
Heute gibt es einen echten Klassiker auf dem Blog, nämlich eine Hackfleischlasagne! Lasagne ist so ein echtes Soulfood, für das man aber schon einige Zeit für die Zubereitung braucht. Heute möchte ich Euch mal meine Version einer Lasagne mit Hackfleisch und Béchamelsauce zeigen.

Prinzipiell kann man aus allem eine Lasagne machen, so lassen sich auch viele vegetarische Lasagnen zaubern, da kann man sich wirklich kreativ entfalten. Aber ab und zu kommt man dann doch wieder zu dieser Version zurück, so wie ich sie schon lange mache. Wie mögt ihr denn eure Lasagne am liebsten?

Wer mal so richtig Zeit hat um zu seinem Zen zu finden ;), dem lege ich ans Herz die Nudelplatte selbszumachen für die perfekte Lasagne. Bisher habe ich das auch nur einmal gemacht, aber die Nudelplatten sind schließlich am schnellsten von allen Pastasorten zubereitet, denn man muss den Teig ja nur durchdrehen. Die Lasagne schmeckt dadurch nochmal um einiges besser und man kann die Platten genau passend der Form zuschneiden. Das empfinde ich als sehr großen Vorteil. Den Teig dieser Ravioli könnt ihr auch für Lasagneblätter verwenden.

Die Hackfleichsauce ist übrigens auch meine normale Bolognesesauce zu Pasta! Wer also nach der Sauce den Aufwand der Lasagne scheut, macht sich einfach Pasta dazu und genießt schon mal :)!

Lasagne mit Hackfleisch

Vor einem Jahr: Joghurt-Gurken-Ice Pops mit Mango

Vor zwei Jahren: Cantucchini mit Pistazien und Sauerkirschen, weiße Erdbeerschokolade mit Minze

Vor vier Jahren: Friandaises mit roten Johannisbeeren

Today I’m presenting a true classic on the blog: an italian lasagne with minced beef!  Lasagne is real soulfood, but you need some time for the preparation. Today I’m showing you my version of a lasagne with minced beef and béchamel sauce.

Basically it is possible to make a lasagne from everything, so you can also make a lot of vegetarian versions and get creative about that! But every now and then I come back to this classic one. How do like your lasagne best?

If you have some time and want to find your inner zen 😉 I recommend you to make the lasagne sheets yourself. That will make truly the perfect lasagne! I only made that once, but these sheets are the fastest kind of pasta to make, if that helps you for motivation ;). The lasagne is even better with homemade sheets and the best is the sheets can be made so they fit perfectly in the pan. That’s a huge plus here! You can also use the dough of these ravioli for the lasagne sheets.

By the way, the minced beef sauce is already a great bolognese sauce for pasta! So if you are afraid of the labour for the lasagne, just make the sauce and some pasta and enjoy!

Lasagne with minced beef

One year ago: yogurt cucumber ice pops with mango

Two years ago: cantucchini with sour cherries and pistachios, white chocolate with strawberries and mint

Four years ago: friandaises with red currants

Überbackene Tofunocken mit TomatensauceTofuballs with Tomato Sauce

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Überbackene Tofunocken mit Tomatensauce

Since I’m really a bit out of time… with EVERYTHING, I hardly find the time to blog.

Actually I want to write about icecream, but I haven’t seen through the photos yet and some are still on the camera waiting to be downloaded.

Actually I have to learn. Don’t say something! Foodmicrobiology… Right. Slightly unmotivated, but interested. That’s what I am at the moment. Difficult mixture. But if you could see how much it is to learn and how slooooowly I’m getting forward…

Actually I really would like to give you the recipe of the cake in the kitchen. Freshly baked, warm and smelling of lemons all the way through. Mmmh yummy. It’s an old recipe of my grandma. And I would tell you, but it’s for work tomorrow and it’s not nice to cut one piece out. People would ask where the one piece is gone. And if I say then „Oh I had to photograph it.“, they would think I’m gone crazy. The other way would only be… well I could’nt wait and ate the piece. So no options for me. And for you. Until I bake it again. Or if there’s a rest tomorrow. Haha, you don’t know my collagues at work ;)!

Actually I have promised some people out there, that I will post that recipe soon, because it’s so delicious. Even if you don’t like tofu! Ok, that was about 6 weeks ago.

Actually the time has come to share this recipe with you, which I adapted from the lovely book Meine Sonnenküche by Virginie Besançon. It’s a book full of vegetarian recipes from the region of south France or just with the typical ingredients. First I just wanted the book, because of it’s pictures ;). But what I really like, is that there are recipes with ingredients typical for every season.

Überbackene Tofunocken mit Tomatensauce

I know there are lot of people out there, who say „urgh tofu, don’t eat/like it“. But believe me, try this recipe and you will be surprised , how good tofu can taste. And it’s not just the taste, that is convincing, it’s also the texture of the balls. The balls come along with a tasty tomatoe sauce a la provençal. I made my own one, but you can also use bought one in glasses or your canned own one, if you have.

Überbackene Tofunocken mit Tomatensauce

tofuballs with tomato sauce

Since I’m really a bit out of time… with EVERYTHING, I hardly find the time to blog.

Actually I want to write about icecream, but I haven’t seen through the photos yet and some are still on the camera waiting to be downloaded.

Actually I have to learn. Don’t say something! Foodmicrobiology… Right. Slightly unmotivated, but interested. That’s what I am at the moment. Difficult mixture. But if you could see how much it is to learn and how slooooowly I’m getting forward…

Actually I really would like to give you the recipe of the cake in the kitchen. Freshly baked, warm and smelling of lemons all the way through. Mmmh yummy. It’s an old recipe of my grandma. And I would tell you, but it’s for work tomorrow and it’s not nice to cut one piece out. People would ask where the one piece is gone. And if I say then „Oh I had to photograph it.“, they would think I’m gone crazy. The other way would only be… well I could’nt wait and ate the piece. So no options for me. And for you. Until I bake it again. Or if there’s a rest tomorrow. Haha, you don’t know my collagues at work ;)!

Actually I have promised some people out there, that I will post that recipe soon, because it’s so delicious. Even if you don’t like tofu! Ok, that was about 6 weeks ago.

Actually the time has come to share this recipe with you, which I adapted from the lovely book Meine Sonnenküche by Virginie Besançon. It’s a book full of vegetarian recipes from the region of south France or just with the typical ingredients. First I just wanted the book, because of it’s pictures ;). But what I really like, is that there are recipes with ingredients typical for every season.

tofuballs with tomato sauce

I know there are lot of people out there, who say „urgh tofu, don’t eat/like it“. But believe me, try this recipe and you will be surprised , how good tofu can taste. And it’s not just the taste, that is convincing, it’s also the texture of the balls. The balls come along with a tasty tomatoe sauce a la provençal. I made my own one, but you can also use bought one in glasses or your canned own one, if you have.

tofuballs with tomato sauce