Belugalinsen mit Cabanossi und Ofen-Rote BeeteBeluga Lentils with Cabanossi and Roasted Beetroots

Belugalinsen mit Cabanossi und Ofen-Rote Beete

Das ist so richtig schönes Wohlfühlessen für mich! Ich liebe alles in diesem Gericht: Linsen, Cabanossi (die man für die vegetarische Variante natürlich einfach weglassen kann) und im Ofen geröstete Rote Beete, die dadurch am besten schmeckt. Verfeinert mit einem ordentlichen Schluck Rotwein, passierten Tomaten, Karotten- und Selleriewürfeln, Oregano, geräuchertem Paprikapulver (wichtig, da es ein unvergleichliches Aroma gibt) und Chili.

Belugalinsen sehen besonders schön aus, nämlich wie Belugakaviar: klein und schwarz. Aber sie schmecken auch besonders lecker und vor allem behalten sie ihre Form auch noch wenn sie gegart sind. Bei mir müssen sie noch etwas Biss haben. Die Zutaten in diesem Gericht werden durch das Kochen wie eine Einheit. Es gibt keine richtige Soße, die ist eher dicklich geworden und umgibt (großzügig) die Zutaten. Eine kohlenhydrathaltige Sättigungsbeilage ist hierbei nicht von Nöten, man kann die Leckerei auch gleich aus dem Topf löffeln.

Belugalinsen mit Cabanossi und Ofen-Rote Beete

Dadurch, dass wir 6 Wochen im Urlaub waren, habe ich im Gegensatz zu den Daheimgebliebenen das Wintergemüse noch nicht über. Ein echter Vorteil (obwohl ich mich trotzdem auf frisches Frühlingsgemüse freue)! Diesen Herbst sind wir sowieso schon zu großen Rote Beete Fans geworden. Früher kannte ich sie auch nur als Salat und habe sie schon da geliebt! Inzwischen haben wir schon viele Rezepte ausprobiert und alles hat uns begeistert. Am besten ist aber immer noch das einfache Rösten im Ofen mit Olivenöl und Salz, so wie sie als „Sahnehaube“ in diesem Rezept verwendet werden.

Belugalinsen mit Cabanossi und Ofen-Rote Beete

Vor einem Jahr: Haferflorentiner


Beluga Lentils with Cabanossi and Roasted Beetroots

This is my perfect comfort food! I love every detail  in this dish: the lentils, the cabanossi (feel free to omit these for a vegetarian version, it’s still great then) and roasted beetroots, which is the best way to make them. Refined with a decent portion of red wine, pureed tomatoes, carrot and celeriac, oregano, smoked paprika (a great ingredients, because it gives dishes an extraordinary taste) and chilli.

Beluga lentils are beautiful, as they look like beluga caviar: small and black. But they taste also very delicious and they keep their shape very well while cooking. When I cook them they still need to be a bit al dente. The ingredients in this dish will melt together. The sauce will be very thick and surrounds the ingredients. A carbon hydrated side dish isn’t needed here, as you can just eat it by the spoon out of the pot.

Beluga Lentils with Cabanossi and Roasted Beetroots

As we spent 6 weeks in Asia, I’m not yet sick of winter vegetables. A real advantage (of course I’m looking forward to fresh spring vegetables)! This autumn we became huge fans of beetroots. In the past I’ve just known beetroots as salad, which then I already loved! In the mean time we tried a lot of recipes with beetroots and were delighted by all of them. But best is still to roast them in the oven with olive oil and salt, as I made it for this recipe.

Beluga Lentils with Cabanossi and Roasted Beetroots

One year ago: Oat Florentines

Apfel & Vanille Madeleines mit brauner ButterApple, Brown Butter & Vanilla Madeleines

Apfel & Vanille Madeleines mit brauner Butter

Madeleines sind so eine heikle Sache. Ich liebe sie. Und sie sind einfach zu machen. Sie sind auch sehr lecker. Aber meistens nur am Backtag, vielleicht noch am Tag danach. Anschließend sind sie trocken, hart, einfach nicht mehr lecker. Mein Gebäck sollte sich aber schon ein paar Tage halten. Das erwarte ich schlicht und einfach. Ich backe nicht nur für einen Tag (außer es kommen natürlich Gäste).

Ich war schon von vielen Madeleines begeistert. Die Begeisterung legte sich schnell. Bis ich diese hier ausprobiert habe. Sie schmecken nicht nur einfach ganz toll nach den verwendeten Zutaten, also Äpfel, der Vanille und der gebräunten Butter, nein sie halten sich auch noch mehrere Tage in einer Blechdose. Dabei bleiben sie immer schön saftig und aromatisch. Ich habe mein Rezept gefunden!

Apfel & Vanille Madeleines mit brauner Butter

Schwierig wird es wohl, wenn ich mich nach Madeleines ohne Obst sehne. Aber das dürfte im Herbst zu verhindern sein. Es gibt ja noch Birnen, Quitten und im Notfall könnte man auch ein bisschen Kürbisfleisch in die kleinen Küchlein schmuggeln.

Ich habe mich bei diesem Rezept mehr oder weniger an die Angaben gehalten, und es nur auf glutenhaltige Zutaten umgemodelt. Ich habe es von dem wundervollen Blog von Aran – Cannelle et Vanille. Sollte man also unter eine Glutenunverträglichkeit oder Zöliakie leiden, ist dieser Blog eine sehr gute Anlaufstelle für Rezepte. Ansonsten ist er immer wieder schön anzuschauen.

Apfel & Vanille Madeleines mit brauner Butter

Vor einem Jahr: Churros


Apfel & Vanille Madeleines mit brauner Butter

Apple, Brown Butter & Vanilla Madeleines

 Madeleines are a delicate thing. I love them and they are super easy to bake. Also they are delicious. But mostly only on the day they are baked, maybe the day after. After that they are dry, hard, just not delicious anymore. But my baked goods should last for a few days. That are just my expectations. I’m not baking things for only one day (except guests are expected).

I already was enthusiastic about many madeleine recipes. But that was gone soon. Until I tried these sweet little gems. They are perfectly delicious! They combine the taste of the apples with the vanilla and the brown butter. AND they are lasting several days in a cookie jar. Whilst that, they are keeping moist and aromatic. I found my recipe!

Apple, Brown Butter & Vanilla Madeleines

It will be different finding a recipe, without fruit, although. But this won’t be necessary in autumn, since there still can be used pears, quinces and even some pumpkin puree.

I found this recipe on the wonderful blog from Aran – Cannelle et Vanille. I just changed the recipe into one with gluten. So if you are suffering under celiac disease, this blog should be one of your favourite sources for recipes. Besides it is just a beautiful blog.

Apple, Brown Butter & Vanilla Madeleines

One year ago: Churros


Apple, Brown Butter & Vanilla Madeleines



Diese Tarte habe ich nicht nur für uns, sondern auch für das wiederbelebte Event der Hüttenhilfe gebacken. Das Event heißt Fremdkochen und geht über 2 Monate, in denen man seine Rezepte/Bilder einreichen kann. Der Witz an der Sache ist, dass man sich ein Rezept aus einem anderen Blog sucht und das nachkocht/nachbäckt. Natürlich braucht so ein Event immer ein Motto und das ist diesmal „Tartes“. Perfekt, da ich Tartes sowieso überalles liebe.


Schön finde ich, dass man einen Lieblingsblog fördern kann und man auch den ein oder anderen „neuen“ Blog für sich entdeckt. Denn der Blog, von dem das Originalrezept stammt wird selbstverständlich verlinkt.

Ich habe mir diese Birnen-Vanille Tarte rausgesucht von Simone von Pi mal Butter. Einer meiner absoluten Lieblingsblogs, seit dem ich ihn kenne. Das Originalrezept hörte noch auf den klangvollen Namen Mascarpone-Tarte mit Pastis-Vanille-Birnen und Zitronenthymian. Da ich aber hier und da ein paar Änderungen vorgenommen habe, habe ich auch gleich den Namen geändert.


Und jetzt mal im Ernst: Diese Tarte ist der absolute Oberhammer! Das ist die beste Tarte, die ich jemals fabriziert und gegessen habe. Der Teig ist so schön mürb und blätterig (auch wenn ich mit ihm im ungebackenen Zustand gekämpft habe), und die Birnen, die Birnen! Herrlich vanillig, karamellig, weich, ach ein Traum! Die Creme auf der die Birnen liegen ist auch nicht zu verachten. Frank war ganz begeistert davon, dass man eine so leckere Creme aus Crème fraîche, Quark, etwas Zucker und Vanille herstellen kann. Obendrauf noch ein bisschen dickflüssiger Karamell… was will man mehr?

Ganz klare Empfehlung von mir: Nachbacken! Es lohnt sich. Aber sowas von.


Vor einem Jahr: glutenfreie Donuts




I made this tart not just for us, but also for revitalised Event of the Hüttenhilfe. The event’s name is „Fremdkochen“ (in English something like „cooking unfamiliar“)  and takes 2 months. The root of the matter is cooking/baking a recipe from another foodblogger. Of course you link the original recipe with your duplicated recipe. On this way everyone discovers new blogs and supports their favourites. The theme of the event is „Tarts“ until the end of October. And that’s just perfect, as I love tarts!


I picked this vanilla-pear-tart from Simone of Pi mal Butter. One of my absolutely favourite foodblogs, since I know it. The original recipe answered to the sonourous name of mascarpone-tarte with pastis-vanilla-pears and citrus thyme. But since I made some adjustments, I changed the name, too.


So for serious: This tart is the bomb! The best tarte I’ve ever baked and eaten. The dough is perfectly flaky and tender (although we’ve had some battles to fight before he was baked), and the pears, the pears! So full of vanilla and caramel flavour and perfectly mellow. Not to mention the cream, on which the pears are laid on. Frank was overwhelmed by a cream, which consists only of crème fraîche, quark, some sugar and vanilla. To top it all with some thick caramel… can there be anything more charming?

My distinct recommendation: Bake it! It’s worth it. Totally.


One year ago: gluten-free Donuts



Apfel Galette Apple Galette


Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Some time ago I already introduced you to an apple tart. Which is very good indeed.

This is another apple tart, but the dough is folded like a galette and you can bake it freestyle without a baking pan, so I called it an apple galette. So no mix-ups possible. Also it’s a totally different kind of a „tart“.

Apple Galette

I adapted the recipe from one of my all time favourite sites Smitten Kitchen. There it’s called the „simplest apple tart“, but I wouldn’t emphasize that, cause really my favourite apple pie is the simplest. But that’s another story. So this galette is a bit of work, but easy. And it rewards you with a thin and flaky, buttery, tender crust and apples, which are soft, but yet firm. And it looks like the perfect food. It’s a „wow-dish“. I would have tried it and bring it along somewhere, but after a blink or two it’s gone.

Apple Galette

So this is my new favourite apple tart/galette. Following my favourite apple pie, which is a melt in the mouth, too. Really I love baked or fried apple dishes. As long as the apples aren’t to firm, because I really do not like apples.

Yeah, you’ve read right. I never ever eat an apple. I didn’t even liked them a kid. It’s not the taste, because as you see I like it in cakes, pies, tarts and yes apple fritters, as well as apple compote (but without bits) and of course apple juice. I’m only not befriend with the consistency of apples. And how it sounds when you bite into them. That gives me a chill. And if you now think this aversion is impossible and freaky, listen… I’ve already met one person, which has the same aversion as me. Apple juice yes and other product without fruit bits yes, raw apples no!

Apple Galette

Vor einem Jahr: Blätterteigtarte mit Wurzelgemüse

Apple Galette


Apple Galette


Some time ago I already introduced you to an apple tart. Which is very good indeed.

This is another apple tart, but the dough is folded like a galette and you can bake it freestyle without a baking pan, so I called it an apple galette. So no mix-ups possible. Also it’s a totally different kind of a „tart“.

Apple Galette

 I adapted the recipe from one of my all time favourite sites Smitten Kitchen. There it’s called the „simplest apple tart“, but I wouldn’t emphasize that, cause really my favourite apple pie is the simplest. But that’s another story. So this galette is a bit of work, but easy. And it rewards you with a thin and flaky, buttery, tender crust and apples, which are soft, but yet firm. And it looks like the perfect food. It’s a „wow-dish“. I would have tried it and bring it along somewhere, but after a blink or two it’s gone.

Apple Galette

 So this is my new favourite apple tart/galette. Following my favourite apple pie, which is a melt in the mouth, too. Really I love baked or fried apple dishes. As long as the apples aren’t to firm, because I really do not like apples.

Yeah, you’ve read right. I never ever eat an apple. I didn’t even liked them a kid. It’s not the taste, because as you see I like it in cakes, pies, tarts and yes apple fritters, as well as apple compote (but without bits) and of course apple juice. I’m only not befriend with the consistency of apples. And how it sounds when you bite into them. That gives me a chill. And if you now think this aversion is impossible and freaky, listen… I’ve already met one person, which has the same aversion as me. Apple juice yes and other product without fruit bits yes, raw apples no!

Apple Galette

One year ago: Puff Pastry Tart with Root Vegetables

Apple Galette


Apple Galette

Kürbis-Apfel-SuppeWinter Squash-Apple-Soup

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

8°C. That’s it, what the thermometer is saying outside. To cozy up yourself, this squash-apple-soup helps. And it’s fast and easy done. Especially if you are using a squash, that softens in minutes.

Winter Squash-Apple-Soup

We had luck, that F. parents gave us a huge one from their garden, that softens so fast and tastes so good. I don’t know what kind it was, so I’m not a helper here. But if you have no clue what to choose, choose a red kuri squash. red kuri squash softens fast, too, taste delicious and the best: you don’t need to peel them!

The clue of the soup is the apple. The apple adds a slightly fresh and acid taste. It’s more than a squash soup. Because of the apple it’s a whole new soup. Something special.

Make a large batch. Double the recipe below, so you have more soup the next day.

Winter Squash-Apple-Soup

Vor einem Jahr: Apfeltarte

8°C. That’s it, what the thermometer is saying outside. To cozy up yourself, this pumpkin-apple-soup helps. And it’s fast and easy done. Especially if you are using a pumpkin, that softens in minutes.

Winter Squash-Apple-Soup

We had luck, that F. parents gave us a huge one from their garden, that softens so fast and tastes so good. I don’t know what kind it was, so I’m not a helper here. But if you have no clue what to choose, choose a hokkaido. Hokkaido’s soften fast, too, taste delicious and the best: you don’t need to peel them!

The clue of the soup is the apple. The apple adds a slightly fresh and acid taste. It’s more than a pumpkin soup. Because of the apple it’s a whole new soup. Something special.

Make a large batch. Double the recipe below, so you have more soup the next day.

Winter Squash-Apple-Soup

One year ago: Apple Tart

Blätterteigtarte mit WurzelgemüsePuff Pastry Tart with Root Vegetables

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

puff pastry tart with root vegetables

Tomorrow I will take a few days off and go home to Nuremberg. There I will visit the Biofach. The Biofach is a fair, where producers of organic food, clothes, cosmetic and body care products expose their (new) products. You can taste new products and see products, that are not on the market yet. I’m very looking forward to that event, since I haven’t been there yet and I ‚d heared, that it is very interesting.
I will tell you!

puff pastry tart with root vegetables

So before I leave tomorrow, I will give you a freshly experienced recipe on the way. I just tried it last week and I was totally hooked. It’s a puff pastry tart with root vegetables. It’s very simple and easy. It’s fresh and you can vary the vegetables with the season. I recommend you making the double amount of tart, I wished I had! You can eat the leftovers the next day, warm or even cold (at room temperature). I topped mine with some tomatoes and parmesan grates, just before serving. The cold tomatoes gave the tarte a fresh touch. And then you just enjoy the tart and let it melt in your mouth. Believe me, it melts!

puff pastry tart with root vegetables

puff pastry tart with root vegetables

Tomorrow I will take a few days off and go home to Nuremberg. There I will visit the Biofach. The Biofach is a fair, where producers of organic food, clothes, cosmetic and body care products expose their (new) products. You can taste new products and see products, that are not on the market yet. I’m very looking forward to that event, since I haven’t been there yet and I ‚d heared, that it is very interesting.
I will tell you!

puff pastry tart with root vegetables

So before I leave tomorrow, I will give you a freshly experienced recipe on the way. I just tried it last week and I was totally hooked. It’s a puff pastry tart with root vegetables. It’s very simple and easy. It’s fresh and you can vary the vegetables with the season. I recommend you making the double amount of tart, I wished I had! You can eat the leftovers the next day, warm or even cold (at room temperature). I topped mine with some tomatoes and parmesan grates, just before serving. The cold tomatoes gave the tarte a fresh touch. And then you just enjoy the tart and let it melt in your mouth. Believe me, it melts!

puff pastry tart with root vegetables


Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Have I already told you about my autumn mood? Ok, ok I see… But the result amongst others is this delicious fabulous looking apple tart, which I adapted (another time) from Michel Roux great book Pastry (Ofenfrisch).

I love this book! It’s worth every cent and it’s not even expensive. Every type of pastry is described with recipes, sweet or savoury, he has it all.


But back to the tart! Or what really is important…I bought a new kitchen machine! I always dreamed of a kitchen aid. And I’m still dreaming. Unfortunately I can not afford it as a student. But often I am upset about the hand mixer. Too less power, no hand free, because of helding the hand mixer, the yeast dough draws itself up the dough hooks (and nearly into the machine)… did I say I am upset? Sometimes I’m boiling with rage about this mixer. So last week surfing Amazon and bang! there was it! A kitchen machine, which got many many very good ratings AND cost a tenth than a kitchen aid. I didn’t hesitate long and ordered it.

But it came even better! I ordered it friday in the afternoon. I already thought „should have done it the day before, maybe then I would get it on Saturday and I can give it a try at the weekend“.

BUT Saturday afternoon – it was around five – Hermes was ringing the door and gave me my kitchen machine! And he was sorry, that he didn’t find the house in the morning to give it to me! I was just stunned… and very happy, because I just started to bake the apple tart. So the apple tart short crust was the first „experiment“ and it worked out very well.

The kitchen aid has to wait another two years until I’m earning my own (and enough) money to buy it. But until, I have a good solution for my baking feasts. If you have similar problems like me, I can heartly recommend you the Bosch MUM4405.

Bosch MUM 4405

But now REALLY back to the appletart. As I just mentioned it is a short crust filled with a delicious apple-vanilla-compote, which is pureed and topped with thin sliced apples arranged overlapped in a circle. The recipe calles for a 24 cm (springform) pan and 300g dough. Just having a 26 (and 28) cm pan I made the full recipe of 450g dough and used the 26 cm one . But it would also be enough for a 28.
Roux makes a glaze for the apple topping. But mine turned out into caramel, because the 5 minutes he provides were too long. I tried to give the caramel onto the apples, but after one night it vanished into the tart 🙂 . I mention the glaze in the recipe below, if you want to try. But mine tasted very good without (or with absorbed caramel).



Have I already told you about my autumn mood? Ok, ok I see… But the result amongst others is this delicious fabulous looking apple tart, which I adapted (another time) from Michel Roux great book Pastry.

I love this book! It’s worth every cent and it’s not even expensive. Every type of pastry is described with recipes, sweet or savoury, he has it all.


But back to the tart! Or what really is important…I bought a new kitchen machine! I always dreamed of a kitchen aid. And I’m still dreaming. Unfortunately I can not afford it as a student. But often I am upset about the hand mixer. Too less power, no hand free, because of helding the hand mixer, the yeast dough draws itself up the dough hooks (and nearly into the machine)… did I say I am upset? Sometimes I’m boiling with rage about this mixer. So last week surfing Amazon and bang! there was it! A kitchen machine, which got many many very good ratings AND cost a tenth than a kitchen aid. I didn’t hesitate long and ordered it.

But it came even better! I ordered it friday in the afternoon. I already thought „should have done it the day before, maybe then I would get it on Saturday and I can give it a try at the weekend“.

BUT Saturday afternoon – it was around five – Hermes was ringing the door and gave me my kitchen machine! And he was sorry, that he didn’t find the house in the morning to give it to me! I was just stunned… and very happy, because I just started to bake the apple tart. So the apple tart short crust was the first „experiment“ and it worked out very well.

The kitchen aid has to wait another two years until I’m earning my own (and enough) money to buy it. But until, I have a good solution for my baking feasts. If you have similar problems like me, I can heartly recommend you the Bosch MUM4405.


But now REALLY back to the appletart. As I just mentioned it is a short crust filled with a delicious apple-vanilla-compote, which is pureed and topped with thin sliced apples arranged overlapped in a circle. The recipe calles for a 24 cm (springform) pan and 300g dough. Just having a 26 (and 28) cm pan I made the full recipe of 450g dough and used the 26 cm one . But it would also be enough for a 28.
Roux makes a glaze for the apple topping. But mine turned out into caramel, because the 5 minutes he provides were too long. I tried to give the caramel onto the apples, but after one night it vanished into the tart 🙂 . I mention the glaze in the recipe below, if you want to try. But mine tasted very good without (or with absorbed caramel).

