Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!
Last week I told you about some Christmas gifts I will make. Today I present you two of them. I highly recommend both. Either as a gift or just for yourself. Both recipes are made in no time and are very easy.
Although I bake and cook almost everything myself, I never made gingerbread or lebkuchen, as we call them in German (gingerbread is confusing for me, as the lebkuchen doesn’t contain any ginger…). I come from the lebkuchen city of Nürnberg, so I know the very good ones from the lebkuchen bakeries (not the cheap ones from the supermarkets) and I never had the guts to bake them myself. But then two things happened.
First I didn’t had the chance to buy or eat any lebkuchen from home, since there was no opportunity to be there. Second I bought a really wonderful book (sorry for all the English speakers). The book contains so many recipes for Christmas gifts (or gifts at all), Christmas cookies and even recipes for your Christmas dinner. It was love at first sight! There I discovered a lebkuchen recipe. They looked really good. A smaller version of my beloved ones from home. So I gave them a try. They are just perfect. No need to buy them anymore (ok, except the really good ones from the bakery). They are even better with chocolate icing. Or sugar icing. And they get better from day to day. It’s actually recommended, that you prepare them 1 to 2 weeks ahead. But then, you have to be careful, that you have some left for the gifts on Christmas.
It’s almost a tradition to make eggnog, as a gift for my grandmother for Christmas. There are not many things, that a 90-year-old-woman desires. But we all know she loves eggnog, so at least my aunt and me are giving eggnog as a gift to her. This year I tried a new recipe (which I also adapted from the book, I recommended above). And it is a hit! It balances perfect between the sweetness, the vanilla and the alcohol. It’s not too thick and not to thin. Just the right consistency. There is no sharpness of the alcohol in this eggnog. This is how I love it. I used normal corn schnapps, instead of the high-proof alcohol, listed in the recipe. With the right amount of the other ingredients, this was the key of the perfect eggnog.
Give your beloved ones a treat with those wonderful gifts or at least yourself and your family.
Happy baking!
aus Bald ist Weihnachten von Regine Stroner
ergibt: 0,75 l
1 Vanilleschote
140 g Puderzucker
5 Eigelbe (so frisch wie möglich)
1 Ei (so frisch wie möglich)
300 g Sahne
125 ml Korn (38 Vol.-%)
Die Vanilleschote der Länge nach aufschneiden und die Samen rauskratzen. Mit dem Zucker mischen. Mit dem Mixer, den Zucker mit den Eigelben und dem Ei verschlagen, bis alles hell und sehr cremig ist. Langsam die Sahne dazugießen und weiterrühren. Zum Schluss den Korn unterrühren.
Den Eierlikör in sterilisierte Flaschen füllen und verschließen. Mindestens 14 Tage im Kühlschrank ziehen lassen, bevor man ihn genießt.
Vor dem Trinken gut schütteln.
Hält sich einige Wochen im Kühlschrank (bei uns war er auch nach Monaten noch einwandfrei).
Wenn sich während des Rührens viel Schaum bildet und nicht alles in die Flasche passt. Die Flasche verschließen und beides in den Kühlschrank stellen. Am nächsten Tag hat sich der Schaum gelegt und der Rest passt noch in die Flasche.
aus Bald ist Weihnachten von Regine Stroner
ergibt: etwa 40 Stück
5 Eier
400 g braunen Zucker
50 g Zartbitterschokolade, fein gerieben
250 g gemahlene Mandeln
250 g gemahlene Haselnüsse
1/2 TL gem. Nelke
1 TL Zimt
ca. 40 Oblaten (7 cm Durchmesser)
Zartbitterkuvertüre zum Überziehen
Puderzucker und Zitronensaft für die Glasur
Die Eier und den Zucker schaumig schlagen. Die Schokolade, Mandeln, Haselnüsse und die Gewürze unterrühren.
Den Ofen auf 130° C vorheizen.
Einen Esslöffel Teig auf eine Oblate geben und verstreichen. Mit den anderen genauso verfahren.
25 Minuten backen. Im warmen Ofen auskühlen lassen.
Wenn die Lebkuchen abgekühlt sind, mit Schokolade oder Puderzuckerglasur bestreichen.
In eine luftdichte Dose geben und verschließen. Eine Woche ziehen lassen.
Halten sich mehrere Wochen.
Last week I told you about some Christmas gifts I will make. Today I present you two of them. I highly recommend both. Either as a gift or just for yourself. Both recipes are made in no time and are very easy.
Although I bake and cook almost everything myself, I never made gingerbread or lebkuchen, as we call them in German (gingerbread is confusing for me, as the lebkuchen doesn’t contain any ginger…). I come from the lebkuchen city of Nürnberg, so I know the very good ones from the lebkuchen bakeries (not the cheap ones from the supermarkets) and I never had the guts to bake them myself. But then two things happened.
First I didn’t had the chance to buy or eat any lebkuchen from home, since there was no opportunity to be there. Second I bought a really wonderful book (sorry for all the English speakers). The book contains so many recipes for Christmas gifts (or gifts at all), Christmas cookies and even recipes for your Christmas dinner. It was love at first sight! There I discovered a lebkuchen recipe. They looked really good. A smaller version of my beloved ones from home. So I gave them a try. They are just perfect. No need to buy them anymore (ok, except the really good ones from the bakery). They are even better with chocolate icing. Or sugar icing. And they get better from day to day. It’s actually recommended, that you prepare them 1 to 2 weeks ahead. But then, you have to be careful, that you have some left for the gifts on Christmas.
It’s almost a tradition to make eggnog, as a gift for my grandmother for Christmas. There are not many things, that a 90-year-old-woman desires. But we all know she loves eggnog, so at least my aunt and me are giving eggnog as a gift to her. This year I tried a new recipe (which I also adapted from the book, I recommended above). And it is a hit! It balances perfect between the sweetness, the vanilla and the alcohol. It’s not too thick and not to thin. Just the right consistency. There is no sharpness of the alcohol in this eggnog. This is how I love it. I used normal corn schnapps, instead of the high-proof alcohol, listed in the recipe. With the right amount of the other ingredients, this was the key of the perfect eggnog.
Give your beloved ones a treat with those wonderful gifts or at least yourself and your family.
Happy baking!
yield: 0.75 liters of eggnog (double the recipe, if you like)
1 vanilla pod
140 g powdered sugar
5 egg yolks (as fresh as you can get)
1 egg (as fresh as you can get)
300 g cream
125 ml corn schnapps (38 Vol.-%)
Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise and scrape out the seeds. Mix them with the sugar. Mix the sugar , the egg yolks and the egg with the whisks of your handheld or stand mixer, until the mixture is bright and very creamy. Slowly add the cream, while whisking. Finally add the alcohol.
Rinse glass bottles with boiling water. Fill the bottles with the eggnog. Close the bottles and keep refrigerated for at least 14 days. Before consuming, give the bottles a good shake.
Keeps for some weeks in the fridge.
If some foam has build up, while whisking, put aside the rest of the eggnog, that doesn’t fit in the bottles. Let the closed bottles rest in the fridge for one day. Then the foam has disappeared and the rest of the eggnog fits perfectly in the bottles.
yields: about 40
5 eggs
400 g light brown sugar
50 g dark chocolate, finely grated
250 g ground almonds
250 g ground hazelnuts
1/2 tsp. ground cloves
1 tsp. cinnamon
about 40 wafer papers (7 cm in diameter)
chocolate for icing (optional)
powdered sugar and lemon juice for icing
Cream the eggs and the sugar with the whisks of your handheld or stand mixer. Add the grated chocolate with the almonds, hazelnuts and the spices.
Preheat the oven to 130°C. Spread one heaped tablespoon of dough on a wafer paper. Proceed similar with the rest.
Bake the lebkuchen for 25 minutes. Let them cool in the warm oven.
When cooled, keep in airtight containers or add some icing first. Let them infuse for about a week.
Keeps several weeks in containers.