Update: Für das deutsche Rezept nach unten scrollen!
Yesterday we had a spectacular dinner.
Sometimes you make a recipe and doesn’t expect anything. Well not much. And then it happens… the food is just overwhelming. This doesn’t happen often. Normally I already read about a food or recipe and I have an idea, even it’s just the slightest, how it will turn out.
Ok, we all have a faint idea how meatloaf tastes. But believe me this is different. Totally. Almost everyone has his own meat loaf recipe (or is still looking for the right one at the bottom of their heart), but give this a try, because of that.
This recipe is an easy one and doesn’t call for a lot of ingredients. It’s delicate and luscious and soft like a good cinnamon bun. Sorry, I’m still thinking of a recipe, that I saw this morning. But there’s truth in that sentence.
But the best is the taste. I cannot describe it, because I couldn’t find out from what ingredient the taste comes. In the end it isn’t important, it just means, you have to follow the recipe. And I hope the taste doesn’t derive from the rye toast I put into, instead of the breadcrumbs, which were out. I don’t want you to look after toast made of rye, just because of a simple meatloaf recipe, but to be true the rye toast is very good – for a toast, I mean it’s still just toast, but a good one. I just stumbled upon it recently, as I was filling up my toast stock.
Yeah I have a toast stock! For my defense, the meatloaf wouldn’t have been possibly without it, yesterday. And maybe the rye toast is the secret ingredient for the splendid taste. And if you are out of real bread AND granola, well you can eat it for breakfast, too.
So why Jamie? I have a cookbook these days, which I borrowed from the library. And I’m testing it. You think right, it’s from Jamie Oliver (Jamie’s Food Revolution or in German: Jamie’s Kochschule). I like his books, but I made the experience, that there are only a few recipes in his books, that I cook (mostly the same). Some have too fancy ingredients, some are just not my kind. And therefore the books are too expensive.
This time again,I liked the book, after I first flipped through. But as I got it from the library, I can now test a lot of recipes, without buying it and then (almost) regretting it (I normally have no regrets buying or possessing any cookbook). And until now the book did a good job.
So if you are still looking for a dinner recipe, give this a try and if not today, then tomorrow or at the latest next weekend. I beg you!
Vor einem Jahr: Überbackene Tofunocken mit Tomatensauce
Hackbraten à la Jamie
für 3-4 Personen
Für den Hackbraten:
1 Zwiebel, fein gehackt
Salz und Pfeffer
1 TL gem. Kreuzkümmel
1 gehäufter TL gem. Koriander
2 Scheiben Toast
50 ml Milch
2 TL Oregano
2 gehäufte TL Dijon Senf
500 g Rinderhackfleisch
1 Ei
für die Sauce:
1 Zwiebel, fein gehackt
2 Knoblauchzehen, fein gehackt
1 Prise Chilipulver
1 TL geräuchertes Paprikapulver
2 EL Worcestershiresauce
1 Dose Bohnen (400g), Jamie sagt Kichererbsen, ich finde normale Bohnen besser, nehmt was ihr wollt oder lasst es weg
2 Dosen (400g) gehackte Tomaten
2 EL Balsamico
2 Zweige frischer Rosmarin
8-12 dünne Scheiben Speck (je nach dem wie groß eure Auflaufform ist)
Die Rinde vom Toast abschneiden und in einer kleinen Schüssel in der Milch einweichen. Der Toast sollte sich gut vollsaugen, evtl. mehr Milch dazu.
Den Ofen auf 200° C vorheizen.
Eine Pfanne mit Olivenöl erhitzen. Die Zwiebel dazu und etwas Salz und Pfeffer, sowie Kreuzkümmel und Koriander. Bei mittlerer Hitze für 5 Minuten anbraten, bis die Zwiebel weich ist. Abkühlen lassen.
Den Toast ausdrücken. Das Hackfleisch mit dem Toast, Oregano, Senf, Ei und den angebratenen Zwiebeln gut vermischen. Mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen.
Eine Auflaufform fetten. Das Hackfleisch in einen ovalen Laib formen und in die Form legen. Die Oberfläche mit Öl bestreichen.
30 Minuten backen.
Währenddessen zwei gute Schuss Olivenöl in einem Topf erhitzen. Zwiebeln, Knoblauch und die Gewürze, inkl. Salz und Pfeffer dazu. 5 Minuten bei mittlerer Hitze anbraten. Die Worcestershire Sauce, Bohnen, Tomaten und den Balsamico dazu. 10 Minuten köcheln lassen. Abschmecken.
Den Rosmarin von den Stängeln zupfen und fein hacken. In eine kleine Schüssel geben.
Den Hackbraten aus dem Ofen und aus der Form nehmen. Den Bratensatz zu dem Rosmarin geben und verrühren. Die Tomatensauce in die Form geben, den Hackbraten darauflegen. Den Speck auf den Braten und die Sauce legen und mit dem Rosmarin bestreichen.
Den Hackbraten nochmal 15 Minuten backen.
Mit einem grünen Salat, gekochten Kartoffeln oder Kartoffelbrei servieren.
Yesterday we had a spectacular dinner.
Sometimes you make a recipe and doesn’t expect anything. Well not much. And then it happens… the food is just overwhelming. This doesn’t happen often. Normally I already read about a food or recipe and I have an idea, even it’s just the slightest, how it will turn out.
Ok, we all have a faint idea how meatloaf tastes. But believe me this is different. Totally. Almost everyone has his own meat loaf recipe (or is still looking for the right one at the bottom of their heart), but give this a try, because of that.
This recipe is an easy one and doesn’t call for a lot of ingredients. It’s delicate and luscious and soft like a good cinnamon bun. Sorry, I’m still thinking of a recipe, that I saw this morning. But there’s truth in that sentence.
But the best is the taste. I cannot describe it, because I couldn’t find out from what ingredient the taste comes. In the end it isn’t important, it just means, you have to follow the recipe. And I hope the taste doesn’t derive from the rye toast I put into, instead of the breadcrumbs, which were out. I don’t want you to look after toast made of rye, just because of a simple meatloaf recipe, but to be true the rye toast is very good – for a toast, I mean it’s still just toast, but a good one. I just stumbled upon it recently, as I was filling up my toast stock.
Yeah I have a toast stock! For my defense, the meatloaf wouldn’t have been possibly without it, yesterday. And maybe the rye toast is the secret ingredient for the splendid taste. And if you are out of real bread AND granola, well you can eat it for breakfast, too.
So why Jamie? I have a cookbook these days, which I borrowed from the library. And I’m testing it. You think right, it’s from Jamie Oliver (Jamie’s Ministry of Food or in German: Jamie’s Kochschule). I like his books, but I made the experience, that there are only a few recipes in his books, that I cook (mostly the same). Some have too fancy ingredients, some are just not my kind. And therefore the books are too expensive.
This time again,I liked the book, after I first flipped through. But as I got it from the library, I can now test a lot of recipes, without buying it and then (almost) regretting it (I normally have no regrets buying or possessing any cookbook). And until now the book did a good job.
So if you are still looking for a dinner recipe, give this a try and if not today, then tomorrow or at the latest next weekend. I beg you!
One year ago: Tofuballs with Tomatosauce
Meatloaf à la Jamie
from Jamie’s Ministry of Food by Jamie Oliver
for 3-4 persons
for the meatloaf:
1 onion, finely chopped
olive oil
sea salt and freshly ground pepper
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 heaped tsp. ground coriander
2 slices of (rye) toast
50ml milk
2 tsp. oregano
2 heaped tsp. dijon mustard
500g beef mince meat
1 large egg
for the sauce:
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
3 pinches of dried ground chili
1 tsp. smoked paprika powder
2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 can beans (400g), Jamie says chickpeas, but I think beans are better here, use what you like, or omit
2 cans (400g) chopped tomatoes
2 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
2 sprigs of fresh rosemary
8-12 slices of bacon (depends on the size of your baking dish)
Cut the crust from toast slices off. Soak in a small bowl with the milk. They should be soaked thoroughly, add more milk if necessary.
Preheat the oven to 200°C.
Heat a medium pan with two dashes of olive oil. Add the chopped onion with one pinch of salt and pepper. Add the cumin and coriander. Sauté for about 5 minutes at medium heat, until soft and golden. Let the mixture cool in a large bowl.
Squeeze the soaked toast slices. Discard the milk. Add the toast with the oregano, mustard, egg and the minced beef to the onion mixture. Mix well with your hands. Season with salt and pepper. Mix again.
Oil a baking dish. Form the meat into an oval, like a rugby ball. Place it in the baking dish and oil the surface a bit.
Bake for 30 minutes.
Meanwhile heat a medium pot with two dashes of olive oil. Add the onion, garlic, ground chili, smoked paprika and a pinch of salt and pepper. Sauté for about 5 minutes at medium heat, until soft and golden. Add the Worcestershire Sauce, the beans, tomatoes and the balsamic vinegar. Let it simmer for 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to your taste.
Tear the rosemary needles off the sprigs. Chop them finely. Put in a very small bowl.
Take the meatloaf out of the oven, and take it out of the baking dish. Pour the drippings over the chopped rosemary, mix well. Carefully pour the tomato sauce into the baking dish. Place the meatloaf onto it. Layer the bacon onto the sauce and the meatloaf. Spread the rosemary sauce on the bacon.
Bake the meatloaf for another 15 minutes.
Serve with a green salad or boiled potatoes.