[:de]Milch, frisch aus dem Euter[:en]Milk, fresh from the udder[:]


Hier auf dem Land könnte man meinen, dass man unverarbeitete Lebensmittel viel problemloser bekommt, als in der Stadt. Aber Pustekuchen! Denn mehr Städter legen einfach viel mehr Wert auf regionale Lebensmittel, vielleicht sogar biologische. 99% der Dörfler ist das wurscht. Die Leute hier gehen einfach zu Kaufland und die Sache hat sich.

Das einzige was man wirklich einfach bekommt ist Milch. Rohmilch von einem Biolandbetrieb sogar. Die Möglichkeit hatte ich in der Stadt nicht. Zwar bekam ich bei meinem Käsestand auch Rohmilch, aber gehalten hat die ungefähr einen Tag.

Hier ist die Milch maximal von gestern, da jeden zweiten Tag der Milchlaster kommt. Oft kommt die Milch aber direkt aus dem Euter, wird runtergekühlt und frisch für uns abgefüllt!

Der Milchlaster beliefert übrigens die Molkerei Schrozberg. Wenn man die Milch dann wieder im Laden kauft ist sie erheblich teurer, als wenn wir sie bei unserem Milchbauern kaufen. Dort zahlen wir 80 Cent für den Liter. Die Milch hält dann 5, eher 7 Tage im Kühlschrank. Dabei kochen wir die Milch nicht ab!
Abgekocht würde sie sicherlich noch länger halten, aber das ist uns zu aufwendig. Allein im Sommer, als es sehr heiß war, haben wir die Milch abgekocht, da sie uns ansonsten schon nach 2 bis 3 Tagen schlecht geworden ist.

Wichtig dabei ist, dass man braune Glasflaschen für die Milch verwendet. Wir haben es auch schon mit durchsichtigen Flaschen versucht (weil diese kleiner sind und somit besser in den Kühlschrank passen), aber die Milch darin ist nach 3 bis 5 Tagen schlecht. Das bisschen Licht, das also beim Öffnen der Tür auf die Milch fällt reicht schon aus um sie vorzeitig altern zu lassen. Ich weiß zwar, dass Licht schlecht für Milch ist, aber diesen starken Effekt hatte ich mir nicht vorgestellt.

Wir verwenden immer die gleichen Flaschen, die wir jedesmal in der Spülmaschine reinigen. Nach einiger Zeit muss man vielleicht mal die Deckel austauschen, weil sie nicht mehr richtig schließen oder rosten. Wieviel Verpackungsmaterial wir dadurch schon eingespart haben ist echt genial!

Milch, frisch aus dem Euter - milk, fresh from the utter by Coconut & Vanilla

Ja, wir müssen zum Bauern mit dem Auto hinfahren, aber das machen wir einmal die Woche, wenn wir gerade auch andere Besorgungen mit dem Auto machen. Anders geht es leider zur Zeit nicht.

Zurzeit ist die Milch besonders sahnig und im Durchschnitt enthält die Milch von unserem Milchbauern etwa 4% Fett. Das ist wesentlich mehr als in der Milch aus dem Supermarkt. Lecker!

Falls ihr in der Gegend wohnt, verrate ich euch nun wo ihr die beste Milch bekommt:

Biolandhof Schilling

Schnepfendorf 3

Schnepfendorf bei 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber


Am besten kommt man zwischen 18 und 20 Uhr, da dann der Milchlaster schon da war und auch wieder Milch vorhanden ist. Wenn man die Tage weiß an denen der Milchlaster kommt, kann man an den anderen Tagen problemlos immer Milch holen. Erwischt man niemanden auf dem Hof, am Wohnhaus klingeln.

Hier könnt ihr meinen Landwirt übrigens mit seinen 30 Kühen sehen :).

Ich bin übrigens über die Bioland Webseite auf den Milchbauern gestoßen. Die Informationen stimmen zwar häufig gar nicht, denn viele Bauern bieten nicht mehr das an was dort steht oder sie gibt es gar nicht mehr, aber immerhin das mit der Milch stimmte! Demeter hat übrigens eine ähnliche Suche! Auf den Seiten kann man Erzeugern für Bioprodukten suchen, was echt toll ist! Vielleicht findet ihr dort auch was passendes für euch!


You might think that you have easier access to unprocessed groceries, than in the cities. But no. Just no. Because more citizens in a city appreciate regional food, possibly even organic much more. It just doesn’t matter to the people here. They just go to Kaufland and that’s it.

The only thing, which is easy to come by is milk. Raw milk from an organic Bioland farm even. I hadn’t had this possibility in the city. Although my cheese stand sometimes also sold raw milk, it kept fresh for a day maybe.

Here the milk is maximum from yesterdy, because every second day the milk truck collects it. Often the milk is directly from the udder, cooled down and freshly filled in bottles for us!

The milk truck delivers to the Molkerei Schrozberg. If you buy their milk in the supermarket it is a lot more expensive than at the milk farmer. We buy the litre for 80 cent. The milk keeps fresh for at least, but mostly up to 7 days. And we do not even boil the milk beforehand!
When boiled, the milk would last even longer, but it’s too time consuming for us. Only in summer, when it is very hot, we boil the milk before we store it in the fridge. Otherwise the milk is bad after 2 to 3 days.

It is important to use brown glass bottles. We also used transparent ones (because they are smaller and fit better in the fridge), but the milk was already gone bad after 3 to 5 days. The bit of light when you open the fridge is enough to age the milk ahead of time. I knew that light is bad for milk, but I wouldn’t have imagined that the impact is that strong!

We always use the same bottles, which we clean in the dish washer. After some time you might change the lids, because they do not close properly anymore or rust. It’s amazing how much packaging material we already saved like that!

Milch, frisch aus dem Euter - milk, fresh from the utter by Coconut & Vanilla

Unfortunately, we don’t have another opportunity than to go there by car, which we do once a week, when we also run some other errands.

Currently the milk is especially creamy and has 4 % fat in average. This is more than milk from the supermarket has. DE-LIC-IOUS!

If you are living in the neighbourhood stop by and buy some raw milk:

Biolandhof Schilling

Schnepfendorf 3

Schnepfendorf bei 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber


It’s best to visit between 18 and 20 h, because the milk truck was already there then and enough milk is already available again. If you know the days the milk truck comes, visit on the other days to buy milk. If you don’t see anyone at the farm, ring at the house.

Here you can see my milk farmer with his 30 cows :).

By the way, I found the farmer via the Bioland website. The informations are very often wrong, because farmers do not sell what is stated there, anymore or they do not work anymore at all. But at least we found the milk! Demeter has a similar search on its website! On both sites you can search for producer for organic products, which is great! Maybe you also find something suitable for you!


93 Gedanken zu „[:de]Milch, frisch aus dem Euter[:en]Milk, fresh from the udder[:]“

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    Come for the latest offers, news and competitions from the Funlab Family, stay for the random surprises in your inbox. Talk about a hotel with benefits! House of Fun is intended for those 21 and older for amusement purposes only and does not offer „real money“ gambling, or an opportunity to win real money or real prizes based on game play. Playing or success in this game does not imply future success at „real money“ gambling. Because House of Fun is owned and operated by Playtika, it only hosts the company’s own games. As a result, you are somewhat limited in terms of game selection when compared to some of the House of Fun alternatives covered in this article. To ensure the safety and enjoyment of all our guests, we have a strict outside food policy. However, we make an exception for nut-free cakes or cupcakes for parties. Please let us know in advance if you plan to bring a cake or cupcakes for your celebration.

  27. The 1994 Audi 80 Cabriolet seen here is one of at least three examples driven by Diana in the mid-1990s. Back in 2016, L449 TRP sold for £54,000, having been cherished as a piece of royal history for its entire life. Audi A5 Coupe-Cabriolet 1gen (8T) (2007-2017) Please feel free to contact us for the latest ETA. THIS VEHICLE IS IN OUR STORAGE, VIEWING BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Last week Steve phoned me, I’m pretty sure he was angling for the blue ST170 but we got chatting about an Audi he’d recently taken in, and I mentioned the upcoming giveaway.. so it’s in! In 1995, Mercedes & BMW were considered the „only“ German Luxury imports worth owning. NOT ANYMORE. These 2 are now considered Blase‘ and AUDI is riding a wave of innovation and popularity the others have not caught yet. They are on TOP of the pile as king of hill. You are now seeing more Audi’s than ever before. In 1995, Audi was not very well known.
    Learn Looking somewhat hard to beat at the moment, the EQS has been the longest-range electric car available in the UK since the latter half of 2022. From its whopping 108kWh battery comes a barely believable range of 453 miles – almost as much as you’d get from a fill-up in one of the EQS’s diesel equivalents. Match that to its sensational ride quality and palatial interior and you have a car that rather makes the Model S feel a bit old hat. Toyota CEO Implies More GR-Branded Models En Route The car is powered by a freshly designed battery “that holds almost 100kWh”, as detailed by Mercedes’ official specifications. The battery takes up 50 per cent less volume and is 30 per cent lighter than the pack in the firm’s EQS electric limousine, weighs around 495kg and has been developed in conjunction with the Mercedes-AMG F1 team. The EQXX uses a more-than 900v electrical architecture and weighs approximately 1,750kg.

  28. Explore this month’s nominated mods While Fortnite does appeal to adults, it welcomes players aged 12 and above and there has been a marked increase in the number of games that use in-game purchases which are targeted at children (another recent survey found that 40% of parents whose children played video games allowed their children to spend money within them). The sale of in-game purchases which target children may breach the Consumer Protection (from Unfair Trading) Regulations 2008. Fortnite enables users to purchase various in-game cosmetic items such as costumes and emotes with in-game currency which can be bought for real money. According to a recent survey, nearly 70% of players spent money on in-game purchases. Perhaps most concerning was the finding that around one in five of those who spent money did so without realising that the purchased items would not give them any competitive advantage. Loot boxes can fall into this category.
    what’s new in the latest version of Homescapes? Play with the left mouse button to remove all pins RELATED: How to Get and Use Stars in Homescapes The coins in homescapes they are the key to the game since these are the ones that allow you to buy lives, movements and also decorative objects. But you must know how you can get these coins in Homescapes. We love this game ! We’ve been playing for a very long time. For years!!! You might get stuck on a level for a couple days but trust us , you will eventually beat it & that annoying level you couldnt beat makes your life complete once you acually beat it ! Lol . We love this game with all our heart ! The only game that has stuck with me. Watch this video demo of Homescapes from the player’s perspective, recorded by Victor, our in-house expert accessible gamer, while using Windows Control on his Tobii Dynavox I-15+ device. During the demo you’ll learn how to left click your way through the game and see how to use the drag and drop function in Windows Control to complete puzzles.

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    Royal Panda is another legit online casino that’s second only to LeoVegas when it comes to size and popularity in India. Owned by a super reputable brand with years of online casino experience behind them, Royal Panda offers a top-notch, sophisticated casino experience to the online player. It’s easily one of the best online casinos for game variety we’ve ever seen. Though the games can be played for free, revenues from purchases of in-game extras reel in millions for the biggest publishers. Zynga’s total adjusted sales from social casino games were estimated at $80.1 million during the first quarter of 2015, and Caesars Interactive, whose key social casino titles include Slotomania and Caesars Casino, reported gross revenues of $167.6 million, according to Eilers Research.

  30. Over time, Harvest Moon started to become a little less exciting and a lot more complicated. I’m still interested in what the series has to offer, but nothing beats the first few games. SitemapPartnershipsCareersTerms of UseDigital Services Act So – what can you expect from One Lonely Outpost? If you’ve played Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, or Rune Factory, then you’ve got a general notion of the gameplay mechanics. You’re a colonist tasked with terraforming and cultivating a distant planet. Turn the alien terrain into a bountiful garden with the aid of your multitool, and ship the produce back to the interstellar markets for profit. Reseed, rinse, and repeat. Voicemail Dump Truck A Wonderful Life does a good job streamlining many of the tedious bits from the original game with item stacking, the ability to sell more than one item at a time to the peddler, and a more straightforward way to upgrade tools. Its updated graphics brighten and smooth the grittier texture of the original game into something that feels more cutesy, too, and it offers more customization options so that the protagonist feels more like you. You can choose from a variety of skin, hair, and eye colors, specify your gender, and even buy seasonal outfits that I enjoyed changing between to shake things up.
    OK, are we all locked and loaded? In no particular order, let’s take a look at the top ten best FPS games on Xbox Game Pass. Let’s jump in! Developed by Respawn, Titanfall 2 launched with widespread acclaim and praise. Critics and fans were blown away by the overall game mechanics, as the game went on to win various awards. Regardless of whether you’re a newcomer or a veteran of the FPS genre, Titanfall 2 is a game that must be experienced. Gear up and head back to the battlefield once more in DICE’s latest hit FPS. Battlefield V channels previous iterations of the game to take players through a series of War Stories. The theme this time around? It’s WWII, and the German’s are on the brink of winning the war. Cycle through a series of characters and wartime, and do your part to ensure the Allies’ victory. It’ll take mad FPS and tactical skills to bring the Axis down. Do you have what it takes?

  31. 对于许多留学生来说,语言障碍是他们面临的首要挑战。在以英语为主的国家,学术论文 https://www.lunwenhui.com/ 、报告和作业通常要求学生具备较高的英语水平。这对于非英语母语者来说,常常是一个巨大的挑战。即使在日常交流中没有问题,学术写作中的专业术语、复杂的语法结构以及对表达的精准要求,往往让他们感到困难重重。

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    Aumenta la Autoridad de Tu Perfil: Al optar por comprar seguidores para Instagram, automáticamente enriqueces la apariencia de tu cuenta, haciéndola más atractiva para otros usuarios. Las cuentas con numerosos seguidores tienden a ser percibidas como más influyentes y, por lo tanto, obtienen una mejor posición en las búsquedas realizadas en la plataforma. Aunque en un principio los bots eran grandes herramientas en Internet y funcionaron perfectamente, hoy no forman parte del juego. Desde que las redes sociales se consolidaron como las plataformas que son hoy, establecieron una serie de medidas para contrarrestar las tareas de los bots. pkg install openssl-tool Sin engagement, no hay marca, y ahí reside el verdadero éxito en Instagram, o cualquier plataforma de redes sociales; en cultivar una comunidad que participe activamente y se interese por tus publicaciones. La falta engagement auténtico de estos seguidores comprados puede hacer que salte la liebre. Esto no solo hará que tus clientes potenciales no confíen en tu marca, sino que la propia Instagram te penalice.

  33. Yes indeed. We must support black businesses. The same problem with foreigners controlling the black hair market, exists in the UK. Indians own the black hair shops and they openly show their contempt for us by standing on stools to see whether we are going to steal. This is how they treat their only customers and they do so because they can. We are not competing with them to provide for our own people. Dare you talk about just helping black people and you are deemed a racist. That includes Zabrina Watkins, who drove across the metro from Woodbury, passing many similar stores, to patronize Bella Beauty. A North Carolina couple is highlighting Black-owned beauty brands  We did and found a link to Black Wall Street’s 52 Black Owned Beauty Supply Stores You Should Know. Now was that hard? If you still can’t find a local black owned beauty supply store, find the closest one shipping wise and see if you can order products from the store via the phone.
    The Rodan + Fields Prescription for Change Foundation invests in social and environmental issues relevant to young people. In 2021, we funded nonprofit organizations in the markets we serve, including buildOn, International Youth Foundation, The Smith Family, Kids’ Door, American Red Cross, Student Energy, NCCJ, After School Matters, KUPU, The Posse Foundation, Inc., Arizona Sustainability Alliance, Outdoor Outreach, My Digital TAT2, Larkin Street Youth Services, and Girls Empowerment Network. When applying your conditioner start at the base of your lash and use a zig-zag or wiggling motion going from the base of the lash to the tip. You can also apply the serum to your lower lashes because they need conditioner too. Wait 30 seconds between coats and reapply on each set of lashes. Two coats should be enough.

  34. Anyway back to the poker set… . It’s quite The Conversation Piece… I don’t like to share so I had to order one for myself . … lol. We’ve been talking about putting together a friendly weekly or bi-weekly poker game in these poker sets are going to be the center of attention. I’m more than thrilled with everything we got from Man Crates. He needed a new belt as well so I bought the kit to make your own belt. I was very unsure as to whether he would like that or not. However, within a couple days he had his belt finished and I’m happy to say he’s told me several times he’s in love with it. Clay poker chips are easy to find and they tend to be an affordable option that doesn’t feel cheap like plastic chips. Most of the poker chip sets you’ll find nowadays are made of clay.
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  36. विश्वास न्यूज ने अपनी पड़ताल में पाया कि एविएटर गेमिंग ऐप को प्रमोट करते अंबानी परिवार का यह वीडियो डीपफेक है। इस वीडियो को लोगों के साथ धोखाधड़ी करने के मकसद से डीपफेक टेक्नोलॉजी के जरिए बनाया गया है। टेक्नोलॉजी की मदद से इन लोगों की लिपसिंग और ऑडियो को बदल दिया गया है।   Result: Altered Video संपर्क करने पर, कंपनी के एक प्रतिनिधि ने कहा कि एविएटर गेम को विकसित करने और डिप्लॉय करने में केवल 2-3 दिन लगेंगे. उन्होंने आज तक को बताया, „हम डेवलेंपमेंट के लिए 40,000-45,000 रुपये और सर्वर होस्टिंग के लिए लगभग 500 रुपये प्रति माह लेते हैं. कोई अन्य चालू खर्च नहीं है.“
    Aviator में, न्यूनतम जोखिम रणनीति त्वरित बड़ी जीत प्रदान नहीं करती है, लेकिन यह आपको नुकसान की संख्या को कम करने की अनुमति देती है । विचार एक्स 1.20-एक्स 1.21 के न्यूनतम गुणक पर खेलना है । एक बार आपका बैलेंस बढ़ जाने के बाद, आप बड़े दांव पर जा सकते हैं । यदि पैसे के लिए खेल ने जीतने का मौका नहीं दिया, तो यह बस नहीं खेला जाएगा । हालांकि, एविएटर कई वर्षों से खिलाड़ियों की एक महत्वपूर्ण संख्या को आकर्षित कर रहा है, जो पहले से ही एक अच्छा संकेतक है ।

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