich rundherum empfehlen kann!

Die Tarte habe ich in einer 24 cm Form gebacken und ist damit etwas kleiner als eine Standardtarte, was gut ist, da so eine Schokoladentarte doch schon etwas mächtig ist. Im Kühlschrank hält sie sich aber sehr gut für einige Tage, die Tarte ist also auch für einen kleinen Haushalt zu schaffen.

Schokoladentarte mit Crème fraîche nach Rachel Khoo

Vor einem Jahr: Himbeer-Tiramisu

Vor zwei Jahren: Brombeerkuchen mit Zimtstreuseln

Vor drei Jahren: Birnen-Vanille-Tarte

Vor vier Jahren: glutenfreie Donuts

Vor fünf Jahren: knusprig, dünne Pekannusskekse 

Autumn is here and therefore it’s time again to cuddle up, drink warm tea and cook with pumpkins, apples, pears and quinces! In summer I avoid chocolate because of the heat, but now it’s time again to make delicious stuff with chocolate. So I recommend you a blanket, a good book, a warm cup of tea and a slice of this scrumptious creamy chocolate tart.

I discovered this recipe in Rachel Khoos book My Little French Kitchen.I really like this book! The book is divided into the regions of France and samples it specialties. Rachel often interprets these dishes new and adds a new twist. Like this chocolate tart, which is refined with crème fraîche and therefore seems fresher than a normal chocolate tart. Apart from that, the book has a good mixture of vegetarian recipes, as well as meat, fish, seafood and sweet dishes. The photos are also done very well, very realistic, but beautiful. A book I can recommend overall!

I used a 24 cm tart tin, which is smaller than a standard tart. This is good, because a chocolate tart is always a bit on the heavy side. The tart keeps very well in the fridge for a few days, so it also manageable for small households. 

Schokoladentarte mit Crème fraîche nach Rachel Khoo

One year ago: raspberry tiramisu

Two years ago: blackberry cake with cinnamon streusel

Three years ago: vanilla pear tart

Four years ago: gluten-free donuts

Five years ago: crispy thin pecan cookies 

Salade niçoise

Dieses Rezept hängt jetzt schon seit gefühlten Ewigkeiten am Kühlschrank um mal nachgekocht zu werden.

So ein Nizza-Salat benötigt aber ganz schön viele verschiedene Zutaten, und dass ich gleichzeitig grüne Bohnen, Paprika, Tomaten, Gurke, Salat, Sardellen, Tunfisch und Kartoffeln daheim habe, ist bisher einfach nicht vorgekommen.

Letztes Wochenende war es dann aber soweit, unserer Ernte sei dank!

Salade niçoise

Man könnte jetzt meinen, dass das eigentlich viel zu viele Sachen auf einmal sind, als dass der Salat noch schmecken könnte. Aber wir waren überrascht wie lecker der Salat ist und wie gut alles zusammen passt.

Durch den Fisch und die Kartoffeln erweist sich der Salat auch als vollständige und sättigende Hauptmahlzeit.

Wirklich wichtig ist auf jeden Fall, dass man frische Bohnen verwendet und keine TK-Bohnen. Die TK-Dinger sind einfach zu wässerig, das schmeckt nicht.

Außerdem sollte man bei der Verwendung des Dosenfischs darauf achten, dass er nachhaltig gefangen wurde. Achtet z.B. auf das MSC-Zeichen oder verwendet Bio-Fisch! Followfish und Fontaine bieten ein ganz gutes Angebot, Followfish ist auch im normalen Handel teilweise erhältlich. Beim WWF gibt es mehr Informationen zum Thema Überfischung, Beifang, nachhaltige Fischerei und einen Einkaufsratgeber (bei Greenpeace gibt es den Einkaufsratgeber im Miniformat zum Mitnehmen).

Salade niçoise

Vor einem Jahr: Leinsamenbrot

Vor zwei Jahren: Couscous-Avocado-Salat

Vor drei Jahren: Death by Chocolate

Salade niçoise

It feels like a decade ago, when I pinned this recipe to our fridge, to cook it.

The salad á la Nice needs a lot of fresh produce. But last weekend, thanks to our field, we had green beans, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, anchovies, tuna and potatoes at home.

Salade niçoise

You would think, that there are too many things combined here to taste good. But we were surprised how tasty it was and all the flavours went so well together.

It’s really important to use fresh green beans and not frozen ones! The frozen beans are too watery and the crunch of fresh beans is just missing.

Be responsible when buying canned tuna or other fish/seafood by only buying sustainable caught fish and seafood. You can read more about sustainable seafood, overfishing and the MSC label, which labels sustainable caught fish on the site of the WWF.

Salade niçoise

One year ago: Flaxseed Bread

Two years ago: Couscous-Avocado-Salad

Three years ago: Death by Chocolate

Salade niçoise


Schokoladen Macarons mit HimbeerfüllungChocolate Macarons with Raspberry Filling

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Schokoladen Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

Since on the 20. March was Macaron Day I decided to show you my latest accomplishment in macarons.

Yes, there exists a special day for macarons! In Paris are special shops, that sell macarons all day long and on macarons day you can get some free! Unfortunately I never had the chance to be there (on macarons day or sometime else). As macarons are not very popular in Germany, ok unknown would be the better word… I mean most people don’t even know what cupcakes are… so you couldn’t say macarons are the new cupcakes ;). Anyway what I wanted to say is, that there won’t be shops in Germany, that sell macarons.

Schokoladen Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

But most often I think anyway it’s better and more fun to do it myself. I mean look at those little beauties. Just want to grab one immediately and stuff it into my mouth.

And in your mouth you have the rich chocolate flavour and now you think “yeah and in the middle even more boring chocolate”… haha no! In the middle is chocolate (and do use the good one!) with raspberry puree! It’s soo delicious.

Schokoladen Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

So if you didn’t do it, celebrate macarons day with some lovely macarons. Even more if you have some egg whites sitting in your fridge and you don’t know what do to with them. So you have to make some macarons, because it would be a pity to throw all the egg whites away. And you will feel a lot better, when you use them up and they are not looking at you anymore out of the fridge, making you guilty, because you don’t know what to do with them. Believe me, what a relief to make macarons!

And it is not difficult. Ok my first try wasn’t what I expected. They tasted good, but they didn’t look like macarons. So for some tipps, you can look up my first post with macarons.

Schokoladen Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

Don’t be worried, if my post is looking some what different, because I’m trying it the first time with Windows Live Writer, instead of that Google crap. Yeah, you read right. It’s just driven me into insanity some times. So maybe that here works better. I’m yet “astonished” by the amount of fonts and options to embed my pictures. You see, after Google I’m very easy to impress.

But don’t want to bore you with that theoretical things.

Schokoladen Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

chocolate macarons with raspberry filling

Since on the 20. March was Macaron Day I decided to show you my latest accomplishment in macarons.

Yes, there exists a special day for macarons! In Paris are special shops, that sell macarons all day long and on macarons day you can get some free! Unfortunately I never had the chance to be there (on macarons day or sometime else). As macarons are not very popular in Germany, ok unknown would be the better word… I mean most people don’t even know what cupcakes are… so you couldn’t say macarons are the new cupcakes ;). Anyway what I wanted to say is, that there won’t be shops in Germany, that sell macarons.

chocolate macarons with raspberry filling

But most often I think anyway it’s better and more fun to do it myself. I mean look at those little beauties. Just want to grab one immediately and stuff it into my mouth.

And in your mouth you have the rich chocolate flavour and now you think “yeah and in the middle even more boring chocolate”… haha no! In the middle is chocolate (and do use the good one!) with raspberry puree! It’s soo delicious.

chocolate macarons with raspberry filling

So if you didn’t do it, celebrate macarons day with some lovely macarons. Even more if you have some egg whites sitting in your fridge and you don’t know what do to with them. So you have to make some macarons, because it would be a pity to throw all the egg whites away. And you will feel a lot better, when you use them up and they are not looking at you anymore out of the fridge, making you guilty, because you don’t know what to do with them. Believe me, what a relief to make macarons!

And it is not difficult. Ok my first try wasn’t what I expected. They tasted good, but they didn’t look like macarons. So for some tipps, you can look up my first post with macarons.

chocolate macarons with raspberry filling

Don’t be worried, if my post is looking some what different, because I’m trying it the first time with Windows Live Writer, instead of that Google crap. Yeah, you read right. It’s just driven me into insanity some times. So maybe that here works better. I’m yet “astonished” by the amount of fonts and options to embed my pictures. You see, after Google I’m very easy to impress.

But don’t want to bore you with that theoretical things.

chocolate macarons with raspberry filling

Zimt und Anis MacaronsCinnamon and Anise Macarons

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

This month challenge for the Daring Bakers were French Macarons. The 2009 October Daring Bakers’ challenge was brought to us by Ami S. She chose macarons from Claudia Fleming’s The Last Course: The Desserts of Gramercy Tavern as the challenge recipe.

Zimt und Anis Macarons

I was a bit scared, because I tried macarons some weeks ago the first time and they went totally wrong. The shells weren’t really hard, almost no „feet“ (you can see feet in the picture of my succesful anis macarons below) and they were much too soft. But I was also eager to do it better.

Zimt und Anis Macarons

In the (english) food blog world everyone is about macarons. But here in Germany nobody knows them. Or precisely macarons are known as something different. Dessicated coconut with beaten egg whites and sometimes nuts or chocolate within. „Feets“ are not wanted, it’s more like small piles. Germans wake up and get to know french macarons!

The challenge itself was challenging. After my first mishappening and reading in the Daring Bakers Forum about the problems with the recipe given and the better-going recipes with Tartelette’s one, I decided to give the disaster not a chance again and go with Tartelette’s recipe.

The recipe is very easy to vary. I made the Cinnamon Macarons with hazelnuts and a Tbsp. cinnamon and a gianduja (rounded up with some cream) filling and the Anise Macarons with almonds a Tbsp. grounded anise and a white chocolate filling.

Zimt und Anis Macarons

Some tips, which I found important are:

Ground your grounded nuts again yourself (something like a Moulinette would be helpful). They are not fine enough. Sieve your powdered sugar before.

I used a silicone mat and normal parchment paper and I would prefer the parchment paper here, because the macarons sticked so much to my silicone mat, I didn’t get them off right. Also after baking let them cool for about 15 minutes outside, then move the baking sheet back in the warm (but not hot!) oven. Let them cool completely over the night. Mine were mostly *fingers crossed* easy to peel off the parchment paper. If it doesn’t work give some sprinkles of water under the paper, if the sheet is still warm or hold it over some steaming water. The steam dissolves the macarons from the paper.

For piping: stand your bag up in a high glass. It’s easier for filling and when you rest.

In my opinion the macarons are the better the smaller they are. Furthermore the ywill expand a little while baking. Hope all this helps. If you have any questions feel free to ask! This is how my macarons looked like after piping, while drying, before baking.

Zimt und Anis Macarons

This month challenge for the Daring Bakers were French Macarons. The 2009 October Daring Bakers’ challenge was brought to us by Ami S. She chose macarons from Claudia Fleming’s The Last Course: The Desserts of Gramercy Tavern as the challenge recipe.

cinnamon and anis macarons

I was a bit scared, because I tried macarons some weeks ago the first time and they went totally wrong. The shells weren’t really hard, almost no „feet“ (you can see feet in the picture of my succesful anis macarons below) and they were much too soft. But I was also eager to do it better.

cinnamon and anis macarons

In the (english) food blog world everyone is about macarons. But here in Germany nobody knows them. Or precisely macarons are known as something different. Dessicated coconut with beaten egg whites and sometimes nuts or chocolate within. „Feets“ are not wanted, it’s more like small piles. Germans wake up and get to know french macarons!

The challenge itself was challenging. After my first mishappening and reading in the Daring Bakers Forum about the problems with the recipe given and the better-going recipes with Tartelette’s one, I decided to give the disaster not a chance again and go with Tartelette’s recipe.

The recipe is very easy to vary. I made the Cinnamon Macarons with hazelnuts and a Tbsp. cinnamon and a gianduja (rounded up with some cream) filling and the Anise Macarons with almonds a Tbsp. grounded anise and a white chocolate filling.

cinnamon and anis macarons

Some tips, which I found important are:

Ground your grounded nuts again yourself (something like a Moulinette would be helpful). They are not fine enough. Sieve your powdered sugar before.

I used a silicone mat and normal parchment paper and I would prefer the parchment paper here, because the macarons sticked so much to my silicone mat, I didn’t get them off right. Also after baking let them cool for about 15 minutes outside, then move the baking sheet back in the warm (but not hot!) oven. Let them cool completely over the night. Mine were mostly *fingers crossed* easy to peel off the parchment paper. If it doesn’t work give some sprinkles of water under the paper, if the sheet is still warm or hold it over some steaming water. The steam dissolves the macarons from the paper.

For piping: stand your bag up in a high glass. It’s easier for filling and when you rest.

In my opinion the macarons are the better the smaller they are. Furthermore the ywill expand a little while baking. Hope all this helps. If you have any questions feel free to ask! This is how my macarons looked like after piping, while drying, before baking.

cinnamon and anis macarons