Erdbeerlikör, Basilikum-Olivenöl & HolunderblütenessigStrawberry Liquor, Basil Olive Oil & Elderflower Vinegar

Update: Für die deutschen Rezepte  nach unten scrollen.

These beauties are my latest experiments.

Strawberry Liquor, Basil Olive Oil & Elderflower Vinegar

 This is the first time I’ve mixed them up. But I’m sure,  they will turn out great. Because how shouldn’t liquor, oil and vinegar with these ingredients turn out great?!

I’ve made liquor before. With elderflower or peaches. I made the elderflower one this year again. It’s perfect. So if you can still lay you hands on elderflowers, pick them immediately and make something special! We wanted to make even more, but the season here is already over.


Strawberry Liquor, Basil Olive Oil & Elderflower Vinegar

But so has the season of strawberries and basil begun.

Yesterday we went picking strawberries on a huge field. The fruits were delicious and we bought over 2 kilos for 6,50 Euros.

After coming home, I dived into the kitchen, ready to make jam and liquor. What a feast!

And so I’m looking forward to the raspberry season in 3-4 weeks. I can’t wait for them and even more jam!

Strawberry Liquor, Basil Olive Oil & Elderflower Vinegar

Vor einem Jahr: Zitronen-Rosmarin-Kekse

Strawberry Liquor, Basil Olive Oil & Elderflower Vinegar

These beauties are my latest experiments.  

Strawberry Liquor, Basil Olive Oil & Elderflower Vinegar

This is the first time I’ve mixed them up. But I’m sure,  they will turn out great. Because how shouldn’t liquor, oil and vinegar with these ingredients turn out great?! I’ve made liquor before. With elderflower or peaches. I made the elderflower one this year again. It’s perfect. So if you can still lay you hands on elderflowers, pick them immediately and make something special! We wanted to make even more, but the season here is already over.  

Strawberry Liquor, Basil Olive Oil & Elderflower Vinegar

But so has the season of strawberries and basil begun. Yesterday we went picking strawberries on a huge field. The fruits were delicious and we bought over 2 kilos for 6,50 Euros. After coming home, I dived into the kitchen, ready to make jam and liquor. What a feast! And so I’m looking forward to the raspberry season in 3-4 weeks. I can’t wait for them and even more jam!  

Strawberry Liquor, Basil Olive Oil & Elderflower Vinegar

One year ago: Lemon-Rosemary-Cookies

Strawberry Liquor, Basil Olive Oil & Elderflower Vinegar

Tomaten und ÄpfelTomatoes and Apples

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Summer ending and autumn beginning. That is what tomatoes and apples are standing for, right now. That is how I feel. I’m yearning for the warm summer air and long nights, but I also like when it rains all day and the sky is cloudy. It’s a good excuse to cozy up and eat meals, that warm from inside. And it’s a good excuse to drink glühwein, yet. Yeah, I already had my first  some days ago…

Tomatoes and Apples

For enjoying the last summer bits and preserving it until autumn and winter, make some good old homemade pasta/pizza sauce and can it. It’s a bit of work chopping all the tomatoes, but the rest is just easy going. And there’s definitely no need to  peel the skin off them! I made sauce of 2 kilos of tomatoes and it looked a lot in the pot. But afterwards it ended in 5 jars. That’s good, don’t get me wrong. But if you have access to a lot tomatoes, don’t be shy or scared of the amount, you will be rewarded with a lot of yummy pasta sauce, that will bring you through the summer-less seasons.

Tomato Sauce

For enjoying the first autumn bits, I give you a simple apple compote on the way, which can be spiced up with your favourite spices or made with additionally pears. This compote is just perfect as a topping on arroz con leche, creams or the flan tart, I will post next time. It can also used as a filling for a sweet snack made of puff pastry or enjoyed with pancakes. Make a lot, it disappears fast!

Apple Compote

Diese Rezepte sind nur Richtlinien. Lasst Zutaten weg oder fügt andere hinzu, wenn ihr möchtet.

Wenn ihr Pastasauce einmachen wollt, müsst ihr vorher die Gläser und Deckel sterilisieren. Hier gibt es gutes und sehr witziges Video darüber und wie man ganze Tomaten einmacht.



Summer ending and autumn beginning. That is what tomatoes and apples are standing for, right now. That is how I feel. I’m yearning for the warm summer air and long nights, but I also like when it rains all day and the sky is cloudy. It’s a good excuse to cozy up and eat meals, that warm from inside. And it’s a good excuse to drink glühwein, yet. Yeah, I already had my first some days ago…

Tomatoes and Apples

For enjoying the last summer bits and preserving it until autumn and winter, make some good old homemade pasta/pizza sauce and can it. It’s a bit of work chopping all the tomatoes, but the rest is just easy going. And there’s definitely no need to peel the skin off them! I made sauce of 2 kilos of tomatoes and it looked a lot in the pot. But afterwards it ended in 5 jars. That’s good, don’t get me wrong. But if you have access to a lot tomatoes, don’t be shy or scared of the amount, you will be rewarded with a lot of yummy pasta sauce, that will bring you through the summer-less seasons.

Tomato Sauce

For enjoying the first autumn bits, I give you a simple apple compote on the way, which can be spiced up with your favourite spices or made with additionally pears. This compote is just perfect as a topping on arroz con leche, creams or the flan tart, I will post next time. It can also used as a filling for a sweet snack made of puff pastry or enjoyed with pancakes. Make a lot, it disappears fast!

Apple Compote

Note: That is just a guideline. Feel free to add and leave things, how you prefer it.

If you want to can the pasta sauce, you need clean jars with lids, that you’ve sterilized before. Here’s a really good and also funny video about sterilizing jars and canning whole tomatoes from The Bitten Word. They put it in a nutshell.







Selbstgemachte GemüsebouillonpasteHomemade Bouillon Paste

 Upate: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Selbstgemachte Gemüsebouillonpaste

As I was ill the last two weeks, I wanted to do more for my blog. I made some things – I swear! But it happened, that those things were not good enough for my blog. Unfortunately.

Now that I’m back to work, I’ve done some great things and even more great photos of it! But just no time to write. So this evening I just take the time.

In my ill-time I had a lot of time to read lots of blogs, recipes and other interesting things. I got hold on a simple recipe making your own bouillon paste of vegetables. Since I’m very into making everything on my own, I was thrilled.

Selbstgemachte Gemüsebouillonpaste

Since I’m not a fan of glutamate in food, I’m using only organic granulated bouillon, because it never contains glutamate. But it can contain other things that you don’t want in there, for example gluten or allergens. So making your own paste, disposes this problem. And of course it’s just great to make your own bouillon, without making a real stock!

Selbstgemachte Gemüsebouillonpaste

I adapted the recipe from 101 Cookbooks. You can vary, which vegetables you use and also the ratio. I do not like celery stalks. But I like the root. So I just used that. Equally I do not like cilantro, thus I used just parsley. However It would be interesting to add some basil the next time or parsnips.

Selbstgemachte Gemüsebouillonpaste

It’s recommended to use a food processor. As I do not have one, I thought optimistic and use my blender. Hmmm… wasn’t that good idea. It didn’t get the leek and the carrots alright. Celery was good with it. In the end I used my immersion blender. It took some time longer I think (since I can’t compare), but it worked very well and I got a moist paste. I didn’t used as much salt, as stated in the „original“ recipe. Maybe that leads rather to a „creamy“ paste, than a loose paste. For me it’s salty enough and if not, adding salt is less a problem, than to withdraw some.

My recommendation is to dissolve 2,5 tsp. per 250 ml (1 cup). It dissolves very good, if you wonder ;-).

I put one jar of the bouillon in the fridge and froze the rest in portions. If you are not using that much bouillon, you can freeze it in ice cube trays, so your portions to thaw are very small. I froze the rest in three portions, every equal to the amount in my fridge. It yields about four 200ml jars.

Selbstgemachte Gemüsebouillonpaste

homemade bouillon paste

As I was ill the last two weeks, I wanted to do more for my blog. I made some things – I swear! But it happened, that those things were not good enough for my blog. Unfortunately.

Now that I’m back to work, I’ve done some great things and even more great photos of it! But just no time to write. So this evening I just take the time.

In my ill-time I had a lot of time to read lots of blogs, recipes and other interesting things. I got hold on a simple recipe making your own bouillon paste of vegetables. Since I’m very into making everything on my own, I was thrilled.

homemade bouillon paste

Since I’m not a fan of glutamate in food, I’m using only organic granulated bouillon, because it never contains glutamate. But it can contain other things that you don’t want in there, for example gluten or allergens. So making your own paste, disposes this problem. And of course it’s just great to make your own bouillon, without making a real stock!

homemade bouillon paste

I adapted the recipe from 101 Cookbooks. You can vary, which vegetables you use and also the ratio. I do not like celery stalks. But I like the root. So I just used that. Equally I do not like cilantro, thus I used just parsley. However It would be interesting to add some basil the next time or parsnips.

homemade bouillon paste

It’s recommended to use a food processor. As I do not have one, I thought optimistic and use my blender. Hmmm… wasn’t that good idea. It didn’t get the leek and the carrots alright. Celery was good with it. In the end I used my immersion blender. It took some time longer I think (since I can’t compare), but it worked very well and I got a moist paste. I didn’t used as much salt, as stated in the „original“ recipe. Maybe that leads rather to a „creamy“ paste, than a loose paste. For me it’s salty enough and if not, adding salt is less a problem, than to withdraw some.

My recommendation is to dissolve 2,5 tsp. per 250 ml (1 cup). It dissolves very good, if you wonder ;-).

I put one jar of the bouillon in the fridge and froze the rest in portions. If you are not using that much bouillon, you can freeze it in ice cube trays, so your portions to thaw are very small. I froze the rest in three portions, every equal to the amount in my fridge. It yields about four 200ml jars.

homemade bouillon paste