Schokoladen Macarons mit HimbeerfüllungChocolate Macarons with Raspberry Filling

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

Schokoladen Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

Since on the 20. March was Macaron Day I decided to show you my latest accomplishment in macarons.

Yes, there exists a special day for macarons! In Paris are special shops, that sell macarons all day long and on macarons day you can get some free! Unfortunately I never had the chance to be there (on macarons day or sometime else). As macarons are not very popular in Germany, ok unknown would be the better word… I mean most people don’t even know what cupcakes are… so you couldn’t say macarons are the new cupcakes ;). Anyway what I wanted to say is, that there won’t be shops in Germany, that sell macarons.

Schokoladen Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

But most often I think anyway it’s better and more fun to do it myself. I mean look at those little beauties. Just want to grab one immediately and stuff it into my mouth.

And in your mouth you have the rich chocolate flavour and now you think “yeah and in the middle even more boring chocolate”… haha no! In the middle is chocolate (and do use the good one!) with raspberry puree! It’s soo delicious.

Schokoladen Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

So if you didn’t do it, celebrate macarons day with some lovely macarons. Even more if you have some egg whites sitting in your fridge and you don’t know what do to with them. So you have to make some macarons, because it would be a pity to throw all the egg whites away. And you will feel a lot better, when you use them up and they are not looking at you anymore out of the fridge, making you guilty, because you don’t know what to do with them. Believe me, what a relief to make macarons!

And it is not difficult. Ok my first try wasn’t what I expected. They tasted good, but they didn’t look like macarons. So for some tipps, you can look up my first post with macarons.

Schokoladen Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

Don’t be worried, if my post is looking some what different, because I’m trying it the first time with Windows Live Writer, instead of that Google crap. Yeah, you read right. It’s just driven me into insanity some times. So maybe that here works better. I’m yet “astonished” by the amount of fonts and options to embed my pictures. You see, after Google I’m very easy to impress.

But don’t want to bore you with that theoretical things.

Schokoladen Macarons mit Himbeerfüllung

chocolate macarons with raspberry filling

Since on the 20. March was Macaron Day I decided to show you my latest accomplishment in macarons.

Yes, there exists a special day for macarons! In Paris are special shops, that sell macarons all day long and on macarons day you can get some free! Unfortunately I never had the chance to be there (on macarons day or sometime else). As macarons are not very popular in Germany, ok unknown would be the better word… I mean most people don’t even know what cupcakes are… so you couldn’t say macarons are the new cupcakes ;). Anyway what I wanted to say is, that there won’t be shops in Germany, that sell macarons.

chocolate macarons with raspberry filling

But most often I think anyway it’s better and more fun to do it myself. I mean look at those little beauties. Just want to grab one immediately and stuff it into my mouth.

And in your mouth you have the rich chocolate flavour and now you think “yeah and in the middle even more boring chocolate”… haha no! In the middle is chocolate (and do use the good one!) with raspberry puree! It’s soo delicious.

chocolate macarons with raspberry filling

So if you didn’t do it, celebrate macarons day with some lovely macarons. Even more if you have some egg whites sitting in your fridge and you don’t know what do to with them. So you have to make some macarons, because it would be a pity to throw all the egg whites away. And you will feel a lot better, when you use them up and they are not looking at you anymore out of the fridge, making you guilty, because you don’t know what to do with them. Believe me, what a relief to make macarons!

And it is not difficult. Ok my first try wasn’t what I expected. They tasted good, but they didn’t look like macarons. So for some tipps, you can look up my first post with macarons.

chocolate macarons with raspberry filling

Don’t be worried, if my post is looking some what different, because I’m trying it the first time with Windows Live Writer, instead of that Google crap. Yeah, you read right. It’s just driven me into insanity some times. So maybe that here works better. I’m yet “astonished” by the amount of fonts and options to embed my pictures. You see, after Google I’m very easy to impress.

But don’t want to bore you with that theoretical things.

chocolate macarons with raspberry filling

Triple Mousse

Update: Nach unten scrollen für das deutsche Rezept!

Last week I’ve seen this wonderful recipe and photos of Tartelette’s Vanilla, Salted Caramel and Chocolate Mousse and I knew immediately that I have to make it on my own. So last weekend I took the chance and followed her recipe.

It took me to the verge of despair at some points. The caramel wasn’t not so easy for me, as there were some mysterious hard chunks formed, as I added the heavy cream and the butter. So I picked them out, as they didn’t resolved after some stirring. But in the end the caramel mousse was the best of all! More problems came ahead, when making the chocolate mousse. Adding the heavy cream in the end made it an really hard chocolate „mousse“. Cannot really speak about a mousse so. Quite hard to bring it in my glasses then, also because the density was much higher than the density of the other two mousses. I tried three versions of layering: chocolate mousse in the middle, chocolate mousse above, chocolate mousse at the bottom. The first two versions didn’t work, because the chocolate mousse just settled down through the other layers. The third version worked, but unfortunately you couldn’t see much the difference between the vanilla and the caramel layer.

triple mousse

Problem no. 3 was the powdered gelatine. Since I never use that, I only had leaf gelatine. The conversion of powdered into leaf gelatine on the package said that it’s enough to use a half leaf. But the mousse didn’t get firm. So I added the other half. I think one leaf is just right, but I should have waited longer before layering, because after some chilling the texture was just right (excluding the chocolate mousse of course). So I don’t know what (some of) the problems really were. Maybe it had something to do with the temperatures, when I added the ingredients. So next time I will more care about the ingredients having the same temperatures when mixing. And maybe less chocolate would also work for me. In the end it was worth all the drama! It just tasted and still tastes (because I still have some in the fridge) delicious! I especially like the salted caramel mousse. I will definitely give it another try some day. Another option is just cooking the caramel mousse…

triple mousse

Last week I’ve seen this wonderful recipe and photos of Tartelette’s Vanilla, Salted Caramel and Chocolate Mousse and I knew immediately that I have to make it on my own. So last weekend I took the chance and followed her recipe.

It took me to the verge of despair at some points. The caramel wasn’t not so easy for me, as there were some mysterious hard chunks formed, as I added the heavy cream and the butter. So I picked them out, as they didn’t resolved after some stirring. But in the end the caramel mousse was the best of all! More problems came ahead, when making the chocolate mousse. Adding the heavy cream in the end made it an really hard chocolate „mousse“. Cannot really speak about a mousse so. Quite hard to bring it in my glasses then, also because the density was much higher than the density of the other two mousses. I tried three versions of layering: chocolate mousse in the middle, chocolate mousse above, chocolate mousse at the bottom. The first two versions didn’t work, because the chocolate mousse just settled down through the other layers. The third version worked, but unfortunately you couldn’t see much the difference between the vanilla and the caramel layer.

triple mousse

Problem no. 3 was the powdered gelatine. Since I never use that, I only had leaf gelatine. The conversion of powdered into leaf gelatine on the package said that it’s enough to use a half leaf. But the mousse didn’t get firm. So I added the other half. I think one leaf is just right, but I should have waited longer before layering, because after some chilling the texture was just right (excluding the chocolate mousse of course). So I don’t know what (some of) the problems really were. Maybe it had something to do with the temperatures, when I added the ingredients. So next time I will more care about the ingredients having the same temperatures when mixing. And maybe less chocolate would also work for me. In the end it was worth all the drama! It just tasted and still tastes (because I still have some in the fridge) delicious! I especially like the salted caramel mousse. I will definitely give it another try some day. Another option is just cooking the caramel mousse…

triple mousse

Beginn mit Death … by ChocolateBeginning with the Death … by Chocolate

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

 What is the best way to make my blog attractive to you? Yes! Chocolate! I mean, who can resist chocolate? So last weekend there came some things together:

  1.  I acquired a squared-cut springform pan for pretty little money. I wanted it for long. It was cheap. And I was happy.
  2. I had an appetite for chocolate brownies or something similar.
  3. The thought of creating my own food blog was still skipping through my head.

In the end I came to the decision, that I bake a halvened recipe of the best chocolate cake in my new pan and cut them into sweet little Brownies.

Then came the thing with the blog. There must be photos. Good photos. Photos you want to eat or bake after. Unfortunately I’m not that good in photographing than in baking. But with a little bit of help (or even a lot more) from my boyfriend, I got some satisfying photos. But the best is, I got a lot of delicious brownies. The recipe is fast, easy and chocolatish. And if you can call a squared-cut springform pan your own, you can bake just as much as it lasts for one or two persons. Additionally you are able to bake something new soon, because the brownies won’t last long.I found that recipe some years ago in a cooking magazine. Since then I baked it several times. The following recipe is for one baking sheet and I halvened it for my pan.

Death by Chocolate

 Death by Chocolate

Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!

What is the best way to make my blog attractive to you? Yes! Chocolate! I mean, who can resist chocolate? So last weekend there came some things together:

  1. I acquired a squared-cut springform pan for pretty little money. I wanted it for long. It was cheap. And I was happy.
  2. I had an appetite for chocolate brownies or something similar.
  3. The thought of creating my own food blog was still skipping through my head.

In the end I came to the decision, that I bake a halvened recipe of the best chocolate cake in my new pan and cut them into sweet little Brownies.

Then came the thing with the blog. There must be photos. Good photos. Photos you want to eat or bake after. Unfortunately I’m not that good in photographing than in baking. But with a little bit of help (or even a lot more) from my boyfriend, I got some satisfying photos. But the best is, I got a lot of delicious brownies. The recipe is fast, easy and chocolatish. And if you can call a squared-cut springform pan your own, you can bake just as much as it lasts for one or two persons. Additionally you are able to bake something new soon, because the brownies won’t last long.I found that recipe some years ago in a cooking magazine. Since then I baked it several times. The following recipe is for one baking sheet and I halvened it for my pan.

Death by Chocolate

 Death by Chocolate