Haferflockenporridge mit Möhren, Kokos und OrangeOat Porridge with Carrots, Coconut and Orange

Ihr habt nach dem tollen Möhrengrünpesto noch die Möhrchen übrig? Dann hab ich jetzt genau das Richtige für Euch: einen Haferflockenporridge mit Möhren, Kokos und Orange! 

Am Wochenende mag ich es so richtig schön gemütlich zu frühstücken. Dabei fällt es mir oft richtig schwer mich zu entscheiden. Brötchen mit allerlei Belag, Waffeln, Pancakes, Crepes oder doch lieber eine andere Frühstückskreation ausprobieren?

Diesmal war mal wieder Porridge dran! Nachdem ich ja schon beim Amaranthporridge mit karamellisierten Bananen und Pekannüssen (sooo gut!) gemerkt habe, dass ich Porridge mag, wenn er richtig gut gemacht ist. Diesmal gab es einen Porridge aus Haferflocken.

Wichtig bei Porridge finde ich, dass er irgendwie verfeinert wird. In diesem Fall mit geraspelten Möhren, Kokoschips, Orangenschale und winterlichen Gewürzen. Sonst schmeckt er schon recht fad. Schön ist auch, dass sich der Porridge von selbst kocht und man kaum was vorbereiten muss. Ein Frühstück für Faule ;).

Auch wer sich glutenfrei ernähren muss, muss übrigens nicht auf Haferflocken verzichten, denn es gibt inzwischen auch glutenfreie Haferflocken (z.B. von Bauckhof)! Haferflocken sind eh glutenfrei, werden aber normalerweise im Herstellungsprozess verunreinigt durch anderes Getreide und sind damit eben nicht mehr glutenfrei. Die glutenfreien Haferflocken werden komplett getrennt von anderem Getreide verarbeitet. 

Den Porridge könnte ich mich auch sehr gut mit Mandelmilch vorstellen. Hafermilch könnte man passenderweise auch verwenden ;). So hat man auch eine vegane Alternative.

Haferflockenporridge mit Möhren, Kokos und Orange

Vor zwei Jahren: Kartoffelterrine mit Ziegenkäse, Basilikum und Pinienkernen

Vor drei Jahren: Orangen-Rotkohl mit Gorgonzola

Vor vier Jahren: Flan Tarte 


You have some carrots left from making the awesome carrot top pesto? Then this is the right dish to use them: oat porridge with carrots, coconut and orange!

At the weekends I love to have a rich and cosy breakfast. But I’m really bad in deciding what to make. Rolls with a large range of toppings, waffles, pancakes, crepes or another totally different breakfast creation?

This time I made porridge again! After you read about the so very good amarant porrdige with caramelized bananas and pecans you might have realized that I like porridge, if it is really good made. This time with oats.

When making porridge I find it important to make it somehow special. In this case with grated carrots, coconut chips, orange peel and some warming winter spices. Otherwise it’s quite boring. Great about porridge is also that it cooks itself and you don’t need to prepare much. Breakfast for lazy people ;).

If you need to stay gluten-free it doesn’t mean you need to quit oats. There are gluten-free oats available! As oats are normally gluten-free, but are normally spoiled with gluten while processed by other grains, these companies produce their oats completely separate from their other grains. Look out online or in your whole foods market.

I would imagine the porridge tastes also great with almond milk or of course oat milk ;). Therefore a vegan alternative is easy to make, too!

Haferflockenporridge mit Möhren, Kokos und Orange

Two years ago: potato terrine with goats cheese, basil and pine nuts

Three years ago:  red cabbage with orange & gorgonzola

Four years ago: flan tart

[:de]grüne Bohnen mit Kokos und Mohn[:en]green Beans with Coconut and Poppyseeds[:]


Dieses Rezept ist schon seit ein paar Wochen auf meiner Blogliste, aber da es immer noch reichlich Bohnen gibt passt es auch jetzt noch wunderbar!

Grüne Bohnen mag ich echt gerne, aber ich frage mich dann doch was man damit außer schnöden Bohnengemüse und Bohnensalat damit anstellen soll. Und das Internet ist dann doch keine große Hilfe, denn die Rezepte für grüne Bohnen variieren nicht viel.

In Gemüse essen von Simon Bryant bin ich dann fündig geworden, auch wenn ich mit dieser Neuerwerbung auf Kriegsfuß stehe und dafür bisher keine Empfehlung aussprechen kann. Dieses Rezept ist (nach meinen Änderungen) aber einfach und kombiniert die Bohnen mal mit ganz anderen Aromen, die wunderbar harmonieren.

grüne Bohnen mit Kokos und Mohn

Vor einem Jahr: Salade niçoise

Vor zwei Jahren: Leinsamenbrot

Vor drei Jahren: Couscous-Avocado-Salat

Vor vier Jahren: Death by Chocolate

Als leichtes Sommergericht auch für heiße Tage perfekt geeignet, reiche ich dieses Gericht bei Uwe’s Wasserevent ein, das ein ganz tolle Sache ist! (Sonst bin ich ja kein großer Freund mehr von Events 😉 ).


This recipe is on my blog list for a few weeks already, but since there are still a lot of beans in the garden it’s still in time!

I really love green beans, but I’m still pondering what to do with them than the normal green bean dishes and green bean salad. The internet isn’t much help either since recipes with green beans don’t vary that much.

In Simon Bryants Vegies I found a recipe, although I’m not yet happy with this new book of mine and I cannot make a recommendation for it, yet. This recipe (my way) is very easy and combines the beans with wonderful flavours which perfectly fit together.

grüne Bohnen mit Kokos und Mohn

One year ago: salade niçoise

Two years ago: flaxseed sourdough bread

Three years ago: couscous avocado salad

Four years ago: death by chocolate


Kokos Panna CottaCoconut Panna Cotta

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

One year ago I started this blog!

I’m glad that I took this step. And I’m proud how it developed. It’s more than I’ve ever thought it would be or I would have here. I want to thank everyone, who  directed some kind words about it at me – here in the comments or just before the screen. I want to thank YOU for your visits!

Kokos Panna Cotta

In the last weeks I started to integrate some new features on the blog, like a Facebook page and even Twitter. Yeah, you’ve read right, Coconut & Vanilla has it’s own Facebook page! I would be pleased, if you jump over and become a fan. And if you want to know what I’m doing in the kitchen in between my blog posts, you can now follow me on Twitter and look over my shoulder.

Kokos Panna Cotta

Furthermore, with some help I invented a new blog design! It now looks fresher, cleaner and more personal. I hope you like it! I love it! We found those wonderful tomatoes, which you can see on my new banner, on the market in our area.

We bought them at my favourite stall, which sells fruit, vegetables and flowers they’ve grown by themselves. Last Saturday we bought there the most beautiful flower bouquet I’ve ever seen! I love to meander through the stalls and look at all the beautiful vegetables, flowers, fruit, cheese, bread, meat, olives, marinated sheep milk cheese… just everything you need. It’s the perfect beginning of the weekend and you get almost everything you need for the week.

Kokos Panna Cotta

One year ago, as I started this whole thing I was wondering how I should name it. And that’s not so easy, since there are a lot of blogs out there. But it didn’t took me long… One of my favourite desserts is panna cotta. And Coconut Panna Cotta is the one I love the most! I like the taste of the coconut milk pairing with the vanilla. I like to bite on that tiny bits of vanilla seeds. I like how it sounds. So why not name it like a favourite dessert? And that is how it came that my blogs name is Coconut & Vanilla. For this occasion I want to share my very own recipe of it with you.

Kokos Panna Cotta

Vor einem Jahr: Death by Chocolate

One year ago I started this blog!

I’m glad that I took this step. And I’m proud how it developed. It’s more than I’ve ever thought it would be or I would have here. I want to thank everyone, who directed some kind words about it at me – here in the comments or just before the screen. I want to thank YOU for your visits!

Coconut Panna Cotta

In the last weeks I started to integrate some new features on the blog, like a Facebook page and even Twitter. Yeah, you’ve read right, Coconut & Vanilla has it’s own Facebook page! I would be pleased, if you jump over and become a fan. And if you want to know what I’m doing in the kitchen in between my blog posts, you can now follow me on Twitter and look over my shoulder.

Coconut Panna Cotta

Furthermore, with some help I invented a new blog design! It now looks fresher, cleaner and more personal. I hope you like it! I love it! We found those wonderful tomatoes, which you can see on my new banner, on the market in our area.

We bought them at my favourite stall, which sells fruit, vegetables and flowers they’ve grown by themselves. Last Saturday we bought there the most beautiful flower bouquet I’ve ever seen! I love to meander through the stalls and look at all the beautiful vegetables, flowers, fruit, cheese, bread, meat, olives, marinated sheep milk cheese… just everything you need. It’s the perfect beginning of the weekend and you get almost everything you need for the week.

Coconut Panna Cotta

One year ago, as I started this whole thing I was wondering how I should name it. And that’s not so easy, since there are a lot of blogs out there. But it didn’t took me long… One of my favourite desserts is panna cotta. And Coconut Panna Cotta is the one I love the most! I like the taste of the coconut milk pairing with the vanilla. I like to bite on that tiny bits of vanilla seeds. I like how it sounds. So why not name it like a favourite dessert? And that is how it came that my blogs name is Coconut & Vanilla. For this occasion I want to share my very own recipe of it with you.

Coconut Panna Cotta

One year ago: Death by Chocolate