Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!
There is not much to say about this dish. It’s easy and quick. It’s light. It’s one of those dishes, that are great for evenings, when you don’t want to stand in the kitchen for an hour or even a half. Just because you don’t want. Or because you are that hungry, that you cannot concentrate on something else than being hungry. Well that’s me… sometimes.
It’s also one of those dishes, that are great, when you have nothing at home, unless some mushrooms (I take it for granted, that pasta and cream are always in the pantry/fridge).
For those occasions one needs to have something up the sleeves. Like mushroom pasta.
As I have nothing more to say about this wonderful emergency dish, I recommend you to have a look in Shauna’s new cookbook, which I just received as a belated Christmas gift. As I’m flipping through the sites and looking at recipes like „potato-mushroom-tart“ or „chicken braised in red-wine“ or „chocolate-peanut butter brownies“, I’m really glad I already prepared some of the dinner tonight. Because hungry cooking is not my kind of style, as you already may’ve guessed. Anyway the cookbook is full of delicious recipes, which are in addition to that all gluten-free – naturally or intended. Altogether great compositions.
So if you have now spend too much time reading food blogs, instead of making dinner/lunch, go ahead for some mushroom pasta!
Vor einem Jahr: Heidelbeer-Buttermilch-Panna Cotta
Pasta mit Pilzen
für 2 Personen
300 g Pilze, z.B. Champignons
250 Pasta
Meersalz, Pfeffer
2 Knoblauchzehen
ein kleiner Bund Petersilie, fein gehackt (Ich habe 2-3 EL TK-Petersilie genommen)
2 EL Olivenöl
100 g Sahne
1 TL Zitronensaft
10 g getrockente Steinpilze (optional), für 30 Min. in etwas warmes Wasser eingeweicht
Wenn du die getrockneten Pilze verwendest, abtropfen lassen, dabei das Wasser aufheben und die Pilze klein hacken.
Die Pilze putzen und die Enden abschneiden. Je nach Größe vierteln oder achteln.
Die Pasta in Salzwasser al dente kochen.
Den Knoblauch schälen und fein hacken. Das Olivenöl in einer Pfanne erhitzen, die Steinpilze und die Champignons dazugeben. 5 Minuten bei mittlerer Hitze anbraten, dabei häufig umrühren. Wenn die Pilze Wasser verlieren, weiterbraten, bis das Wasser verdampft ist. Den Knoblauch und die Petersilie dazugeben. Dann die Sahne und den Zitronensaft, mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Wenn die Sauce zu dick ist, etwas von dem Steinpilzwasser dazugeben.
Die Pasta abseihen und mit der Pilzsauce mischen.
There is not much to say about this dish. It’s easy and quick. It’s light. It’s one of those dishes, that are great for evenings, when you don’t want to stand in the kitchen for an hour or even a half. Just because you don’t want. Or because you are that hungry, that you cannot concentrate on something else than being hungry. Well that’s me… sometimes.
It’s also one of those dishes, that are great, when you have nothing at home, unless some mushrooms (I take it for granted, that pasta and cream are always in the pantry/fridge).
For those occasions one needs to have something up the sleeves. Like mushroom pasta.
As I have nothing more to say about this wonderful emergency dish, I recommend you to have a look in Shauna’s new cookbook, which I just received as a belated Christmas gift. As I’m flipping through the sites and looking at recipes like „potato-mushroom-tart“ or „chicken braised in red-wine“ or „chocolate-peanut butter brownies“, I’m really glad I already prepared some of the dinner tonight. Because hungry cooking is not my kind of style, as you already may’ve guessed. Anyway the cookbook is full of delicious recipes, which are in addition to that all gluten-free – naturally or intended. Altogether great compositions.
So if you have now spend too much time reading food blogs, instead of making dinner/lunch, go ahead for some mushroom pasta!
One year ago: Blueberry and Buttermilk-Panna Cotta
Mushroom Pasta
serves 2
nice if you have on hand, but not necessary :
If using dried porcini, drain and chop them. Save the porcini water!
Clean the mushrooms and cut the ends off. Cut them into quarts or eights, depending on the size of the mushrooms.
Bring a pot with water to the boil. Add salt and the pasta. Cook until al dente.
Meanwhile peel the garlic cloves and chop them finely. Heat the olive oil in a large pan. Add the porcini and mushrooms. Roast them at middle heat for about 5 minutes. Stir often. If the mushrooms are losing some water, roast them until it evaporates again. Add the garlic and the parsley, as well as the cream and the lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper to your taste. If you do want your sauce more fluid, add a bit of the porcini water.
Drain the pasta und mix it with the mushrooms.
Bon Appétit!