Flan TarteFlan Tart

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

As a child I didn’t like flan. It was too slippery and wobbly for me. Today I really like it. I like Flan, Crème Caramel, Crème Brûlée. And Crème Brûlée really works well. But as I tried to cook Flan some weeks ago, I wasn’t very successful. The caramel just didn’t want to caramelize. Then it didn’t wanted to harden in the moulds. I was really disappointed. And the worst thing was, I didn’t know why! I even do not know it today. I looked up several cook books and blogs, but they weren’t a helping hand.

As I looked through the blogs, some unknown, some of my favourites, I discovered something called Flan Tart on Aran’s blog. I’ve never tried something like this, although we spend a lot of holidays in Spain. Also I read, that the tart is somehow popular in Spain. Now I know why!

Flan Tart

I infused my Flan Tart only with vanilla beans, because I wanted to get as near as possible to the original Flan. I think it worked. Of course, you can’t expect a Flan. But a Flan formed in a tart, with a taste almost as Flan and a bit of the texture. Just no caramel. That was just the right thing for me, as I remember my caramel experiences.

Flan Tart

The tart looks like a lot of work, but it is not. You need to make a pastry crust (choose your favourite one or use the recipe I recommend below) and then the filling, which is no magic art. I recommend to bake this tart in a small spring form. I used a 20 cm one.

Be careful in the last minutes of baking. My tart burned a bit on the surface. But luckily the burned parts could be easily peeled off (maybe you see it in the picture below, that there’s a part of the surface, that is out of harmony with the rest).

Flan Tart

As a child I didn’t like flan. It was too slippery and wobbly for me. Today I really like it. I like Flan, Crème Caramel, Crème Brûlée. And Crème Brûlée really works well. But as I tried to cook Flan some weeks ago, I wasn’t very successful. The caramel just didn’t want to caramelize. Then it didn’t wanted to harden in the moulds. I was really disappointed. And the worst thing was, I didn’t know why! I even do not know it today. I looked up several cook books and blogs, but they weren’t a helping hand.

As I looked through the blogs, some unknown, some of my favourites, I discovered something called Flan Tart on Aran’s blog. I’ve never tried something like this, although we spend a lot of holidays in Spain. Also I read, that the tart is somehow popular in Spain. Now I know why!

Flan Tart

I infused my Flan Tart only with vanilla beans, because I wanted to get as near as possible to the original Flan. I think it worked. Of course, you can’t expect a Flan. But a Flan formed in a tart, with a taste almost as Flan and a bit of the texture. Just no caramel. That was just the right thing for me, as I remember my caramel experiences.

Flan Tart

The tart looks like a lot of work, but it is not. You need to make a pastry crust (choose your favourite one or use the recipe I recommend below) and then the filling, which is no magic art. I recommend to bake this tart in a small spring form. I used a 20 cm one.

Be careful in the last minutes of baking. My tart burned a bit on the surface. But luckily the burned parts could be easily peeled off (maybe you see it in the picture below, that there’s a part of the surface, that is out of harmony with the rest).

Flan Tart



Churros Churros

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

The October 2010 Daring Bakers challenge was hosted by Lori of Butter Me Up. Lori chose to challenge DBers to make doughnuts. She used several sources for her recipes including Alton Brown, Nancy Silverton, Kate Neumann and Epicurious.

The challenge were doughnuts. But since I just made them some weeks ago, as you can see here, I wanted to try something different. Especially, because frying is so versatile and the fried goods are always so delicious.

So I took the chance to make churros.


I love churros, since I remember, that I’ve first eaten them on our vacations in Spain. Bought in a paper bag from a mobile churrería. DELICIOUS. I remember them pure or tossed in sugar. I didn’t get to know the version, where you dip them in thick warm chocolate. That sounded good to me, too. But in my memory, the churros were rich, not so light. So I decided to skip the chocolate part spontaneously.

In the end, the churros turned out really light. They puffed up, while frying and came out in a doubled or even tripled size, than before. I don’t know why this happened, maybe it was the recipe. Everything  else looked right to me. So a rich decadent chocolate would accompany this recipe just right. Nonetheless the churros were very good. But I’m still looking for the perfect recipe, fitting my childhood memories.


Vor einem Jahr: Zimt- und Anis-Macarons

The October 2010 Daring Bakers challenge was hosted by Lori of Butter Me Up. Lori chose to challenge DBers to make doughnuts. She used several sources for her recipes including Alton Brown, Nancy Silverton, Kate Neumann and Epicurious.

The challenge were doughnuts. But since I just made them some weeks ago, as you can see here, I wanted to try something different. Especially, because frying is so versatile and the fried goods are always so delicious.

So I took the chance to make churros.


I love churros, since I remember, that I’ve first eaten them on our vacations in Spain. Bought in a paper bag from a mobile churrería. DELICIOUS. I remember them pure or tossed in sugar. I didn’t get to know the version, where you dip them in thick warm chocolate. That sounded good to me, too. But in my memory, the churros were rich, not so light. So I decided to skip the chocolate part spontaneously.

In the end, the churros turned out really light. They puffed up, while frying and came out in a doubled or even tripled size, than before. I don’t know why this happened, maybe it was the recipe. Everything else looked right to me. So a rich decadent chocolate would accompany this recipe just right. Nonetheless the churros were very good. But I’m still looking for the perfect recipe, fitting my childhood memories.


One year ago: Cinnamon and Anise Macarons

Indisches MandelhühnchenIndian Almond Chicken

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

As I’m writing this, I’m looking out the window, watching the rain. And it’s nice. Last week was so hot, that we couldn’t imagine turning on the oven or making a hot meal. Over the weekend the weather cooled down to about 20°C and rain, now and then.

It’s refreshing in another way. And it’s comfortable. It’s also comfortable to cozy up a bit in between the heat and cook and bake again. It’s time for some real comfort food.

This is my ultimate comfort food. I could dig in it, that good it is.

Indisches Mandelhühnchen

This are chicken pieces, which have marinated at least 6 hours in yoghurt, tomato puree and lots of spices. After that you cook it about 1,5 hours. The chicken will be tender and you have an unbelievable sauce! You can serve it with rice, if you want it easy (cause this meal IS easy). But if you want it be best, make some Batura. It’s an indian yeast flat-bread, which is deep-fried. In one of my upcoming posts, I will write about Batura, too. It’s so good, I want to dig in that, too.

Now you can imagine, what that meal does to me…

Indisches Mandelhühnchen

So, hurry up, marinate some chicken, you won’t regret it tonight! Oh, and it wouldn’t be a fault to make the double amount. It freezes wonderful (and still tastes wonderful after thawing). And another night, when you’re too lazy to cook, you already have a dinner.


As I’m writing this, I’m looking out the window, watching the rain. And it’s nice. Last week was so hot, that we couldn’t imagine turning on the oven or making a hot meal. Over the weekend the weather cooled down to about 20°C and rain, now and then.

It’s refreshing in another way. And it’s comfortable. It’s also comfortable to cozy up a bit in between the heat and cook and bake again. It’s time for some real comfort food.

This is my ultimate comfort food. I could dig in it, that good it is.

Indian Almond Chicken

This are chicken pieces, which have marinated at least 6 hours in yoghurt, tomato puree and lots of spices. After that you cook it about 1,5 hours. The chicken will be tender and you have an unbelievable sauce! You can serve it with rice, if you want it easy (cause this meal IS easy). But if you want it be best, make some Batura. It’s an indian yeast flat-bread, which is deep-fried. In one of my upcoming posts, I will write about Batura, too. It’s so good, I want to dig in that, too.

Now you can imagine, what that meal does to me…

Indian Almond Chicken

So, hurry up, marinate some chicken, you won’t regret it tonight! Oh, and it wouldn’t be a fault to make the double amount. It freezes wonderful (and still tastes wonderful after thawing). And another night, when you’re too lazy to cook, you already have a dinner.

Arroz Con Leche… Lo Mejor

Updaten: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Since I was in Spain as a child ( to be more precise in Andalucía), I was craving for the arroz con leche I ate there. It has to be cold or be at room temperature and should be creamy or even slightly fluid. Not that mush you are getting here. Also it has to have this delightful taste of cinnamon.

I was looking for the recipe a very long time. Some day I was looking through Aran’s blog and I found a recipe. A recipe, which called for 50g rice per 1 l milk! I was a bit irritated, but after all Aran is Basque and so I trusted her, that she can produce real good spanisch arroz con leche. And I wasn’t disappointed.

Arroz Con Leche

In english you would say rice pudding, in german “Milchreis”. But you can’t compare those with arroz con leche. So arroz con leche is arroz con leche. It’s just different. But better in any way. MUCH better. So give it a try and don’t let yourself put off by the hour you have to invest!

Arroz Con Leche

As you see in the pictures I also made some macarons. I had so much leftover egg whites and the only thing I know to do with them is macarons. So I made a doubled batch (maybe not the best idea) and made two different fillings. One was a white chocolate-peach-ganache, the other one was lemon curd. Both are very refreshing in the summer heat, as a snack in between. If you have summer heat in your area. Ours is just gone – 15 °C – that’s no fun!

Arroz Con Leche


Since I was in Spain as a child ( to be more precise in Andalucía), I was craving for the arroz con leche I ate there. It has to be cold or be at room temperature and should be creamy or even slightly fluid. Not that mush you are getting here. Also it has to have this delightful taste of cinnamon.

I was looking for the recipe a very long time. Some day I was looking through Aran’s blog and I found a recipe. A recipe, which called for 50g rice per 1 l milk! I was a bit irritated, but after all Aran is Basque and so I trusted her, that she can produce real good spanisch arroz con leche. And I wasn’t disappointed.

Arroz Con Leche

In english you would say rice pudding, in german “Milchreis”. But you can’t compare those with arroz con leche. So arroz con leche is arroz con leche. It’s just different. But better in any way. MUCH better. So give it a try and don’t let yourself put off by the hour you have to invest!

Arroz Con Leche

As you see in the pictures I also made some macarons. I had so much leftover egg whites and the only thing I know to do with them is macarons. So I made a doubled batch (maybe not the best idea) and made two different fillings. One was a white chocolate-peach-ganache, the other one was lemon curd. Both are very refreshing in the summer heat, as a snack in between. If you have summer heat in your area. Ours is just gone – 15 °C – that’s no fun!

Arroz Con Leche

Schokoladen Macarons mit HimbeerfüllungChocolate Macarons with Raspberry Filling

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Schokoladen Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

Since on the 20. March was Macaron Day I decided to show you my latest accomplishment in macarons.

Yes, there exists a special day for macarons! In Paris are special shops, that sell macarons all day long and on macarons day you can get some free! Unfortunately I never had the chance to be there (on macarons day or sometime else). As macarons are not very popular in Germany, ok unknown would be the better word… I mean most people don’t even know what cupcakes are… so you couldn’t say macarons are the new cupcakes ;). Anyway what I wanted to say is, that there won’t be shops in Germany, that sell macarons.

Schokoladen Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

But most often I think anyway it’s better and more fun to do it myself. I mean look at those little beauties. Just want to grab one immediately and stuff it into my mouth.

And in your mouth you have the rich chocolate flavour and now you think “yeah and in the middle even more boring chocolate”… haha no! In the middle is chocolate (and do use the good one!) with raspberry puree! It’s soo delicious.

Schokoladen Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

So if you didn’t do it, celebrate macarons day with some lovely macarons. Even more if you have some egg whites sitting in your fridge and you don’t know what do to with them. So you have to make some macarons, because it would be a pity to throw all the egg whites away. And you will feel a lot better, when you use them up and they are not looking at you anymore out of the fridge, making you guilty, because you don’t know what to do with them. Believe me, what a relief to make macarons!

And it is not difficult. Ok my first try wasn’t what I expected. They tasted good, but they didn’t look like macarons. So for some tipps, you can look up my first post with macarons.

Schokoladen Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

Don’t be worried, if my post is looking some what different, because I’m trying it the first time with Windows Live Writer, instead of that Google crap. Yeah, you read right. It’s just driven me into insanity some times. So maybe that here works better. I’m yet “astonished” by the amount of fonts and options to embed my pictures. You see, after Google I’m very easy to impress.

But don’t want to bore you with that theoretical things.

Schokoladen Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

chocolate macarons with raspberry filling

Since on the 20. March was Macaron Day I decided to show you my latest accomplishment in macarons.

Yes, there exists a special day for macarons! In Paris are special shops, that sell macarons all day long and on macarons day you can get some free! Unfortunately I never had the chance to be there (on macarons day or sometime else). As macarons are not very popular in Germany, ok unknown would be the better word… I mean most people don’t even know what cupcakes are… so you couldn’t say macarons are the new cupcakes ;). Anyway what I wanted to say is, that there won’t be shops in Germany, that sell macarons.

chocolate macarons with raspberry filling

But most often I think anyway it’s better and more fun to do it myself. I mean look at those little beauties. Just want to grab one immediately and stuff it into my mouth.

And in your mouth you have the rich chocolate flavour and now you think “yeah and in the middle even more boring chocolate”… haha no! In the middle is chocolate (and do use the good one!) with raspberry puree! It’s soo delicious.

chocolate macarons with raspberry filling

So if you didn’t do it, celebrate macarons day with some lovely macarons. Even more if you have some egg whites sitting in your fridge and you don’t know what do to with them. So you have to make some macarons, because it would be a pity to throw all the egg whites away. And you will feel a lot better, when you use them up and they are not looking at you anymore out of the fridge, making you guilty, because you don’t know what to do with them. Believe me, what a relief to make macarons!

And it is not difficult. Ok my first try wasn’t what I expected. They tasted good, but they didn’t look like macarons. So for some tipps, you can look up my first post with macarons.

chocolate macarons with raspberry filling

Don’t be worried, if my post is looking some what different, because I’m trying it the first time with Windows Live Writer, instead of that Google crap. Yeah, you read right. It’s just driven me into insanity some times. So maybe that here works better. I’m yet “astonished” by the amount of fonts and options to embed my pictures. You see, after Google I’m very easy to impress.

But don’t want to bore you with that theoretical things.

chocolate macarons with raspberry filling

glutenfreie Nanaimo Barsgluten-free Nanaimo Bars

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

glutenfreie Nanaimo Bars

The January 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Lauren of Celiac Teen. Lauren chose Gluten-Free Graham Wafers and Nanaimo Bars as the challenge for the month. The sources she based her recipe on are 101 Cookbooks and www.nanaimo.ca.

This month challenge was to make a classic Canadian dessert to savour the Olympic Winter Games in Canada this year. This dessert consists of three layers. A base containing crumbles of Graham Crackers, coconut, cocoa and almonds. A middle custard layer and a chocolate topping.
Since Lauren is suffering under celiac disease (dt. Zöliakie) the challenge was to bake the Graham Crackers yourself and gluten-free. Ever I was interested to try some gluten-free recipe. Finally I had the chance!
A lot of people in the world (also in Germany, yes!) have to live gluten-free, as if they wouldn’t, their villi lining the small intestine would be trancated. This reaction is caused by proteins, found in wheat, rye, barley and other crops of the tribe Triticeae.

glutenfreie Nanaimo Bars

First it was very difficult to find the needed flours. We needed rice flour, tapioca flour and sorghum flour (dt. Braunhirsemehl). Rice flour I had already at home. Tapioca flour (or starch), I found in a local Asian supermarket. The sorghum flour was much more difficult. But in a larger wholefood supermarket I didn’t just found sorghum flour, but a lot of more gluten-free flours.

I will make an extra post for the Graham Crackers, because I really like them! I do not know how they taste with normal wheat flour, but actually I don’t really want to know… they are just great as they are and I think that special flavour comes from the sorghum flour. I will definitely bake them again!

Which I can’t say from Nanaimo Bars. I wasn’t so excited about that part of the challenge, as I would never make something like that for myself, as I do not like those sort of things. It’s just too much, too heavy for me.

glutenfreie Nanaimo Bars

I also made some differences regarding to the original recipe. I substituted the almonds with hazelnuts and since in Germany something like custard powder does not exist, I made a mixture of vanilla pudding powder, crème fraîche, butter, icing sugar and a lot of vanilla aroma, because it didn’t taste like vanilla after all and it was just too sweet.

I made just half the recipe and it’s still enough and to spare. Is used an adjustable cake setting ring with 16 cm in diametre.
If I would try it another time (I won’t, but IF), I would leave out the coconut and cocoa from the bottom layer, because the main taste is coconut and cocoa. Just too much of it!
Be cautious! The vanilla pudding powder, as well as the chocolate you take for the topping has to be gluten-free as well, if you want to make it all gluten-free!

glutenfreie Nanaimo Bars

gluten-free nanaimo bars

The January 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Lauren of Celiac Teen. Lauren chose Gluten-Free Graham Wafers and Nanaimo Bars as the challenge for the month. The sources she based her recipe on are 101 Cookbooks and www.nanaimo.ca.

This month challenge was to make a classic Canadian dessert to savour the Olympic Winter Games in Canada this year. This dessert consists of three layers. A base containing crumbles of Graham Crackers, coconut, cocoa and almonds. A middle custard layer and a chocolate topping.
Since Lauren is suffering under celiac disease (dt. Zöliakie) the challenge was to bake the Graham Crackers yourself and gluten-free. Ever I was interested to try some gluten-free recipe. Finally I had the chance!
A lot of people in the world (also in Germany, yes!) have to live gluten-free, as if they wouldn’t, their villi lining the small intestine would be trancated. This reaction is caused by proteins, found in wheat, rye, barley and other crops of the tribe Triticeae.

gluten-free nanaimo bars

First it was very difficult to find the needed flours. We needed rice flour, tapioca flour and sorghum flour (dt. Braunhirsemehl). Rice flour I had already at home. Tapioca flour (or starch), I found in a local Asian supermarket. The sorghum flour was much more difficult. But in a larger wholefood supermarket I didn’t just found sorghum flour, but a lot of more gluten-free flours.

I will make an extra post for the Graham Crackers, because I really like them! I do not know how they taste with normal wheat flour, but actually I don’t really want to know… they are just great as they are and I think that special flavour comes from the sorghum flour. I will definitely bake them again!

Which I can’t say from Nanaimo Bars. I wasn’t so excited about that part of the challenge, as I would never make something like that for myself, as I do not like those sort of things. It’s just too much, too heavy for me.

gluten-free nanaimo bars

 I also made some differences regarding to the original recipe. I substituted the almonds with hazelnuts and since in Germany something like custard powder does not exist, I made a mixture of vanilla pudding powder, crème fraîche, butter, icing sugar and a lot of vanilla aroma, because it didn’t taste like vanilla after all and it was just too sweet.

I made just half the recipe and it’s still enough and to spare. Is used an adjustable cake setting ring with 16 cm in diametre.
If I would try it another time (I won’t, but IF), I would leave out the coconut and cocoa from the bottom layer, because the main taste is coconut and cocoa. Just too much of it!
Be cautious! The vanilla pudding powder, as well as the chocolate you take for the topping has to be gluten-free as well, if you want to make it all gluten-free!

gluten-free nanaimo bars

Zimt und Anis MacaronsCinnamon and Anise Macarons

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

This month challenge for the Daring Bakers were French Macarons. The 2009 October Daring Bakers’ challenge was brought to us by Ami S. She chose macarons from Claudia Fleming’s The Last Course: The Desserts of Gramercy Tavern as the challenge recipe.

Zimt und Anis Macarons

I was a bit scared, because I tried macarons some weeks ago the first time and they went totally wrong. The shells weren’t really hard, almost no „feet“ (you can see feet in the picture of my succesful anis macarons below) and they were much too soft. But I was also eager to do it better.

Zimt und Anis Macarons

In the (english) food blog world everyone is about macarons. But here in Germany nobody knows them. Or precisely macarons are known as something different. Dessicated coconut with beaten egg whites and sometimes nuts or chocolate within. „Feets“ are not wanted, it’s more like small piles. Germans wake up and get to know french macarons!

The challenge itself was challenging. After my first mishappening and reading in the Daring Bakers Forum about the problems with the recipe given and the better-going recipes with Tartelette’s one, I decided to give the disaster not a chance again and go with Tartelette’s recipe.

The recipe is very easy to vary. I made the Cinnamon Macarons with hazelnuts and a Tbsp. cinnamon and a gianduja (rounded up with some cream) filling and the Anise Macarons with almonds a Tbsp. grounded anise and a white chocolate filling.

Zimt und Anis Macarons

Some tips, which I found important are:

Ground your grounded nuts again yourself (something like a Moulinette would be helpful). They are not fine enough. Sieve your powdered sugar before.

I used a silicone mat and normal parchment paper and I would prefer the parchment paper here, because the macarons sticked so much to my silicone mat, I didn’t get them off right. Also after baking let them cool for about 15 minutes outside, then move the baking sheet back in the warm (but not hot!) oven. Let them cool completely over the night. Mine were mostly *fingers crossed* easy to peel off the parchment paper. If it doesn’t work give some sprinkles of water under the paper, if the sheet is still warm or hold it over some steaming water. The steam dissolves the macarons from the paper.

For piping: stand your bag up in a high glass. It’s easier for filling and when you rest.

In my opinion the macarons are the better the smaller they are. Furthermore the ywill expand a little while baking. Hope all this helps. If you have any questions feel free to ask! This is how my macarons looked like after piping, while drying, before baking.

Zimt und Anis Macarons

This month challenge for the Daring Bakers were French Macarons. The 2009 October Daring Bakers’ challenge was brought to us by Ami S. She chose macarons from Claudia Fleming’s The Last Course: The Desserts of Gramercy Tavern as the challenge recipe.

cinnamon and anis macarons

I was a bit scared, because I tried macarons some weeks ago the first time and they went totally wrong. The shells weren’t really hard, almost no „feet“ (you can see feet in the picture of my succesful anis macarons below) and they were much too soft. But I was also eager to do it better.

cinnamon and anis macarons

In the (english) food blog world everyone is about macarons. But here in Germany nobody knows them. Or precisely macarons are known as something different. Dessicated coconut with beaten egg whites and sometimes nuts or chocolate within. „Feets“ are not wanted, it’s more like small piles. Germans wake up and get to know french macarons!

The challenge itself was challenging. After my first mishappening and reading in the Daring Bakers Forum about the problems with the recipe given and the better-going recipes with Tartelette’s one, I decided to give the disaster not a chance again and go with Tartelette’s recipe.

The recipe is very easy to vary. I made the Cinnamon Macarons with hazelnuts and a Tbsp. cinnamon and a gianduja (rounded up with some cream) filling and the Anise Macarons with almonds a Tbsp. grounded anise and a white chocolate filling.

cinnamon and anis macarons

Some tips, which I found important are:

Ground your grounded nuts again yourself (something like a Moulinette would be helpful). They are not fine enough. Sieve your powdered sugar before.

I used a silicone mat and normal parchment paper and I would prefer the parchment paper here, because the macarons sticked so much to my silicone mat, I didn’t get them off right. Also after baking let them cool for about 15 minutes outside, then move the baking sheet back in the warm (but not hot!) oven. Let them cool completely over the night. Mine were mostly *fingers crossed* easy to peel off the parchment paper. If it doesn’t work give some sprinkles of water under the paper, if the sheet is still warm or hold it over some steaming water. The steam dissolves the macarons from the paper.

For piping: stand your bag up in a high glass. It’s easier for filling and when you rest.

In my opinion the macarons are the better the smaller they are. Furthermore the ywill expand a little while baking. Hope all this helps. If you have any questions feel free to ask! This is how my macarons looked like after piping, while drying, before baking.

cinnamon and anis macarons