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Finally we also have hot hot hot summer weather. To enjoy and celebrate this duly it’s time for some Gelato.
Some weeks ago I bought David Lebovitz‚ book The Perfect Scoop, which was a perfect purchase. Even if you are not in making some ice cream it is just a pleasure to read it.
But back to the ice cream. We decided to try the raspberry-chocolate one first, because I LOVE the combination. David uses cocoa powder, but next time I will try it with some melted milk chocolate, which I prefer. But it is already very good with cocoa powder. Unfortunately it didn’t freeze in the ice cream maker. Don’t know why?! So I just popped it in a container in the freezer and oh wonder! it’s good anyway! That’s a good gelato! So I think, it will work properly even without the machine. But if you are using one, be sure the mixture is really cold before you put it in the machine, maybe then you have a chance and it freezes in there.
Oh, and I really recommend you to use some good-quality ice cream cones with it! It’s worth it! But I’m one of those people, who could just eat the cone! I love ice cream cones… yum!
aus The Perfect Scoop von David Lebovitz
375 ml Sahne
40 g Kakaopulver
130 g Zucker
240 g Himbeeren, frisch oder gefroren
Sahne, Kakao und Zucker in einem Topf verrühren und erhitzen, bis alles kocht und aufschäumt. Den Topf vom Herd nehmen und die Himbeeren hinzufügen.
Abdecken und 10 Minuten ziehen lassen.
Die Mischung pürieren und durch ein feines Sieb passieren um die Kerne zu entfernen.
Die Creme im Kühlschrank kühlen, bis sie komplett kalt ist.
Gemäß der Anleitung in der Eismaschine gefrieren.
Das Eis vor dem Verzehr 10 Minuten rausstellen, damit es leichter zu formen ist.
Finally we also have hot hot hot summer weather. To enjoy and celebrate this duly it’s time for some Gelato.
Some weeks ago I bought David Lebovitz‚ book The Perfect Scoop, which was a perfect purchase. Even if you are not in making some ice cream it is just a pleasure to read it.
But back to the ice cream. We decided to try the raspberry-chocolate one first, because I LOVE the combination. David uses cocoa powder, but next time I will try it with some melted milk chocolate, which I prefer. But it is already very good with cocoa powder. Unfortunately it didn’t freeze in the ice cream maker. Don’t know why?! So I just popped it in a container in the freezer and oh wonder! it’s good anyway! That’s a good gelato! So I think, it will work properly even without the machine. But if you are using one, be sure the mixture is really cold before you put it in the machine, maybe then you have a chance and it freezes in there.
Oh, and I really recommend you to use some good-quality ice cream cones with it! It’s worth it! But I’m one of those people, who could just eat the cone! I love ice cream cones… yum!
Chocolate-Raspberry Ice Cream
from The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz
375 ml whipping cream
40 g unsweetened cocoa powder
130 g sugar
240 g raspberries, fresh or frozen
Whisk together the cream, cocoa powder and sugar in a large saucepan. Heat the mixture, whisking frequently, until it comes to a full boil and it starts to foam up. Remove from the heat and add the raspberries. Cover and let stand for 10 minutes.
Puree the mixture. Press the mixture through a mesh strainer to remove the seeds.
Chill the mixture thoroughly, then freeze it in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If it doesn’t freeze, put it in a container and pop it in the freezer.
Before indulging the gelato be sure you let it sit outside for 10 minutes, so it’s easier to scoop it.