Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Since on the 20. March was Macaron Day I decided to show you my latest accomplishment in macarons.
Yes, there exists a special day for macarons! In Paris are special shops, that sell macarons all day long and on macarons day you can get some free! Unfortunately I never had the chance to be there (on macarons day or sometime else). As macarons are not very popular in Germany, ok unknown would be the better word… I mean most people don’t even know what cupcakes are… so you couldn’t say macarons are the new cupcakes ;). Anyway what I wanted to say is, that there won’t be shops in Germany, that sell macarons.

But most often I think anyway it’s better and more fun to do it myself. I mean look at those little beauties. Just want to grab one immediately and stuff it into my mouth.
And in your mouth you have the rich chocolate flavour and now you think “yeah and in the middle even more boring chocolate”… haha no! In the middle is chocolate (and do use the good one!) with raspberry puree! It’s soo delicious.

So if you didn’t do it, celebrate macarons day with some lovely macarons. Even more if you have some egg whites sitting in your fridge and you don’t know what do to with them. So you have to make some macarons, because it would be a pity to throw all the egg whites away. And you will feel a lot better, when you use them up and they are not looking at you anymore out of the fridge, making you guilty, because you don’t know what to do with them. Believe me, what a relief to make macarons!
And it is not difficult. Ok my first try wasn’t what I expected. They tasted good, but they didn’t look like macarons. So for some tipps, you can look up my first post with macarons.

Don’t be worried, if my post is looking some what different, because I’m trying it the first time with Windows Live Writer, instead of that Google crap. Yeah, you read right. It’s just driven me into insanity some times. So maybe that here works better. I’m yet “astonished” by the amount of fonts and options to embed my pictures. You see, after Google I’m very easy to impress.
But don’t want to bore you with that theoretical things.

Schokoladen Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung
- 100 g Eiweiß (raumwarm; mind. 24h vorher getrennt)
- 25 g Zucker
- 1/2 TL Zitronensaft
- 225 g Puderzucker
- 125 g Mandelmehl (oder gemahlene Mandeln, die ich nochmal mit einem Aufsatz für den Pürierstab mahle)
- 15 g Kakaopulver
- 1 Prise Salz
- Kakaosplitter zum Bestreuen
für die Füllung:
- 100 g Vollmilchschokolade oder-kuvertüre
- 50 g Himbeerpüree
- einen Schuss Schlagsahne
- ein Stückchen Butter
Wichtig: Die Eier müssen mindestens 24 h (oder länger) vor dem Backen getrennt worden sein. Dadurch verlieren die Eiweiße an Feuchtigkeit und formen so einen stabileren Meringue. Sie müssen Raumtemperatur haben.
Die Eiweiße mit dem Zitronensaft fast steif schlagen. Den Zucker nach und nach zugeben und schlagen bis ein steifer glänzender Meringue ensteht.
Den Puderzucker, Mandelmehl und den Kakao sieben. Nach und nach unter den Meringue heben. Man sollte dazu nicht mehr als 50 Züge (1 Zug = 1x Unterheben) benötigen, sonst fällt die Masse zusammen.
Die Macarons auf ein Backblech mit Backpapier spritzen und mit Kakaosplitter bestreuen. Das Backblech vorsichtig auf die Arbeitsfläche schlagen, so bekommen die Macarons eine gleichmäßige Oberfläche.
Den Ofen auf 150° C vorheizen.
Die Macarons 20 Minuten trocknen lassen, damit sich Füßchen formen können.
8 Minuten backen, dann das Blech wenden und nochmal 8 Minuten backen. Immer nur 1 Blech auf einmal backen!
Abkühlen lassen und in eine luftdichte Dose legen, bis man sie füllt.
Für die Füllung die Schokolade im Wasserbad schmelzen. Dann das Himbeerpüree und die Sahne dazugeben und gut unterrühren. Die Butter unterrühren, bis die Füllung cremig und leicht glänzend ist. Abkühlen lassen, bis man die Füllung mit dem Spritzbeutel bearbeiten kann. Am besten in den Kühlschrank stellen.
Wenn die Masse fest genug ist, die Macarons damit füllen.

Since on the 20. March was Macaron Day I decided to show you my latest accomplishment in macarons.
Yes, there exists a special day for macarons! In Paris are special shops, that sell macarons all day long and on macarons day you can get some free! Unfortunately I never had the chance to be there (on macarons day or sometime else). As macarons are not very popular in Germany, ok unknown would be the better word… I mean most people don’t even know what cupcakes are… so you couldn’t say macarons are the new cupcakes ;). Anyway what I wanted to say is, that there won’t be shops in Germany, that sell macarons.

But most often I think anyway it’s better and more fun to do it myself. I mean look at those little beauties. Just want to grab one immediately and stuff it into my mouth.
And in your mouth you have the rich chocolate flavour and now you think “yeah and in the middle even more boring chocolate”… haha no! In the middle is chocolate (and do use the good one!) with raspberry puree! It’s soo delicious.

So if you didn’t do it, celebrate macarons day with some lovely macarons. Even more if you have some egg whites sitting in your fridge and you don’t know what do to with them. So you have to make some macarons, because it would be a pity to throw all the egg whites away. And you will feel a lot better, when you use them up and they are not looking at you anymore out of the fridge, making you guilty, because you don’t know what to do with them. Believe me, what a relief to make macarons!
And it is not difficult. Ok my first try wasn’t what I expected. They tasted good, but they didn’t look like macarons. So for some tipps, you can look up my first post with macarons.

Don’t be worried, if my post is looking some what different, because I’m trying it the first time with Windows Live Writer, instead of that Google crap. Yeah, you read right. It’s just driven me into insanity some times. So maybe that here works better. I’m yet “astonished” by the amount of fonts and options to embed my pictures. You see, after Google I’m very easy to impress.
But don’t want to bore you with that theoretical things.

Chocolate Macarons with Raspberry Filling
- 100 g egg whites (at room temperature; separated at least 24 hours prior)
- 25 g sugar
- 1/2 tsp. lemon juice
- 225 g powdered sugar
- 125 g almond flour (ground almonds, which I grind another time with an attachment of my immersion blender)
- 15 g cocoa powder
- pinch of salt
- cocoa nibs for topping
For the filling:
- 100 g milk chocolate
- 50 g raspberry puree
- a splash of cream (or something similar: heavy cream or crème fraîche)
- a piece of butter
Don’t forget, that the egg whites have to be separated 24h prior or longer before starting to bake. So they loose moisture, which helps to form a stable meringue. Let them get room temperature.
Whip the egg whites and the lemon juice until they are almost fully whipped. While mixing add the sugar slowly. Whip until you have a shiny stiff meringue.
Sift the powdered sugar, almonds and cocoa. Add the dry ingredients successive to the meringue and fold until a shiny mass is formed. You shouldn’t need more than 50 strokes to do that, otherwise you overfold the mass and it will deflate.
Pipe the macarons onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle with cocoa nibs. Take the baking sheet and hit it on the working surface (of course as gently as you can, you don’t want the macarons sticking on the ceiling). That helps to get an even surface. Preheat the oven to 150°C (300°F). Let the macarons dry at room temperature for 20 minutes. That helps to form their feets (you see in the pictures).
Bake them for about 8 minutes, then rotate the baking sheet and bake for another 8 minutes. Only bake one baking sheet at a time! Unless one sheet is ready and the other not. I tried!
Let them cool and transfer to an airtight container, until you fill them.
For the filling, break the chocolate into pieces and melt it in a double boiler. When melted, add the raspberry puree and the cream. Stir until incorporated. Add the butter. Stir until it’s creamy and a little bit shiny. Let it cool until it’s pipeable. I put mine on the window board outside (it was cold). Otherwise I would recommend the fridge ;).
When it is pipeable, fill the macarons with the ganache.
Enjoy your Macarons Day!