Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

I’m back from Flanders! Bruges is such a beautiful city. You can just stay there for a couple of days, because there is so much to see and the beauty of the town is just overwhelming. Another pleasure was a shop there, called Dille & Kamille, which was heaven for everything in the kitchen. And it was cheap! If you’re ever in Belgium or the Netherlands, go there!

picture by http://www.dille-kamille.nl
Before the (straw)berry season is over, I want to give you access to a delicious and beautiful recipe. I found that recipe a while ago in a magazine and this year it was the time to make it.
It looks more difficult than it is. All you need is some time to prepare the different elements. Assembling those isn’t tough.
The tartlets are light and fluffy, fruity and have a nice addition, because of the lime. They are just perfect for summer, and even better for a dinner with friends, because they are so good looking. Don’t forget the chilling time for the end result and maybe even some in between for the mousse. I used dessert rings, that were 8 cm in diameter, which were just perfect for that purpose. In the recipe cleaned yogurt pots were used. You can also use other moulds, that fit. The rings were perfect, because you haven’t turn the whole thing upside down and then turn it around again. You just pull of the ring. Easy.

Vor einem Jahr: Pfirsich Tartelettes
Erdbeertörtchen mit Joghurt-Limetten-Mousse
aus der Zeitschrift kreativ küche
ergibt: 4 Törtchen, je 8 cm Durchmesser
- 3 Eier
- 75 g Zucker
- 50 g Weizenmehl
- 30 g Speisestärke
- 250g Erdbeeren
- 4 Blätter Gelatine
- Saft von 2 Bio-Limetten (natürlich könnt ihr auch noch die abgeriebenen Schalen dazugeben)
- 75 g Puderzucker
- 400g Naturjoghurt
- 3 Eiweiß
- Salz
Den Ofen auf 180° C vorheizen.
Eine Backform (20 x 20 cm) mit Backpapier auslegen.
Die Eier mit dem Zucker hell und schaumig schlagen. Mehl mit der Stärke mischen und über die Eier sieben. Mit einem Spatel unterheben. Den Biskuit gleichmäßig in der Form verteilen und 15 Minuten backen bis er goldgelb ist. Den Kuchen auf ein Gitter stürzen und auskühlen lassen. Das Backpapier abziehen.
Dessertringe mit Durchmesser 8 cm (oder andere Ausstecher) nehmen und 4 Kreise aus dem Kuchen stechen.
Die Innenwand der Dessertringe mit Backpapier auskleiden. Die Ringe auf eine Platte stellen, die in den Kühlschrank passt. Je einen ausgestochenen Kuchenboden in die Ringe legen.
Die Erdbeeren waschen und die Strünke entfernen. In dünne Scheiben schneiden. Die großen Scheiben – mit der breiten Seite nach unten – an der Innenseite der Ringe platzieren. Den Rest kleinwürfeln und auf den Kuchenböden verteilen.
Die Gelatine 5 Min. in kaltes Wasser legen. Den Limettensaft und die Hälfte des Puderzuckers erwärmen (+ Limettenschale, wer mag), währenddessen umrühren. Die Gelatine ausdrücken und im warmen Saft auflösen. Vom Herd ziehen,den Joghurt hinzufügen und unterrühren.
Die Eiweiße mit einer Prise Salz steif schlagen und den restlichen Puderzucker nach und nach unterrühren. Das steif geschlagene Eiweiß vorsichtig unter die Joghurtmischung heben. Das Mousse auf den Erdbeeren in den Ringen verteilen. Sollte das Mousse noch nicht fest genug sein, einfach ein paar Minuten in den Kühlschrank stellen, bis es anfängt anzuziehen (wegen der Gelatine), dann verteilen.
Die Törtchen 2-3 Stunden in den Kühlschrank stellen. Vorsichtig die Ringe und das Backpapier entfernen.

I’m back from Flanders! Bruges is such a beautiful city. You can just stay there for a couple of days, because there is so much to see and the beauty of the town is just overwhelming. Another pleasure was a shop there, called Dille & Kamille, which was heaven for everything in the kitchen. And it was cheap! If you’re ever in Belgium or the Netherlands, go there!

picture by http://www.dille-kamille.nl
Before the (straw)berry season is over, I want to give you access to a delicious and beautiful recipe. I found that recipe a while ago in a magazine and this year it was the time to make it.
It looks more difficult than it is. All you need is some time to prepare the different elements. Assembling those isn’t tough.
The tartlets are light and fluffy, fruity and have a nice addition, because of the lime. They are just perfect for summer, and even better for a dinner with friends, because they are so good looking. Don’t forget the chilling time for the end result and maybe even some in between for the mousse. I used dessert rings, that were 8 cm in diameter, which were just perfect for that purpose. In the recipe cleaned yogurt pots were used. You can also use other moulds, that fit. The rings were perfect, because you haven’t turn the whole thing upside down and then turn it around again. You just pull of the ring. Easy.

One year ago: Peach Tartelettes
Strawberry Tartlets with Yogurt-Lime-Mousse
from kreativ küche
yields: 4 tartlets 8 cm in diameter
- 3 eggs
- 75 g sugar
- 50 g flour
- 30 g corn starch
- 250g strawberries
- 4 sheets gelatine
- juice of organic 2 limes (feel free to add the zest as well)
- 75g powdered sugar
- 400g plain yogurt
- 3 egg whites
- salt
Preheat the oven to 180° C.
Layer a pan (20 x 20 cm) with parchment paper.
Beat the eggs with the sugar, until fluffy and pale. Combine the flour with the corn starch and sieve over the eggs. Fold in gently with a spatula. Fill the sponge into the pan evenly and bake for about 15 minutes, until golden brown.
Turn out the cake on a cooling rack. Let the sponge cake cool. Strip off the parchment paper.
Use dessert rings 8 cm in diameter (use other moulds, if you don’t have rings). Cut out 4 circles in the size of your rings from the sponge cake. Layer the inside walls of the rings with a strip of parchment paper. Place the rings on a small platter, that fits in your fridge. Place a sponge circle in every ring.
Wash the strawberries and remove the stems. Cut them into thin slices. Place the large strawberry slices – peak up – around the inside walls of the rings. Dice the rest and spread it onto the middle of the sponge circles.
Soak the gelatine sheets in cold water for 5 minutes. Heat the lime juice (optional: with the zest) and half of the powdered sugar, while stirring. Squeeze the soaked gelatine out and resolve it in the warm juice. Remove from the heat. Add the yogurt and combine.
Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff. Gradually add the rest of the powdered sugar. Fold the egg whites gently into the yogurt mixture. Spread the mousse on the strawberries in the rings. If the mousse isn’t firm enough let it sit in the fridge for a few minutes, until it starts to set.
Place the tartlets in the fridge for 2 – 3 hours. Gently remove the rings and the parchment paper.